This program read ASCII file(s) from oceanographic instruments (Seabird CTD, Sippican XBT, RDI LADCP, etc), extract data from header files and write result into one ASCII and NetCDF OceanSITES file.
The last version use an embedded Sqlite3 database to save and retreive data in memory.
The last version use an embedded Sqlite3 database to save and retreive data from memory.
## Prequisites for Windows
@@ -53,7 +54,9 @@ make build
make ctd
make xbt
make ladcp
make ctd GUI=-g
make btl
make ctd OPT=-g
make ctd OPT=-d
## Configuration
@@ -80,6 +83,7 @@ By default, the program uses the configuration file under: tests/test.toml, shou
``` bash
cd /mnt/c/cruises/PIRATA/PIRATA-FR32/data-processing/CTD