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readAsciiTsg.m 4.37 KiB
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function [error] = readAsciiTsg( hMainFig, filename )
% Function to read TSG data in ASCII format.
% Input
% -----
% hMainFig ........... Handel to the main user interface
% filename ........... Data filename
% type ............... Can read 3 types of data : WS, EXT, TSG
% Output
% ------
% error .............. 1: OK - -1 : an error occured

% Get the data from the application GUI
% -------------------------------------
tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');

% Get the fieldnames of tsg structure
% -----------------------------------
tsgNames     = fieldnames(tsg);
nbFieldNames = length( tsgNames );

% Get NO_CONTROL code value
% -------------------------
NO_CONTROL = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'NO_CONTROL', 'code');

% Display read file info on console
% ---------------------------------
fprintf('\nREAD_ASCII_FILE\n'); tic;

% Open the file
% -------------
fid = fopen( filename, 'rt' );

% Check file
% -----------
if fid == -1
  msg_error = ['TSG_GOSUD file_lecture : Open file error : ' filename];
  warndlg( msg_error, 'ASCII error dialog');
  sprintf('...cannot locate %s\n', filename);
  error = -1;

% Display more info about read file on console
% --------------------------------------------
fprintf('...reading %s : ', filename);

% Read the header till the header line has been read
% --------------------------------------------------
OK = 0;
while ~OK

  % Read every line
  % ---------------
  line = fgetl( fid );
  c = textscan( line, '%s');

  switch char( c{1}(1) )

    case '%HEADER'

      % Read the header then quit the while loop
      % ----------------------------------------
      header = c{1}(2:end);
      nHeader = length( header );
      OK = 1;


      % Get the parameter Name (Delete '%')
      % ----------------------------------
      Para = char( strtok(c{1}(1), '%') );

      % Read the parameter value
      % ------------------------
      ind = strmatch( Para, tsgNames);
      if ~isempty( ind )
        % patch added for composed name
        % -----------------------------
        a = c{1}(2:end)';
        for i=a
          str = sprintf('%s %s', str, char(i));
        % copy to tsg struct & remove leading and trailing white space
        % ------------------------------------------------------------
        tsg.(Para) = strtrim(str);


% Builld the format depending on the header parameters
% 1 - Decimate the HEADER - The 7th first parameters are always
%     %HEADER YEAR MNTH DAYX hh mm ss
% 2 - The 6 Date and time parametes are read in %d
% -------------------------------------------------------------
format = '%d %d %d %d %d %d';
for i = 7 : nHeader
  format = [format ' %f'];

% Read the data in a cell
% -----------------------
cellData = textscan( fid, format );

% Convert cell to a structure
% ---------------------------
s = cell2struct(cellData, header, 2);

clear cellData

% Date (y m d h m s) in the first 6 elements in data
% --------------------------------------------------
yy = double( s.(char(header(1))) );
mm = double( s.(char(header(2))) );
dd = double( s.(char(header(3))) );
hh = double( s.(char(header(4))) );
mi = double( s.(char(header(5))) );
ss = double( s.(char(header(6))) ); = filename;
tsg.DAYD = datenum(yy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss);
tsg.DATE = datestr( tsg.DAYD, 'yyyymmddHHMMSS' );

nHeader = length( header );
for i = 7 : nHeader

  % QC should be converted in int8
  % ----------------------------------
  if ~isempty( strfind(char(header(i)), '_QC'))
    tsg.(char(header(i))) = int8(s.(char(header(i))));
    tsg.(char(header(i))) = s.(char(header(i)));


% populate tsg.file structure
% ---------------------------
[tsg.file.pathstr,, tsg.file.ext, tsg.file.versn] = ...

% Perform somme automatic tests
% -----------------------------
automaticQC( hMainFig );

tsg.file.type = 'ASCII';

% Save the data in the application GUI
% ------------------------------------
setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );

% Close the file
% --------------
fclose( fid );

% Display time to read file on console
% ------------------------------------
t = toc; fprintf('...done (%6.2f sec).\n\n',t);

% Everything OK
% -------------
error = 1;
