from netCDF4 import Dataset import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os from datetime import date import datetime from PyAstronomy import pyasl from scipy.interpolate import griddata #change the year for the plot annee = 2019 # in batch mode, without display #matplotlib.use('Agg') file = '' <<<<<<< HEAD ======= path_clim = '../climato/' clim = '' >>>>>>> 0fc9903c756f8ee2046db03512c9fda828b01a9a ncpath = '.' path = 'png' ncfile = os.path.join(ncpath, file) nc = Dataset(ncfile, mode='r') SSPS = nc.variables['SSPS'] SSTP = nc.variables['SSTP'] TIME = nc.variables['TIME'] CM = nc.cycle_mesure LON = nc.variables['LONGITUDE'] LAT = nc.variables['LATITUDE'] #definition of the day for the current year and the start year of netcdf df = datetime.datetime(annee, 1, 1, 0) dd = datetime.datetime(1950, 1, 1, 0) #convert day to julian day real jul = pyasl.jdcnv(df) jul2 = pyasl.jdcnv(dd) #calculation of the current year julian day since the beginig of julian day DIFF = jul - jul2 #test #from datetime import datetime #units=nc.variables['TIME'].units #buf=nc.variables['TIME'] #TIME=list() #TIME.extend(buf.tolist()) #dates=nc.num2date(TIME,units,'julian').tolist() #import julian #import datetime #TIME = julian.from_jd(TIME, fmt='mjd') #end test #setting of the curent julian day time = TIME[:] - DIFF # move subplot outside loop prevent: RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) fig.set_size_inches(10.5, 8.5, forward=True) fig.suptitle(CM, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') ax[0].plot(time, SSPS, 'r') ax[0].set_xlabel('Jours Julien') ax[0].set_ylabel(SSPS.long_name) ax[0].spines['left'].set_color('red') ax[0].spines['right'].set_color('red') ax[0].yaxis.label.set_color('red') ax[0].tick_params(axis='y', colors='red') ax[1].plot(time, SSTP, 'g') ax[1].set_xlabel('Jours Julien') ax[1].set_ylabel(SSTP.long_name) ax[1].spines['left'].set_color('green') ax[1].spines['right'].set_color('green') ax[1].yaxis.label.set_color('green') ax[1].tick_params(axis='y', colors='green') figname = '{}_TSG_COLCOR_SST-SSPS.png'.format(CM) dest = os.path.join(path, figname) fig.savefig(dest) print('Printing: ', dest) plt.cla()