# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Python """ 11-09-2023 @author: jeremy auclair Main script to run input scripts to generate input data """ if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, os # system management currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(currentdir)) from dask.distributed import Client # to parallelise calculations import webbrowser # to open dask dashboard from modspa_pixel.config.config import config # to import config file from modspa_pixel.source.code_toolbox import format_duration # to print memory requirements from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.input_toolbox import prepare_directories, set_eodag_config_file, calculate_Kcb_max_obs from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.download_ERA5_weather import request_ER5_weather from time import time # to time code excecution # Get start time of script t0 = time() # Declare paths config_file = currentdir + os.sep + 'config' + os.sep + 'config_modspa.json' # Open config file and load parameters config_params = config(config_file) # Import functions depending on run mode mode = config_params.mode if mode == 'pixel': from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.calculate_ndvi import calculate_ndvi, interpolate_ndvi else: from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.calculate_ndvi import calculate_ndvi_parcel from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.extract_ndvi import extract_ndvi_stats, filter_raw_ndvi, interpolate_ndvi_parcel from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.parcel_to_pixel import convert_dataframe_to_xarray preferred_provider = config_params.preferred_provider if preferred_provider == 'usgs': from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.download_landsat import download_landsat_data else: from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.download_S2 import download_S2_data, extract_zip_archives # Run parameters max_cpu = config_params.max_cpu run_name = config_params.run_name start_date = config_params.start_date end_date = config_params.end_date ndvi_overwrite = config_params.ndvi_overwrite resolution = config_params.resolution # Path parameters download_path = config_params.download_path shapefile_path = config_params.shapefile_path # Prepare directories prepare_directories(config_file) # Updating the eodag config file if needed set_eodag_config_file(config_params.path_to_eodag_config_file, download_path, preferred_provider) # Generate inputs #===== NDVI =====# if preferred_provider == 'copernicus': image_path = download_path + os.sep + 'SCIHUB' ndvi_path = image_path + os.sep + 'NDVI' elif preferred_provider == 'theia': image_path = download_path + os.sep + 'THEIA' ndvi_path = image_path + os.sep + 'NDVI' elif preferred_provider == 'usgs': image_path = download_path + os.sep + 'USGS' ndvi_path = image_path + os.sep + 'NDVI' if preferred_provider == 'usgs': # Download and extract LandSat data csv_extract_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'extract.csv' extracted_images = download_landsat_data(config_params.path_to_eodag_config_file, start_date, end_date, shapefile_path, download_path, csv_extract_file, collection = 'landsat_ot_c2_l2', cloud_cover_limit = config_params.cloud_cover_limit, max_cpu = max_cpu) else: # Download optical images csv_download_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'download.csv' raw_images = download_S2_data(start_date, end_date, preferred_provider, csv_download_file, shapefile_path, mode = mode, cloud_cover_limit = config_params.cloud_cover_limit, minimum_overlap = config_params.minimum_overlap) # Extract Zip archives csv_extract_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'extract.csv' extracted_images = extract_zip_archives(image_path, raw_images, preferred_provider, resolution, csv_extract_file) # Calculate and interpolate NDVI if mode == 'pixel': client = Client() client if config_params.open_browser: webbrowser.open('', new=2, autoraise=True) # Calculate NDVI ndvi_precube = calculate_ndvi(extracted_images, config_file) # Interpolate NDVI ndvi_cube = interpolate_ndvi(ndvi_precube, config_file) client.close() else: # Check if NDVI cube already exists if os.path.exists(ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_cube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '.nc') and not ndvi_overwrite: pass # Calculate NDVI csv_ndvi_path_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi.csv' ndvi_images = calculate_ndvi_parcel(csv_extract_file, ndvi_path, csv_ndvi_path_file, shapefile_path, overwrite = ndvi_overwrite, max_cpu = max_cpu) # Extract NDVI values on shapefile features csv_ndvi_extract_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi_extract.csv' raw_ndvi = extract_ndvi_stats(ndvi_images, shapefile_path, csv_ndvi_extract_file, max_cpu = max_cpu) # Filter NDVI values for each feature csv_ndvi_filter_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi_filter.csv' filtered_ndvi = filter_raw_ndvi(raw_ndvi, csv_ndvi_filter_file, max_cpu = max_cpu) # Interpolate NDVI values to a daily time step csv_ndvi_interp_file = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + 'ndvi_interp.csv' interpolated_ndvi = interpolate_ndvi_parcel(filtered_ndvi, csv_ndvi_interp_file, start_date, end_date, max_cpu = max_cpu) # Convert DataFrame to netCDF4 file ndvi_cube = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_cube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '.nc' convert_dataframe_to_xarray(interpolated_ndvi, ndvi_cube, variables = ['NDVI'], data_types = ['u1']) # Calculate Kcb max from NDVI cube calculate_Kcb_max_obs(ndvi_cube, config_params.param_csv_file, config_params.land_cover_path) #===== Weather =====# # Run weather download and formatting script weather = request_ER5_weather(config_file, ndvi_cube, shapefile = shapefile_path, mode = mode, raw_S2_image_ref = ndvi_path + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_grid_reference.tif') # Print formatted runtime print('\nExcecution time: ', end = '') format_duration(time() - t0)