import argparse import sys # import myPySimpleGUI as sg import PySimpleGUI as sg import toml import logging from file_extractor import FileExtractor import pathlib from configparser import ConfigParser import os import distutils.util as du # typeInstrument is a dictionary as key: files extension typeInstrument = {'CTD': ('cnv', 'CNV'), 'XBT': ( 'EDF', 'edf'), 'LADCP': ('lad', 'LAD'), 'TSG': 'COLCOR'} ti = typeInstrument # an alias filesBrowsePosition_row = 2 filesBrowsePosition_column = 1 def processArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='This program read multiple ASCII file, extract physical parameter \ following ROSCOP codification at the given column, fill arrays, write header file ', usage='\npython data/CTD/cnv/dfr2900[1-3].cnv -i CTD -d\n' 'python data/CTD/cnv/dfr2900[1-3].cnv -i CTD -k PRES TEMP PSAL DOX2 DENS\n' 'python data/CTDcnv/dfr29*.cnv -i CTD -d\n' 'python data/XBT/T7_0000*.EDF -i XBT -k DEPTH TEMP SVEL\n' 'python data/LADCP/*.lad - i LADCP - k DEPTH EWCT NSCT\n' ' \n', epilog='J. Grelet IRD US191 - March 2019') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='display debug informations', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--demo', nargs='?', choices=ti.keys(), help='specify the commande line for instrument, eg CTD, XBT, TSG, LADCP') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help="toml configuration file, (default: %(default)s)", default='tests/test.toml') parser.add_argument('-i', '--instrument', nargs='?', choices=ti.keys(), help='specify the instrument that produce files, eg CTD, XBT, TSG, LADCP') parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', nargs='+', default=['PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL'], help='display dictionary for key(s), (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-g', '--gui', action='store_true', help='use GUI interface') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='ISO-8859-1'), help='ASCII file(s) to parse') return parser # TODOS: # DEPTH is missing # file name is not clear at startup # if no file selected, don't leave the program def defineGUI(): # get all devices devices = list(ti.keys()) # change look and feel color scheme sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('SandyBeach') frameLayout = {} # define a frame layout for each instrument (device) for d in devices: keys = cfg['split'][d.lower()].keys() # List comprehensions frameLayout[d] = [[sg.Checkbox(k, key=k, tooltip='Select the extract the physical parameter {}'.format(k))] for k in keys] # define GUI layout layout = ([[sg.Text('File(s) to read and convert')], # row 0 [sg.Multiline(size=(40, 5), key='_IN_'), # row 1, col 0 sg.Input(key='_HIDDEN_', visible=False, # row 1, col 1 enable_events=True), sg.FilesBrowse(key='_HIDDEN_', initial_folder=None, # row 1, col 2 tooltip='Choose one or more files')], [sg.Combo(list(ti.keys()), enable_events=True, size=(8, 1), # row 2 key='_COMBO_', tooltip='Select the instrument')], [sg.Frame(d, frameLayout[d], key='_FRAME_{:s}'.format(d) , visible=True) # row 3 for d in devices], [sg.OK(), sg.CloseButton('Cancel')]]) # row 4 # [sg.CloseButton('Run'), sg.CloseButton('Cancel')]]) # create a local instance windows used to reload the saved config from file window = sg.Window('Oceano converter').Layout(layout) window.LoadFromDisk(configfile) window.Finalize return window def updateFilesBrowseCombo(extentions, x, y): '''# special function used to update the FilesBrowseCombo with canvas poisition # instead of key because the same key is assign to shadow input object ''' e = window.Rows[x][y] # hardcoded e.FileTypes = [] # init to empty list for ext in extentions: e.FileTypes.append(("{} files".format(ext), "*.{}".format(ext))) e.initial_folder = 'data/{}'.format(extentions[0]) window.Finalize def process(args, cfg, ti): ''' Extract data from ASCII files and return FileExtractor instannce and array size of extracted data Parameters ---------- args : ConfigParser cfg : dict toml instance describing the file structure to decode ti : str {'CNV', 'XBT','LADCP','TSG',} The typeInstrument key Returns ------- fe: FileExtractor n, m: array size ''' # check if no file selected or cancel button pressed logging.debug("File(s): {}, config: {}, Keys: {}".format( args.files, args.config, args.key)) # fileExtractor fe = FileExtractor(args.files) # cfg = toml.load(args.config) [n, m] = fe.firstPass() # fe.secondPass(['PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'DOX2'], cfg, 'ctd') fe.secondPass(args.key, cfg, ti) # fe.disp(['PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'DOX2']) return fe, n, m if __name__ == "__main__": ''' usage: > python data/CTD/cnv/dfr2900[1-3].cnv -d > python data/CTD/cnv/dfr2900[1-3].cnv -k PRES TEMP PSAL DOX2 DENS > python data/CTD/cnv/dfr29*.cnv -d ''' # recover and process line arguments parser = processArgs() args = parser.parse_args() # initialize filename use to save GUI configuration configfile = 'oceano.cfg' # set looging mode if debug if args.debug: logging.basicConfig( format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) # read config Toml file and get the physical parameter list (Roscop code) for the specified instrument cfg = toml.load(args.config) # this the select device from command line ! device = str(args.instrument) # convert one element list to str # test arguements from sys.argv, args is never to None with default option set if args.gui or len(sys.argv) == 1: # setup the GUI windows Layout window = defineGUI() device = window.FindElement('_COMBO_').DefaultValue keys = cfg['split'][device.lower()].keys() # can't update combo with FindElement('_HIDDEN_').Update(), we use this function # with hardcoded FilesBrowseCombo position updateFilesBrowseCombo( ti[device], filesBrowsePosition_column, filesBrowsePosition_row) # set the rigth frame for device visible, dosn't work # File "C:\git\python\PySimpleGUI\", line 2362, in Update # self.TKFrame.pack() # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pack' # for d in list(ti.keys()): # print(d) # if d == device: # window.FindElement( # '_FRAME_{:s}'.format(d)).Update(visible=True) # main GUI loop while True: # display the main windows event, values = window.Read() print(event, values) if event is 'Cancel' or event == None: raise SystemExit("Cancelling: user exit") if event is 'OK': # end of initialization, process data now # values['_HIDDEN_'] is a string with files separated by ';' and fileExtractor need a list files = values['_HIDDEN_'].split(';') args.files = files # test if a or more file are selected if not all(args.files): sg.Popup("Cancel", "No filename supplied") # raise SystemExit("Cancelling: no filename supplied") continue break if event is '_COMBO_': # you have to go into the bowels of the pygi code, to get the instance of the Combo # by the line and column number of the window to update its "fileType" property. updateFilesBrowseCombo( ti[values['_COMBO_']], filesBrowsePosition_column, filesBrowsePosition_row) # update the Multilines instance from FilesBrowse return if event is '_HIDDEN_': window.Element('_IN_').Update( values['_HIDDEN_'].split(';')) # save program configuration window.SaveToDisk(configfile) # debug return values from GUI logging.debug("Event: {}, Values: {}".format(event, values)) # extract selected parameters (true) from dict values new_values = values.copy() for k in values.keys(): if k[0] == '_' or values[k] == False: del new_values[k] args.key = new_values.keys() # process of files start here fe, n, m = process(args, cfg, values['_COMBO_']) # display result in popup GUI dims = "Dimensions: {} x {}".format(n, m) sg.PopupScrolled('Oceano2python', dims, fe.disp(args.key), size=(80, 40)) # It will output to a debug window. Bug ? debug windows xas closed before exiting program # print = sg.Print # or # print = sg.Print(size=(80,40)) else: # demo mode, only in command line if args.demo != None: print('demo mode: {}'.format(args.demo)) sys.exit(1) # test if a or more file are selected else: if args.files == []: print( 'Error, you need to specify one or more files to process !!!', end='\n\n') parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: files = [] for f in args.files: files.append( args.files = files if device == 'None': print( 'Error: missing option -i or --instrument, instrument = {}\n'.format(device)) parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) keys = cfg['split'][device.lower()].keys() # in command line mode (console) fe, n, m = process(args, cfg, device) print("Dimensions: {} x {}".format(m, n)) print(fe.disp(args.key))