jacques.grelet_ird.fr authoredjacques.grelet_ird.fr authored
minSpeedQC.m 1.40 KiB
function minSpeedQC(hMainFig)
% This function is called after option/preferences menu has been activated
% and flag salinity data where ship speed < min as HARBOUR if test is on
% Input
% -----
% hMainFig ............ Handle to the main user interface
% problem: the QC flag counter in 'Validation Codes' window
% is not updated after the test is applied
% $Id$
% Get the data from the application GUI
% -------------------------------------
tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
% Get HARBOUR code value
% ----------------------
harbourCode = tsg.qc.hash.HARBOUR.code;
speed_min = tsg.preference.ship_speed_min_string;
% If necessary replace a comma by a point
% ---------------------------------------
speed_min = regexprep(speed_min, ',', '.');
% If bias not a numeric, str2double return a NaN
% ----------------------------------------------
speed_min = str2double( speed_min );
if isnumeric( speed_min ) && ~isnan( speed_min )
% Set salinity QC to BAD for flow < flow_min
% -----------------------------------------------------
ind = find(tsg.SPDC < speed_min);
if ~isempty( ind )
tsg.SSPS_QC(ind) = castByteQC( harbourCode, ind );
% Save tsg structure
% ------------------
setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
msgbox('Enter a numeric value in the REFERENCE menu', 'Speed QC',...
'error', 'modal');