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  • climato_interp
  • map_proj
  • master default protected
  • v1.50
  • v1.50rc1
  • v1.48.5rc6
  • v1.48.5rc5
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Apr20Jan14131117Dec26Oct27May1965430Apr6Jan6Dec54Nov3131Oct28Aug2617Feb20Jan22Nov23Oct1030Sep161324Jun181449Apr28Jan18161428Nov2726235Oct42Feb30Jan2017131211104229Nov2524228Oct107528Sep272622131Aug221918Jul30Mar22Feb2127Jan10Dec98632122Nov1229Oct288Sep26Aug4229Jul14Jun93131May27212026Apr22211716151376231Mar3026Feb2423525Jan18141312111087517Dec161593125Nov18226Oct12824Sep22181715111094226Aug252410Jun3219May420Apr161528Mar27252423212032127Feb262524231817131265428Jan26191322Dec161020Nov729Oct2110Jun930May137630Apr25242316151411108742131Mar2827252120191817141312111087654329Feb251513115331Jan302928272524232221201817161514111098add release notes files, from v1.42 to current versionmove updateTsgStructWithSmoothVars(hMainFig) from tsg_preferences.m to the end of tsg_initialisation.mcomment debugmove code to function updateTsgStructWithSmoothVars add old constant tsg.cst.TSG_WS_TIMEDIFF, tsg.SSPS_STDMAX and tsg.cst.TSG_DT_SMOOTH in preferenceFormremove DELIMITER choixparametres( fid, );Ecriture du débit (variable FLOW) dans les fichiers ASCII au format "*.tsgqc"add test on date and time read from file with a regexpadd directories for compiler versions 64 bits under Windowsuse native xml_read function instead of xml_parseany which was in p code version that gave a warning message during compilation cycleAdding the readme file describing the configuration and necessary files list used with the compiled versionplot climatology only for SSPS, SSTP parametersupdate project file with R2012b runtime, add tsg_data/ file and ISA climatology from LPOpositions with a bad QC are interpolatedupdate INSTALL in english and french with ISA13 climatologysome update about initialization of POSITION_QC add climatology ISAS13 from LPOset POSITION_QC from LATX_QC or LONX_QC after validationupdate TSGQC_amelioration.xlsrename INSTALL file to INSTALL_FRremove accents and add some correctionsreturn to r2012b version, to many bugs with R2014bproject file tested with compiler R2013brename format string by theFormat. change v1.41 to 1.42save compiler project with new R2013 formatchange format from %g to %e change format %f by %8.7g for calibration coefficients bug correction from D. Diverres on headerForm.m coefficientsadd a tabulation on comment line 70Fichier de test commit suppriméTest de commitG. AloryCorrection d'un bug sur la lecture des données bouteilles (.btl)Donne la possibilite d'écrire dans le fichier ASCII (*.tsgqc) les paramètres MAJ fichier améliorationDans UIGETFILE modifie l'ordre d'affichage d'ouverture des fichiers *.lbv en premierPb lorsque le tableau "freq" ne contient pas 2 élèmentsupdate comment for version numberadd script used with ncatted (netCDF Attribute Editor) and written by G. Alory