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Species Distribution Modeling applied to Aedes albopictus breeding sites in public spaces (Montpellier) and generating an environmental bias map


This project contains the necessary scripts to perform :

  • Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) using biomod2 package in R with environmental variables and breeding sites data of Aedes albopictus. This script allows the calculation of presence probabilities.
  • Exploration of environmental biases between breeding sites data and environmental variables.


Before running the scripts, make sure you have the following R packages installed:

install.packages(c("biomod2", "raster", "rgdal", "sp", "ggplot2", "FactorMineR", "terra", "dplyr","sf"))


1. Species Distribution Modeling (SDM)

Script: biomod2_breeding_sites_public_spaces.R

This script processes breeding site presence data (.csv) and environmental variables (.tif raster files) to model the distribution of Aedes albopictus breeding sites in public spaces. The workflow includes:

  1. Loading Data: Import presence data and raster layers of environmental variables.

  2. Data Formatting: Prepare the data for biomod2.

  3. Running Individual Models: Train different SDM algorithms and evaluate their performance.

  4. Assessing Model Performance: Extract evaluation scores and variable importance scores.

  5. Plotting Response Curves: Visualize the relationships between environmental variables and the species presence.

  6. Ensemble Modeling: Combine multiple individual models to improve prediction accuracy.

  7. Projection: Apply the final model to the entire study area to generate probability maps of breeding site presence.

2. Sampling Bias Analysis

Script: sampling_bias_mtp.R

This script analyzes potential sampling biases by comparing the spatial distribution of presence data with the underlying environmental variables. It includes:

  1. Loading data

  2. Extraction Environmental Characteristics : Extract environmental variables at breeding site locations from the environmental raster stack.

  3. Performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) : Identify how well the sampled sites represent the environmental variability of the study area

  4. Calculating Environmental Distance to Sampled Sites: Compute the minimum environmental distance between each point in the study area and the closest sampled breeding site.

  5. Generating an Environmental Bias Map: Convert the computed environmental distances into a raster layer for visualization and analysis.

Data Requirements

Presence Data: A .csv file with at least two columns: longitude, latitude (WGS84 projection recommended).

Environmental Data: Raster layers (.tif format) representing environmental variables (e.g., spectral indices, textural indices, percentage of land cover, temperature, humidity).


  • Model performance metrics (AUC, TSS)

  • Variable importance scores

  • Response curves

  • Probability maps of breeding site presence

  • Uncertainty associated with the probabilities

  • Environmental Bias Map