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    # Get input raster spatial reference and epsg code to reproject shapefile in the same spatial reference

    # Open shapefile with geopandas and reproject its geometry
    shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile)
    shapefile['geometry'] = shapefile['geometry'].to_crs(target_epsg)

    # Get no data value
    progress_bar = tqdm(total = len(shapefile.index), desc='Extracting zonal statistics', unit=' polygons')

    # Loop on the individual polygons in the shapefile geometry
    for index, row in shapefile.iterrows():
        # Get the feature geometry as a shapely object
        geom = row.geometry
        # id number of the current parcel geometry
        id = index + 1
        # Get land cover
        LC = row.LC
        # Crop the raster using the bounding box
            masked_raster, _ = mask(raster_dataset, [geom], crop = True)
            print('\nShapefile bounds are not contained in weather dataset bounds.\n\nExiting script.')
            return None
        # Mask the raster using the geometry
        masked_raster, _ = mask(raster_dataset, [geom], crop = True)
        # Replace the nodata values with nan
        masked_raster = masked_raster.astype(np.float32)
        masked_raster[masked_raster == nodata] = np.NaN
        # Calculate the zonal statistics
        mean = np.nanmean(masked_raster, axis = (1,2))
        # Add statistics to output list
        raster_stats.extend([[dates[i], id, mean[i], LC] for i in range(nbands)])
        # Update progress bar
    # Close dataset and progress bar

def extract_weather_dataframe(rain_path: str, ET0_path: str, shapefile: str, config_file: str, save_path: str) -> None:
    Extract a weather dataframe for each variable (Rain, ET0) and merge them in one
    dataframe. This dataframe is saved as ``csv`` file.


    1. rain_path: ``str``
    2. ET0_path: ``str``
    3. shapefile: ``str``
    4. config_file: ``str``
    5. save_path: ``str``
        save path for weather dataframe


    # Generate arguments for multiprocessing
    args = [(rain_path, shapefile, config_file), (ET0_path, shapefile, config_file)]
    print('\nStarting weather data extraction on two cores..\n')
    # Extract weather values for both weather varialbes
    with Pool(2) as p:
    # Collect results in a single dataframe
    weather_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(results[0], columns = ['date', 'id', 'Rain', 'LC'])
    weather_dataframe['ET0'] = pd.DataFrame(results[1], columns = ['date', 'id', 'ET0', 'LC'])['ET0']
    # Reorder columns
    weather_dataframe = weather_dataframe.reindex(columns = ['date', 'id', 'Rain', 'ET0', 'LC'])
    # Format datatypes
    weather_dataframe['Rain'] = np.round(weather_dataframe['Rain']).astype(int)
    weather_dataframe['ET0'] = np.round(weather_dataframe['ET0']).astype(int)
    # Change date type
    weather_dataframe['date'] = pd.to_datetime(weather_dataframe['date'])
    # Save dataframe to csv
    weather_dataframe.to_csv(save_path, index = False)
    return None