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            NDVI = ds.variables['NDVI'][i: i + time_slice, :, :]
        with nc.Dataset(weather_path, mode='r') as ds:
            Rain = ds.variables['Rain'][i: i + time_slice, :, :]
            ET0 = ds.variables['ET0'][i: i + time_slice, :, :]
def write_outputs(save_path: str, DP: np.ndarray, SWCe: np.ndarray, SWCr: np.ndarray, E: np.ndarray, Tr: np.ndarray, Irrig: np.ndarray, additional_outputs: dict[str, int], additional_outputs_data: np.ndarray, i: int, time_slice: int, write_all = False) -> None:
    Write outputs to netcdf file based on conditions of current loop.

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Jeremy Auclair committed

    1. save_path: ``str``
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Jeremy Auclair committed
    2. DP: ``np.ndarray``
        deep percolaton ``np.ndarray``
    3. SWCe: ``np.ndarray``
        soil water content of evaporative layer ``np.ndarray``
    4. SWCr: ``np.ndarray``
        soil water content of root layer ``np.ndarray``
    5. E: ``np.ndarray``
        surface evaporation ``np.ndarray``
    6. Tr: ``np.ndarray``
        plant transpiration ``np.ndarray``
    7. Irrig: ``np.ndarray``
        simulated irrigation ``np.ndarray``
        dictionnary containing additional outputs and their scale factors
Jeremy Auclair's avatar
Jeremy Auclair committed
    9. additional_outputs_data: ``List[np.ndarray]``
        list of additional output ``np.ndarray``. Is ``None`` if no additional ouputs
    10. i: ``int``
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Jeremy Auclair committed
    11. time_slice: ``int``
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Jeremy Auclair committed
    12. write_all: ``bool`` ``default = False``
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        with nc.Dataset(save_path, mode = 'a') as outputs:
            # Dimensions of output dataset : (time, y, x)
            # Soil water content of the evaporative layer
            # Additionnal outputs
            if additional_outputs:
                k = 0
                    outputs.variables[var][:, :, :] = additional_outputs_data[k,:,:,:]
        with nc.Dataset(save_path, mode = 'a') as outputs:
            # Dimensions of output dataset : (time, y, x)
            outputs.variables['DP'][i - time_slice + 1: i + 1, :, :] = DP
            # Soil water content of the evaporative layer
            outputs.variables['SWCe'][i - time_slice + 1: i + 1, :, :] = SWCe
            outputs.variables['SWCr'][i - time_slice + 1: i + 1, :, :] = SWCr
            outputs.variables['E'][i - time_slice + 1: i + 1, :, :] = E
            outputs.variables['Tr'][i - time_slice + 1: i + 1, :, :] = Tr
            outputs.variables['Irr'][i - time_slice + 1: i + 1, :, :] = Irrig
                    outputs.variables[var][i - time_slice + 1: i + 1, :, :] = additional_outputs_data[k,:,:,:]
@njit((uint8[:, :], uint16[:, :], uint16[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:, :], boolean[:, :], boolean[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:, :], uint16[:, :], uint16[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:, :], int64, float32[:, :, :], types.ListType(types.unicode_type), types.ListType(types.unicode_type), int16[:], boolean, int16[:], types.ListType(types.unicode_type), int16[:], int16[:, :, :, :], int64), nogil = True, parallel = True, fastmath = True, cache = True)
def samir_daily(NDVI: np.ndarray, ET0: np.ndarray, Rain: np.ndarray, Wfc: np.ndarray, Wwp: np.ndarray, Kcb_max_obs: np.ndarray, Irrig_auto: np.ndarray, Irrig_test: np.ndarray, Dr0: np.ndarray, Dd0: np.ndarray, Zr0: np.ndarray, E0: np.ndarray, Tr0: np.ndarray, Dei0: np.ndarray, Dep0: np.ndarray, iday: int, params: np.ndarray, param_list: list[str], scaling_names: list[str], scaling_array: np.ndarray, write_additional_data: bool, additional_outputs: np.ndarray, additional_names: list[str], additional_idx: list[int], additional_outputs_data: np.ndarray, time_slice: int) -> tuple[np.ndarray]:
    Run the SAMIR model on a single day. Inputs and outputs are `numpy.ndarray`.
    Calls functions compiled with numba for intermediary calculations.

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Jeremy Auclair committed
Jeremy Auclair's avatar
Jeremy Auclair committed
    3. Rain: ``np.ndarray``
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Jeremy Auclair committed
    4. Wfc: ``np.ndarray``
Jeremy Auclair's avatar
Jeremy Auclair committed
    5. Wwp: ``np.ndarray``
    6. Kcb_max_obs: ``np.ndarray``
        observed maximum value of Kcb 
    7. Irrig_test: ``np.ndarray``
        boolean array that is true after the Kcb has reached 80% 
        of its maximum
        dictionnary containing the rasterized
        samir parameters and their scale factors
        previous day surface layer depletion
        for irrigation part
        previous day surface layer depletion
        for precipitation part
        scaling dictionnary for the nominal outputs
    18. additional_names: ``list[str]``
        list of names of additional outputs
    19. field_indices: ``list[int]``
        list of indices corresponding to additional names
    20. additional_outputs: ``np.ndarray``
        dictionary containing the names of additional
        output data and their integer scale
        list of numpy arrays containing the scaled values of
        the additional outputs
        value of the current time slice, used to
        correctly write additional output data
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Jeremy Auclair committed
    1. current_day_outputs: `Tuple[np.ndarray]`
        multiple `numpy.ndarray` arrays are returned as a tuple for current day
    # Create aliases
    DiffE = params[find_index(param_list, 'DiffE')]
    DiffR = params[find_index(param_list, 'DiffR')]
    FW = params[find_index(param_list, 'FW')]
    FCmax = params[find_index(param_list, 'FCmax')]
    Foffset = params[find_index(param_list, 'Foffset')]
    Fslope = params[find_index(param_list, 'Fslope')]
    frac_TAW = params[find_index(param_list, 'frac_TAW')]
    Init_RU = params[find_index(param_list, 'Init_RU')]
    Kcbmax = params[find_index(param_list, 'Kcbmax')]
    Kcmax = params[find_index(param_list, 'Kcmax')]
    Kslope = params[find_index(param_list, 'Kslope')]
    Koffset= params[find_index(param_list, 'Koffset')]
    Kcb_min_start_irrig = params[find_index(param_list, 'Kcb_min_start_irrig')]
    frac_Kcb_stop_irrig = params[find_index(param_list, 'frac_Kcb_stop_irrig')]
    Lame_max = params[find_index(param_list, 'Lame_max')]
    Lame_min = params[find_index(param_list, 'Lame_min')]
    REW = params[find_index(param_list, 'REW')]
    Ze = params[find_index(param_list, 'Ze')]
    Zsoil = params[find_index(param_list, 'Zsoil')]
    minZr = params[find_index(param_list, 'minZr')]
    maxZr = params[find_index(param_list, 'maxZr')]
    p = params[find_index(param_list, 'p')]
    NDVI = NDVI.astype(np.float32) / np.float32(255)
    Rain = Rain.astype(np.float32) / np.float32(100)
    ET0 = ET0.astype(np.float32) / np.float32(1000)
    E0 = E0.astype(np.float32) / scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'E')]
    Tr0 = Tr0.astype(np.float32) / scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'Tr')]
    # Equation: Fslope * NDVI + Foffset
    # Equation: min(max(FCov, 0), FCmax)
    FCov = np.minimum(np.maximum(FCov, np.float32(0)), FCmax)
    # Equation: Zr = max(minZr + (FCov / FCmax) * (maxZr - minZr), Ze + 0.001)
    Zr = np.maximum(minZr + (FCov / FCmax) * (maxZr - minZr), Ze + np.float32(0.001))
    TDW = (Wfc - Wwp) * (Zsoil - Zr)
    TEW = (Wfc - (Wwp / np.float32(2))) * Ze
    RUE = (Wfc - Wwp) * Ze

    # Update depletions from root increase
    Dei = Dei0
    Dep = Dep0
    Dr = update_Dr_from_root(Wfc, Wwp, Zr, Zsoil, Dr0, Dd0, Zr0)
    Dd = update_Dd_from_root(Wfc, Wwp, Zr, Zsoil, Dr0, Dd0, Zr0)
    # Equation: Kslope * NDVI + Koffset
    Kcb = np.minimum(np.maximum(Kslope * NDVI + Koffset, np.float32(0)), Kcbmax)
    Irrig_test = np.where(np.invert(Irrig_test) & (Kcb > frac_Kcb_stop_irrig * Kcb_max_obs), True, Irrig_test)  # set Irrig_test to true when Kcb goes over Kcb_stop_irrig fraction of maximum and stay true
    Irrig = calculate_irrig(Dr, TAW, Rain, Kcb, Irrig_auto, Lame_max, Lame_min, Kcb_min_start_irrig, frac_Kcb_stop_irrig, Irrig_test, frac_TAW, Kcb_max_obs)
    # Create temporary variable used multiple times
    DP = - np.minimum(Dd + np.minimum(temp, np.float32(0)), np.float32(0))

    # Update depletions with Rainfall and/or irrigation
    # Equation: Dei = min(max(Dei - Rain - Irrig / FW, 0), TEW)
    Dei = np.minimum(np.maximum(Dei - Rain - (Irrig / FW), np.float32(0)), TEW)
    # Equation: Dep = min(max(Dep - Rain, 0), TEW)
    Dep = np.minimum(np.maximum(Dep - Rain, np.float32(0)), TEW)
    fewi = np.minimum(np.float32(1) - FCov, FW)
    fewp = np.float32(1) - FCov - fewi
    # Equation: De = (Dei * fewi + Dep * fewp) / (fewi + fewp)
    # Equation: De = where(De.isfinite, De, Dei * FW + Dep * (1 - FW))
    De = np.where(np.isfinite(De), De, Dei * FW + Dep * (np.float32(1) - FW))

    # Update depletions from rain and irrigation
    Dr = np.minimum(np.maximum(temp, np.float32(0)), TAW)
    Dd = np.minimum(np.maximum(Dd + np.minimum(temp, np.float32(0)), np.float32(0)), TDW)
    temp = False # remove temp variable
    # Equation: check calculate_diff_re() and calculate_diff_dr functions
    Diff_rei = calculate_diff_re(TAW, Dr, Zr, RUE, Dei, Wfc, Ze, DiffE)
    Diff_rep = calculate_diff_re(TAW, Dr, Zr, RUE, Dep, Wfc, Ze, DiffE)
    Diff_dr = calculate_diff_dr(TAW, TDW, Dr, Zr, Dd, Wfc, Zsoil, DiffR)
        Ks = np.minimum((TAW - Dr) / (TAW * (np.float32(1) - p)), np.float32(1))

    # Reduction coefficient for evaporation
    W = calculate_W(TEW, Dei, Dep, fewi, fewp)

    # Equation: Kei = np.minimum(W * Kri * (Kc_max - Kcb), fewi * Kc_max)
    Kei = calculate_Ke(W, Dei, TEW, REW, Kcmax, Kcb, fewi)
    # Equation: Kep = np.minimum((1 - W) * Krp * (Kc_max - Kcb), fewp * Kc_max)
    Kep = calculate_Ke((np.float32(1)-W), Dep, TEW, REW, Kcmax, Kcb, fewp)

    # Prepare coefficients for evapotranspiration
    Tei = calculate_Te(Dei, Dr, Ks, Kcb, Ze, Zr, TEW, TAW, ET0)
    Tep = calculate_Te(Dep, Dr, Ks, Kcb, Ze, Zr, TEW, TAW, ET0)

    # Update depletions
    Dei = update_De_from_Diff(Dei, fewi, Kei, Tei, Diff_rei, TEW, ET0)
    Dep = update_De_from_Diff(Dep, fewp, Kep, Tep, Diff_rep, TEW, ET0)

    # Equation: De = (Dei * fewi + Dep * fewp) / (fewi + fewp)
    # Equation: De = where(De.isfinite, De, Dei * FW + Dep * (1 - FW))
    De = np.where(np.isfinite(De), De, Dei * FW + Dep * (np.float32(1) - FW))

    # Transpiration
    Tr = Kcb * Ks * ET0

    # Update depletions (root and deep zones) at the end of the day
    Dr = np.minimum(np.maximum(Dr + E + Tr - Diff_dr, np.float32(0)), TAW)
    Dd = np.minimum(np.maximum(Dd + Diff_dr, np.float32(0)), TDW)
    # Soil water content of evaporative laye
    SWCe = calculate_SWCe(Dei, Dep, fewi, fewp, TEW)
    DP = (DP * scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'DP')]).astype(np.int16)
    Irrig = (Irrig * scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'Irr')]).astype(np.int16)
    SWCe = (SWCe * scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'SWCe')]).astype(np.int16)
    SWCr = (SWCr * scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'SWCr')]).astype(np.int16)
    E = (E * scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'E')]).astype(np.int16)
    Tr = (Tr * scaling_array[find_index(scaling_names, 'Tr')]).astype(np.uint16)
    if write_additional_data:
        variable_mapping = {
            'FCov': FCov, 'Zr': Zr, 'TAW': TAW, 'TDW': TDW, 'TEW': TEW, 'RUE': RUE, 'Dei': Dei, 'Dep': Dep,
            'De': De, 'Dr': Dr, 'Dd': Dd, 'Kcb': Kcb, 'fewi': fewi, 'fewp': fewp, 'Diff_rei': Diff_rei,
            'Diff_rep': Diff_rep, 'Diff_dr': Diff_dr, 'Ks': Ks, 'W': W, 'Kei': Kei, 'Kep': Kep, 'Tei': Tei,
            'Tep': Tep}
        for var, idx in zip(additional_names, additional_idx):
            additional_outputs_data[idx, iday % time_slice, :, :] = np.round(variable_mapping[var] * additional_outputs[idx]).astype(np.int16)
    return DP, Dd, Dei, Dep, Dr, E, Irrig, Irrig_test, SWCe, SWCr, Tr, Zr
def run_samir(csv_param_file: str, ndvi_cube_path: str, weather_path: str, soil_params_path: str, land_cover_path: str, irrigation_raster: str, init_RU_path: str, Kcb_max_obs_path: str, save_path: str, scaling_dict: dict[str, int] = {'E': 1000, 'Tr': 1000, 'SWCe': 1000, 'SWCr': 1000, 'DP': 100, 'Irr': 100}, additional_outputs: dict[str, int] = None, available_ram: int = 8, available_cpu: int = 4, compress_outputs: bool = False) -> None:
    Run the *SAMIR* model on the prepared inputs. Calls the ``samir_daily()`` in a time loop.
    Maximizes memory usage with given limits to run faster.


    1. csv_param_file: ``str``
        SAMIR csv parameter file
    2. ndvi_cube_path: ``str``
        path to ndvi cube
    3. weather_path: ``str``
        path to weather cube
    4. soil_params_path: ``str``
        path to soil dataset
    5. land_cover_path: ``str``
        path to land cover raster
    6. irrigation_raster: ``str``
        path to netCDF file containing an irrigation mask
        for input parameters
    7. init_RU_path: ``str``
        path to netCDF file containing initial soil water content raster
    8. Kcb_max_obs_path: ``str``
        path to netCDF containing a single
        array of maximum observed Kcb values
    9. scaling_dict: ``Dict[str, int]`` ``default = {'E': 1000, 'Tr': 1000, 'SWCe': 1000, 'SWCr': 1000, 'DP': 100, 'Irr': 100}``
        scaling dictionnary for the nominal outputs
    10. additional_outputs: ``Dict[str, int]`` ``default = None``
        dictionnary containing the names and scale
        factors of potential additional outouts
    11. available_ram: ``int`` ``default = 8``
    12. available_cpu: ``int`` ``default = 4``
        number of available **physical** CPU cores
    12. compress_outputs: ``bool`` ``default = False``
        choice to compress output file (takes longer)

    # Turn off numpy warings
    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    # Test if memory requirement is not loo large
    if np.ceil(virtual_memory().available / (1024**3)) < available_ram:
        print('\nRequested', available_ram, 'GiB of memory when available memory is approximately', round(virtual_memory().available / (1024**3), 1), 'GiB.\n\nExiting script.\n')
        return None

    # Set maximum number of usable CPU cores
    # Get number of CPU cores and limit max value (working on a cluster requires os.sched_getaffinity to get true number of available CPUs, 
    # this is not true on a "personnal" computer, hence the use of the min function)
        nb_threads = min([available_cpu * 2, cpu_count(logical = True), len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))])
        nb_threads = min([available_cpu * 2, cpu_count(logical = True)])  # os.sched_getaffinity won't work on windows
    # ============ Manage inputs ============ #
    # NDVI (to have a correct empty dataset structure)
    ndvi_cube_empty = ndvi_cube.drop_sel(time = ndvi_cube.time)  # create dataset with a time dimension of length 0
    parameter_array, Irrig_auto, Init_RU, param_list = rasterize_samir_parameters(csv_param_file, land_cover_path, irrigation_raster, init_RU_path)
    # ============ Get size of dataset ============ #
    x_size = ndvi_cube.sizes['x']
    y_size = ndvi_cube.sizes['y']
    time_size = ndvi_cube.sizes['time']
    dimensions = ndvi_cube_empty.sizes  # to create empty output dataset
    # ============ Scaling factors ============ #
    # Standard scaling dict
    scaling_array = []
    for var in scaling_dict.keys():
    scaling_array = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array(scaling_array, dtype = np.int16))
    scaling_names = List(list(scaling_dict.keys()))
    # Manage additional output parameters
    if additional_outputs is not None:
        # Additional output scaling dict
        additional_scaling_array = []
        for var in additional_outputs.keys():
        additional_scaling_array = np.array(additional_scaling_array, dtype = np.int16)
        additional_names = list(additional_outputs.keys())
        field_name_to_index = {name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(additional_outputs)}
        additional_idx = np.ascontiguousarray(np.array([field_name_to_index[var] for var in additional_names], dtype = np.int16))
        additional_names = List(additional_names)
        write_additional_data = True
        # Create empty variables for correct numba parsing
        additional_scaling_array = np.array([0], dtype = np.int16)
        additional_idx = np.array([0], dtype = np.int16)
        additional_names = List(['0'])
        additional_outputs_data = np.empty(shape = (1,1,1,1), dtype = np.int16)
        write_additional_data = False
    # ============ Memory handling ============ #
    # Check how much memory the calculation would take if all the inputs would be loaded in memory
    # Unit is GiB
    # Datatype of variables is float32 for calculation
    nb_bytes = 2  # uint16 or int16
    nb_inputs = 3  # NDVI, Rain, ET0
    if additional_outputs:
        nb_outputs = 6 + len(additional_outputs)  # DP, E, Irr, SWCe, SWCr, Tr
        nb_outputs = 6  # DP, E, Irr, SWCe, SWCr, Tr
    nb_variables = 38  # calculation variables (e.g:  Dd, Diff_rei, FCov, etc.)
    total_memory_requirement = calculate_memory_requirement(x_size, y_size, time_size, nb_inputs, nb_outputs, nb_variables, nb_params, nb_bytes)
    # Determine how many time slices can be loaded in memory at once
    # This will allow faster I/O operations and a faster runtime
    time_slice, remainder_to_load, already_loaded = calculate_time_slices_to_load(x_size, y_size, time_size, nb_inputs, nb_outputs, nb_variables, nb_params, nb_bytes, available_ram)
    actual_memory_requirement = calculate_memory_requirement(x_size, y_size, time_slice, nb_inputs, nb_outputs, nb_variables, nb_params, nb_bytes)
    print_size1, print_unit1 = format_Byte_size(total_memory_requirement, decimals = 1)
    print_size2, print_unit2, = format_Byte_size(actual_memory_requirement, decimals = 1)
    print('\nApproximate memory requirement of calculation:', print_size1, print_unit1 + ', available memory:', available_ram, 'GiB\n\nLoading blocks of', time_slice, 'time bands, actual memory requirement:', print_size2, print_unit2, '\n')
    # ============ Prepare outputs ============ #
    model_outputs = prepare_output_dataset(ndvi_cube_path, dimensions, scaling_dict, additional_outputs = additional_outputs)
    for variable in list(model_outputs.keys()):
        # Write encoding dict
        encod = {}
        if variable not in scaling_dict.keys():  # additional outputs are not in the scaling dict
            encod['dtype'] = 'i2'
            encod['dtype'] = 'u2'
        # TODO: figure out optimal file chunk size
        if compress_outputs:
            encod['zlib'] = True
            encod['complevel'] = 1
        encoding_dict[variable] = encod

    # Save empty output
    model_outputs.to_netcdf(save_path, encoding = encoding_dict, unlimited_dims = 'time')  # add time as an unlimited dimension, allows to append data along the time dimension

    # ============ Prepare time iterations ============#

    # input soil data
    with nc.Dataset(soil_params_path, mode = 'r') as ds:
        Wfc = ds.variables['Wfc'][:, :]
        Wwp = ds.variables['Wwp'][:, :]
    # Observed Kcb max data
    with nc.Dataset(Kcb_max_obs_path, mode = 'r') as ds:
        Kcb_max_obs = ds.variables['Kcb_max_obs'][:, :]
    progress_bar = tqdm(total = len(dates), desc = '', unit = ' days')

    for i in range(0, len(dates)):

        # ============ Load input data and prepare output data ============ #
        # Based on available memory and previous calculation of time slices to load,
        # load a given number of time slices
        if time_slice == time_size and not already_loaded:  # if whole dataset fits in memory and it has not already been loaded
            # Update progress bar
            progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Reading inputs')
            NDVI, Rain, ET0 = read_inputs(ndvi_cube_path, weather_path, i, time_slice, load_all = True)
            already_loaded = True
            # Prepare output data
            # Standard outputs
            DP, E, Irrig, SWCe, SWCr, Tr = get_empty_arrays(x_size, y_size, time_slice, 6)
            # Additionnal outputs
            if additional_outputs:
                additional_outputs_data = get_empty_arrays(x_size, y_size, time_slice, len(additional_outputs.keys()), array = True)
            # Update progress bar
            progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Running model')
        elif i % time_slice == 0:  # load a time slice every time i is divisible by the size of the time slice
            if i + time_slice <= time_size:  # if the time slice does not gow over the dataset size
                # Update progress bar
                progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Reading inputs')
                NDVI, Rain, ET0 = read_inputs(ndvi_cube_path, weather_path, i, time_slice)
                # Prepare output data
                DP, E, Irrig, SWCe, SWCr, Tr = get_empty_arrays(x_size, y_size, time_slice, 6)
                # Additionnal outputs
                if additional_outputs:
                    additional_outputs_data = get_empty_arrays(x_size, y_size, time_slice, len(additional_outputs.keys()), array = True)
                # Update progress bar
                progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Running model')

            else:  # load the remainder when the time slice would go over the dataset size
                # Update progress bar
                progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Reading inputs')
                NDVI, Rain, ET0 = read_inputs(ndvi_cube_path, weather_path, i, remainder_to_load)
                # Prepare output data
                DP, E, Irrig, SWCe, SWCr, Tr = get_empty_arrays(x_size, y_size, remainder_to_load, 6)
                # Additionnal outputs
                if additional_outputs:
                    additional_outputs_data = get_empty_arrays(x_size, y_size, remainder_to_load, len(additional_outputs.keys()), array = True)
                # Update progress bar
                progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Running model')
            E0, Tr0, Zr0, Dei0, Dep0, Dr0, Dd0, Irrig_test = get_starting_conditions(parameter_array, param_list, NDVI[0], Init_RU, Wfc, Wwp, y_size, x_size)

        # Run SAMIR daily
        DP[i % time_slice], Dd0, Dei0, Dep0, Dr0, E[i % time_slice], Irrig[i % time_slice], Irrig_test, SWCe[i % time_slice], SWCr[i % time_slice], Tr[i % time_slice], Zr0 = samir_daily(NDVI[i % time_slice], ET0[i % time_slice], Rain[i % time_slice], Wfc, Wwp, Kcb_max_obs, Irrig_auto, Irrig_test, Dr0, Dd0, Zr0, E0, Tr0, Dei0, Dep0, i, parameter_array, param_list, scaling_names, scaling_array, write_additional_data, additional_scaling_array, additional_names, additional_idx, additional_outputs_data, time_slice)
        E0, Tr0  = E[i % time_slice], Tr[i % time_slice]
        # ============ Write outputs ============ #
        # Based on available memory and previous calculation of time slices to load,
        if time_slice == time_size and i == time_size - 1:  # if whole dataset fits in memory, write data at the end of the loop
            # Remove unecessary data
            del NDVI, Rain, ET0
            collect()  # free up unused memory
            # Update progress bar
            progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Writing outputs')
            write_outputs(save_path, DP, SWCe, SWCr, E, Tr, Irrig, additional_outputs, additional_outputs_data, i, time_slice, write_all = True)
            # Remove written data
            del DP, SWCe, SWCr, E, Tr, Irrig, additional_outputs_data
            additional_outputs_data = None
        elif (i % time_slice == time_slice - 1) and (remainder_to_load != None):  # write a time slice every time i is divisible by the size of the time slice
            # Remove unecessary data
            del NDVI, Rain, ET0
            collect()  # free up unused memory
            # Update progress bar
            progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Writing outputs')
            write_outputs(save_path, DP, SWCe, SWCr, E, Tr, Irrig, additional_outputs, additional_outputs_data, i, time_slice)
            # Remove written data
            del DP, SWCe, SWCr, E, Tr, Irrig, additional_outputs_data
            additional_outputs_data = None
        elif i == time_size - 1 and write_remainder:  # write the remainder when the time slice would go over the dataset size
            # Remove unecessary data
            del NDVI, Rain, ET0
            collect()  # free up unused memory
            # Update progress bar
            progress_bar.set_description_str(desc = 'Writing outputs')
            write_outputs(save_path, DP, SWCe, SWCr, E, Tr, Irrig, additional_outputs, additional_outputs_data, i, remainder_to_load)

            # Remove written data
            del DP, SWCe, SWCr, E, Tr, Irrig, additional_outputs_data
            additional_outputs_data = None
        # Update progress bar

    # Close progress bar
    print('\nWritting output dataset:', save_path)
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Jeremy Auclair committed
    # Reopen output model file to reinsert dates  
    with nc.Dataset(save_path, mode = 'a') as model_outputs:
        model_outputs.variables['time'].units = f'days since {np.datetime_as_string(dates[0], unit = "D")} 00:00:00'  # set correct unit
        model_outputs.variables['time'][:] = np.arange(0, len(dates))  # save dates as integers representing the number of days since the first day
        model_outputs.sync() # flush data to disk