jacques.grelet_ird.fr authoredjacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
test.toml 4.23 KiB
author = "jgrelet IRD March 2019 PIRATA-FR29 cruise"
debug = false
echo = true
codeRoscop = 'C:\git\python\oceano2python\code_roscop.csv'
#codeRoscop = '/home/jgrelet/git/oceano2python/code_roscop.csv'
ascii = "ascii"
netcdf = "netcdf"
odv = "odv"
cycleMesure = "PIRATA-FR29"
plateforme = "THALASSA"
callsign = "FNFP"
institute = "IRD"
timezone = "GMT"
beginDate = "01/03/2019"
endDate = "04/04/2019"
pi = "BOURLES"
creator = "Jacques.Grelet@ird.fr"
cruisePrefix = "fr29"
station = 'Station\s*:\s*\D*(\d*)'
stationPrefixLength = 3
titleSummary = "CTD profiles processed during PIRATA-FR29 cruise"
typeInstrument = "SBE911+"
instrumentNumber = "09P1263"
isHeader = '^[*#]'
DATETIME = 'System UpLoad Time\s*=\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)'
LATITUDE = 'NMEA\s+Latitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\w)'
LONGITUDE = 'NMEA\s+Longitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+(\w)'
DATE = 'Date\s*:\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)'
TIME = '[Heure|Hour]\s*:\s*(\d+)[:hH](\d+):(\d+)'
bottomDepth = 'Bottom Depth\s*:\s*(\d*\.?\d+?)\s*\S*'
operator = 'Operator\s*:\s*(.*)'
type = 'Type\s*:\s*(.*)'
typeInstrument = "SBE32 standard 24 Niskin bottles"
instrumentNumber = "unknown"
titleSummary = "Water sample during PIRATA-FR29 cruise with 20 levels"
comment = "CTD bottles water sampling with temperature, salinity and oxygen from primary and secondary sensors"
cruisePrefix = "fr29"
stationPrefixLength = 3
typeInstrument = "SIPPICAN+"
instrumentNumber = "N/A"
acquisitionSoftware = "WinMK21"
acquisitionVersion = "2.10.1"
processingSoftware = ""
processingVersion = ""
type = "SIPPICAN"
sn = "01150"
title_summary = "XBT profiles processed during PIRATA-FR29 cruise"
comment = "Extract from .edf files"
endHeader = 'Depth\s*\(m\)'
TIME = 'Time of Launch\s*[:=]\s*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)'
DATE = 'Date of Launch\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)'
DATETIME = 'System UpLoad Time\s*=\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)'
LATITUDE = 'Latitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)(\w)'
LONGITUDE = 'Longitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d+)(\w)'
cruisePrefix = "fr29"
stationPrefixLength = 3
separator = ","
acquisitionSoftware = "COLCOR"
acquisitionVersion = ""
processingSoftware = ""
processingVersion = ""
type = "SBE21"
sn = 3199
calDate = "14/01/2019"
externalType = "SBE3S"
externalSn = 4074
externalCalDate = "16/01/2018"
depth_intake = 4
title_summary = "Thermosalinograph data acquired with Seabird SBE21 instrument and reduce with THECSAS/COLCOR"
comment = "Extract from .colcor files"
cruisePrefix = "fr29"
stationPrefixLength = 3
typeInstrument = "LADCP 150/300"
instrumentNumber = "12817"
acquisitionSoftware = "BBTALK"
acquisitionVersion = 3.04
processingSoftware = "MATLAB-VISBECK"
processingVersion = "10.16.2"
upType = "WH300"
upSn = "24085"
downType = "WH150"
downSn = "24543"
title_summary = "IFM-GEOMAR/LDEO Matlab LADCP-Processing system adapted by FM/PR/JG"
comment = "Extract from .lad files"
endHeader = 'Columns'
DATE = 'Date\s*=\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)'
TIME = 'Start_Time\s*=\s*(\d+)[:hH](\d+):(\d+)'
LATITUDE = 'Latitude\s*[:=]\s*([-+]?\d+\.\d+)'
LONGITUDE = 'Longitude\s*[:=]\s*([-]?\d+.\d+)'
ETDD = 1
PRES = 2
TEMP = 4
PSAL = 17
DENS = 19
SVEL = 21
DOX2 = 15
FLU2 = 13
FLU3 = 14
TUR3 = 12
NAVG = 23
ETDD = 2
PRES = 3
TE01 = 5
TE02 = 6
CND1 = 7
CND2 = 8
DOV1 = 9
DOV2 = 10
DVT1 = 11
DVT2 = 12
TUR3 = 13
FLU2 = 14
FLU3 = 15
DO12 = 16
DO22 = 17
PSA1 = 18
PSA2 = 19
DEN1 = 20
DEN2 = 21
SVEL = 22
NAVG = 23
BOTL = 1
month = 2
day = 3
year = 4
PSA1 = 5
PSA2 = 6
DO11 = 7
DO12 = 8
DO21 = 9
DO22 = 10
Potemp090C = 11
Potemp190C = 12
ETDD = 13
PRES = 14
DEPH = 15
TE01 = 16
TE02 = 17
CND1 = 18
CND2 = 19
DOV1 = 20
DOV2 = 21
DVT1 = 22
DVT2 = 23
TUR3 = 24
FLU2 = 25
TEMP = 1
SVEL = 2
EWCT = 1
NSCT = 2
SSJT = 1
SSTP = 2
SSPS = 3