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  • diade/recombination_landscape/popsimul
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# PopSimul
## Authors
Cécile Triay (IRD)
Alice Boizet (CIRAD)
Mathias Lorieux (IRD)
Mathieu Triay (Atelier Triay)
## Description
This tool enables to simulate a VCF of a bi-parental population. It can be used to produce a VCF under controlled conditions with setting parameters such as average depth, marker density and expected error rate. It produces 2 VCF files with the simulated genotypes, one with simulated data, and one with the same simulated data but with simulated genotyping errors.
The Breakpoints csv file contains the positions of exact genotypes transitions based on the simulated data. This tool has been used to test NOISYmputer ( to compare exact Breakpoints position to Breakpoints positions determined on imputed data.
## Requirements
python 3
## Running popsimul
``` python -o test1511.vcf -ni 10 -s 44000000 -cM 180 -nm 220000 -a 3 -m 10 -eA 0.03 -eB 0.05```
### Parameters description
You can see all parameters by running this command
``` python -h```
| Short | Long | Description | Default value |
| -o | --output | Name for the 3 generated files : [output].vcf, [output]_errors.vcf, [output]_Breakpoints.csv | popsimul |
| -ni | --nb_individuals | number of individuals | 10 |
| -bp | --chr_bp | chromosome size | 44000000|
| -cM | --cM_size | size of genetic map | 180 |
| -nm | --nb_markers | number of markers| 220000 |
| -a | --average_depth | average depth | 3 |
| -m | --max_depth | max depth | 10 |
| -eA | --error_rate_A | error rate for A | 0.05 |
| -eB | --error_rate_B | error rate for B | 0.05 |
import random
import math
import numpy as np
import argparse
#def generate_chr_for_one_ind (chromosome_size, marker_density, err_rate, mean_depth, max_depth, markers_positions, conversion_factor):
def generate_chr_for_one_ind (mean_depth, markers_positions, conversion_factor, errA, errB):
Generate a chromosome for a given size, density of markers, and depth (follwing a gaussian distrib with a mean_depth and sd_depth).
mean_depth (float): The mean sequencing depth of the chromosome
markers_positions (lst) : liste of marker positions (picked on a grid)
conversion_factor (float) : Value of the bp per cM conversion (bp chromosome size / cM chromosome size)
errA & errB (float): Respectively the error rate of observing a B whereas the genotype is truely a A and a A whereas the genotype is truely a B
segment: An array containing for each snp of the chromosome, this array : [initial_gt, genotype, genotype_error, site_depth, x_error, y_error]
- intial_gt : simulated genotype with no noise and no sequencing error
- genotype : simulated genotype with noise
- genotype_error : simulated genotype with noise and sequencing error
- site_depth : simulated read depth
- x_error : simulated allelic depth for A
- y_error : simulated allelic depth for B
# Create an empty list to store the chromosome
segment = []
breakpoints = []
# Iterate through the list of markers positions (fixed)
previous_marker_gt = ""
for i in range(0, len(markers_positions)):
recomb1 = False
recomb2 = False
# If the current marker is not the first one
if i > 0:
# Calculate the interval between the current marker and the previous one
#using the Kosambi inverse function to estimate the chance of recombination
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = markers_positions[i] - markers_positions[i-1]
tempcM = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100) / conversion_factor ## Conversion factor is used to have the bp per cM
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((math.exp(tempcM) - math.exp(-tempcM)) / (math.exp(tempcM) + math.exp(-tempcM)))
rnd = random.random()
# If the random number is greater than the probability of a recombination a recombination occurs
# Done for genotype 1
if rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF:
recomb1 = True
# If the previous marker is A, change the genotype to B
if genotype1 == "A":
genotype1 = "B"
else :
genotype1 = "A"
# Done for genotype 2
rnd = random.random()
if rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF:
recomb2 = True
# If the previous marker is B, change the genotype to A
if genotype2 == "A":
genotype2 = "B"
else :
genotype2 = "A"
# If the current marker is the first one, Set the two first genotypes (random).
rnd = random.random()
# If the random number is greater than 0.5
if rnd > 0.5:
genotype1 = "A"
else :
genotype1 = "B"
rnd = random.random()
if rnd > 0.5:
genotype2 = "B"
else :
genotype2 = "A"
# initialize previous_marker_gt
if genotype1 == "A" and genotype2 == "A":
previous_marker_gt = "A"
elif genotype1 == "B" and genotype2 == "B":
previous_marker_gt = "B"
else :
previous_marker_gt = "H"
# Breakpoints for this individual
if recomb1 or recomb2:
#this is a breakpoint [beforeBkpAfter, transition]
transition = previous_marker_gt + " => "
if genotype1 == "A" and genotype2 == "A":
previous_marker_gt = "A"
elif genotype1 == "B" and genotype2 == "B":
previous_marker_gt = "B"
else :
previous_marker_gt = "H"
transition = transition + previous_marker_gt
# Calculate the site depth of the current marker
g = np.random.poisson(mean_depth)
# If the depth of the current marker is less than 0 (safeguard)
if g < 0:
g = 0
# Round the depth of the current marker
site_depth = round(g)
# Initialize x and y (with and without error)
x = 0
y = 0
x_error = 0
y_error = 0
# If the site is homozygous A (ref, 0/0)
if genotype1 == "A" and genotype2 == "A":
x = site_depth
y = 0
initial_gt = "0/0"
genotype = "0/0"
x_error = 0
y_error = 0
# Considering the sequencing and mapping error at each site for a given site depth
for j in range(0, site_depth):
rnd = random.random()
# If the random number is smaller the error rate, we increase the wronge allele depth
if rnd < errA:
x_error = x_error + 0
y_error = y_error + 1
else :
x_error = x_error + 1
y_error = y_error + 0
if y_error == site_depth:
genotype_error = "1/1"
elif y_error > 0:
genotype_error = "0/1"
else :
genotype_error = "0/0"
# If the current marker is B and the previous marker is B, genotype if homozygote B (alt, 1/1)
elif genotype1 == "B" and genotype2 == "B":
x = 0
y = site_depth
initial_gt = "1/1"
genotype = "1/1"
x_error = 0
y_error = 0
# Considering the sequencing and mapping error at each site for a given site depth
for j in range(0,site_depth):
rnd = random.random()
# If the random number is smaller the error rate, we increase the wronge allele depth
if rnd < errB:
x_error = x_error + 1
y_error = y_error + 0
else :
x_error = x_error + 0
y_error = y_error + 1
if x_error == site_depth:
genotype_error = "0/0"
elif x_error > 0:
genotype_error = "0/1"
else :
genotype_error = "1/1"
# If the current marker is neither A nor B, genotype is heterozygous H (0/1)
initial_gt = "0/1"
# Generate a random number between 0 and the depth of the current marker
x = random.randint(0,site_depth)
y = site_depth - x
# Error of A and B compensate themselves in heterozygous site so no need to change the x_error and y_error
x_error = x
y_error = y
# If the depth of x of the current marker is 0, it's seen as homozygous site (alt, 1/1)
if x == 0:
genotype = "1/1"
genotype_error = "1/1"
# If the depth of x of the current marker is 0, it's seen as homozygous site (ref, 0/0)
elif y == 0:
genotype = "0/0"
genotype_error = "0/0"
# If the depth x and y of the current marker is not 0, it's seen as heterozygous (0/1)
else :
genotype = "0/1"
genotype_error = "0/1"
if site_depth == 0:
genotype = "./."
genotype_error = "./."
# data is an array that stores genotypes and depth for one snp and one individual
data = [initial_gt , genotype, genotype_error, site_depth, x_error, y_error]
return segment, breakpoints
# Generate a list of individuals
def generate_individuals (nb_individuals, chromosome_size, nb_markers, mean_depth, conversion_factor, errA, errB):
matrix = [] #matrix is an array of genotypes for each individual
#matrix_error = []
# Generate a sorted list of markers positions
#markers_positions = sorted(random.sample(range(chromosome_size),size))
markers_positions = np.linspace(1, chromosome_size, nb_markers, dtype="int")
with open(args.output + '_Breakpoints.csv', 'w') as breakpointFile:
breakpointFile.write(",".join(["sample","average_bkp_position", "bkp_start_position", "bkp_stop_position", "transitionType"]) + "\n");
for i in range(nb_individuals):
print("individual " + str(i+1) + " / " + str(nb_individuals), end="\r")
bkps_nb = 0
result = []
while bkps_nb < 1 : #resimulate until we get at least one crossing over for this individual
result = generate_chr_for_one_ind(mean_depth, markers_positions, conversion_factor, errA, errB)
bkps_nb = len(result[1])
for bkp in result[1]:
startBkp = markers_positions[bkp[0] - 1]
stopBkp = markers_positions[bkp[0]]
averageBkpPosition = startBkp + round((stopBkp - startBkp)/2)
bkp_row = [str(i), str(averageBkpPosition), str(startBkp), str(stopBkp), bkp[1]]
breakpointFile.write(",".join(bkp_row) + "\n");
print("The file", args.output + "_Breakpoint.csv" , "has been generated")
return matrix, markers_positions
# Write VCF file
def write_vcf(output_file_name, matrix, gt_data_position, with_depth):
# Header to add to the VCF for it to be recognized as such file.
header = [
"##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Read Depth\">\n",
"##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description=\"Allelic Depth\">\n"
nb_individuals = len(matrix)
nb_snp = len(matrix[0])
with open(output_file_name + '.vcf', 'w') as file:
# Write the header of the file
# Write the header of the file
file.write("\t".join(["#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO", "FORMAT"] + [str(n) for n in range(nb_individuals)] + ["Parent1", "Parent2"]) + "\n")
# Iterate over each row in the table
for m in range(0, nb_snp):
if with_depth:
format_info = "GT:DP:AD"
else :
format_info = "GT"
row = ["chr01", str(markers_positions[m]), ".", "A", "T", ".", ".", ".", format_info]
# add all individual genotypes
for i in range(0, nb_individuals):
vcf_data = str(matrix[i][m][gt_data_position])
if with_depth:
vcf_data = vcf_data + ":" + str(matrix[i][m][3]) + ":" + str(matrix[i][m][4]) + "," + str(matrix[i][m][5])
# add parent genotypes
if with_depth:
p1_data = "0/0:"+ str(round(mean_depth)) + ":" + str(round(mean_depth)) + ",0"
p2_data = "1/1:"+ str(round(mean_depth)) + ":0," + str(round(mean_depth))
else :
p1_data = "0/0"
p2_data = "1/1"
file.write("\t".join(row) + "\n")
# # Check if a row is correct
# def is_correct (row):
# l = len(row)
# count_h = row.count("H") / l
# count_a = row.count("A") / l
# count_b = row.count("B") / l
# return [count_a, count_b, count_h, 0.45 <= count_h <= 0.55 and 0.2 <= count_b <= 0.3 and 0.2 <= count_a <= 0.3]
# define commandline arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PopSimul')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output files name', default="popsimul")
parser.add_argument('-ni', '--nb_individuals', help='Number of individuals', default=10)
parser.add_argument('-bp', '--chr_bp', help='Chromosome size in bp', default=44000000)
parser.add_argument('-cM', '--cM_size', help='Size of genetic map', default=180)
parser.add_argument('-nm', '--nb_markers', help='Number of markers', default=220000)
parser.add_argument('-a', '--average_depth', help='Depth average', default=3)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--max_depth', help='Maximum possible depth', default=10)
parser.add_argument('-eA', '--error_rate_A', help='Error rate', default=0.05)
parser.add_argument('-eB', '--error_rate_B', help='Error rate', default=0.05)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Set the parameters for the script
nb_individuals = int(args.nb_individuals)
chromosome_size = int(args.chr_bp)
cMsize = int(args.cM_size) ## Size of genetic map
conversion_factor = chromosome_size/cMsize ## Corresponds to a bpPercM conversion ! Needs to be fixed... Does not produce the correct division!
#conversion_factor = 233000
#marker_density = 255000/44000000
nb_markers = int(args.nb_markers)
mean_depth = float(args.average_depth)
max_depth = float(args.max_depth) #TODO better estimate for max ?
errA = float(args.error_rate_A)
errB = float(args.error_rate_B)
print("-----USED PARAMETERS-----")
print("nb_individuals =",str(nb_individuals))
print("chr_bp =",str(chromosome_size))
print("cMsize =",str(cMsize))
print("nb_markers =",str(nb_markers))
print("average_depth =",str(mean_depth))
print("max_depth =",str(max_depth))
print("error_rate_A =",str(errA))
print("error_rate_B =",str(errB))
## Generate the pop and associate the results to the matrixes with and without errors
pop = generate_individuals(nb_individuals, chromosome_size, nb_markers, mean_depth, conversion_factor, errA, errB)
matrix = pop[0]
markers_positions = pop[1]
# Header to add to the VCF for it to be recognized as such file.
header = [
"##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Read Depth\">\n",
"##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description=\"Allelic Depth\">\n"
## Write simulated VCF file with no noise and no sequencing error
write_vcf(args.output, matrix, 0, True)
print("The file", args.output + ".vcf has been generated")
## Write simulated VCF file with noise but no sequencing error
filename = args.output + "_noise"
write_vcf(filename, matrix, 1, True)
print("The file", filename + ".vcf has been generated")
## Write simulated VCF file with noise and sequencing error
filename = args.output + "_noise_errors"
write_vcf(filename, matrix, 2, True)
print("The file", filename + ".vcf has been generated")
'Simulation module for genetic maps and populations
Function gauss()
'simulated normally-distributed data
'use: myvalue = gauss * sd + mean
Dim fac As Double, r As Double, V1 As Double, V2 As Double
10 V1 = 2 * Rnd - 1
V2 = 2 * Rnd - 1
r = V1 ^ 2 + V2 ^ 2
If (r >= 1) Then GoTo 10
fac = Sqr(-2 * Log(r) / r)
gauss = V2 * fac
End Function
Sub testgauss()
Dim mean As Variant
Dim sd As Variant
mean = 0
sd = 1
myvalue = gauss * sd + mean
MsgBox myvalue
End Sub
Public Sub Simulate_Map()
'For i = 1 To 1000
Application.StatusBar = "Simulating map..."
Application.ScreenUpdating = True: DoEvents: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim SimulatedChromosome As Integer
Dim NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes As Integer
Dim SimulatedMarker As Long
Dim NumberOfSimulatedMarkers As Long
Dim NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome As Long
Dim SimulRow As Long
Dim SimulatedMapSize As Double
Dim ChromosomeSize As Double
Dim MaxVariationPositionRate As Double
Dim VariationPosition As Double
Dim SimulatedMarkerPosition As Double
Dim AverageChromosomeSize As Double
Dim SimulatedMarkerDensity As Double
Dim SimulatedChromosomeSizeVariation As Double
Dim TotalMapSize As Double
Dim StartChrSize As Double
Dim GenomeSize As LongLong 'long is max 2,147,483,647
Dim nbOfMb As LongLong
Dim bp_cM_ratio As Double
'Map parameters
NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes = [N9].Value
SimulatedMapSize = [N10].Value
SimulatedMarkerDensity = [N11].Value
SimulatedChromosomeSizeVariation = [N12].Value / 100
nbOfMb = [j22].Value
GenomeSize = nbOfMb * 1000000
bp_cM_ratio = GenomeSize / SimulatedMapSize
If SimulatedMarkerDensity < 0 Then EquallyDispersed = 1
If [j11] = "yes" Then EquallyDispersed = 2
If EquallyDispersed = 1 Then
SimulatedMarkerDensity = 0 - SimulatedMarkerDensity
ElseIf EquallyDispersed = 0 Then
SimulatedMarkerDensity = SimulatedMarkerDensity + SimulatedMarkerDensity * (NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes / 1000)
'gives better results than SimulatedMarkerDensity alone
ElseIf EquallyDispersed = 2 Then
If SimulatedMarkerDensity < 0 Then SimulatedMarkerDensity = (0 - SimulatedMarkerDensity)
End If
MaxVariationPositionRate = [J12]
'Map Simulation
'Define Chromosome sizes
AverageChromosomeSize = SimulatedMapSize / NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
'ExpectedMarkerNumber = Int(SimulatedMapSize / SimulatedMarkerDensity) + 1
'ExpectedMarkerNumberPerChromosome = Int(ExpectedMarkerNumber / NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes) + 1
Dim SimulatedMap() As Variant
ReDim SimulatedMap(1000000, 4)
If [b6] <> "" Then
msg = "Are you sure you want to clear this simulated map?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1
Title = "Clear results"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbYes Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Range("B6", "F100005").ClearContents
GoTo 1000
End If
End If
SimulRow = 0
NumberOfSimulatedMarkers = 0
TotalMapSize = 0
[K6] = "Simulating chromosomes... "
Application.ScreenUpdating = True: DoEvents: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For SimulatedChromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
StartChrSize = 0
Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then SimulatedChromosomeSizeVariation = 0 - SimulatedChromosomeSizeVariation
' Randomize (Rnd)
ChromosomeSize = AverageChromosomeSize + AverageChromosomeSize * (Rnd * SimulatedChromosomeSizeVariation)
NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome = Int(ChromosomeSize / SimulatedMarkerDensity) + 1
For SimulatedMarker = 1 To NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome
NumberOfSimulatedMarkers = NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1
If EquallyDispersed = 1 Then 'fixed positions
SimulatedMarkerPosition = (ChromosomeSize / (NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome - 1)) * (SimulatedMarker - 1)
ElseIf EquallyDispersed = 0 Then ' random positions
Randomize (Rnd)
SimulatedMarkerPosition = Rnd * ChromosomeSize
ElseIf EquallyDispersed = 2 Then ' semi-random positions
Randomize (Rnd)
SimulatedMarkerPosition = (ChromosomeSize / (NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome - 1)) * (SimulatedMarker - 1)
If MaxVariationPositionRate > 0 Then
If Rnd > 0.5 Then
VariationPosition = (ChromosomeSize / (NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome - 1)) * Rnd * MaxVariationPositionRate
VariationPosition = 0 - ((ChromosomeSize / (NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome - 1)) * Rnd * MaxVariationPositionRate)
End If
VariationPosition = 0
End If
SimulatedMarkerPosition = SimulatedMarkerPosition + VariationPosition
End If
''Debug.Print SimulatedChromosome
SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 0) = SimulatedChromosome
SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 1) = NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
fakeMkphysicalPosition = Int(SimulatedMarkerPosition * bp_cM_ratio)
' SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 2) = "Chr" & SimulatedChromosome & "_M" & SimulatedMarker
SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 2) = "Chr" & SimulatedChromosome & "_" & fakeMkphysicalPosition
If SimulatedMarker = 1 Then
SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 3) = 0
ElseIf SimulatedMarker = NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome Then
SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 3) = ChromosomeSize
' SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 3) = Format(ChromosomeSize, "####.00")
SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 3) = SimulatedMarkerPosition
' SimulatedMap(SimulRow, 3) = Format(SimulatedMarkerPosition, "####.00") 'very slow
End If
' 'If SimulatedMarkerPosition > StartChrSize Then StartChrSize = SimulatedMarkerPosition
SimulRow = SimulRow + 1
Next SimulatedMarker
'FinalChromosomeSize = StartChrSize
TotalMapSize = TotalMapSize + ChromosomeSize
Cells(26 + SimulatedChromosome, 10) = SimulatedChromosome
Cells(26 + SimulatedChromosome, 11) = Format(ChromosomeSize, "####.00")
Cells(26 + SimulatedChromosome, 12) = NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome
Cells(26 + SimulatedChromosome, 14) = Format(ChromosomeSize / NumberOfMarkersInThisChromosome, "####.000")
' chrcM_Mbp = ChromosomeSize / (fakeMkphysicalPosition / 1000000)
' Cells(26 + SimulatedChromosome, 15) = Format(chrcM_Mbp, "####.00")
Next SimulatedChromosome
[K6] = ""
[N22] = TotalMapSize
[N23] = NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
[N24] = Format(TotalMapSize / NumberOfSimulatedMarkers, "####.000")
[R22] = [N9]
[r23] = [N10]
[R24] = [N11]
[R25] = [N12]
Cells(26, 10) = "Chr"
Cells(26, 11) = "cM"
Cells(26, 12) = "Mk"
Cells(26, 14) = "density"
'Application.StatusBar = "Writing map..."
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True: DoEvents: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Range("B6").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers, 4) = SimulatedMap
Erase SimulatedMap
'Application.StatusBar = "Sorting map by position..."
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True: DoEvents: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("E6") _
, Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:= _
False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
'Application.StatusBar = "Sorting map by locus number..."
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True: DoEvents: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("C6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Next i
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Public Sub Chr_Start_at_0()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If [b6] <> "" Then
msg = "Are you sure you want to do this? All marker positions will be recalculated in order to let chromosomes start at position 0"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1
Title = "Start at 0"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbNo Then
GoTo 1000
End If
End If
'first, counts the chr parameters (same than Read_Chr_Simulated)
Range("B6", Range("B1048576").End(xlUp)).Select
NbOfRows = Selection.Rows.Count
NumbOfMarkInChrTotal = 0
TotalMapSize = 0
NumberOfChr = 0
For i = 6 To NbOfRows + 6
If Cells(i + 1, 2) <> Cells(i, 2) Then 'new chr is detected
NumberOfChr = NumberOfChr + 1
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 10) = Cells(i, 2) 'chr number
ChrSize = Cells(i, 5)
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 11) = ChrSize 'chr size
TotalMapSize = TotalMapSize + Cells(i, 5)
NumbOfMarkInChr = i - 5 - NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 12) = NumbOfMarkInChr
MarkerDensity = ChrSize / NumbOfMarkInChr
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 14) = MarkerDensity
NumbOfMarkInChrTotal = NumbOfMarkInChrTotal + NumbOfMarkInChr
End If
[N22] = TotalMapSize
[N23] = NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
[N24] = TotalMapSize / NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
[R22] = NumberOfChr
'second, reformats the marker positions to start at 0
firstRow = 6
NbOfProcessedRows = 0
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfChr
NumbOfMarkInChr = Cells(26 + chromosome, 12)
FirstPosition = Cells(NbOfProcessedRows + 6, 5)
For mark = 1 To NumbOfMarkInChr
Cells(NbOfProcessedRows + mark + 5, 5) = Cells(NbOfProcessedRows + mark + 5, 5) - FirstPosition
NbOfProcessedRows = NbOfProcessedRows + NumbOfMarkInChr
Next chromosome
'third, re-reads and writes the chr parameters
NumbOfMarkInChrTotal = 0
TotalMapSize = 0
NumberOfChr = 0
For i = 6 To NbOfRows + 6
If Cells(i + 1, 2) <> Cells(i, 2) Then 'new chr is detected
NumberOfChr = NumberOfChr + 1
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 10) = Cells(i, 2) 'chr number
ChrSize = Cells(i, 5)
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 11) = ChrSize 'chr size
TotalMapSize = TotalMapSize + Cells(i, 5)
NumbOfMarkInChr = i - 5 - NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 12) = NumbOfMarkInChr
MarkerDensity = ChrSize / NumbOfMarkInChr
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 14) = MarkerDensity
NumbOfMarkInChrTotal = NumbOfMarkInChrTotal + NumbOfMarkInChr
End If
[N22] = TotalMapSize
[N23] = NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
[N24] = TotalMapSize / NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
[R22] = NumberOfChr
1000 [N22].Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub Add_Trait_To_Population_In_Data()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
popType = Sheets("Data").[D4]
popsize = Sheets("Data").[D5]
nbloci = Sheets("Data").[D6]
NbTraits = Sheets("Data").[D7]
nbHeaders = 15
outcellrow = nbloci + NbTraits + nbHeaders + 1
mkQTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R39]
NbOfTraitsToAdd = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R40]
Dim SimulatedTrait() As Variant
ReDim SimulatedTrait(1 To NbOfTraitsToAdd, 1 To popsize + 2)
MeanAA_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R31]
MeanAB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R32]
MeanBB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R33]
VarCoeffAA_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R34]
VarCoeffAB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R35]
VarCoeffBB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R36]
SD_AA_QTL1 = MeanAA_QTL1 * VarCoeffAA_QTL1
SD_AB_QTL1 = MeanAB_QTL1 * VarCoeffAB_QTL1
SD_BB_QTL1 = MeanBB_QTL1 * VarCoeffBB_QTL1
Randomize (Rnd)
If popType = "SSD" Or popType = "DH" Then
For j = 1 To NbOfTraitsToAdd
SimulatedTrait(j, 1) = NbTraits + j
SimulatedTrait(j, 2) = "SimulatedTrait_" & NbTraits + j
For i = 1 To popsize
Genotype = Data(i - 1, mkQTL1 - 1)
If Genotype = "A" Then
myAAvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1 + MeanAA_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myAAvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "B" Then
myBBvalue = gauss * SD_BB_QTL1 + MeanBB_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myBBvalue, "###.00")
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = "-"
End If
ElseIf popType = "BC1" Then
For j = 1 To NbOfTraitsToAdd
SimulatedTrait(j, 1) = NbTraits + j
SimulatedTrait(j, 2) = "SimulatedTrait_" & NbTraits + j
For i = 1 To popsize
Genotype = Data(i - 1, mkQTL1 - 1)
If Genotype = "A" Then
myAAvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1 + MeanAA_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myAAvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
myABvalue = gauss * SD_AB_QTL1 + MeanAB_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myABvalue, "###.00")
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = "-"
End If
ElseIf popType = "F2" Then
For j = 1 To NbOfTraitsToAdd
SimulatedTrait(j, 1) = NbTraits + j
SimulatedTrait(j, 2) = "SimulatedTrait_" & NbTraits + j
For i = 1 To popsize
Genotype = Data(i - 1, mkQTL1 - 1)
If Genotype = "H" Then
myABvalue = gauss * SD_AB_QTL1 + MeanAB_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myABvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "A" Then
myAAvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1 + MeanAA_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myAAvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "B" Then
myBBvalue = gauss * SD_BB_QTL1 + MeanBB_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myBBvalue, "###.00")
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = "-"
End If
End If
Cells(outcellrow, 1).Resize(NbOfTraitsToAdd, popsize + 2) = SimulatedTrait
Sheets("Data").[D7] = NbTraits + NbOfTraitsToAdd
End Sub
Sub Add_Random_Trait_To_Population_In_Data()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
popType = Sheets("Data").[D4]
popsize = Sheets("Data").[D5]
nbloci = Sheets("Data").[D6]
NbTraits = Sheets("Data").[D7]
nbHeaders = 15
outcellrow = nbloci + NbTraits + nbHeaders + 1
NbOfTraitsToAdd = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R43]
Dim SimulatedTrait() As Variant
ReDim SimulatedTrait(1 To NbOfTraitsToAdd, 1 To popsize + 2)
MeanAA_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R31]
MeanAB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R32]
MeanBB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R33]
VarCoeffAA_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R34]
VarCoeffAB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R35]
VarCoeffBB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R36]
SD_AA_QTL1 = MeanAA_QTL1 * VarCoeffAA_QTL1
SD_AB_QTL1 = MeanAB_QTL1 * VarCoeffAB_QTL1
SD_BB_QTL1 = MeanBB_QTL1 * VarCoeffBB_QTL1
Randomize (Rnd)
For j = 1 To NbOfTraitsToAdd
SimulatedTrait(j, 1) = NbTraits + j
SimulatedTrait(j, 2) = "RandomTrait_" & NbTraits + j
For i = 1 To popsize
myvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1 + MeanAA_QTL1
SimulatedTrait(j, i + 2) = Format(myvalue, "###.00")
Cells(outcellrow, 1).Resize(NbOfTraitsToAdd, popsize + 2) = SimulatedTrait
Sheets("Data").[D7] = NbTraits + NbOfTraitsToAdd
End Sub
Public Sub Read_Simulation_Parameters()
'only for autobatchmap
SimulatedPopulationType = VirtualMap(16, 14) 'ONLY BC1 & F2 pops at this stage
SimulatedPopulationSize = VirtualMap(17, 14)
MapFunctionSimul = VirtualMap(18, 14)
ChromosomeSDL1 = VirtualMap(9, 18)
If ChromosomeSDL1 > 0 Then
PositionSDL1 = VirtualMap(10, 18)
ViabU = VirtualMap(15, 18) 'differential viability fA/fB for SDL1
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = 0
For i = 1 To ChromosomeSDL1 - 1
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = SDL1AbsoluteNumber + VirtualMap(26 + i, 12)
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = SDL1AbsoluteNumber + PositionSDL1
End If
ChromosomeSDL2 = VirtualMap(11, 18)
If ChromosomeSDL2 > 0 Then
PositionSDL2 = VirtualMap(12, 18)
ViabV = VirtualMap(17, 18) 'differential viability fA/fB for SDL2
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = 0
For i = 1 To ChromosomeSDL2 - 1
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = SDL2AbsoluteNumber + VirtualMap(26 + i, 12)
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = SDL2AbsoluteNumber + PositionSDL2
End If
NumberOfSimulatedTraits = VirtualMap(19, 14)
NumberOfSimulatedMarkers = VirtualMap(23, 14)
NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes = VirtualMap(22, 18)
RandomErrorRate = VirtualMap(18, 10)
RandomMissingDataRate = VirtualMap(19, 10)
End Sub
Public Sub Simulate_Population_From_Map()
'version for excel 2007+ ONLY
'On Error GoTo 900
Dim SegDistortersAreIndependant As Boolean, SDL2ConditionalToSDL1 As Boolean
Dim genotypeNames() As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
SegDistortersAreIndependant = True
SDL2ConditionalToSDL1 = False
'QTL1 parameters
ChrQTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R29]
MarkerNumberQTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R30]
MeanAA_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R31]
MeanAB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R32]
MeanBB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R33]
VarCoeffAA_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R34]
VarCoeffAB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R35]
VarCoeffBB_QTL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R36]
SD_AA_QTL1 = MeanAA_QTL1 * VarCoeffAA_QTL1
SD_AB_QTL1 = MeanAB_QTL1 * VarCoeffAB_QTL1
SD_BB_QTL1 = MeanBB_QTL1 * VarCoeffBB_QTL1
Mean_QTL1_for_Random_Backcross = 0.5 * (MeanAA_QTL1 + MeanAB_QTL1)
SD_AA_QTL1_for_Random_Backcross = Mean_QTL1_for_Random_Backcross * 0.5 * (VarCoeffAA_QTL1 + VarCoeffAB_QTL1)
Mean_QTL1_for_Random_DH = 0.5 * (MeanAA_QTL1 + MeanBB_QTL1)
Mean_QTL1_for_Random_F2 = 0.5 * (MeanAA_QTL1 + MeanBB_QTL1)
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Starting..."
'Population Parameters
Sheets("SimulMap").[K6] = "Simulating population... ": Application.ScreenUpdating = True: DoEvents: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If AutoBatchMapOn = 1 Then
NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = 1
NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N15]
saveInFiles = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[O15]
VirtualMap = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").UsedRange.Value
SimulatedPopulationType = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N16] 'ONLY BC1 & F2 pops at this stage
If SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC1" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "F2" _
And SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC2F1" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "SSD" _
Then MsgBox "BC1 or F2 or SSD populations only, sorry.": GoTo 1000
SimulatedPopulationSize = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N17] 'NOT more than 508 individuals at this stage
' If MaxNumberOfColumns = 256 Then
If SimulatedPopulationSize > 16382 And NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = 1 Then
SimulatedPopulationSize = 1
MsgBox "I can't simulate more than 16382 individuals. If you need more individuals, please simulate 2 or more populations; this will generate Mapmaker/EXP compatible files that you can analyze using the BatchMap command."
End If
' End If
ChromosomeSDL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R9]
If ChromosomeSDL1 > 0 Then
PositionSDL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R10]
ViabU = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R15] 'differential viability fA/fB for SDL1 (BC1 or F2) - gametic selection
ViabU1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R16] 'differential viability fAA/fBB for SDL1 (F2) - zygotic selection
ViabU2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R17] 'differential viability fAB/fBB for SDL1 (F2) - zygotic selection
ViabU3 = ViabU2 / ViabU1 'differential viability fAB/fAA for SDL1 (F2) - zygotic selection
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = 0
For i = 1 To ChromosomeSDL1 - 1
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = SDL1AbsoluteNumber + ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(26 + i, 12)
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = SDL1AbsoluteNumber + PositionSDL1
End If
ChromosomeSDL2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R11]
If ChromosomeSDL2 > 0 Then
PositionSDL2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R12]
ViabV = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R18]
ViabV1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R19]
ViabV2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R20]
ViabV3 = ViabV2 / ViabV1 'differential viability fAB/fAA for SDL2 (F2) - zygotic selection
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = 0
For i = 1 To ChromosomeSDL2 - 1
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = SDL2AbsoluteNumber + Cells(26 + i, 12)
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = SDL2AbsoluteNumber + PositionSDL2
End If
'F2 options for segregation distortion
SelTypeGameticMaleSDL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[X15]
SelTypeGameticFemaleSDL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[X16]
SelTypeZygoticSDL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[X17]
SelTypeGameticMaleSDL2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[X18]
SelTypeGameticFemaleSDL2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[X19]
SelTypeZygoticSDL2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[X20]
NumberOfSimulatedTraits = 1
NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N19]
nbOfSupPops = 1
If NumberOfSimulatedPopulations > 1 And saveInFiles = True Then
OperatingSystem = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("hide").Cells(8, 1)
OperatingSystem = UCase(Left(OperatingSystem, 3))
If OperatingSystem = "WIN" Then
FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Title:="Locate the folder to export the data (Don't rename the MyPop.txt file please): ", InitialFileName:="MyPop.txt", fileFilter:="Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
ElseIf OperatingSystem = "MAC" Then
FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Title:="Locate the folder to export the data (Don't rename the MyPop.txt file please): ", InitialFileName:="MyPop.txt", fileFilter:="TEXT")
End If
If FileSaveName = False Then GoTo 1000
LengthOfPath = Len(FileSaveName)
OutputPath = Left(FileSaveName, LengthOfPath - 9)
'MsgBox "The output folder will be " & Chr(13) & OutputPath
ElseIf NumberOfSimulatedPopulations > 1 And saveInFiles = False Then
nbOfSupPops = NumberOfSimulatedPopulations
subPopSize = Int(SimulatedPopulationSize / nbOfSupPops)
remainderSubPopSize = SimulatedPopulationSize - nbOfSupPops * subPopSize
NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = 1
ReDim genotypeNames(1 To 1, 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize)
outcolsub = 1
For subPop = 1 To nbOfSupPops
For mygenot = 1 To subPopSize
genotypeNames(1, outcolsub) = "pop" & subPop & "_genot" & mygenot
outcolsub = outcolsub + 1
If remainderSubPopSize > 0 Then
genotnumber = subPopSize + 1
For mygenot = nbOfSupPops * subPopSize + 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
genotypeNames(1, mygenot) = "pop" & nbOfSupPops & "_genot" & genotnumber
genotnumber = genotnumber + 1
End If
MapFunctionSimul = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N18]
ElseIf NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = 1 And saveInFiles = False Then
ReDim genotypeNames(1 To 1, 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize)
For mygenot = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
genotypeNames(1, mygenot) = "pop1" & "_genot" & mygenot
MapFunctionSimul = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N18]
End If
'Reading map parameters
Application.StatusBar = "Reading map parameters"
'TotalMapSize = [N22]
NumberOfSimulatedMarkers = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R22]
RandomErrorRate = [j18]
RandomMissingDataRate = [j19]
End If
'If NumberOfSimulatedPopulations > 1 And AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then ' simulate genotypes and write in txt files
Dim SimulatedGenotypes() As Variant
Randomize (Rnd)
For SimulatedPopulation = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedPopulations
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Simulating population " & SimulatedPopulation & " of " & NumberOfSimulatedPopulations
'ReDim SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedPopulationSize + 1) As Variant
ReDim SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits + 1, SimulatedPopulationSize + 1)
If SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1" Then 'fake, because does not simulate properly the 4 possible gametes. However gives correct RFs (+ or -)
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Pop " & SimulatedPopulation & " of " & NumberOfSimulatedPopulations & ": Genot " & SimulatedGenotype & " of " & SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
MarkerPositionOld = 0
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
'Application.StatusBar = "Pop " & SimulatedPopulation & " of " & NumberOfSimulatedPopulations & " - Chr " & chromosome & " - Mk " & marker
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
'IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100
If Rnd <= IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "H"
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
'simulate non-random trait
If ChrQTL1 = chromosome Then
If Marker = MarkerNumberQTL1 Then
If Genotype = "A" Then
myAAvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1 + MeanAA_QTL1
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myAAvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
myABvalue = gauss * SD_AB_QTL1 + MeanAB_QTL1
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myABvalue, "###.00")
End If
End If
End If
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next 'Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next 'chromosome
GameteIsDead = 0
GameteIsDeadSDL1 = 0
GameteIsDeadSDL2 = 0
If ChromosomeSDL1 > 0 Then ' there is a segregation distorter
FreqA = ViabU / (1 + ViabU) 'final frequency, 0 to 0.5
'SurvivalA = FreqA * 2 '0 to 1
FreqH = 1 / (1 + ViabU) 'final frequency
'SurvivalH = FreqH * 2
myRandkillSDL1 = Rnd
If ViabU < 1 Then 'selection against AA genotypes or A gametes
' If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkill > FreqA Then 'you're dead, gamete A!
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkillSDL1 > ViabU Then 'you're dead, gamete A!
GameteIsDeadSDL1 = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabU > 1 Then 'selection against H genotypes or B gametes
' If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkill > FreqH Then ' you're dead, gamete B!
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkillSDL1 > 1 / ViabU Then ' you're dead, gamete B!
GameteIsDeadSDL1 = 1
End If
End If
End If
If ChromosomeSDL2 > 0 Then ' there is another segregation distorter
FreqA = ViabV / (1 + ViabV) 'final frequency, 0 to 0.5
'SurvivalA = FreqA * 2 '0 to 1
FreqH = 1 / (1 + ViabV) 'final frequency
'SurvivalH = FreqH * 2
myRandkillSDL2 = Rnd
If ViabV < 1 Then 'selection against AA genotypes or A gametes
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkillSDL2 > ViabV Then '... you're dead, gamete A!
GameteIsDeadSDL2 = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabV > 1 Then 'selection against H genotypes or B gametes
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkillSDL2 > 1 / ViabV Then '... you're dead, gamete B!
GameteIsDeadSDL2 = 1
End If
End If
End If
If SegDistortersAreIndependant = True Then 'no epistasis
If GameteIsDeadSDL1 = 1 Or GameteIsDeadSDL2 = 1 Then GameteIsDead = 1
ElseIf SegDistortersAreIndependant = False Then 'both death required, epistasis
If SDL2ConditionalToSDL1 = True Then
If GameteIsDeadSDL1 = 0 And GameteIsDeadSDL2 = 1 Then GameteIsDead = 1
ElseIf SDL2ConditionalToSDL1 = False Then
If GameteIsDeadSDL1 = 1 And GameteIsDeadSDL2 = 1 Then GameteIsDead = 1
End If
End If
If GameteIsDead = 1 Then GoTo 10
'random traits (normally distributed)
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
myvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1_for_Random_Backcross + Mean_QTL1_for_Random_Backcross
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + NumberOfSimulatedTraits + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myvalue, "###.00")
' SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
Next 'mytrait
Next 'SimulatedGenotype
If RandomErrorRate > 0 And RandomErrorRate <= 1 Then
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For Marker = 1 To NbOfMrksInChr
If Rnd >= (1 - RandomErrorRate) Then
If SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
ElseIf SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
End If
End If
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
Next SimulatedGenotype
End If
If RandomMissingDataRate > 0 And RandomMissingDataRate <= 1 Then
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For Marker = 1 To NbOfMrksInChr
If Rnd >= 1 - RandomMissingDataRate Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "-"
End If
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
Next SimulatedGenotype
End If
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + NumberOfSimulatedTraits + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
Next 'mytrait
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, 0) = "SimulatedQTrait_1"
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1bizarre" Then 'try to mimic better meiosis behavior
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
MarkerPositionOld = 0
Marker = StartRow
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
If Rnd > 0.5 Then 'Recombined Gamete
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld 'in cM
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - 2 * IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred - seems to generate too many 2ble recombinations
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "H"
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next 'Marker
Else 'parental gamete
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
Next 'Marker
End If
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next 'chromosome
Next 'SimulatedGenotype
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "BC2F1" Then
BC2FamilySize = 4 ' a mettre en variable
BC2PopulationSize = SimulatedPopulationSize * BC2FamilySize
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
MarkerPositionOld = 0
Marker = StartRow
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "H"
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
' For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
' SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
' Next mytrait
Next SimulatedGenotype
' For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
' SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
' Next mytrait
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "F2" Then
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
Gamete1_Is_Dead = 0
Gamete2_Is_Dead = 0
Zygote_Is_Dead = 0
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
MarkerPositionOld = 0
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype1 = "A" Else genotype1 = "B"
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype2 = "B" Else genotype2 = "A"
Marker = StartRow
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
'male gamete
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If genotype1 = "A" Then
genotype1 = "B"
ElseIf genotype1 = "B" Then
genotype1 = "A"
End If
End If
'selection on male gamete (SDL 1)
If SelTypeGameticMaleSDL1 = "x" Then
If chromosome = ChromosomeSDL1 Then
If Marker = PositionSDL1 Then
''Debug.Print "SDL1 - gam sel", ViabU
myRandkill = Rnd
If ViabU < 1 Then 'selection against A gametes
If genotype1 = "A" And myRandkill > ViabU Then 'gamete A dies
Gamete1_Is_Dead = 1
''Debug.Print "killed"
End If
ElseIf ViabU > 1 Then 'selection against B gametes
If genotype1 = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabU Then 'gamete B dies
Gamete1_Is_Dead = 1
''Debug.Print "killed"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If SelTypeGameticMaleSDL2 = "x" Then
'selection on male gamete (SDL 2)
If chromosome = ChromosomeSDL2 Then
If Marker = PositionSDL2 Then
myRandkill = Rnd
If ViabV < 1 Then 'selection against A gametes
If genotype1 = "A" And myRandkill > ViabV Then 'gamete A dies
Gamete1_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabU > 1 Then 'selection against B gametes
If genotype1 = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabV Then 'gamete B dies
Gamete1_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'female gamete
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If genotype2 = "A" Then
genotype2 = "B"
ElseIf genotype2 = "B" Then
genotype2 = "A"
End If
End If
' Gamete2_Is_Dead = 0
If SelTypeGameticFemaleSDL1 = "x" Then
If chromosome = ChromosomeSDL1 Then
If Marker = PositionSDL1 Then
myRandkill = Rnd
If ViabU < 1 Then 'selection against A gametes
If genotype2 = "A" And myRandkill > ViabU Then 'gamete A dies
Gamete2_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabU > 1 Then 'selection against B gametes
If genotype2 = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabU Then 'gamete B dies
Gamete2_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If SelTypeGameticFemaleSDL2 = "x" Then
If chromosome = ChromosomeSDL2 Then
If Marker = PositionSDL2 Then
myRandkill = Rnd
If ViabV < 1 Then 'selection against A gametes
If genotype2 = "A" And myRandkill > ViabV Then 'gamete A dies
Gamete2_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabU > 1 Then 'selection against B gametes
If genotype2 = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabV Then 'gamete B dies
Gamete2_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'mating or selfing
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then Genotype = "A"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then Genotype = "B"
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then Genotype = "H"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then Genotype = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
'simulate non-random trait
If ChrQTL1 = chromosome Then
If Marker = MarkerNumberQTL1 Then
If Genotype = "H" Then
myABvalue = gauss * SD_AB_QTL1 + MeanAB_QTL1
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myABvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "A" Then
myAAvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1 + MeanAA_QTL1
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myAAvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "B" Then
myBBvalue = gauss * SD_BB_QTL1 + MeanBB_QTL1
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myBBvalue, "###.00")
End If
End If
End If
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
If Gamete1_Is_Dead = 1 Then GoTo 100
If Gamete2_Is_Dead = 1 Then GoTo 100
'eliminate zygotes
If ChromosomeSDL1 > 0 Then ' there is a segregation distorter
myRandkill = Rnd
If ViabU1 < 1 Then 'selection against AA genotype relative to BB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkill > ViabU1 Then 'AA killed
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabU1 > 1 Then 'selection against AA genotype relative to BB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabU1 Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
If ViabU2 < 1 Then 'selection against AB genotype relative to BB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkill > ViabU2 Then 'AA killed
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabU2 > 1 Then 'selection against BB genotype versus AB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabU2 Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
If ViabU3 < 1 Then 'selection against AB genotype relative to AA genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkill > ViabU3 Then 'AA killed
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabU3 > 1 Then 'selection against AA genotype versus AB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabU3 Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
End If
If ChromosomeSDL2 > 0 Then ' there is a segregation distorter
myRandkill = Rnd
If ViabV1 < 1 Then 'selection against AA genotype relative to BB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkill > ViabV1 Then 'AA killed
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabV1 > 1 Then 'selection against AA genotype relative to BB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabV1 Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
If ViabV2 < 1 Then 'selection against AB genotype relative to BB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkill > ViabV2 Then 'AA killed
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabV2 > 1 Then 'selection against BB genotype versus AB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "B" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabV2 Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
If ViabV3 < 1 Then 'selection against AB genotype relative to AA genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkill > ViabV3 Then 'AA killed
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
ElseIf ViabV3 > 1 Then 'selection against AA genotype versus AB genotype
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkill > 1 / ViabV3 Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
Zygote_Is_Dead = 1
End If
End If
End If
If Zygote_Is_Dead = 1 Then GoTo 100
'random traits
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + NumberOfSimulatedTraits + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
Next mytrait
Next SimulatedGenotype
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, 0) = "SimulatedQTrait_1"
'random traits names
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + NumberOfSimulatedTraits + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
Next mytrait
If RandomErrorRate > 0 And RandomErrorRate <= 1 Then
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For Marker = 1 To NbOfMrksInChr
If Rnd >= 1 - RandomErrorRate Then
If SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" Then
If Rnd >= (1 / 3) Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
End If
ElseIf SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "B" Then
If Rnd >= (1 / 3) Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
End If
ElseIf SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" Then
If Rnd >= 0.5 Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
End If
End If
End If
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
Next SimulatedGenotype
End If
If RandomMissingDataRate > 0 And RandomMissingDataRate <= 1 Then
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For Marker = 1 To NbOfMrksInChr
If Rnd >= 1 - RandomMissingDataRate Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "-"
End If
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
Next SimulatedGenotype
End If
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "SSD" Then 'it's fake but should work. however does not allow to test for biased estimates
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
MarkerPositionOld = 0
Marker = StartRow
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "B"
SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
myRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
myR = 2 * myRF / (1 + 2 * myRF)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = myR ' fake conversion of recombination rate in SSD (the 'R')
' IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInR_MartinAndHospital = 1 ' fake conversion of recombination rate in SSD (the 'R')
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
myRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
myR = 2 * myRF / (1 + 2 * myRF)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = myR ' fake conversion of recombination rate in SSD (the 'R')
End If
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "B"
ElseIf Genotype = "B" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
'simulate non-random trait
If ChrQTL1 = chromosome Then
If Marker = MarkerNumberQTL1 Then
If Genotype = "A" Then
myAAvalue = gauss * SD_AA_QTL1 + MeanAA_QTL1
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myAAvalue, "###.00")
ElseIf Genotype = "B" Then
myBBvalue = gauss * SD_BB_QTL1 + MeanBB_QTL1
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(myBBvalue, "###.00")
End If
End If
End If
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + NumberOfSimulatedTraits + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
Next mytrait
Next SimulatedGenotype
If RandomErrorRate > 0 And RandomErrorRate <= 1 Then
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For Marker = 1 To NbOfMrksInChr
If Rnd >= 1 - RandomErrorRate Then
If SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
ElseIf SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "B" Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
End If
End If
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
Next SimulatedGenotype
End If
If RandomMissingDataRate > 0 And RandomMissingDataRate <= 1 Then
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For Marker = 1 To NbOfMrksInChr
If Rnd >= 1 - RandomMissingDataRate Then
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "-"
End If
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
Next SimulatedGenotype
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, 0) = "SimulatedQTrait_1"
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + NumberOfSimulatedTraits + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
Next 'mytrait
' ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "SSD" Then
' 'en cours a finir
' NumberOfSelfings = 6 ' Additional selfings after the F2 = S1 so 6 gives an F8
' For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
' StartRow = 1
' For Chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
' ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + Chromosome, 11)
' NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + Chromosome, 12)
' MarkerPositionOld = 0
' 'Randomize (Rnd)
' If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype1 = "A" Else genotype1 = "B"
' 'Randomize (Rnd)
' If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype2 = "B" Else genotype2 = "A"
' marker = StartRow
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
' For marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
' MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + marker + 4, 5)
' IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
' If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
' IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
' ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
' temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
' IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
' End If
' 'gamete 1
' 'Randomize (Rnd)
' If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
' If genotype1 = "A" Then
' genotype1 = "B"
' ElseIf genotype1 = "B" Then
' genotype1 = "A"
' End If
' End If
' 'gamete 2
' 'Randomize (Rnd)
' If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
' If genotype2 = "A" Then
' genotype2 = "B"
' ElseIf genotype2 = "B" Then
' genotype2 = "A"
' End If
' End If
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "AA"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "BB"
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "AB"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "BA"
' MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
' Next marker
' StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
' Next Chromosome
' For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
' SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
' Next mytrait
' For SelfingGeneration = 1 To NumberOfSelfings
' StartRow = 1
' For Chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
' ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + Chromosome, 11)
' NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + Chromosome, 12)
' MarkerPositionOld = 0
' If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype1 = "A" Else genotype1 = "B"
' If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype2 = "B" Else genotype2 = "A"
' marker = StartRow
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
' For marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
' MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + marker + 4, 5)
' IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
' If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
' IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
' ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
' temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
' IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
' End If
' 'gamete 1
' 'Randomize (Rnd)
' If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
' If genotype1 = "A" Then
' genotype1 = "B"
' ElseIf genotype1 = "B" Then
' genotype1 = "A"
' End If
' End If
' 'gamete 2
' 'Randomize (Rnd)
' If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
' If genotype2 = "A" Then
' genotype2 = "B"
' ElseIf genotype2 = "B" Then
' genotype2 = "A"
' End If
' End If
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "AA"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "BB"
' If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "AB"
' If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "BA"
' MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
' Next marker
' StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
' Next Chromosome
' Next SelfingGeneration
' Next SimulatedGenotype
' For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits
' SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
' Next mytrait
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True: DoEvents: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Writing results
If NumberOfSimulatedPopulations > 1 And AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then ' write pop in a .txt file
FileSaveName = "SimulPop_" & SimulatedPopulation & ".txt"
Open FileSaveName For Output As #1
If SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1" Then Print #1, "data type f2 backcross"
If SimulatedPopulationType = "F2" Then Print #1, "data type f2 intercross"
Print #1, Format(SimulatedPopulationSize, "###"); Spc(1); Format(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers, "###"); Spc(1); "0"
For Ligne = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
NomLocus = VirtualMap(Ligne + 5, 4)
TexteLocus = ""
For Colonne = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
TexteLocus = TexteLocus & SimulatedGenotypes(Ligne, Colonne)
Print #1, ; "*" & NomLocus; Spc(1); TexteLocus
Close #1
ElseIf AutoBatchMapOn = 1 Then ' write pop in a array
For i = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
For j = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
Data(j - 1, i - 1) = SimulatedGenotypes(i, j) 'stay in memory
ElseIf NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = 1 And AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then ' write pop in a sheet
Application.StatusBar = "Writing results"
OutPutSheetName = "SimulPop"
'MsgBox SimulatedPopulationSize
' If MaxNumberOfColumns = 256 Then
' If SimulatedPopulationSize <= 254 And SimulatedPopulationSize <= 508 Then
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("B15").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits, SimulatedPopulationSize + 1) = SimulatedGenotypes
' ElseIf SimulatedPopulationSize > 254 And SimulatedPopulationSize <= 508 Then
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("B15").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits, 255) = SimulatedGenotypes
' ReDim SimulatedGenotypesPlus(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits, SimulatedPopulationSize - 254 + 1) As Variant
' For i = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
' For j = 255 To SimulatedPopulationSize
' SimulatedGenotypesPlus(i, j - 254) = SimulatedGenotypes(i, j)
' Next
' Next i
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulPop+").Range("B15").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits, SimulatedPopulationSize - 253) = SimulatedGenotypesPlus
' End If
' ElseIf MaxNumberOfColumns = 16384 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("B15").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits + 1, SimulatedPopulationSize + 1) = SimulatedGenotypes
' End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
[c15].Resize(1, SimulatedPopulationSize) = genotypeNames
Range("D4") = SimulatedPopulationType
Range("D5") = SimulatedPopulationSize
Range("D6") = NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
Range("D7") = NumberOfSimulatedRandomTraits + 1
Range("D8") = nbOfSupPops
Range("H4") = "A"
Range("H5") = "B"
Range("H6") = "C"
Range("H7") = "D"
Range("H8") = "H"
Range("H9") = "-"
Range("K4") = "2"
[b10] = "Simulated " & SimulatedPopulationType & " data " & Date & " - " & Time
Application.CutCopyMode = False
[K6] = ""
End If
Next SimulatedPopulation
GoTo 1000
''Debug.Print Chromosome
''Debug.Print StartRow
''Debug.Print marker
''Debug.Print SimulatedGenotype
''Debug.Print genotype
''Debug.Print StartRow + marker - 1
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Next i
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then
Sheets("SimulMap").[K6] = ""
Application.StatusBar = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Simulate_Population_From_Map_Save()
'On Error GoTo 900
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Starting..."
'Population Parameters
NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = [N15]
SimulatedPopulationType = [N16] 'ONLY BC1 & F2 pops at this stage
If SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC1" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "F2" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC2F1" Then MsgBox "BC1 or F2 populations only, sorry.": GoTo 1000
SimulatedPopulationSize = [N17] 'NOT more than 508 individuals at this stage
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 And SimulatedPopulationSize > 508 And NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = 1 Then
SimulatedPopulationSize = 508
MsgBox "I can't simulate more than 508 individuals. If you need more indivuduals, please simulate 2 or more populations; this will generate Mapmaker/EXP compatible files that you can analyze using the BatchMap command."
End If
MapFunctionSimul = [N18]
ChromosomeSDL1 = [R9]
PositionSDL1 = [R10]
ViabU = [R15] 'differential viability fA/fB for SDL1
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = 0
For i = 1 To ChromosomeSDL1 - 1
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = SDL1AbsoluteNumber + Cells(26 + i, 12)
SDL1AbsoluteNumber = SDL1AbsoluteNumber + PositionSDL1
ChromosomeSDL2 = [R11]
PositionSDL2 = [R12]
ViabV = [R17] 'differential viability fA/fB for SDL2
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = 0
For i = 1 To ChromosomeSDL2 - 1
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = SDL2AbsoluteNumber + Cells(26 + i, 12)
SDL2AbsoluteNumber = SDL2AbsoluteNumber + PositionSDL2
NumberOfSimulatedTraits = [N19]
If NumberOfSimulatedPopulations > 1 Then
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then
OperatingSystem = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("hide").Cells(8, 1)
OperatingSystem = UCase(Left(OperatingSystem, 3))
If OperatingSystem = "WIN" Then
FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Title:="Locate the folder to export the data (Don't rename the MyPop.txt file please): ", InitialFileName:="MyPop.txt", fileFilter:="Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
ElseIf OperatingSystem = "MAC" Then
FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Title:="Locate the folder to export the data (Don't rename the MyPop.txt file please): ", InitialFileName:="MyPop.txt", fileFilter:="TEXT")
End If
If FileSaveName = False Then GoTo 1000
LengthOfPath = Len(FileSaveName)
OutputPath = Left(FileSaveName, LengthOfPath - 9)
'MsgBox "The output folder will be " & Chr(13) & OutputPath
End If
End If
'Reading map parameters
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Reading map parameters"
VirtualMap = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").UsedRange.Value
'TotalMapSize = [N22]
NumberOfSimulatedMarkers = [N23]
NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes = [R22]
If NumberOfSimulatedPopulations > 1 And AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then ' simulate genotypes and write in txt files
For SimulatedPopulation = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedPopulations
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Simulating population " & SimulatedPopulation & " of " & NumberOfSimulatedPopulations
ReDim SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1, SimulatedPopulationSize + 1) As Variant
StartRow = 1
If SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1" Then
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
MarkerPositionOld = 0
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "H"
Marker = StartRow
SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "H"
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
Next SimulatedGenotype
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "F2" Then
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
MarkerPositionOld = 0
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype1 = "A" Else genotype1 = "B"
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype2 = "B" Else genotype2 = "A"
Marker = StartRow
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
'gamete 1
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If genotype1 = "A" Then
genotype1 = "B"
ElseIf genotype1 = "B" Then
genotype1 = "A"
End If
End If
'gamete 2
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If genotype2 = "A" Then
genotype2 = "B"
ElseIf genotype2 = "B" Then
genotype2 = "A"
End If
End If
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
Next SimulatedGenotype
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
End If
'Writing in .txt file
FileSaveName = "SimulPop_" & SimulatedPopulation & ".txt"
Open FileSaveName For Output As #1
If SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1" Then Print #1, "data type f2 backcross"
If SimulatedPopulationType = "F2" Then Print #1, "data type f2 intercross"
Print #1, Format(SimulatedPopulationSize, "###"); Spc(1); Format(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers, "###"); Spc(1); "0"
For Ligne = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
NomLocus = VirtualMap(Ligne + 5, 4)
TexteLocus = ""
For Colonne = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
TexteLocus = TexteLocus & SimulatedGenotypes(Ligne, Colonne)
Print #1, ; "*" & NomLocus; Spc(1); TexteLocus
Close #1
Next SimulatedPopulation
ElseIf NumberOfSimulatedPopulations = 1 Or AutoBatchMapOn = 1 Then 'if only one population, write in the SimulPop sheet
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Simulating population"
ReDim SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedTraits, SimulatedPopulationSize + 1) As Variant
StartRow = 1
If SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1" And ChromosomeSDL1 = 0 Then 'there is no SDL (Segregation Distortion Locus) in the genome
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
MarkerPositionOld = 0
Marker = StartRow
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "H"
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
Next mytrait
Next SimulatedGenotype
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
Next mytrait
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "BC2F1" And ChromosomeSDL1 = 0 Then 'there is no SDL (Segregation Distortion Locus) in the genome
BC2FamilySize = 4
BC2PopulationSize = SimulatedPopulationSize * BC2FamilySize
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
MarkerPositionOld = 0
Marker = StartRow
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "H"
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
' For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
' SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
' Next mytrait
Next SimulatedGenotype
' For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
' SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
' Next mytrait
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1" And ChromosomeSDL1 > 0 Then 'there is a SDL (Segregation Distortion Locus) in the genome
''Debug.Print "zzz"
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
StartRow = 1
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
MarkerPositionOld = 0
Marker = StartRow
If Rnd > 0.5 Then Genotype = "A" Else Genotype = "H"
SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If Genotype = "A" Then
Genotype = "H"
ElseIf Genotype = "H" Then
Genotype = "A"
End If
End If
SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = Genotype
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
'fA/fH = u
'frequency of A = fA = u /(1+u)
'frequency of B = fB = 1 /(1+u)
myRandkill = Rnd
If ViabU < 1 Then 'selection against AA genotypes or A gametes
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkill > (ViabU / (1 + ViabU)) Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete A!
'kill individual/gamete and simulate again
GoTo 100
End If
ElseIf ViabU > 1 Then 'selection against H genotypes or B gametes
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL1AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkill < (1 / (1 + ViabU)) Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
'kill individual/gamete and simulate again
GoTo 100
End If
End If
If ChromosomeSDL2 > 0 Then
If ViabV < 1 Then 'selection against AA genotypes or A gametes
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "A" And myRandkill > (ViabV / (1 + ViabV)) Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete A!
'kill individual/gamete and simulate again
GoTo 100
End If
ElseIf ViabV > 1 Then 'selection against H genotypes or B gametes
If SimulatedGenotypes(SDL2AbsoluteNumber, SimulatedGenotype) = "H" And myRandkill < (1 / (1 + ViabV)) Then 'sorry, bad luck... you're dead, gamete B!
'kill individual/gamete and simulate again
GoTo 100
End If
End If
End If
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
Next mytrait
Next SimulatedGenotype
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
Next mytrait
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "F2" Then
For chromosome = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedChromosomes
ChrSize = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 11)
NbOfMrksInChr = VirtualMap(26 + chromosome, 12)
For SimulatedGenotype = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
MarkerPositionOld = 0
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype1 = "A" Else genotype1 = "B"
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 0.5 Then genotype2 = "B" Else genotype2 = "A"
Marker = StartRow
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(Marker, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
For Marker = 2 To NbOfMrksInChr
MarkerPosition = VirtualMap(StartRow + Marker + 4, 5)
IntervalWithPreviousMarker = MarkerPosition - MarkerPositionOld
If MapFunctionSimul = 1 Then
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * (1 - Exp(-2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100))) ' Haldane inverse function
ElseIf MapFunctionSimul = 2 Then
temp = 2 * (IntervalWithPreviousMarker / 100)
IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF = 0.5 * ((Exp(temp) - Exp(-temp)) / (Exp(temp) + Exp(-temp))) 'Kosambi inverse funciton
End If
'gamete 1
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If genotype1 = "A" Then
genotype1 = "B"
ElseIf genotype1 = "B" Then
genotype1 = "A"
End If
End If
'gamete 2
'Randomize (Rnd)
If Rnd > 1 - IntervalWithPreviousMarkerInRF Then 'a recombination occurred
If genotype2 = "A" Then
genotype2 = "B"
ElseIf genotype2 = "B" Then
genotype2 = "A"
End If
End If
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "A"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "B"
If genotype1 = "A" And genotype2 = "B" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
If genotype1 = "B" And genotype2 = "A" Then SimulatedGenotypes(StartRow + Marker - 1, SimulatedGenotype) = "H"
MarkerPositionOld = MarkerPosition
Next Marker
Next SimulatedGenotype
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, SimulatedGenotype) = Format(100 + Rnd * 20, "###.00")
Next mytrait
StartRow = StartRow + NbOfMrksInChr
Next chromosome
For mytrait = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedTraits
SimulatedGenotypes(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + mytrait, 0) = "RandomQTrait_" & mytrait
Next mytrait
End If
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then
Application.StatusBar = "Writing results"
OutPutSheetName = "SimulPop"
'MsgBox SimulatedPopulationSize
If SimulatedPopulationSize <= 254 And SimulatedPopulationSize <= 508 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("B15").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedTraits, SimulatedPopulationSize + 1) = SimulatedGenotypes
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationSize > 254 And SimulatedPopulationSize <= 508 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("B15").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedTraits, 255) = SimulatedGenotypes
ReDim SimulatedGenotypesPlus(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedTraits, SimulatedPopulationSize - 254 + 1) As Variant
For i = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
For j = 255 To SimulatedPopulationSize
SimulatedGenotypesPlus(i, j - 254) = SimulatedGenotypes(i, j)
Next i
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulPop+").Range("B15").Resize(NumberOfSimulatedMarkers + 1 + NumberOfSimulatedTraits, SimulatedPopulationSize - 253) = SimulatedGenotypesPlus
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Range("D4") = SimulatedPopulationType
Range("D5") = SimulatedPopulationSize
Range("D6") = NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
Range("D7") = NumberOfSimulatedTraits
Range("H4") = "A"
Range("H5") = "B"
Range("H6") = "C"
Range("H7") = "D"
Range("H8") = "H"
Range("H9") = "-"
Range("K4") = "2"
If SimulatedPopulationType = "BC1" Then
[b10] = "Simulated BC1 data " & Date & " - " & Time
ElseIf SimulatedPopulationType = "F2" Then
[b10] = "Simulated F2 data " & Date & " - " & Time
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ElseIf AutoBatchMapOn = 1 Then
' MsgBox SimulatedPopulationSize
For i = 1 To NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
For j = 1 To SimulatedPopulationSize
Data(j - 1, i - 1) = SimulatedGenotypes(i, j) 'stay in memory
OutPutSheetName = "Data"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("D4") = SimulatedPopulationType
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("D5") = SimulatedPopulationSize
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("D6") = NumberOfSimulatedMarkers
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("D7") = "0"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("H4") = "A"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("H5") = "B"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("H6") = "C"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("H7") = "D"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("H8") = "H"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("H9") = "-"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(OutPutSheetName).Range("K4") = "2"
End If
End If
GoTo 1000
''Debug.Print Chromosome
''Debug.Print StartRow
''Debug.Print marker
''Debug.Print SimulatedGenotype
''Debug.Print genotype
''Debug.Print StartRow + marker - 1
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Next i
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Public Sub ClearSimulatedPopulation()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulPop+").Activate
' Range("B15:IV60000").ClearContents
' Range("D4").ClearContents
' Range("D5").ClearContents
' Range("D6").ClearContents
' Range("D7").ClearContents
' Range("H4").ClearContents
' Range("H5").ClearContents
' Range("H6").ClearContents
' Range("H7").ClearContents
' Range("H8").ClearContents
' Range("H9").ClearContents
' Range("K4").ClearContents
' [B13].ClearContents
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 And ClearAllResultsMode = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub Clear_BatchMap_Results()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").[h8] <> "" Then
If ClearAllResultsMode = 0 Then
msg = "Are you sure you want to clear the batch results?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1
Title = "Clear results"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
End If
If response = vbYes Or ClearAllResultsMode = 1 Then
If MaxNumberOfColumns = 256 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("H5:IV6").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("H5:XFD6").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("C8:G60000").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
GoTo 1000
End If
End If
'If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 And ClearAllResultsMode = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub Clear_BigBatchMap_Results()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If [c6] <> "" Then
If ClearAllResultsMode = 0 Then
msg = "Are you sure you want to clear the batch results?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1
Title = "Clear results"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
End If
If response = vbYes Or ClearAllResultsMode = 1 Then
If MaxNumberOfColumns = 256 Then
End If
GoTo 1000
End If
End If
If AutoBatchMapOn = 0 And ClearAllResultsMode = 0 Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub Compute_Stats_Batch()
'On Error GoTo 900
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = "Computing statistics..."
'Expected cM values from simulated map
NumberOfMarkers = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
For i = 2 To NumberOfMarkers
ExpectedRelativeDistance = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 5, 5) - ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 4, 5)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 6) = ExpectedRelativeDistance
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 4, 2) <> ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 5, 2) Then 'new chr is detected
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 6).ClearContents
End If
Next i
NumberOfProcessedFiles = [D4]
'Average etc on batch results
For i = 1 To NumberOfMarkers
mkchr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 5, 2)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 1) = mkchr
SumOfDistances = 0
MinDist = 1000000
MaxDist = 0
ExpectedRelativeDistance = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6)
If ExpectedRelativeDistance <> "" Then
For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
BatchDist = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, SimPop + 7)
SumOfDistances = SumOfDistances + BatchDist
If BatchDist < MinDist Then MinDist = BatchDist
If BatchDist > MaxDist Then MaxDist = BatchDist
AverageDistance = SumOfDistances / NumberOfProcessedFiles
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 3) = MinDist
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 4) = MaxDist
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 5) = AverageDistance
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 7) = AverageDistance - ExpectedRelativeDistance
End If
Next i
For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
TotalMapSize = 0
For i = 1 To NumberOfMarkers
BatchDist = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, SimPop + 7)
If BatchDist <> "" Then
TotalMapSize = TotalMapSize + BatchDist
End If
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(5, SimPop + 7) = TotalMapSize
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(6, SimPop + 7) = TotalMapSize / NumberOfMarkers 'mk density
SumAverageSize = 0
SumAverageDensity = 0
MinSize = 1000000
MaxSize = 0
MinDensity = 1000000
MaxDensity = 0
For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
Mapsize = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(5, SimPop + 7)
mapdensity = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(6, SimPop + 7)
If Mapsize > MaxSize Then MaxSize = Mapsize
If Mapsize < MinSize Then MinSize = Mapsize
If mapdensity > MaxDensity Then MaxDensity = mapdensity
If mapdensity < MinDensity Then MinDensity = mapdensity
SumAverageSize = SumAverageSize + Mapsize
SumAverageDensity = SumAverageDensity + mapdensity
AverageSize = SumAverageSize / NumberOfProcessedFiles
AverageDensity = SumAverageDensity / NumberOfProcessedFiles
[C5] = MinSize
[D5] = MaxSize
[c6] = MinDensity
[D6] = MaxDensity
[E5] = AverageSize
[E6] = AverageDensity
[G5] = "Total map size"
[G6] = "Marker density"
[A7] = "Chr"
[b7] = "Marker"
[C7] = "Min"
[D7] = "Max"
[E7] = "Average"
[F7] = "Expected"
[G7] = "Diff."
Range(Cells(8, 3), Cells(7 + NumberOfMarkers, 7)).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
Range(Cells(5, 8), Cells(6, 256)).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
GoTo 1000
MsgBox "An error occurred."
Application.StatusBar = False
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub Compute_Stats_Batch_Chi2()
'On Error GoTo 900
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = "Computing statistics..."
'Expected cM values from simulated map
NumberOfMarkers = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
For i = 2 To NumberOfMarkers
ExpectedRelativeDistance = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 5, 5) - ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 4, 5)
'keep it or it won't work
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 6) = ExpectedRelativeDistance
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 4, 2) <> ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 5, 2) Then 'new chr is detected
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 6).ClearContents
End If
Next i
NumberOfProcessedFiles = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").[D4]
MyBatchresults = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(NumberOfMarkers + 7, NumberOfProcessedFiles + 7)).Value
'Average etc on batch results
For i = 1 To NumberOfMarkers
mkchr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Cells(i + 5, 2)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 1) = mkchr
SumOfChi2 = 0
MinChi2 = 1000000
MaxChi2 = 0
'ExpectedRelativeDistance = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6)
If ExpectedRelativeDistance <> "" Then
For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
BatchChi2 = MyBatchresults(i + 7, SimPop + 7)
SumOfChi2 = SumOfChi2 + BatchChi2
If BatchChi2 < MinChi2 Then MinChi2 = BatchChi2
If BatchChi2 > MaxChi2 Then MaxChi2 = BatchChi2
AverageChi2 = SumOfChi2 / NumberOfProcessedFiles
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 3) = MinChi2
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 4) = MaxChi2
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 5) = AverageChi2
End If
Next i
SDL1on = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R9]
SDL2on = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R11]
If SDL1on = 1 Then SDL1number = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R10]
If SDL2on = 1 Then SDL2number = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[R12]
'For i = 2 To NumberOfMarkers - 1
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6) = 0
' 'ExpectedRelativeDistance = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6)
' For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
' BatchChi2 = MyBatchresults(i + 7, SimPop + 7)
' BatchChi2Before = MyBatchresults(i + 6, SimPop + 7)
' BatchChi2After = MyBatchresults(i + 8, SimPop + 7)
' If BatchChi2 < BatchChi2Before Or BatchChi2 < BatchChi2After Then
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6) + 1
' If i = SDL1number Or i = SDL2number Then
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, SimPop + 7).Select
' Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
' End If
' End If
'' If BatchChi2 < BatchChi2Before Then
'' If i = SDL1number Or i = SDL2number Then
'' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 7) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 7) + 1
'' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, SimPop + 7).Select
'' Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
'' End If
'' End If
'' If BatchChi2 < BatchChi2After Then
'' If i = SDL1number Or i = SDL2number Then
'' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 8, 7) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 8, 7) + 1
'' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 8, SimPop + 7).Select
'' Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
'' End If
'' End If
' Next
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6) = 100 * (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6) / NumberOfProcessedFiles)
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 7) = 100 - ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 6)
'' If i = SDL1number Or i = SDL2number Then
''' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 7) = 100 * (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 6, 7) / NumberOfProcessedFiles)
''' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 8, 7) = 100 * (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 8, 7) / NumberOfProcessedFiles)
'' End If
'Next i
For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
SDL1isNotaPeak = 0
mychi2SDL1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(SDL1number + 7, SimPop + 7)
For i = 1 To NumberOfMarkers
myChi2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, SimPop + 7)
If myChi2 > mychi2SDL1 Then
'it's a peak, not on SDL1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 7) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 7) + 1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, SimPop + 7).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
SDL1isNotaPeak = 1
End If
If SDL1isNotaPeak = 1 Then 'in this pop
'SDL1 is not a peak
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(SDL1number + 7, 6) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(SDL1number + 7, 6) + 1
End If
For i = 1 To NumberOfMarkers
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 7) = 100 * (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, 7)) / NumberOfProcessedFiles
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(SDL1number + 7, 6) = 100 * (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(SDL1number + 7, 6) / NumberOfProcessedFiles)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(SDL1number + 7, 7) = 100 - ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(SDL1number + 7, 6)
'For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
' TotalMapSize = 0
' For i = 1 To NumberOfMarkers
' BatchDist = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(i + 7, SimPop + 7)
' If BatchDist <> "" Then
' TotalMapSize = TotalMapSize + BatchDist
' End If
' Next
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(5, SimPop + 7) = TotalMapSize
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(6, SimPop + 7) = TotalMapSize / NumberOfMarkers 'mk density
SumAverageChi2 = 0
SumAverageDensity = 0
MinChi2 = 1000000
MaxChi2 = 0
MinDensity = 1000000
MaxDensity = 0
For SimPop = 1 To NumberOfProcessedFiles
MapChi2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(5, SimPop + 7)
mapdensity = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(6, SimPop + 7)
If MapChi2 > MaxChi2 Then MaxChi2 = MapChi2
If MapChi2 < MinChi2 Then MinChi2 = MapChi2
If mapdensity > MaxDensity Then MaxDensity = mapdensity
If mapdensity < MinDensity Then MinDensity = mapdensity
SumAverageChi2 = SumAverageChi2 + MapChi2
SumAverageDensity = SumAverageDensity + mapdensity
AverageChi2 = SumAverageChi2 / NumberOfProcessedFiles
AverageDensity = SumAverageDensity / NumberOfProcessedFiles
[C5] = MinChi2
[D5] = MaxChi2
[c6] = MinDensity
[D6] = MaxDensity
[E5] = AverageChi2
[E6] = AverageDensity
'[G5] = "Total map size"
'[G6] = "Marker density"
[A7] = "Chr"
[b7] = "Marker"
[C7] = "Min"
[D7] = "Max"
[E7] = "Average"
[F7] = "% no peak"
[G7] = "% peak"
Range(Cells(8, 3), Cells(7 + NumberOfMarkers, 7)).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
Range(Cells(5, 8), Cells(6, 256)).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
GoTo 1000
MsgBox "An error occurred."
Application.StatusBar = False
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub ShowDistribMapSizesFromBigBatch()
FromBigBatch = 1
FromBigBatch = 0
End Sub
Public Sub ShowDistributionMapSizes()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = "cleaning..."
NumberOfIntervals = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").[M516]
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
popType = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N16]
popsize = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N17]
EmapSize = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N22]
If FromBigBatch = 0 Then
MyBatchMatrix = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("A5:IV6").Value
valeurMax = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").[D5]
valeurMin = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").[C5]
NumberOfValues = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").[D4]
MyBatchMatrix = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BigBatch").Range("C6:D10010").Value
NumberOfValues = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[n3]
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("D6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
valeurMin = [D6]
valeurMax = Cells(5 + NumberOfValues, 4)
End If
Application.StatusBar = "writing intervals"
If NumberOfIntervals = 0 Or NumberOfIntervals = "" Then NumberOfIntervals = 40
[M516] = NumberOfIntervals
IntervalSize = Int(valeurMax - valeurMin) / NumberOfIntervals
ReDim VectorFrequencies(1, NumberOfIntervals + 1) As Long
ReDim VectorBounds(2, NumberOfIntervals + 16) As Double
mininterval = valeurMin
For Interval = 1 To NumberOfIntervals + 1
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(510, Interval + 15) = mininterval
VectorBounds(0, Interval + 15) = mininterval
maxinterval = mininterval + IntervalSize
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(509, Interval + 15) = maxinterval
VectorBounds(1, Interval + 15) = maxinterval
mininterval = maxinterval
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(515, interval + 15) = "0"
VectorFrequencies(0, Interval - 1) = 0
Application.StatusBar = "counting frequencies"
For Colonne = 8 To NumberOfValues + 7
If FromBigBatch = 0 Then Mapsize = MyBatchMatrix(1, Colonne) Else Mapsize = MyBatchMatrix(Colonne - 7, 2)
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(5, Colonne) = MapSize
For Interval = 1 To NumberOfIntervals + 1
' If MapSize >= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(510, interval + 15) Then
' If MapSize < ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(509, interval + 15) Then
' VectorFrequencies(0, interval + 15) = VectorFrequencies(0, interval + 15) + 1
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(515, interval + 15) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(515, interval + 15) + 1
' End If
' End If
If Mapsize >= VectorBounds(0, Interval + 15) Then
If Mapsize < VectorBounds(1, Interval + 15) Then
VectorFrequencies(0, Interval - 1) = VectorFrequencies(0, Interval - 1) + 1
End If
End If
[P515].Resize(1, NumberOfIntervals + 1) = VectorFrequencies
Application.StatusBar = "drawing..."
For Interval = 1 To NumberOfIntervals + 1
effectif = VectorFrequencies(0, Interval - 1)
For Ligne = 1 To effectif
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Distrib").Cells(500 - Ligne, Interval + 15).Interior.ColorIndex = 25
Next Ligne
Application.StatusBar = "finishing..."
If FromBigBatch = 0 Then
[M517].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.005)": [K517] = "Percent. 0.005"
[M518].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.995)": [K518] = "Percent. 0.995"
[M519].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.025)": [K519] = "Percent. 0.025"
[M520].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.975)": [K520] = "Percent. 0.975"
[M521].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.05)": [K521] = "Percent. 0.05"
[M522].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.95)": [K522] = "Percent. 0.95"
[M523].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.1666)": [K523] = "Percent. 0.167"
[M524].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.8333)": [K524] = "Percent. 0.833"
[M525].Formula = "=MEDIAN(BatchMap!H5:IV5,0.8333)": [K525] = "Median"
[M526].Formula = "=Average(BatchMap!H5:IV5)": [K526] = "Average"
Selection.OnAction = "ShowDistributionMapSizes"
Selection.OnAction = "ActiverBatchMap"
[M517].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.005)": [K517] = "Percent. 0.005"
[M518].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.995)": [K518] = "Percent. 0.995"
[M519].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.025)": [K519] = "Percent. 0.025"
[M520].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.975)": [K520] = "Percent. 0.975"
[M521].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.05)": [K521] = "Percent. 0.05"
[M522].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.95)": [K522] = "Percent. 0.95"
[M523].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.1666)": [K523] = "Percent. 0.167"
[M524].Formula = "=PERCENTILE(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.8333)": [K524] = "Percent. 0.833"
[M525].Formula = "=MEDIAN(BigBatch!D6:D60000,0.5)": [K525] = "Median"
[M526].Formula = "=Average(BigBatch!D6:D60000)": [K526] = "Average"
Selection.OnAction = "ShowDistribMapSizesFromBigBatch"
Selection.OnAction = "ActiverBigBatchMap"
End If
[M516] = NumberOfIntervals
[o516] = "Histogram of map sizes"
[K516] = "Number of intervals:"
[o518] = "Based on [P1 x P2] simulated map "
[o519] = NumberOfValues & " " & popType & " populations of " & popsize & " individuals simulated"
[o520] = "Expected map size: " & Format(EmapSize, "####.##") & " cM"
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Public Sub Draw_Simulated_Map()
Application.StatusBar = "Starting"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim MyTime
MyTime = Time
'If Probleme = 1 Then GoTo 1000
' Sort_Frameed_Map Macro
If [b6] = "" Then MsgBox "No simulated map to draw": GoTo 1000
'remise ö z_ro de la feuille de r_sultats ("Draw")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DrawSimulMap0").Copy Before:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(11)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DrawSimulMap0 (2)").Select
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DrawSimulMap0 (2)").Name = "DrawSimulMap"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ResultSheetName = "DrawSimulMap"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Range("B6", Range("B1048576").End(xlUp)).Select
NbOfRowsMap = Selection.Rows.Count
TotalNumberOfMarkers = NbOfRowsMap
firstRow = 6
LastRow = firstRow + TotalNumberOfMarkers - 1
MyMinLabelsSpacing = MyLabelsSpacing
If EchelleVert = "" Or EchelleVert = 0 Then EchelleVert = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Drawing scale? (Suggestion: choose from 1 to 5)", Title:="Draw Map", Type:=1)
If EchelleVert = False Then GoTo 1000
Application.StatusBar = "Resetting window"
Application.StatusBar = "Loading data"
'VirtualRawData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").UsedRange.Value
VirtualRawData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(firstRow + TotalNumberOfMarkers, 26)).Value
ChrSpace = MyChromosomeSpacing * 15
SizeSmallSecondLine = EchelleHorizont
LargCarte = 7
Xorigin = 0
Yorigin = 100
MarkerChromosomeOld = 0
FirstChromosome = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DrawSimulMap").[b6]
Application.StatusBar = "Drawing map..."
For Row = firstRow To LastRow
MarkerChromosome = VirtualRawData(Row, 2)
If MarkerChromosome <> MarkerChromosomeOld Then ' new LG
Application.StatusBar = "Drawing LG " & MarkerChromosome
For Row2 = Row To TotalNumberOfMarkers + firstRow 'look for chr size
If VirtualRawData(Row2, 2) <> MarkerChromosome Then
ChromosomeSize = VirtualRawData(Row2 - 1, 5)
NbOfMarkersInChr = Row2 - Row
GoTo 100
End If
Next Row2
If LabelPositionsOption = 2 Then
MarkerLabelPositionOld = 0 - Yorigin
ElseIf LabelPositionsOption = 1 Then 'even mark label positions
MyLabelsSpacing = ChromosomeSize * EchelleVert / (NbOfMarkersInChr - 1)
If MyMinLabelsSpacing < MyLabelsSpacing Then MyLabelsSpacing = MyMinLabelsSpacing
MarkerLabelPositionOld = 0 - MyLabelsSpacing / EchelleVert
End If
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(Xorigin + (MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace - 16, _
Yorigin + 5, _
Xorigin + (MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace - 16, _
Yorigin + ChromosomeSize * EchelleVert + 5)
.Name = "MarkChr_" & MarkerChromosome
End With
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, Xorigin + (MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace - 16, Yorigin - 20, 100#, MyFontSize + 10)
.TextFrame.Characters.Text = "LG " & MarkerChromosome
.Fill.Visible = False
.Line.Visible = False
.Name = "MarkChrName_" & MarkerChromosome
.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Name = MyFontName
.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = MyFontSize + 5
End With
MarkerChromosomeOld = MarkerChromosome
End If
MarkerName = VirtualRawData(Row, 4)
MarkerPosition = VirtualRawData(Row, 5) ' absolute positions
If LabelPositionsOption = 2 Then
If MarkerPosition - MarkerLabelPositionOld < MyLabelsSpacing / EchelleVert Then 'if < 5 cm
MarkerLabelPosition = MarkerLabelPositionOld + MyLabelsSpacing / EchelleVert
MarkerLabelPositionOld = MarkerLabelPosition
MarkerLabelPosition = MarkerPosition
MarkerLabelPositionOld = MarkerLabelPosition
End If
ElseIf LabelPositionsOption = 1 Then
If MarkerPosition - MarkerLabelPositionOld > MyLabelsSpacing Then
MarkerLabelPositionOld = MarkerLabelPositionOld + (MarkerPosition - MarkerLabelPositionOld) / 1.5
End If
MarkerLabelPosition = MarkerLabelPositionOld + MyLabelsSpacing / EchelleVert
MarkerLabelPositionOld = MarkerLabelPosition
End If
MarkerNumber = Row
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(Xorigin + (MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace - 16, Yorigin + MarkerPosition * EchelleVert + 5, Xorigin + _
(MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace - 9, Yorigin + MarkerPosition * EchelleVert + 5)
'.Name = "Markline_" & MarkerNumber
End With
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(Xorigin + (MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace - 9, _
Yorigin + MarkerPosition * EchelleVert + 5, _
Xorigin + (MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace - 2 + SizeSmallSecondLine, _
Yorigin + MarkerLabelPosition * EchelleVert + 5)
'.Name = "Markline_" & MarkerNumber
End With
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, _
Xorigin + (MarkerChromosome - FirstChromosome) * ChrSpace + SizeSmallSecondLine, _
Yorigin + MarkerLabelPosition * EchelleVert, _
120#, MyFontSize * 2)
.TextFrame.Characters.Text = MarkerName & " (" & Format(MarkerPosition, "###0.0") & ")"
.Fill.Visible = False
.Line.Visible = False
'.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Name = MyfontName
'.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = MyfontSize
.Name = "Mark_" & MarkerNumber
End With
Next Row
Dim MyTime2: MyTime2 = Time: TempsEcoule = MyTime2 - MyTime
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
'Application.CommandBars("Map Zoom").Visible = True
1000 Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Public Sub Read_Chr_Simulated()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range("B6", Range("B1048576").End(xlUp)).Select
NbOfRows = Selection.Rows.Count
NumbOfMarkInChrTotal = 0
TotalMapSize = 0
NumberOfChr = 0
For i = 6 To NbOfRows + 6
If Cells(i + 1, 2) <> Cells(i, 2) Then 'new chr is detected
NumberOfChr = NumberOfChr + 1
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 10) = Cells(i, 2) 'chr number
ChrSize = Cells(i, 5)
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 11) = ChrSize 'chr size
TotalMapSize = TotalMapSize + Cells(i, 5)
NumbOfMarkInChr = i - 5 - NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 12) = NumbOfMarkInChr
MarkerDensity = ChrSize / NumbOfMarkInChr
Cells(26 + Cells(i, 2), 14) = MarkerDensity
NumbOfMarkInChrTotal = NumbOfMarkInChrTotal + NumbOfMarkInChr
End If
[N22] = TotalMapSize
[N23] = NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
[N24] = TotalMapSize / NumbOfMarkInChrTotal
[R22] = NumberOfChr
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub Add_Simulated_To_Map_1()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
' ActiveSheet.Paste
End Sub
Public Sub Add_Simulated_To_Map_2()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
' ActiveSheet.Paste
End Sub
Public Sub BatchMap()
'Reads a series of mapmaker/EXP compatible data files, computes the map and reports a summary
'Assumes that the linkage group are already defined and ordered.
'Needs to have the sequences pasted in My sequences
'Max 254 genotypes
'On Error GoTo 900
Dim MyTime
MyTime = Time
BatchMode = 1
AutoBatchMapOn = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
msg = "Are you sure you want to continue? This will clear the previous batch results and the current sequences."
Style = vbYesNo
Title = "Confirmation"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbNo Then GoTo 1100
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[b6] = "" Then MsgBox ("Please simulate a map first"): GoTo 1100
nbseq = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menus").Cells(23, 19)
If nbseq = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please simulate a map first")
GoTo 1100
End If
Application.StatusBar = "reading Menu"
MenuMatrix = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menus").UsedRange.Value
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").[D4] <> "" And ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").[c16] <> "" Then
msg = "Do you want to store the data that are in the 'Data' window before importation?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton1
Title = "Import Mapmaker data"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbYes Then Store_Data
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Erasing current data"
NumberOfFilesToProcess = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[n3]
If NumberOfFilesToProcess > MaxNumberOfColumns - 7 Then BigBatchMode = 1 Else BigBatchMode = 0
NbLocus = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
Indiv = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N17]
myfilename = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Locate the SimulPop_1.txt file")
If myfilename = False Then GoTo 1100
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=myfilename, DataType:=xlDelimited, Tab:=True, Space:=True, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("C8:G60000").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("H5:IV6").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ReDim BatchResults(NbLocus + 1, NumberOfFilesToProcess) As Variant
ReDim BigBatchResults(NumberOfFilesToProcess, 2) As Variant
End If
LengthOfPath = Len(myfilename)
OutputPath = Left(myfilename, LengthOfPath - 5)
myfilename = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Workbooks(myfilename).Close savechanges:=False
For CurrentPopulation = 1 To NumberOfFilesToProcess
'Application.StatusBar = "Population " & CurrentPopulation & ":" ' Importing data file
Application.StatusBar = "Population " & CurrentPopulation & ": Computing map"
'If BigBatchMode = 0 Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(7, CurrentPopulation + 7) = "Pop" & CurrentPopulation
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then BatchResults(0, CurrentPopulation - 1) = "Pop" & CurrentPopulation
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").[D4] = NumberOfFilesToProcess
NumberOfMarkers = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").[f4] = NumberOfMarkers
[h7].Resize(NbLocus + 3, NumberOfFilesToProcess) = BatchResults
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
[c6].Resize(NumberOfFilesToProcess, 2) = BigBatchResults
End If
Dim MyTime2
MyTime2 = Time
TempsEcoule = MyTime2 - MyTime
Application.StatusBar = "Batchmap total time was " & Format(TempsEcoule, "h:mm:ss")
GoTo 1000
900 MsgBox "An error occurred during the BatchMap procedure."
GoTo 1100
BatchMode = 0
'Application.StatusBar = False
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Auto_Batch_Map()
'Same than BatchMap but simulates populations at the same time so saves CPU time
'Simulates a series of populations, computes the map and reports a summary
'Assumes that the linkage groups are already defined and ordered.
'Needs to have the sequences pasted in My sequences
'On Error GoTo 900
Dim MyTime
MyTime = Time
BatchMode = 1
AutoBatchMapOn = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
msg = "Are you sure you want to continue? This will clear the previous batch results and the current sequences."
Style = vbYesNo
Title = "Confirmation"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbNo Then GoTo 1100
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[b6] = "" Then MsgBox ("Please simulate a map first"): GoTo 1100
nbseq = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menus").Cells(23, 19)
If nbseq = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please simulate a map first")
GoTo 1100
End If
Application.StatusBar = "reading Menu "
MenuMatrix = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menus").UsedRange.Value
Application.StatusBar = "reading simulation parameters"
VirtualMap = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").UsedRange.Value
If SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC1" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "F2" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC2F1" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "SSD" Then MsgBox "BC1 or F2 populations only, sorry.": GoTo 1000
Application.StatusBar = "reading mapping options"
NumberOfFilesToProcess = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[n3]
BigBatchMode = 0
If MaxNumberOfColumns = 256 Then
If NumberOfFilesToProcess > 249 Then BigBatchMode = 1 Else BigBatchMode = 0
End If
NbLocus = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
Indiv = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N17]
ReDim Data(Indiv, NbLocus) As Variant
Application.StatusBar = "Clearing"
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("C8:G60000").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("H5:XFD60000").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ReDim BatchResults(NbLocus + 1, NumberOfFilesToProcess) As Variant
ReDim BigBatchResults(NumberOfFilesToProcess, 2) As Variant
End If
For CurrentPopulation = 1 To NumberOfFilesToProcess
Application.StatusBar = "Processing population " & CurrentPopulation
'If BigBatchMode = 0 Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(7, CurrentPopulation + 7) = "Pop" & CurrentPopulation
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then BatchResults(0, CurrentPopulation - 1) = "Pop" & CurrentPopulation
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
[D4] = NumberOfFilesToProcess
NumberOfMarkers = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
[f4] = NumberOfMarkers
[h7].Resize(NbLocus + 3, NumberOfFilesToProcess) = BatchResults
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
[c6].Resize(NumberOfFilesToProcess, 2) = BigBatchResults
End If
Dim MyTime2
MyTime2 = Time
TempsEcoule = MyTime2 - MyTime
Application.StatusBar = "Autobatchmap total time was " & Format(TempsEcoule, "h:mm:ss")
GoTo 1000
900 MsgBox "An error occurred during the AutoBatchMap procedure."
GoTo 1100
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
End If
AutoBatchMapOn = 0
BigBatchMode = 1
'Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Public Sub Auto_Batch_Map_Chi2()
'Same than BatchMap but simulates populations at the same time so saves CPU time
'Simulates a series of populations, computes the map and reports a summary
'Assumes that the linkage groups are already defined and ordered.
'Needs to have the sequences pasted in My sequences
'On Error GoTo 900
Dim MyTime
MyTime = Time
BatchMode = 1
AutoBatchMapOn = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
msg = "Are you sure you want to continue? This will clear the previous batch results and the current sequences."
Style = vbYesNo
Title = "Confirmation"
Ctxt = 1000
response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title)
If response = vbNo Then GoTo 1100
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[b6] = "" Then MsgBox ("Please simulate a map first"): GoTo 1100
nbseq = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menus").Cells(23, 19)
If nbseq = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please simulate a map first")
GoTo 1100
End If
Application.StatusBar = "reading Menu "
MenuMatrix = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menus").UsedRange.Value
Application.StatusBar = "reading simulation parameters"
VirtualMap = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").UsedRange.Value
If SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC1" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "F2" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "BC2F1" And SimulatedPopulationType <> "SSD" Then MsgBox "BC1 or F2 populations only, sorry.": GoTo 1000
Application.StatusBar = "reading mapping options"
NumberOfFilesToProcess = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[n3]
BigBatchMode = 0
If MaxNumberOfColumns = 256 Then
If NumberOfFilesToProcess > 249 Then BigBatchMode = 1 Else BigBatchMode = 0
End If
NbLocus = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
Indiv = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N17]
ReDim Data(Indiv, NbLocus) As Variant
Application.StatusBar = "Clearing"
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("C5:XFD60000").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Range("H5:XFD7").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
ReDim BatchResults(NbLocus + 1, NumberOfFilesToProcess) As Variant
ReDim BigBatchResults(NumberOfFilesToProcess, 2) As Variant
End If
For CurrentPopulation = 1 To NumberOfFilesToProcess
Application.StatusBar = "Processing population " & CurrentPopulation
'If BigBatchMode = 0 Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BatchMap").Cells(7, CurrentPopulation + 7) = "Pop" & CurrentPopulation
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then BatchResults(0, CurrentPopulation - 1) = "Pop" & CurrentPopulation
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
[D4] = NumberOfFilesToProcess
NumberOfMarkers = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SimulMap").[N23]
[f4] = NumberOfMarkers
[h7].Resize(NbLocus + 3, NumberOfFilesToProcess) = BatchResults
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
[c6].Resize(NumberOfFilesToProcess, 2) = BigBatchResults
End If
Dim MyTime2
MyTime2 = Time
TempsEcoule = MyTime2 - MyTime
Application.StatusBar = "Autobatchmap total time was " & Format(TempsEcoule, "h:mm:ss")
GoTo 1000
900 MsgBox "An error occurred during the AutoBatchMap procedure."
GoTo 1100
If BigBatchMode = 0 Then
End If
AutoBatchMapOn = 0
BigBatchMode = 1
'Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub