from notanorm import SqliteDb # # # # # # def main(): #fname = 'tests/profiles.db' fname = ":memory:" db = SqliteDb(fname) table_station = """ CREATE TABLE station ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date_time TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, julian_day REAL NOT NULL UNIQUE, latitude REAL NOT NULL , longitude REAL NOT NULL, max_depth REAL, bottom_depth REAL );""" # the id is actually the rowid AUTOINCREMENT column. table_profile = """ CREATE TABLE profile ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, station_id INTEGER, PRES REAL NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (station_id) REFERENCES station (id) ); """ print('Create table station') #db.query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS '{}'".format(fname)) db.query(table_station) print('Create table profile') db.query(table_profile) for pm in ("TEMP", "PSAL"): print('\tUpdate table profile with new column {}'.format(pm)) addColumn = "ALTER TABLE profile ADD COLUMN {} REAL NOT NULL".format(pm) db.query(addColumn) print('Insert data in table station ') db.insert("station", id = 1, date_time = "2022-04-06 12:00:00.000", julian_day = 10.5, latitude = -10.2, longitude = 23.6) db.insert("station", id = 2, date_time = "2022-04-07 17:00:00.000", julian_day = 11.5, latitude = -10.2, longitude = 23.6, max_depth = 2001, bottom_depth = 5032) column = "id" result_set ='station', {column: 1}) for result in result_set: print(result) result_set ='station', {column: 2}) for result in result_set: print(result) print('Insert data in profile table') db.insert("profile", station_id = 1, PRES = 1, TEMP = 20, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 1, PRES = 2, TEMP = 21, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 1, PRES = 3, TEMP = 22, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 1, PRES = 3, TEMP = 22, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 2, PRES = 4, TEMP = 20, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 2, PRES = 5, TEMP = 21, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 2, PRES = 6, TEMP = 22, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 2, PRES = 7, TEMP = 21.5, PSAL = 35) db.insert("profile", station_id = 2, PRES = 7, TEMP = 21.5, PSAL = 35) print('Display join from station an profile tables') column = "id" # select profile join station result_set ='profile', {"station_id": 2},'station' ) for result in result_set: print(result) print('get sizes:') st = db.query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM station') max_press = db.query('SELECT MAX(PRES) FROM profile') print(st, max_press) if __name__ == "__main__": main()