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PHIM / sravel / RattleSNP
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latersnakemake workflow for mappind single/paired datas
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CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0LiDAR data voxelisation package
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MARBEC / ob7 / observe / observe-toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
TRANSVIHMI / nfernandez / GeVarLi
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0GeVarLi : GEnome assembly, VARiant calling and LIneage assignation. https://transvihmi.pages.ird.fr/nfernandez/GeVarLi/en
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PHIM / sravel / Snakecdysis
MIT LicenseAre you looking for a simplified installation process for your Snakemake workflows, including the various Python packages and the multitude of tools used by your pipelines?
Would you like to simplify the use of your workflows with user-friendly commands and subcommands that even non-bioinformatician users can easy use? Look no further - Snakecdysis is the solution for you!
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PHIM / cunnac / genomicsR
MIT LicenseA, still very experimental, R package that acts as a storage location for functions and interfaces in connection with genomics (genomes, transcriptomes, annotation, phylogenomics, ...)
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MARBEC / ob7 / quarto-ob7-extension
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalExtension pour le système de production de document Quarto
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PHIM / rymvdb
OtherUpdated -
PHIM / XPLAIN / xplain_grist_dbs
MIT LicenseThis is a place were sits everything that is needed to implement the xplain girst instance that gather our databases (images, widgets, etc...) appart of course from the girst files themselves that need to remain private.