- Jul 04, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
Replace WOA01 climatology with the last WOA13 Add a directory tsg_tools/climatology with scripts used to produce climatologies update Release notes and install files improve checking for climatology file existence
- Jul 03, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
update R2012 compiler project update PI from C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\@netcdf_native\tsgqc_netcdf.xls
- Jun 28, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
update compiler projects change the logo with SNO-SSS
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
set map cursor as arrow by default, during zoom, cursor is set to custom and is display as black square on map set(get(hPlotAxes(4), 'parent'), 'pointer', 'arrow');
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
Update ReleaseNotes
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
- Jun 27, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
add tsg_data/RECHERCHE with example files from R/V ATALANTE, THALASSA and ANTEA
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
- Jun 26, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
Add get_active_QC function used to set tsg.qc.active.Code with the selected radio button replace EraseMode property line with drawnow; add zoom out contextual menu
- Jun 25, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
Re-draw the map in QC mode In function Bottle_OnMenuCallback update tsg with getappdata after diffTsgSample (bug with empty tsg.EXT_DIF if user try to apply a QC first on bottle sample) Redraw the map (update) when QC change from contextual menu remove unused OldCorCancelCallback function replace all Callback(hObject, eventdata) by (src, event) add DOCUMENTION section
- Jun 21, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
'Reset to Original view' - add a warning in BUGS file: Warning: Setting the "KeyPressFcn" property is not permitted while this mode is active. > In uitools.uimodemanager.uimodemanager>localModeWarn at 83 In uitools.uimodemanager.uimodemanager>@(obj,evd)(localModeWarn(obj,evd,hThis)) at 63 In tsgqc>Map_OffMenuCallback at 2722
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
add 2 news popup menus in option/preferencesForm.m - add border in degrees in full map mode - add patch on/off to display map from gshhs or 'world_x.mat' files add batch mode as tsgqc('COLIBRI/Coli1606.nc')
- Jun 18, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
point1 = get(gcbo,'CurrentPoint'); % button down detected rbbox; % Create rubberband box for area selection point2 = get(gcbo,'CurrentPoint'); % button up detected if p1 == p2 do nothing if p1 == p2 %disp('p1 == p2'); return end update version to 1.48.2 with m_map border
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
- May 31, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
add comment at the end of csv file, with Matlab version > R2012b, the last line with MISSING_VALUE field isn't read Error using hashtable/subsref (line 30) object for key: code not a valid struct object. Error in automaticQC (line 31) MISSING_VALUE = tsg.qc.hash.MISSING_VALUE.code;
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
blank line doesn't work under R2012b
- May 30, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
- May 29, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
keep the last tsg extension file in tsg.preference using circshift tsg.preference.fileExtension = ... circshift(tsg.preference.fileExtension, 1 - filterIndex); update to v1.481
- May 28, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
Index exceeds matrix dimensions. If user select a wrong file, the message box fail with fileName don't exist, replace by fullFileName
- May 25, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
corTsgBias.m : Regroupement moyenne et écart-type dans une même boîte de dialogue pour la correction de biais. tsg_initialisation.m et tsgqc.m : Implémentation des fonctions Undo/Redo lors de l'attribution des flags QC update version to 1.48
- Apr 03, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
update ReleaseNotes
- Mar 28, 2018
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
% Update the radio button corresponding to the selected % QC context menu (rbg : RadioButtonGroup) radioTag = ['TAG_QC_RADIO_' char(key)]; add zoom out after each plot_Validation % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure and unzoom as the new % plot keep in memory the preceding zoom % ----------------------------------------- plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.plot.parameter{1} ); zoom out; plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.plot.parameter{2} ); zoom out; plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.plot.parameter{3} ); zoom out; correct but in plot_Validation that display wrong vertical label, plot EXT var before VAR to get the rigth vertical label as SSPS instead of SSP_EXT_2 undo: disable unknow plot_SalTempVel function
- Mar 29, 2017
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
- Mar 27, 2017
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
use iconReadMat.m instead of iconRead.m in tgs_util, used to load .mat icon file. Under the compiled version, icon path was bad Add directory tsg_tools/icons with tool iconRead used to transform .gif and .jpeg to .mat CData Add test with version > R2014b using root properties as get(0, 'Units'), that failed with compiler. if verLessThan('matlab','8.4') set(0,'Units','normalized'); guiLimits = get(0,'ScreenSize'); else r = groot; r.Units = 'normalized'; guiLimits = r.ScreenSize; end
- Feb 02, 2017
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
update R2012 compiler project
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
With the compiled version R2016b, the icons under \MATLAB\R2016b\toolbox\matlab\icons were not included in the runtime !
- Feb 01, 2017
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
and doesn't display correctly degree symbol ô instead of ° ^o is used in m_grid % restore tex interpreter set(0,'DefaulttextInterpreter','tex')
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
With the compiled version R2016b, the icons under \MATLAB\R2016b\toolbox\matlab\icons were not included in the runtime !
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
add simplifications submit by Thierry Reynaud: latRange = (latMax-latMin); latMin = max(floor(latMin), -90); latMax = min(ceil(latMax), 90); lonRange = (lonMax-lonMin); lonMin = floor(lonMin); lonMax = ceil(lonMax);
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
- Jan 31, 2017
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
if verLessThan('matlab','8.4') XLim = get(hPlotAxes(1), 'XLim'); ind = find(tsg.DAYD > XLim(1) & tsg.DAYD < XLim(2)); else ind = find(tsg.DAYD > hPlotAxes(1).XLim(1) & ... tsg.DAYD < hPlotAxes(1).XLim(2) ); end
jacques.grelet_ird.fr authored