Jérémy AUCLAIR authored
Various code updates. Bug correction and improvements in preprocessing, new python only reprojection method.
Jérémy AUCLAIR authoredVarious code updates. Bug correction and improvements in preprocessing, new python only reprojection method.
calculate_ndvi.py 34.53 KiB
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Python
@author: jeremy auclair
Calculate NDVI images with xarray
import os # for path management
import csv # open csv files
from pystac_client import Client # to send requests to copernicus server
from planetary_computer import sign_inplace # to get access to landsat data
from odc.stac import load # to download copernicus data
from odc.geo.geobox import GeoBox # to create geobox for data download
from fnmatch import fnmatch # for character string comparison
from typing import List, Union, Tuple # to declare variables
import xarray as xr # to manage dataset
import rioxarray # to manage dataset projections
import pandas as pd # to manage dataframes
import rasterio as rio # to open geotiff files
import numpy as np # vectorized math
import geopandas as gpd # to manage shapefile crs projections
from rasterio.enums import Resampling # reprojection algorithms
from datetime import datetime # manage dates
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta # date math
from p_tqdm import p_map # for multiprocessing with progress bars
from dask.distributed import progress # for simple progress bar with dask
from psutil import cpu_count # to get number of physical cores available
from modspa_pixel.config.config import config # to import config file
from modspa_pixel.preprocessing.input_toolbox import product_str_to_datetime, read_product_info, get_band_paths
def download_ndvi_imagery(config_file: str, interp_chunk: dict = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}, scaling: int = 255, acorvi_corr: int = 0) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]:
Use the new Copernicus data ecosystem or Planetarycomputer ecosystem to search and download
clipped and interpolated S2 or LandSat data, calculate NDVI and save it into a precube.
1. config_file: ``str``
path to configuration file
2. interp_chunk: ``dict`` ``default = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}``
dictionnary containing the chunk size for
the xarray dask ndvi interpolation
3. scaling: ``int`` ``default = 255``
integer scaling to save NDVI data as integer values
4. acorvi_corr: ``int`` ``default = 0``
acorvi correction parameter to add to the red band
to adjust ndvi values for THEIA
ndvi_precube_path: ``str``
path to save the ndvi pre-cube
# Open config_file
config_params = config(config_file)
# Load parameters from config file
preferred_provider = config_params.preferred_provider
run_name = config_params.run_name
mode = config_params.mode
start_date = config_params.start_date
end_date = config_params.end_date
shapefile_path = config_params.shapefile_path
resolution = config_params.resolution
cloud_cover_limit = config_params.cloud_cover_limit
if preferred_provider == 'copernicus':
# Set api parameters
url = 'https://earth-search.aws.element84.com/v1'
collection = 'sentinel-2-l2a'
query = {'eo:cloud_cover' : {'lt' : cloud_cover_limit}}
modifier = None
# Set data parameters
red, nir, mask_name = 'red', 'nir', 'scl'
val1, val2 = 4, 5
# Set paths
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'SCIHUB' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
elif preferred_provider == 'usgs':
# Set api parameters
url = 'https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/api/stac/v1'
collection = 'landsat-c2-l2'
query = {'eo:cloud_cover' : {'lt' : cloud_cover_limit}, 'platform': {'in': ['landsat-8', 'landsat-9']}}
modifier = sign_inplace
# Set data parameters
red, nir, mask_name = 'red', 'nir08', 'qa_pixel'
val1, val2 = 21824, 21824
# Set paths
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'USGS' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
# Search parameters
bands = [red, nir, mask_name]
resampling_dict = {red: 'bilinear', nir: 'bilinear', mask_name: 'nearest'}
# Create save paths
ndvi_cube_path = save_dir + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_' + 'pre' * (mode == 'parcel') + 'cube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '.nc' * (mode == 'pixel') + '.tif' * (mode == 'parcel')
dates_file = save_dir + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_precube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '_dates.npy'
# Check if file exists and ndvi overwrite is false
if os.path.exists(ndvi_cube_path) and not config_params.ndvi_overwrite:
if mode == 'pixel':
return ndvi_cube_path
return ndvi_cube_path, dates_file
# Open shapefile containing geometry
shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile_path)
bbox = shapefile.to_crs('EPSG:4326').geometry.total_bounds
# Change start and end date to better cover the chosen period
new_start_date = (datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') - relativedelta(months = 1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
new_end_date = (datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d') + relativedelta(months = 1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# Create request
client = Client.open(url, modifier = modifier)
search = client.search(collections = [collection], bbox = bbox, datetime = new_start_date + '/' + new_end_date, query = query, max_items = 200)
# Create geobox to better control data load geometry
geo_box = GeoBox.from_bbox(shapefile.geometry.total_bounds, shapefile.crs, resolution = resolution)
# Get data with required bands
data = load(search.items(), geobox = geo_box, groupby = 'solar_day', bands = bands, chunks = {}, resampling = resampling_dict)
if preferred_provider == 'usgs':
# Scale optical bands
data[[red, nir]] = data[[red, nir]] * 2.75e-5 - 0.2
# Create validity mask
mask = xr.where((data[mask_name] == val1) | (data[mask_name] == val2), 1, np.NaN)
# Save single red band as reference tif for later use in reprojection algorithms
ref = data[red].isel(time = 0).rio.write_crs(data.spatial_ref.values)
ref.rio.to_raster(save_dir + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_grid_reference.tif')
# Calculate NDVI
ndvi = ((data[nir] - data[red] - acorvi_corr) / (data[nir] + data[red] + acorvi_corr) * mask).to_dataset(name = 'NDVI')
# Convert timestamp to dates
ndvi['time'] = pd.to_datetime(pd.to_datetime(ndvi.time.values, format = '%Y-%m-%d').date)
dates = ndvi.time.values
# Mask NDVI
ndvi['NDVI'] = xr.where(ndvi.NDVI > 1, np.NaN, ndvi.NDVI)
ndvi['NDVI'] = xr.where(ndvi.NDVI < 0, 0, ndvi.NDVI)
# Save NDVI cube to netcdf
if mode == 'pixel':
# Interpolates on a daily frequency
daily_index = pd.date_range(start = dates[0], end = dates[-1], freq = 'D')
# Resample the dataset to a daily frequency and reindex with the new DateTimeIndex
ndvi = ndvi.resample(time = '1D').asfreq().reindex(time = daily_index).chunk(chunks = interp_chunk)
dates = pd.to_datetime(ndvi.time.values)
# Interpolate the dataset along the time dimension to fill nan values
ndvi = ndvi.interpolate_na(dim = 'time', method = 'linear', fill_value = 'extrapolate')
# Remove extra dates, only keep selected window
ndvi = ndvi.sel({'time': slice(config_params.start_date, config_params.end_date)})
# TODO: understand why dimensions are not in the right order anymore
# Reorder dimensions
ndvi = ndvi[['time', 'y', 'x', 'NDVI']]
# Scale ndvi
ndvi['NDVI'] = (ndvi.NDVI * scaling).round()
# Write attributes
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['units'] = 'None'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'NDVI'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['description'] = 'Normalized difference Vegetation Index (of the near infrared and red band). A value of one is a high vegetation presence.'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['scale factor'] = str(scaling)
# Write transform
ndvi.rio.write_crs(ref.rio.crs, inplace = True)
ndvi.rio.write_transform(inplace = True)
ndvi = ndvi.set_coords('spatial_ref')
# Save NDVI cube to netcdf
if ndvi.dims['y'] > 1000 and ndvi.dims['x'] > 1000:
file_chunksize = (1, interp_chunk['y'], interp_chunk['x'])
file_chunksize = (1, ndvi.dims['y'], ndvi.dims['x'])
write_job = ndvi.to_netcdf(ndvi_cube_path, encoding = {"NDVI": {"dtype": "u1", "_FillValue": 0, "chunksizes": file_chunksize}}, compute = False)
write_job = write_job.persist()
return ndvi_cube_path
# Drop dates with only NaNs
ndvi = ndvi.dropna(dim = 'time', how = 'all')
# Scale
ndvi['NDVI'] = ((ndvi.NDVI + 1/scaling) * (scaling - 1)).round()
# Save dates as string formats in numpy file
dates = pd.to_datetime(ndvi.time.values).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
np.save(dates_file, dates, allow_pickle = True)
# Write crs
ndvi.rio.write_crs(ref.rio.crs, inplace = True)
# Write nodata
ndvi.NDVI.rio.write_nodata(0, inplace = True)
# Replace NaNs with 0
ndvi = ndvi.fillna(0)
# Save ndvi cube to multiband geotiff
ndvi.NDVI.rio.to_raster(ndvi_cube_path, dtype = np.uint8)
return ndvi_cube_path, dates_file
def calculate_ndvi(extracted_paths: Union[List[str], str], config_file: str, calc_chunk: dict = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}, interp_chunk: dict = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}, scaling: int = 255, acorvi_corr: int = 0) -> str:
Calculate ndvi images in a xarray dataset, interpolate is to a daily time step (a data cube) and save it.
ndvi values are scaled and saved as ``uint8`` (0 to 255).
.. warning:: only 10 and 20 meters currently supported
1. extracted_paths: ``Union[List[str], str]``
list of paths to extracted sentinel-2 products
or path to ``csv``` file containing those paths
2. config_file: ``str``
path to configuration file
3. calc_chunk: ``dict`` ``default = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}``
dictionnary containing the chunk size for
the xarray dask ndvi calculation
4. interp_chunk: ``dict`` ``default = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}``
dictionnary containing the chunk size for
the xarray dask ndvi interpolation
5. scaling: ``int`` ``default = 255``
integer scaling to save NDVI data as integer values
6. acorvi_corr: ``int`` ``default = 0``
acorvi correction parameter to add to the red band
to adjust ndvi values
1. ndvi_path: ``str``
path to save the ndvi cube
# Open config_file
config_params = config(config_file)
print('\nCalculating NDVI cube and saving it...\n')
# Load parameters from config file
boundary_shapefile_path = config_params.shapefile_path
start_date = config_params.start_date
end_date = config_params.end_date
mode = config_params.mode
run_name = config_params.run_name
resolution = config_params.resolution
preferred_provider = config_params.preferred_provider
if preferred_provider == 'copernicus':
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'SCIHUB' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
elif preferred_provider == 'theia':
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'THEIA' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
elif preferred_provider == 'usgs':
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'USGS' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
# If a file name is provided instead of a list of paths, load the csv file that contains the list of paths
if type(extracted_paths) == str:
with open(extracted_paths, 'r') as file:
extracted_paths = []
csvreader = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\n')
for row in csvreader:
# Get list of paths to red, nir and mask images
red_paths, nir_paths, mask_paths = get_band_paths(config_params, extracted_paths)
dates = [product_str_to_datetime(prod) for prod in red_paths]
# Get crs
with rio.open(red_paths[0]) as temp:
crs = temp.crs
# Open shapefile to clip the dataset
shapefile = gpd.read_file(boundary_shapefile_path)
shapefile = shapefile.to_crs(crs)
bounds = shapefile.total_bounds
# Open datasets with xarray
red = xr.open_mfdataset(red_paths, combine = 'nested', concat_dim = 'time', chunks = calc_chunk, parallel = True).squeeze(dim = ['band'], drop = True).rename({'band_data': 'red'}).sortby('y', ascending = False)
nir = xr.open_mfdataset(nir_paths, combine = 'nested', concat_dim = 'time', chunks = calc_chunk, parallel = True).squeeze(dim = ['band'], drop = True).rename({'band_data': 'nir'}).sortby('y', ascending = False)
mask = xr.open_mfdataset(mask_paths, combine = 'nested', concat_dim = 'time', chunks = calc_chunk, parallel = True).squeeze(dim = ['band'], drop = True).rename({'band_data': 'mask'}).sortby('y', ascending = False)
# Get masking condition and resolution management based on provider
if preferred_provider == 'copernicus':
# Original resolution in meters
base_resolution = 10
# Select bands
red = red.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1]))
nir = nir.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1]))
mask = mask.interp(x = red.coords['x'], y = red.coords['y'], method = 'nearest')
mask = xr.where((mask == 4) | (mask == 5), 1, np.NaN).astype(np.float32)
elif preferred_provider == 'theia':
# Original resolution in meters
base_resolution = 10
# Select bands
red = red.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1]))
nir = nir.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1]))
mask = mask.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1]))
red = xr.where(red == -10000, np.nan, red)
nir = xr.where(nir == -10000, np.nan, nir)
mask = xr.where((mask == 0), 1, np.NaN).astype(np.float32)
# Rescale optical data for LandSat
elif preferred_provider == 'usgs':
# Original resolution in meters
base_resolution = 30
# Select bands
red = red.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1])) * 2.75e-5 - 0.2
nir = nir.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1])) * 2.75e-5 - 0.2
mask = mask.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1]))
mask = xr.where((mask == 21824), 1, np.NaN).astype(np.float32)
# Set time coordinate
red['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dates)
nir['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dates)
mask['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dates)
# Sort by date
red = red.sortby(variables = 'time')
nir = nir.sortby(variables = 'time')
mask = mask.sortby(variables = 'time')
# Save single red band as reference tif for later use in reprojection algorithms
ref = xr.open_dataset(red_paths[0]).squeeze(dim = ['band'], drop = True).rename({'band_data': 'red'}).sortby('y', ascending = False).sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1])).rio.write_crs(crs)
ref = ref.rio.reproject(ref.rio.crs, shape = (int(ref.sizes['y'] * base_resolution / resolution), int(ref.sizes['x'] * base_resolution / resolution)), resampling = Resampling.bilinear, nodata = np.NaN)
# Recalculate transform
ref.rio.write_transform(inplace = True)
ref = ref.set_coords('spatial_ref')
ref.rio.to_raster(save_dir + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_grid_reference.tif')
# Create save path
ndvi_cube_path = save_dir + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_' + 'pre' * (mode == 'parcel') + 'cube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '.nc' * (mode == 'pixel') + '.tif' * (mode == 'parcel')
dates_file = save_dir + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_precube_' + start_date + '_' + end_date + '_dates.npy'
# Check if file exists and ndvi overwrite is false
if os.path.exists(ndvi_cube_path) and not config_params.ndvi_overwrite:
if mode == 'pixel':
return ndvi_cube_path
return ndvi_cube_path, dates_file
# Change mask resolution
if resolution != base_resolution:
mask = mask.interp(x = ref.coords['x'], y = ref.coords['y'], method = 'nearest')
# Create ndvi dataset and calculate ndvi
ndvi = ((nir.nir - red.red - acorvi_corr) / (nir.nir + red.red + acorvi_corr)).to_dataset(name = 'NDVI')
# Reproject NDVI
if resolution != base_resolution:
ndvi = ndvi.interp(x = ref.coords['x'], y = ref.coords['y'], method = 'linear')
# Mask NDVI
ndvi['NDVI'] = ndvi.NDVI * mask.mask
ndvi['NDVI'] = xr.where(ndvi.NDVI > 1, np.NaN, ndvi.NDVI)
ndvi['NDVI'] = xr.where(ndvi.NDVI < 0, 0, ndvi.NDVI)
del red, nir, mask
# Drop dates with only NaNs
ndvi = ndvi.dropna(dim = 'time', how = 'all')
# Recalculate transform
ndvi.rio.write_transform(inplace = True)
ndvi = ndvi.set_coords('spatial_ref')
if mode == 'pixel':
# Interpolates on a daily frequency
daily_index = pd.date_range(start = dates[0], end = dates[-1], freq = 'D')
# Resample the dataset to a daily frequency and reindex with the new DateTimeIndex
ndvi = ndvi.resample(time = '1D').asfreq().reindex(time = daily_index).chunk(chunks = interp_chunk)
dates = pd.to_datetime(ndvi.time.values)
# Interpolate the dataset along the time dimension to fill nan values
ndvi = ndvi.interpolate_na(dim = 'time', method = 'linear', fill_value = 'extrapolate')
# Remove extra dates, only keep selected window
ndvi = ndvi.sel({'time': slice(config_params.start_date, config_params.end_date)})
# TODO: understand why dimensions are not in the right order anymore
# Reorder dimensions
ndvi = ndvi[['time', 'y', 'x', 'NDVI']]
# Scale ndvi
ndvi['NDVI'] = (ndvi.NDVI * scaling).round()
# Write attributes
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['units'] = 'None'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'NDVI'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['description'] = 'Normalized difference Vegetation Index (of the near infrared and red band). A value of one is a high vegetation presence.'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['scale factor'] = str(scaling)
# Save NDVI cube to netcdf
if ndvi.dims['y'] > 1000 and ndvi.dims['x'] > 1000:
file_chunksize = (1, interp_chunk['y'], interp_chunk['x'])
file_chunksize = (1, ndvi.dims['y'], ndvi.dims['x'])
write_job = ndvi.to_netcdf(ndvi_cube_path, encoding = {"NDVI": {"dtype": "u1", "_FillValue": 0, "chunksizes": file_chunksize}}, compute = False)
write_job = write_job.persist()
return ndvi_cube_path
# Scale ndvi
ndvi['NDVI'] = (ndvi.NDVI * scaling).round()
# Write attributes
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['units'] = 'None'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'NDVI'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['description'] = 'Normalized difference Vegetation Index (of the near infrared and red band). A value of one is a high vegetation presence.'
ndvi['NDVI'].attrs['scale factor'] = str(scaling)
# Save dates as string formats in numpy file
dates = pd.to_datetime(ndvi.time.values).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
np.save(dates_file, dates, allow_pickle = True)
# Write crs
ndvi.rio.write_crs(crs, inplace = True)
# Write nodata
ndvi.NDVI.rio.write_nodata(0, inplace = True)
# Replace NaNs with 0
ndvi = ndvi.fillna(0)
# Save ndvi cube to multiband geotiff
write_job = ndvi.NDVI.rio.to_raster(ndvi_cube_path, dtype = np.uint8, compute = False)
write_job = write_job.persist()
return ndvi_cube_path, dates_file
def interpolate_ndvi(ndvi_path: str, config_file: str, chunk_size: dict = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}, scaling: int = 255,) -> str:
Interpolate the ndvi cube to a daily frequency between the
desired dates defined in the ``json`` config file. The extra
month of data downloaded is used for a better interpolation,
it is then discarded and the final NDVI cube has the dates
defined in the config file.
1. ndvi_path: ``str``
path to ndvi pre-cube
2. config_file: ``str``
path to ``json`` config file
3. chunk_size: ``dict`` ``default = {'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'time': -1}``
chunk size to use by dask for calculation,
``'time' = -1`` means the chunk has the whole
time dimension in it. The Dataset can't be
divided along the time axis for interpolation.
4. scaling: ``int`` ``default = 255``
integer scaling to save NDVI data as integer values
# Open config_file
config_params = config(config_file)
# Load parameters from config file
run_name = config_params.run_name
if config_params.preferred_provider == 'copernicus':
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'SCIHUB' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
elif config_params.preferred_provider == 'theia':
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'THEIA' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
elif config_params.preferred_provider == 'usgs':
save_dir = config_params.data_path + os.sep + 'IMAGERY' + os.sep + 'USGS' + os.sep + 'NDVI'
# Create save path
ndvi_cube_path = save_dir + os.sep + run_name + os.sep + run_name + '_NDVI_cube_' + config_params.start_date + '_' + config_params.end_date + '.nc'
# Check if file exists and ndvi overwrite is false
if os.path.exists(ndvi_cube_path) and not config_params.ndvi_overwrite:
return ndvi_cube_path
# Open NDVI pre-cube
ndvi = xr.open_dataset(ndvi_path, chunks = chunk_size)
# Get dates of NDVI precube
dates = ndvi.time.values
# Get Spatial reference
spatial_ref = ndvi.spatial_ref.load()
# Interpolates on a daily frequency
daily_index = pd.date_range(start = dates[0], end = dates[-1], freq = 'D')
# Resample the dataset to a daily frequency and reindex with the new DateTimeIndex
ndvi = ndvi.resample(time = '1D').asfreq().reindex(time = daily_index)
dates = pd.to_datetime(ndvi.time.values)
# Interpolate the dataset along the time dimension to fill nan values
ndvi = ndvi.interpolate_na(dim = 'time', method = 'linear', fill_value = 'extrapolate').round(decimals = 0)
# Remove extra dates, only keep selected window
ndvi = ndvi.sel({'time': slice(config_params.start_date, config_params.end_date)})
# Rescale data
ndvi = (ndvi * (scaling / (scaling - 1)) - 1).round()
# Set negative values as 0
ndvi = xr.where(ndvi < 0, 0, ndvi.NDVI)
# Set values above 255 (ndvi > 1) as 255 (ndvi = 1)
ndvi = xr.where(ndvi > scaling, scaling, ndvi.NDVI)
# Rewrite spatial reference
ndvi['spatial_ref'] = spatial_ref
# Set file chunk size
if ndvi.dims['y'] > 1000 and ndvi.dims['x'] > 1000:
file_chunksize = (1, chunk_size['y'], chunk_size['x'])
file_chunksize = (1, ndvi.dims['y'], ndvi.dims['x'])
# Save NDVI cube to netcdf
write_job = ndvi.to_netcdf(ndvi_cube_path, encoding = {"NDVI": {"dtype": "u1", "_FillValue": 0, "chunksizes": file_chunksize}}, compute = False)
write_job = write_job.persist()
return ndvi_cube_path
def write_geotiff(path: str, data: np.ndarray, transform: tuple, projection: str, scaling: int = 255) -> None:
Writes a GeoTiff image using ``rasterio``. Takes an array and georeferencing data (obtained by ``rasterio``
on an image with same georeferencing) to write a well formatted image. Data format: ``uint8``
1. path: ``str``
true path of file to save data in (path = path + save name)
2. data: ``np.ndarray``
numpy array containging the data
3. geotransform: ``tuple``
tuple containing the geo-transform data
4. projection: ``str``
string containing the epsg projection data
5. scaling: ``int`` ``default = 255``
scaling factor for saving NDVI images as integer arrays
# Apply scaling
data = np.round((data + np.float32(1/scaling)) * (scaling - 1), 1)
# Write NDVI image with rasterio
with rio.open(path, mode = "w", driver = "GTiff", height = data.shape[0], width = data.shape[1], count = 1, dtype = np.uint8, crs = projection, transform = transform, nodata = 0) as new_dataset:
new_dataset.write(data, 1)
return None
def calculate_ndvi_image(args: tuple) -> str:
Opens zip file of the given product to extract the red, near-infrared and mask bands (without extracting
the whole archive) and calculate the ndvi, apply a mask to keep only clear land data (no clouds, no snow,
no water, no unclassified or erroneous pixel). This array is then saved in a GeoTiff image with
the parent name file and ``'_NDVI.tif'`` extension. If overwrite is false, already existing files won't be
calculated and saved again (default value is ``false``).
This function is called in the calculate_ndvi function as a subprocess to allow multiprocessing. Variables
that have served their purpose are directly deleted to reduce memory usage.
Arguments (packed in args: ``tuple``)
1. product_path: ``str``
path to the product to extract for ndvi calculation
2. save_dir: ``str``
directory in which to save ndvi images
3. shapefile_path: ``str``
path to the shapefile (``.shp``) for which the data is calculated. Used to clip
satellite imagery
4. overwrite: ``bool``
boolean to choose to rewrite already existing files
4. ACORVI_correction: ``int``
correction parameter to apply on the red band for stability of NDVI values
1. ndvi_path: ``str``
path to the saved ndvi image
# Unpack arguments
product_path, save_dir, shapefile_path, overwrite, ACORVI_correction = args
# Check provider
_, _, provider, _ = read_product_info(product_path)
# To ignore numpy warning when dividing by NaN
np.seterr(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore')
# Define offset for copernicus data
offset = 0
# Create file name
file_name = os.path.basename(product_path)
# file_name = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
save_name = save_dir + os.sep + file_name + '_NDVI.tif'
# Check if file is already written. If override is false, no need to calculate and write ndvi again.
# If override is true: ndvi is calculated and saved again.
if not os.path.exists(save_name) or overwrite: # File does not exist or overwrite is true
# Collect save path for return
return save_name
# Look for desired images in the directories
if provider == 'copernicus':
for f in os.listdir(product_path):
if fnmatch(f, '*_B04_10m.jp2'): # Red band
red_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif fnmatch(f, '*_B08_10m.jp2'): # Near infrared band
nir_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif fnmatch(f, '*_SCL_20m.jp2'): # Scene classification for mask
classif_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif provider == 'theia':
for f in os.listdir(product_path):
if fnmatch(f, '*_FRE_B4.tif'): # Red band
red_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif fnmatch(f, '*_FRE_B8.tif'): # Near infrared band
nir_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif fnmatch(f, '*_MG2_R1.tif'): # Scene classification for mask
classif_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif provider == 'usgs':
for f in os.listdir(product_path):
if fnmatch(f, '*_SR_B4.TIF'): # Red band
red_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif fnmatch(f, '*_SR_B5.TIF'): # Near infrared band
nir_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
elif fnmatch(f, '*_QA_PIXEL.TIF'): # Scene classification for mask
classif_file = os.path.join(product_path, f)
# Read bands, geometry and projection information
red_band = xr.open_dataarray(red_file) # read red band
projection = red_band.rio.crs
del red_file
# Open shapefile to clip the dataset
shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile_path)
shapefile = shapefile.to_crs(projection)
bounds = shapefile.total_bounds
del shapefile
red_band = red_band.sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1]))
transorm = red_band.rio.transform(recalc = True)
nir_band = xr.open_dataarray(nir_file).sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1])) # read nir band
del nir_file
# Read array data
red_data = red_band.values + ACORVI_correction
nir_data = nir_band.values
# Adjust data for specific providers
if provider == 'theia':
red_data = np.where((red_data == -10000), np.float32(np.NaN), red_data)
nir_data = np.where((nir_data == -10000), np.float32(np.NaN), nir_data)
elif provider == 'usgs':
red_data = red_data * 2.75e-5 - 0.2
nir_data = nir_data * 2.75e-5 - 0.2
# Calculate ndvi
ndvi_data = np.divide((nir_data - red_data), (nir_data + red_data + 2*offset), dtype = np.float32)
del red_data, nir_data
# Read classif data
classif_band = xr.open_dataarray(classif_file).sel(x = slice(bounds[0], bounds[2]), y = slice(bounds[3], bounds[1])) # read classif band
del classif_file
# Adjust mask based on provider
if provider == 'copernicus':
classif_band = xr.where((classif_band == 4) | (classif_band == 5), 1, np.NaN).interp(x = red_band.coords['x'], y = red_band.coords['y'], method = 'nearest')
elif provider == 'theia':
classif_band = xr.where((classif_band == 0), 1, np.NaN)
elif provider == 'usgs':
classif_band = xr.where((classif_band == 21824), 1, np.NaN)
# Read array data
binary_mask = classif_band.values
# Apply mask
np.multiply(ndvi_data, binary_mask, out=ndvi_data, dtype = np.float32)
del binary_mask
# Clip out of range data
np.minimum(ndvi_data, 1, out = ndvi_data, dtype = np.float32)
np.maximum(ndvi_data, 0, out = ndvi_data, dtype = np.float32)
# Write image
write_geotiff(save_name, ndvi_data[0], transorm, projection)
del ndvi_data, transorm, projection
return save_name
def calculate_ndvi_parcel(ndvi_path: Union[List[str], str], save_dir: str, save_path: str, shapefile_path: str, overwrite: bool = False, max_cpu: int = 4, ACORVI_correction: int = 0) -> List[str]:
Opens the red, near infrared and scene classification to calculate the ndvi, apply a mask to keep only clear land data (no clouds, no snow,
no water, no unclassified or erroneous pixel). This array is then saved in a GeoTiff image with
the parrent name file and ``'_NDVI.tif'`` extension. If overwrite is false, already existing fils won't be
calculated and saved again (default value is ``false``).
This function calls the calculate_ndvi_image function as a subprocess to allow multiprocessing. A modified
version of the ``tqdm`` module (``p_tqdm``) is used for progress bars.
1. ndvi_path: ``list[str]`` or ``str``
list of paths to the products to extract for ndvi calculation or path to a ``csv`` file that contains this list
2. save_dir: ``str``
directory in which to save ndvi images
3. save_path : ``str``
path to a csv file containing the paths to the saved ndvi images
4. shapefile_path: ``str``
path to the shapefile (``.shp``) for which the data is calculated. Used to clip
satellite imagery
5. overwrite: ``bool`` ``default = False``
boolean to choose to rewrite already existing files
5. max_cpu: ``int`` `default = 4`
max number of CPUs that the pool can use, if max_cpu is bigger than available CPUs, the pool only uses availables CPUs
6. ACORVI_correction: ``int`` ``default = 500``
correction parameter to apply on the red band for stability of NDVI values
1. ndvi_path: ``list[str]``
list of paths to the saved ndvi images
# If a file name is provided instead of a list of paths, load the csv file that contains the list of paths
if type(ndvi_path) == str:
with open(ndvi_path, 'r') as file:
ndvi_path = []
csvreader = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\n')
for row in csvreader:
ndvi_path = [] # Where saved image paths will be stored
# Prepare arguments for multiprocessing
args = [(product, save_dir, shapefile_path, overwrite, ACORVI_correction) for product in ndvi_path]
# Get number of CPU cores and limit max value (working on a cluster requires os.sched_getaffinity to get true number of available CPUs,
# this is not true on a "personnal" computer, hence the use of the min function)
nb_cores = min([max_cpu, cpu_count(logical = False), len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))])
nb_cores = min([max_cpu, cpu_count(logical = False)]) # os.sched_getaffinity won't work on windows
print('\nStarting NDVI calculations with %d cores for %d images...\n' %(nb_cores, len(ndvi_path)))
# Start pool and get results
results = p_map(calculate_ndvi_image, args, **{"num_cpus": nb_cores})
# Collect results and sort them
for result in results:
# Save ndvi paths as a csv file
with open(save_path, 'w', newline='') as f:
# using csv.writer method from CSV package
write = csv.writer(f)
for ndvi_image in ndvi_path:
return ndvi_path