If you have not yet installed **conda** on your machine, you should start with this step : `conda installation <>`_.
A ``yml`` file is included to automatically create a conda virtual environnment with the correct libraries and dependencies installed. To install it run this command in the root directory of the modspa_pixel project:
.. code:: bash
(base) /modspa_pixel$ conda env create -f modspa_pixel_env.yml
.. code:: bash
(base) /modspa_pixel$ conda activate modspa_pixel
(modspa_pixel) /modspa_pixel$
That's all for this step!
.. warning::
The OTB package might not be properly installed with conda, to check its installation run the following command:
.. code:: bash
(modspa_pixel) /modspa_pixel$ otbcli_ReadImageInfo # some random otb application
ERROR: Waiting for at least one parameter.
This is the ReadImageInfo application, version 8.0.0
Get information about the image
Complete documentation: or -help
MISSING -in <string> Input Image (mandatory)
-imagemetadata <boolean> Display the image metadata (mandatory, default value is false)
-outgeom <string> Write the image metadata to a geom file (optional, off by default)
-rgb <group> Default RGB Display
-progress <boolean> Report progress
-help <string list> Display long help (empty list), or help for given parameters keys
Use -help param1 [... paramN] to see detailed documentation of those parameters.
otbcli_ReadImageInfo -in QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif
free(): invalid pointer
If you receive a ``Command 'otbcli_ReadImageInfo' not found`` error, you should refer to this link to get a correct ``OTB`` installation: `OTB installation <>`_.