Wiki Config
As a reminder, this gitlab repository are intended to meet the following needs :
- To gather in a repository, numerical ocean models and configurations that can be shared by the greatest number of people in the different LEGOS teams.
- To give better access and handling.
- To make easy the reuse of configurations and the reproducibility of the simulations.
- To organize and prioritize content for presentation to users.
- To communicate about available codes and configurations, as well as researchers and associated articles; to keep users in contact with configuration developers.
- To make easy the deployment of configurations on the lab.
These wiki pages is a first documentation of the Nemo and Croco configurations which has been set up. It contains various works of researchers and scientists.
- setup
- postprocessing inputs (empty)
- Before run
- Simple run
- First Use (For Mesh mask building for instance)
- Setup interannual run