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Commit 0dcfa495 authored by Yves Gouriou's avatar Yves Gouriou
Browse files

Suppression de fichier de lecture de fichier texte :

Une seule routine readASCII.

Elimine l'ecriture en ASCII lors de l'ecriture en NETCDF
Utilise maintenant la fonction EXPORT
parent d1e17dea
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% tsg_platform.csv: 14 members & 3 lines with data
% tsg_platform.csv: 14 members & 4 lines with data
% $Id$
......@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ char;char;char;char;char;char;char;char;integer;integer;integer;integer;integer;
function [error] = readTsgDataTsg( hMainFig, filename)
% Function to read the TSG data. Should be a NetCDF file
% Input
% -----
% hMainFig ............ Handle to the main user interface
% filename ........... Data filename
% Output
% ------
% error .............. 1: OK - -1 : an error occured
% The data are store using setappdata - Variable name : 'tsg_data'
% Caution : replace the fill-value with NaN
% $Id: readTsgDataTxt.m 297 2008-03-20 16:33:37Z ygouriou $
% Get the data from the application GUI
% -------------------------------------
tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
% Get the fieldnames of tsg structure
% -----------------------------------
tsgNames = fieldnames(tsg);
nbFieldNames = length( tsgNames );
% Display read file info on console
% ---------------------------------
fprintf('\nREAD_ASCII_FILE\n'); tic;
% Open the file
% -------------
fid = fopen( filename, 'r' );
% Check file
% -----------
if fid == -1
msg_error = ['TSG_GOSUD file_lecture : Open file error : ' filename];
warndlg( msg_error, 'ASCII error dialog');
sprintf('...cannot locate %s\n', filename);
error = -1;
% Display more info about read file on console
% --------------------------------------------
fprintf('...reading %s : ', filename);
% Read the header till the header line has been read
% --------------------------------------------------
OK = 0;
while ~OK
% Read every line
% ---------------
line = fgetl( fid );
c = textscan( line, '%s');
switch char( c{1}(1) )
case '%HEADER'
% Read the header then quit the while loop
% ----------------------------------------
header = c{1}(2:end);
nHeader = length( header );
OK = 1;
% Get the paramete Name (Delete '%')
% ----------------------------------
Para = char( strtok(c{1}(1), '%') );
% Read the parameter value
% ------------------------
ind = strmatch( Para, tsgNames);
if ~isempty( ind )
tsg.(Para) = char( c{1}(2) );
% Read the data in a cell
% -----------------------
cellData = textscan( fid, '%f' );
% Convert the data to double
% --------------------------
nCol = nHeader;
mLine = length( cellData{:} )/nCol;
data = NaN * ones( mLine, nCol );
ind = 0;
for i = 1:mLine
for j = 1:nCol
ind = ind + 1;
data(i,j) = cellData{1}(ind);
clear cellData
% Date (y m d h m s) in the first 6 elements in data
% --------------------------------------------------
tsg.DAYD = datenum(data(:,1), data(:,2),data(:,3),data(:,4),data(:,5),data(:,6));
% Loop over the header. Skip the 6 first elements
% -----------------------------------------------
for i = 7 : nHeader
% QC should be converted in int8
% ------------------------------
if ~isempty( strfind(char(header(i)), '_QC'))
tsg.(char(header(i))) = int8( data(:,i) );
tsg.(char(header(i))) = data(:,i);
% populate tsg.file structure
% ---------------------------
[tsg.file.pathstr,, tsg.file.ext, tsg.file.versn] = ...
fileparts(filename); = filename;
tsg.file.type = 'ASCII';
% Keep somme information for the log file
% --------------------------------------- = filename;
% Save the data in the application GUI
% ------------------------------------
setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );
% Perform somme automatic tests
% -----------------------------
automaticQC( hMainFig );
% Close the file
% --------------
fclose( fid );
% Clear the Workspace
% -------------------
clear data
% Display time to read file on console
% ------------------------------------
t = toc; fprintf('...done (%6.2f sec).\n\n',t);
% Everything OK
% -------------
error = 1;
function [error] = readTsgDataTxt( hMainFig, filename)
% Function to read the TSG data. Should be a NetCDF file
% Input
% -----
% hMainFig ............ Handle to the main user interface
% filename ........... Data filename
% Output
% ------
% error .............. 1: OK - -1 : an error occured
% The data are store using setappdata - Variable name : 'tsg_data'
% Caution : replace the fill-value with NaN
% $Id$
% Get the data from the application GUI
% -------------------------------------
tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
% Display read file info on console
% ---------------------------------
fprintf('\nREAD_ASCII_FILE\n'); tic;
% Open the file
% -------------
fid = fopen( filename, 'r' );
% Check file
% -----------
if fid == -1
msg_error = ['TSG_GOSUD file_lecture : Open file error : ' filename];
warndlg( msg_error, 'ASCII error dialog');
sprintf('...cannot locate %s\n', filename);
error = -1;
% Display more info about read file on console
% --------------------------------------------
fprintf('...reading %s : ', filename);
% Read the file
% -------------
tsgData = fscanf(fid, '%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d %f %f %f %f %d %f %f', [13 Inf])';
% Every variable are put in a structure
% -------------------------------------
tsg.DAYD = datenum(tsgData(:,3), tsgData(:,2),tsgData(:,1), ...
% save original date
% ------------------
tsg.DATE = datestr( tsg.DAYD, 'yyyymmddHHMMSS' );
tsg.LATX = tsgData(:,7);
tsg.LONX = tsgData(:,8);
tsg.SSJT = tsgData(:,9);
tsg.SSPS = tsgData(:,10);
tsg.SSPS_QC = tsgData(:,11);
tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED = tsgData(:,12);
tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR = tsgData(:,13);
tsg.SSJT_QC = tsg.SSPS_QC;
% populate tsg.file structure
% ---------------------------
[tsg.file.pathstr,, tsg.file.ext, tsg.file.versn] = ...
fileparts(filename); = filename;
tsg.file.type = 'ASCII';
% Keep somme information for the log file
% --------------------------------------- = filename;
% Save the data in the application GUI
% ------------------------------------
setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );
% Perform somme automatic tests
% -----------------------------
automaticQC( hMainFig );
% Close the file
% --------------
fclose( fid );
% Clear the Workspace
% -------------------
clear tsgdata
% Display time to read file on console
% ------------------------------------
t = toc; fprintf('...done (%6.2f sec).\n\n',t);
% Everything OK
% -------------
error = 1;
......@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ switch nPlot
% Plot Salinity bucket
% --------------------
% Plot PARA bucket
% -----------------------------
if ~isempty( tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) )
ind = find( tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE']) == 1 );
if ~isempty(ind)
......@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE = [];
tsg.SSTP_SPL = [];
tsg.SSTP_SPL_QC = [];
tsg.SSTP_SPL_TYPE = [];
tsg.SSJT_SPL = [];
tsg.SSJT_SPL_QC = [];
tsg.SSJT_SPL_TYPE = [];
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Constants for the quality control procedure
......@@ -2893,19 +2893,6 @@ end
% ------------------
set( hInfoFileText, 'String', strcat(, tsg.file.ext));
% Write a TXT file
% ----------------
fileName = strcat(, '_w.txt');
error = writeTsgDataTxt(hMainFig, strcat(pathName, fileName));
% Check for TxT writing error - must to be rewriting
% --------------------------------------------------
if error == -1
warning('tsgqc:SaveMenuCallback', ...
'TxT writing error: %s %s', pathName, fileName);
% enable Quality Control mode
% ---------------------------
hdl_pushtool = findobj('Tag', 'QC');
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