Jeremy Auclair authored
Added THEIA and LandSat image download and management. Improved and simplified input preparation for parcel mode. Rewrote model calculation memory estimation function. Corrected small bugs.
Jeremy Auclair authoredAdded THEIA and LandSat image download and management. Improved and simplified input preparation for parcel mode. Rewrote model calculation memory estimation function. Corrected small bugs.
main_prepare_inputs.py 6.53 KiB
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Python
@author: jeremy auclair
Main script to run input scripts to generate input data
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, os # system management
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(currentdir))
from dask.distributed import Client # to parallelise calculations
import webbrowser # to open dask dashboard
from modspa_pixel.config.config import config # to import config file
from modspa_pixel.source.code_toolbox import format_duration # to print memory requirements
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.input_toolbox import prepare_directories, set_eodag_config_file, calculate_Kcb_max_obs
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.download_ERA5_weather import request_ER5_weather
from time import time # to time code excecution
# Get start time of script
t0 = time()
# Declare paths
config_file = currentdir + os.sep + 'config' + os.sep + 'config_modspa.json'
# Open config file and load parameters
config_params = config(config_file)
# Import functions depending on run mode
mode = config_params.mode
if mode == 'pixel':
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.calculate_ndvi import calculate_ndvi, interpolate_ndvi
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.calculate_ndvi import calculate_ndvi_parcel
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.extract_ndvi import extract_ndvi_stats, filter_raw_ndvi, interpolate_ndvi_parcel
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.parcel_to_pixel import convert_dataframe_to_xarray
preferred_provider = config_params.preferred_provider
if preferred_provider == 'usgs':
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.download_landsat import download_landsat_data
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.download_S2 import download_S2_data, extract_zip_archives
# Run parameters
max_cpu = config_params.max_cpu
run_name = config_params.run_name
start_date = config_params.start_date
end_date = config_params.end_date
ndvi_overwrite = config_params.ndvi_overwrite
resolution = config_params.resolution
# Path parameters
download_path = config_params.download_path
shapefile_path = config_params.shapefile_path
# Prepare directories
# Updating the eodag config file if needed
set_eodag_config_file(config_params.path_to_eodag_config_file, download_path, preferred_provider)
# Generate inputs
#===== NDVI =====#
if preferred_provider == 'copernicus':
image_path = download_path + os.sep + 'SCIHUB'
ndvi_path = image_path + os.sep + 'NDVI'
elif preferred_provider == 'theia':
image_path = download_path + os.sep + 'THEIA'
ndvi_path = image_path + os.sep + 'NDVI'
elif preferred_provider == 'usgs':
image_path = download_path + os.sep + 'USGS'
ndvi_path = image_path + os.sep + 'NDVI'
if preferred_provider == 'usgs':
# Download and extract LandSat data
csv_extract_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'extract.csv'
extracted_images = download_landsat_data(config_params.path_to_eodag_config_file, start_date, end_date, shapefile_path, download_path, csv_extract_file, collection = 'landsat_ot_c2_l2', cloud_cover_limit = config_params.cloud_cover_limit, max_cpu = max_cpu)
# Download optical images
csv_download_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'download.csv'
raw_images = download_S2_data(start_date, end_date, preferred_provider, csv_download_file, shapefile_path, mode = mode, cloud_cover_limit = config_params.cloud_cover_limit, minimum_overlap = config_params.minimum_overlap)
# Extract Zip archives
csv_extract_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'extract.csv'
extracted_images = extract_zip_archives(image_path, raw_images, preferred_provider, resolution, csv_extract_file)
# Calculate and interpolate NDVI
if mode == 'pixel':
client = Client()
if config_params.open_browser:
webbrowser.open('', new=2, autoraise=True)
# Calculate NDVI
ndvi_precube = calculate_ndvi(extracted_images, config_file)
# Interpolate NDVI
ndvi_cube = interpolate_ndvi(ndvi_precube, config_file)
# Check if NDVI cube already exists
if os.path.exists(ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_cube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '.nc') and not ndvi_overwrite: pass
# Calculate NDVI
csv_ndvi_path_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi.csv'
ndvi_images = calculate_ndvi_parcel(csv_extract_file, ndvi_path, csv_ndvi_path_file, shapefile_path, overwrite = ndvi_overwrite, max_cpu = max_cpu)
# Extract NDVI values on shapefile features
csv_ndvi_extract_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi_extract.csv'
raw_ndvi = extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_images, shapefile_path, csv_ndvi_extract_file, max_cpu = max_cpu)
# Filter NDVI values for each feature
csv_ndvi_filter_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi_filter.csv'
filtered_ndvi = filter_raw_ndvi(raw_ndvi, csv_ndvi_filter_file, max_cpu = max_cpu)
# Interpolate NDVI values to a daily time step
csv_ndvi_interp_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi_interp.csv'
interpolated_ndvi = interpolate_ndvi_parcel(filtered_ndvi, csv_ndvi_interp_file, start_date, end_date, max_cpu = max_cpu)
# Convert DataFrame to netCDF4 file
ndvi_cube = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_cube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '.nc'
convert_dataframe_to_xarray(interpolated_ndvi, ndvi_cube, variables = ['NDVI'], data_types = ['u1'])
# Calculate Kcb max from NDVI cube
calculate_Kcb_max_obs(ndvi_cube, config_params.param_csv_file, config_params.land_cover_path)
#===== Weather =====#
# Run weather download and formatting script
weather = request_ER5_weather(config_file, ndvi_cube, shapefile = shapefile_path, mode = mode, raw_S2_image_ref = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_grid_reference.tif')
# Print formatted runtime
print('\nExcecution time: ', end = '')
format_duration(time() - t0)