Sen2Chain is a simple utility written in Python 3 to download and process Sentinel-2 images.
It uses the `sentinelsat <>`_ and `peps_download <>`_ packages to find and download data, and ESA's `Sen2Cor <>`_ processor to perform atmospheric, terrain and cirrus correction.
* downloading of L1C (top of atmosphere) products from Scihub and PEPS mirrors;
* processing of L1C to L2A (bottom of atmosphere) products;
* computing of radiometric indices;
* time series extraction of thoses indices;
* full automatization of the above features.
All these features can be launched in multiprocessing.
* TOSCA S2-Malaria project, funded by CNES (TOSCA 2017-2020);
* INTERREG Renovrisk-impact project (2018-2020).
Development and improvment :
This project is open to anyone willing to help. You can contribute by adding new features, reporting and fixing bugs, or propose new ideas.