Jeremy Auclair
"_comment": "Sart date of the period on which the model will run",
"start_date": "2020-01-01",
"_comment1": "End date of the period on which the model will run",
"end_date": "2020-12-31",
"_comment2": "Path to the shapefile to run the model on",
"path_to_config_file": "/home/auclairj/.config/eodag/eodag.yml",
"_comment3": "Path to the shapefile to run the model on",
"shapefile_path": "/mnt/e/DATA/SCIHUB/boundary.shp",
"_comment4": "Path to the directory on which the satellite image data will be downloaded",
"download_path": "/mnt/e/DATA",
"_comment5": "output path for netcdf era5 files (Weather)",
"era5_path": "/mnt/e/DATA/WEATHER",
"_comment9": "Name of the current run, all output files will be saved under a subdirectory of Saves/ with that name, log file will also have that name",
"run_name": "TEST",
"_comment10": "Prefered S2 data provider, choices = theia, copernicus",
"preferred_provider": "copernicus",
"_comment13": "Overwrite NDVI images or not (set to true if you want the code to rewrite NDVI images, takes longer)",
"ndvi_overwrite": false,
"_comment14": "Maximum cloud cover percentage to download data, images with higher cloud cover will not be downloaded",
"cloud_cover_limit": 80,
"_comment20": "Max number of processor cores to use for multiprocessing calculations",
"max_cpu": 3