Program for processing ADCP mooring data
ADCP_mooring_data_processing need a version of Matlab >= R2006b. The most recent version tested are R2022b (Windows) and R2022b (Linux)
Cloning ADCP_mooring_data_processing repository
Clone the repository:
git clone
or getting the last zip archive:
Quick start
Open template_get_adcp_data.m
Input parameters specific to the mooring:
Raw file location (file with .000 extension)
Output directory
Cruise name
Mooring name (ex: '0-10W')
Mooring longitude and latitude ([deg-min])
Clock drift
Adcp serial number (ex: 15258)
Adcp type (ex: '150 khz Quartermaster')
Adcp direction (ex: 'up') % upward-looking 'up', downward-looking 'dn'
Adcp depth (ex: 150) % nominal instrument depth
Adcp number if more than 1 Adcp
Processing steps
- Data reading
- Correct clock drift (linear drift)
- Determine first and last indices when instrument was at depth
- Correction of magnetic deviation
- Percent good threshold
- Remove bad attitude (pitch-roll) data
- Calculate depth of each bin
- Depth correction from surface reflection (if ADCP is upward-looking)
- Remove "shadow zone" data (if ADCP is upward-looking)
- Grid data on a regular vertical grid
- Temporal interpolation to fill gaps
- Remove tide effect
- Interpolate data on a regular temporal grid (6hour)
- Save data as netcdf (version 1)
French version