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Commit 235f2a63 authored by f-nivert's avatar f-nivert
Browse files

Add of the script and cruise.toml

parent a7ee893f
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Genere un fichier btl avec tous les parametres a partir des fichiers
# Seabird .btl
# $Id J Grelet avril 2014$
use strict; # necessite de declarer toutes les variables globales
#use diagnostics;
# use open qw(:std :utf8);
# binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
use Time::Local;
use Date::Manip;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Data::Dumper;
use Oceano::Seawater;
use Oceano::Convert;
use Oceano::Seabird;
use Cwd;
use Config::Tiny;
#use Tie::IxHash;
# Les repertoires de sorties
my $ascii_dir = 'ascii/';
my $odv_dir = 'odv/';
# Les variables globales
our $VERSION = "1.0";
my $version;
my $help = undef;
my $author;
my $debug;
my $echo;
my $dtd;
my $dtdLocalPath;
my $encoding;
my $hdr_file;
my $btl_file;
my $xml_file;
my $odv_file;
my $header_file;
my $institute;
my $btlType;
my $btlSn;
my $pi;
my $creator;
my $acquisitionSoftware;
my $acquisitionVersion;
my $processingSoftware;
my $processingVersion;
my $cycle_mesure;
my $plateforme;
my $contexte;
my $timezone;
my $format_date;
my $processing_code;
my $begin_date;
my $end_date;
my $cruisePrefix;
my $stationPrefixLength;
my $title_summary;
my $comment;
my $header;
my @header;
my $split;
my %split;
my $format;
my @format;
my %format;
my %data;
my @data;
my %sbe35;
# sbe35
my $t90sbe35;
my $code = -1; # header code
# fichiers bouteille seabird .btl
my $sbe_file;
my ( $s_date, $e_date, $e_time, $iso_date, $t_date );
my ( $PRFL, $BOTL );
my ( $lat, $lat_pos, $lat_deg, $lat_min, $lat_hemi );
my ( $long, $long_pos, $long_deg, $long_min, $long_hemi );
my ( $julien, $date, $month, $day, $year, $heure, $min, $time );
my $type_odv = 'B'; # station-type (either B, C or X for bottle, CTD or XBT data
my $bottom_depth = 1e36;
# display_version()
# display program version
sub display_version() {
print "Version: $VERSION\nAuthor: $author\n\n";
exit 1;
# usage()
sub usage() {
print STDERR "\nusage: [options] <files>\n\n";
print STDERR
"Options:\n --help Display this help message\n";
print STDERR " --version program version\n";
print STDERR " --debug debug info\n";
print STDERR " --echo display filenames processed\n";
print STDERR " --dtd=[local|public] define DTD\n";
print STDERR "examples:\n\$ perl --echo data/btl/*.btl\n";
exit 1;
# get_options()
# analyse les options
sub get_options() {
"echo" => \$echo,
"dtd=s" => \$dtd,
"debug" => \$debug,
"version" => \$version,
"help" => \$help
) or &usage;
&display_version if $version;
&usage if $help;
# read string key inside section in config file
sub read_config_string() {
my ( $Config, $section, $key ) = @_;
my $value = $Config->{$section}->{$key};
if ( !defined $value ) {
die "Missing string '$key' in section '$section' $!";
return $value;
# read config.ini file where cruise parameter are defined
sub read_config() {
my ($configFile) = @_;
# Create a config
my $Config = Config::Tiny->new;
$Config = Config::Tiny->read($configFile)
or die "Could not open '$configFile' $!";
$author = &read_config_string( $Config, 'global', 'author' );
$debug = &read_config_string( $Config, 'global', 'debug' );
$echo = &read_config_string( $Config, 'global', 'echo' );
$dtd = &read_config_string( $Config, 'xml', 'dtd' );
$dtdLocalPath = &read_config_string( $Config, 'xml', 'dtdLocalPath' );
$encoding = &read_config_string( $Config, 'xml', 'encoding' );
$cycle_mesure = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'cycle_mesure' );
$plateforme = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'plateforme' );
$contexte = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'context' );
$timezone = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'timezone' );
$format_date = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'format_date' );
$processing_code =
&read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'processing_code' );
$begin_date = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'begin_date' );
$end_date = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'end_date' );
$institute = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'institute' );
$pi = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'pi' );
$creator = &read_config_string( $Config, 'cruise', 'creator' );
$acquisitionSoftware =
&read_config_string( $Config, 'ctd', 'acquisitionSoftware' );
$acquisitionVersion =
&read_config_string( $Config, 'ctd', 'acquisitionVersion' );
$processingSoftware =
&read_config_string( $Config, 'ctd', 'processingSoftware' );
$processingVersion =
&read_config_string( $Config, 'ctd', 'processingVersion' );
$cruisePrefix = &read_config_string( $Config, 'ctd', 'cruisePrefix' );
$stationPrefixLength =
&read_config_string( $Config, 'ctd', 'stationPrefixLength' );
$btlType = &read_config_string( $Config, 'btl', 'type' );
$btlSn = &read_config_string( $Config, 'btl', 'sn' );
$title_summary = &read_config_string( $Config, 'btl', 'title_summary' );
$comment = &read_config_string( $Config, 'btl', 'comment' );
$header = &read_config_string( $Config, 'btl', 'header' );
$split = &read_config_string( $Config, 'btl', 'split' );
$format = &read_config_string( $Config, 'btl', 'format' );
# write XML header to output _ctd.xml file using oceano.dtd
sub write_xml_header {
my $today = &dateFormat( undef, "%d/%m/%Y" );
print XML_BTL_FILE "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$encoding\"?>\n";
# les commentaires ne sont pas acceptés par XML Toolbox Matlab de Geodise
if ( $dtd eq 'local' ) {
"<!DOCTYPE OCEANO SYSTEM \"$dtdLocalPath/$cycle_mesure/local/oceano.dtd\">\n";
else {
. "\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <ENTETE>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <LIBELLE>$plateforme</LIBELLE>\n";
" <CYCLE_MESURE CONTEXTE=\"$contexte\" TIMEZONE=\"$timezone\" FORMAT=\"$format_date\">\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <LIBELLE>$cycle_mesure</LIBELLE>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <DATE_DEBUT>$begin_date</DATE_DEBUT>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <DATE_FIN>$end_date</DATE_FIN>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <INSTITUT>$institute</INSTITUT>\n";
" <ACQUISITION LOGICIEL=\"$acquisitionSoftware\" version=\"$acquisitionVersion\"></ACQUISITION>\n";
" <TRAITEMENT LOGICIEL=\"$processingSoftware\" version=\"$processingVersion\"></TRAITEMENT>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <CODE>$processing_code</CODE>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <COMMENTAIRE>$title_summary</COMMENTAIRE>\n";
" <INSTRUMENT TYPE=\"$btlType\" NUMERO_SERIE=\"$btlSn\">\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " </ENTETE>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " <DATA>\n";
# fonctions de calcul de la position/date
sub position {
my ( $deg, $min, $hemi ) = @_;
my $sign = 1;
if ( $hemi eq "S" || $hemi eq "W" ) {
$sign = -1;
my $tmp = $min;
$min = abs $tmp;
my $sec = ( $tmp - $min ) * 100;
return ( ( $deg + ( $min + $sec / 100 ) / 60 ) * $sign );
#sub julian {
# my($jj,$h,$m) = @_;
# my $tmp = (($h * 60) + $m ) / 1440;
# return( $jj + $tmp );
# entete ODV
sub entete_odv {
my $today = &dateFormat( undef, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" );
my $cwd = getcwd();
print ODV_FILE "//ODV Spreadsheet file : $odv_file\n";
print ODV_FILE "//Data treated : $today\n";
print ODV_FILE "//<DataType>Profiles</DataType>\n";
print ODV_FILE "//<InstrumentType>$btlType</InstrumentType>\n";
print ODV_FILE "//<Source>$cwd</Sources>\n";
print ODV_FILE "//<Creator>$creator</Creator>\n";
print ODV_FILE "//\n";
print ODV_FILE
"Cruise\tStation\tType\tyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss\tLongitude [degrees_east]\tLatitude [degrees_north]\tBot. Depth [m]\tBTL\tPres [db]\tTE01 [C]\tTE02 [C]\tPSA1 [Psu]\tPSA2 [Psu]\tDO12 [micromole/kg]\tDO22 [micromole/kg]\tFLU2 [milligram/m3]\t TUR3 [%]\tPotemp090 [C]\tCPotemp190C [C]\n";
# Debut du programme principal
#&Date_Init( "TZ=UTC" );
&usage if ( $#ARGV == -1 );
# define files name
$hdr_file = lc $ascii_dir . $cycle_mesure . '-all.btl';
$btl_file = lc $ascii_dir . $cycle_mesure . '-all_btl';
$xml_file = lc $ascii_dir . $cycle_mesure . '-all_btl.xml';
$odv_file = lc $odv_dir . $cycle_mesure . '-all_btl-odv.txt';
# get variables liste order from header
@header = split /\s+/, $header;
# convert variable $split from config.ini to hash, ex $split = bottle,1,month,2,...
%split = split /,/, $split;
# convert output format fron config.ini to hash
@format = split /\s+/, $format;
# build hash %format with key: PRES, value: %7.3f
my @tmp = @format;
foreach my $key (@header) {
$format{$key} = shift @tmp;
# test if output dirs exist and create them if not
mkdir($odv_dir) unless ( -d $odv_dir );
mkdir($ascii_dir) unless ( -d $ascii_dir );
# ouvre les fichiers de sortie
open( HDR_BTL_FILE, "+> $hdr_file" ) or die "Can't open file : $hdr_file\n";
open( BTL_FILE, "+> $btl_file" ) or die "Can't open file : $btl_file\n";
open( XML_BTL_FILE, "+> $xml_file" ) or die "Can't open file : $xml_file\n";
open( ODV_FILE, "+> $odv_file" ) or die "Can't open file : $odv_file\n";
" St Date_deb Heure_deb Date_fin Heure_fin Latitude Longitude Nb_btl\n\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE "$header\n";
$header_file = "$cycle_mesure $plateforme $institute $btlType $btlSn $pi";
print BTL_FILE "$header_file\n";
print BTL_FILE "$header\n";
# read SBE35 files
my $dir_sbe35 = 'data/sbe35/';
#my @files = grep ( -f ,<*.txt>);
## see:
foreach my $file_sbe35 ( grep ( -f, <data/sbe35/*.asc> ) ) {
# recupere le numero de la station dans le nom du fichier
($PRFL) = ( $file_sbe35 =~ m/$cruisePrefix(\d{$stationPrefixLength})/i );
# ouverture du fichier
open( SBE35_FILE, $file_sbe35 );
print STDERR "Lit: $file_sbe35\n" if $debug;
my $i = 1;
while (<SBE35_FILE>) {
if ( not( /^[*#]/ || /^\s*$/ || /^dd/ ) ) {
# print STDERR $_;
if (/t90\s*=\s*(\d*\.\d*)/) {
$t90sbe35 = ($1 >= 99.999) ? 1e+36 : $1;
$sbe35{"$PRFL:$i"} = $t90sbe35;
print STDERR $sbe35{"$PRFL:$i"} . "\n" if $debug;
close SBE35_FILE;
# parcourt des fichiers .btl passes en argument sur la ligne de commande
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#ARGV ; $i++ ) {
my $fileName = $ARGV[$i];
# ouverture du fichier
open( DATA_FILE, $fileName );
print STDERR "\nLit: $fileName " if $debug;
# recupere le numero de la station dans le nom du fichier
($PRFL) = ( $fileName =~ m/$cruisePrefix(\d{$stationPrefixLength})/i );
$BOTL = 0;
# on lit le fichier bouteille
while (<DATA_FILE>) {
# decode la date et heure de debut de station
if (/System UpLoad Time =\s+(\.*)/) { # a modifier suivant le contexte
($time) = /System UpLoad Time =\s+(\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)/;
$date = &ParseDate($time);
# transforme le day_of_year en julian day
$julien = &UnixDate( $time, "%j" ) - 1;
$julien = &julian(
&UnixDate( $date, "%H" ),
&UnixDate( $date, "%M" ),
&UnixDate( $date, "%S" )
$s_date = &UnixDate( $date, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" );
#$t_date = &UnixDate($date,"%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
$t_date = &UnixDate( $date, "%q" );
if (/NMEA Latitude\s*=\s*(\d+\s+\d+.\d+\s+\w)/) {
( $lat_deg, $lat_min, $lat_hemi ) = split " ", $1;
$lat_pos = &position( $lat_deg, $lat_min, $lat_hemi );
if (/NMEA Longitude\s*=\s*(\d+\s+\d+.\d+\s+\w)/) {
( $long_deg, $long_min, $long_hemi ) = split " ", $1;
$long_pos = &position( $long_deg, $long_min, $long_hemi );
# print header and add 1e36 to complement columns
printf XML_BTL_FILE "%05d %d %7.3f %7.4f %8.4f %s", $PRFL, $code,
$julien, $lat_pos, $long_pos, $t_date;
printf XML_BTL_FILE " 1e36" x ( @header - 6 );
printf XML_BTL_FILE "\n";
printf BTL_FILE "%05d %d %7.3f %7.4f %8.4f %s", $PRFL, $code, $julien,
$lat_pos, $long_pos, $t_date;
printf BTL_FILE " 1e36" x ( @header - 6 );
printf BTL_FILE "\n";
# decodage du fond (sonde)
if (/Bottom Depth\s*:\s*(\d*)\s*\S*/i) {
$bottom_depth = ( $1 eq '' ) ? 1e+36 : $1;
# decode la date de chaque prelevement et extrait les donnees dans la ligne correspondante
# les parametres suivants doivent etre presents:
# Bottle Date Sal00 Sal11 Sbeox0ML/L Sbeox0Mm/Kg Sbeox1ML/L Sbeox1Mm/Kg Sbeox0dOV/dT Sbeox1dOV/dT PrDM DepSM
# T090C T190C C0S/m C1S/m Sbeox0V Sbeox1V (optionnels) FlECO-AFL Xmiss
# amop
# Bottle Date Sal00 Sal11 Sbeox0ML/L Sbeox0Mm/Kg Sbeox1ML/L Sbeox1Mm/Kg TimeJ PrDM DepSM T090C T190C
# C0S/m C1S/m Sbeox0V Sbeox1V Upoly0 FlC CStarAt0 CStarTr0 Spar Par Cpar Sbeox0dOV/dT Sbeox1dOV/dT
# Position Time
# TUR3 -> CStarTr0 (transmissiometre Wetlab %)
# TUR4 -> Upoly0 (turbidimètre)
# LGHT;LIGHT IRRADIANCE IMMERGED PAR;micromole photon/(m2.s);0;4000;%8.3lf;9999.999;
# LGH3;float32;light irradiance corrected par;;micromole photon/(m2.s);;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;3000;%8.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;;
# LGH4;LIGHT IRRADIANCE SURFACE PAR;micromole photon/(m2.s);0;3000;%8.3lf;9999.999;
# LGH5 -> CPar (%)
# #LGHT;LIGHT IRRADIANCE IMMERGED PAR;micromole photon/(m2.s);0;4000;%8.3lf;
# FLU2 -> FlC (Chelsea Acquatracka III)
if (/^\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+/) {
# extract values and fill hash %data with position give by hash %split from config.ini
@data = split /\s+/;
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%split) ) {
$data{$key} = $data[$value];
$date =
&ParseDate( $data{'month'} . ' ' . $data{'day'} . ' ' . $data{'year'} );
$e_date = &UnixDate( $date, "%d/%m/%Y" );
$iso_date = &UnixDate( $date, "%Y-%m-%dT" );
# a changer eventuellement si LADCP et choix "table driven" dans seaseave
$BOTL += 1;
# only for profile number or station
$data{'PRFL'} = $PRFL;
# print for each value from hash %data with format from hash %format describe in config.ini
foreach my $key (@header) {
if ( $key eq 'TE35' ) {
my $TE35 = defined $sbe35{"$PRFL:$BOTL"} ? $sbe35{"$PRFL:$BOTL"} : 1e36;
printf XML_BTL_FILE "$format{$key} ", $TE35;
printf BTL_FILE "$format{$key} ", $TE35;
else {
printf XML_BTL_FILE "$format{$key} ", $data{$key};
printf BTL_FILE "$format{$key} ", $data{$key};
printf XML_BTL_FILE "\n";
printf BTL_FILE "\n";
# decode l'heure sur la ligne suivante
if (/\s+(\d+:\d+:\d+)/) {
($time) = /\s+(\d+:\d+:\d+)/;
$date = &ParseDate($time);
$e_time = &UnixDate( $date, "%H:%M:%S" );
if ( $BOTL >= 1 ) {
printf ODV_FILE "%s\t%05d\t%s\t%s\t%8.4f\t%7.4f",
$cycle_mesure, $PRFL, $type_odv,
$iso_date . &UnixDate( $date, "%H:%M:%S" ),
$long_pos, $lat_pos;
printf ODV_FILE ( $bottom_depth > 1e35 ) ? "\t" : "\t%6.1f",
printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'BOTL'}", $data{'BOTL'};
printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'PRES'}", $data{'PRES'};
printf ODV_FILE ( $data{'TE01'} > 1e35 ) ? "\t" : "\t$format{'TE01'}",
printf ODV_FILE ( $data{'TE02'} > 1e35 ) ? "\t" : "\t$format{'TE02'}",
printf ODV_FILE ( $data{'PSA1'} > 1e35 ) ? "\t" : "\t$format{'PSA1'}",
printf ODV_FILE ( $data{'PSA2'} > 1e35 ) ? "\t" : "\t$format{'PSA2'}",
printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'DO21'}", $data{'DO21'};
printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'DO22'}", $data{'DO22'};
printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'FLU2'}", $data{'FLU2'};
printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'TUR3'}", $data{'TUR3'};
#printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'Potemp090C'}", $data{'Potemp090C'};
#printf ODV_FILE "\t$format{'Potemp190C'}\n", $data{'Potemp190C'};
# pour chaque fichier, on garde la date et heure de la derniere bouteille
# impression a l'ecran
printf STDERR "%05d %s %s %s %02d%c%05.2f %s %03d\xB0%05.2f %s %2d",
$s_date, $e_date, $e_time, $lat_deg, 176, $lat_min, $lat_hemi, $long_deg,
$long_min, $long_hemi, $BOTL
if $echo;
printf STDERR "\n" if not $debug and $echo;
# impression dans le fichier
printf HDR_BTL_FILE "%05d %s %s %s %02d%c%05.2f %s %03d%c%05.2f %s %2d\n",
$PRFL, $s_date, $e_date, $e_time, $lat_deg, 176, $lat_min, $lat_hemi,
$long_deg, 176, $long_min, $long_hemi, $BOTL;
printf STDERR "\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE " </DATA>\n";
print XML_BTL_FILE "</OCEANO>\n";
close BTL_FILE;
close ODV_FILE;
author = "jgrelet IRD jmarch 2019 PIRATA-FR29 cruise"
debug = false
echo = true
cycleMesure = "PIRATA-FR29"
plateforme = "THALASSA"
callsign = "FNFP"
institute = "IRD"
timezone = "GMT"
beginDate = "01/03/2019"
endDate = "04/04/2019"
pi = "BOURLES"
creator = ""
cruisePrefix = "fr29"
# profile name : fr29xxx
station = 'Station\s*:\s*\D*(\d*)'
stationPrefixLength = 3
titleSummary = "CTD profiles processed during PIRATA-FR29 cruise"
typeInstrument = "SBE911+"
instrumentNumber = "09P1263"
isHeader = '^[*#]'
isDevice = [ '^\*\s+(Sea-Bird)','(\*END\*)' ]
latitude = ['Latitude\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+(\w)','NMEA Latitude\s*=\s*(\d+\s+\d+.\d+\s+\w)']
longitude = ['Longitude\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+(\w)','NMEA Longitude\s*=\s*(\d+\s+\d+.\d+\s+\w)']
date = 'Date\s*:\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)'
hour = '[Heure|Hour]\s*:\s*(\d+)[:hH](\d+):(\d+)'
bottomDepth = 'Bottom Depth\s*:\s*(\d*\.?\d+?)\s*\S*'
operator = 'Operator\s*:\s*(.*)'
type = 'Type\s*:\s*(.*)'
split = "ETDD,2,PRES,3,DEPTH,4,TEMP,5,PSAL,18,DENS,20,SVEL,22,DOX2,16,FLU2,14,FLU3,15,TUR3,13,NAVG,24"
splitAll = "ETDD,2,PRES,3,DEPH,4,TE01,5,TE02,6,CND1,7,CND2,8,DOV1,9,DOV2,10,DVT1,11,DVT2,12,TUR3,13,FLU2,14,FLU3,15,DO12,16,DO22,17,PSA1,18,PSA2,19,DEN1,20,DEN2,21,SVEL,22,NAVG,24"
typeInstrument = "SBE32 standard 24 Niskin bottles"
instrumentNumber = "unknown"
titleSummary = "Water sample during PIRATA-FR29 cruise with 20 levels"
comment = "CTD bottles water sampling with temperature, salinity and oxygen from primary and secondary sensors"
split = ' BOTL,1,month,2,day,3,year,4,PSA1,5,PSA2,6,DO11,7,DO12,8,DO21,9,DO22,10,Potemp090C,11,Potemp190C,12,ETDD,13,PRES,14,DEPH,15,TE01,16,TE02,17,CND1,18,CND2,19,DOV1,20,DOV2,21,DVT1,22,DVT2,23,TUR3,24,FLU2,25'
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