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display_QC.m 1.97 KiB
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function display_QC( hGUI, hAxes )
% Function to plot the Water Sample measurements
% Input
% -----
% hGUI ............... Handel to the user interface
% hAxes .............. Handels to the graphic axes
% Output
% ------'s avatar committed
% $Id$

% Retrieve named application data
% -------------------------------
tsg    = getappdata( hGUI, 'tsg_data');

% get panel handle
% ----------------
hdlPanel = findobj(hGUI, 'tag', 'TAG_QC_DISPLAY_PANEL');

% get color axes and set 'BackgroundColor' properties of panel handle
% give a transparency effect
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%bgColor = get(hAxes(1), 'Color');
%set(hdlPanel, 'BackgroundColor', bgColor);

% and to his chlidren uicontrol 
% -----------------------------
%   'BackgroundColor', bgColor)
% set panel visible
% -----------------

% get list of keys from hashtable tsg.qc.hash, defined inside
% tsg_initialisation.m
% -----------------------------------------------------------
qc_list = get(tsg.qc.hash);

% iterate (loop) on each key store inside hastable
% ------------------------------------------------
for i=1:numel(qc_list)
  % get key and some values in hashtable
  % ------------------------------------
  key   = qc_list{i};
  code = get(tsg.qc.hash, key, 'code');
  % get the uicontrol handle from tag construct with key
  % ----------------------------------------------------
  hdlText = findobj(hGUI, 'tag', ['TAG_QC_TEXT_' key]);
  % find number of sample flag with this QC code
  % --------------------------------------------
  ind = find(tsg.SSPS_QC == code);
  % if index empty, no data with this flag, set field to zero (char)
  % ----------------------------------------------------------------
  if isempty(ind)
    set(hdlText, 'String', '0');
    set(hdlText, 'String', num2str(numel(ind)));