* Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File: * FileName = C:\SEASOFT\PIRATA-FR29\data\fr29002.hex * Software Version Seasave V * Temperature SN = 6083 * Conductivity SN = 4509 * Number of Bytes Per Scan = 42 * Number of Voltage Words = 3 * Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 1 * Append System Time to Every Scan * System UpLoad Time = Mar 03 2019 20:26:30 * NMEA Latitude = 08 59.92 N * NMEA Longitude = 020 07.05 W * NMEA UTC (Time) = Mar 03 2019 20:26:29 * Store Lat/Lon Data = Append to Every Scan ** Cruise: PIRATA-FR29 ** Ship: THALASSA ** Station: 002 ** Bottom Depth: 3603 ** Barometric pressure : 1012.2 ** Temp Air: 24.1 ** Operator: MG/PR ** Comments: * System UTC = Mar 03 2019 20:26:30 # nquan = 25 # nvalues = 2023 # units = specified # name 0 = scan: Scan Count # name 1 = timeJ: Julian Days # name 2 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db] # name 3 = depSM: Depth [salt water, m] # name 4 = t090C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] # name 5 = t190C: Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C] # name 6 = c0S/m: Conductivity [S/m] # name 7 = c1S/m: Conductivity, 2 [S/m] # name 8 = sbeox0V: Oxygen raw, SBE 43 [V] # name 9 = sbeox1V: Oxygen raw, SBE 43, 2 [V] # name 10 = sbox0dV/dT: Oxygen, SBE 43 [dov/dt] # name 11 = sbox1dV/dT: Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 [dov/dt] # name 12 = CStarTr0: Beam Transmission, WET Labs C-Star [%] # name 13 = flECO-AFL: Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL [mg/m^3] # name 14 = flC: Fluorescence, Chelsea Aqua 3 Chl Con [ug/l] # name 15 = sbox0Mm/Kg: Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/kg], WS = 2 # name 16 = sbox1Mm/Kg: Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 [umol/kg], WS = 2 # name 17 = sal00: Salinity, Practical [PSU] # name 18 = sal11: Salinity, Practical, 2 [PSU] # name 19 = sigma-�00: Density [sigma-theta, kg/m^3] # name 20 = sigma-�11: Density, 2 [sigma-theta, kg/m^3] # name 21 = svCM: Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero, m/s] # name 22 = svCM1: Sound Velocity, 2 [Chen-Millero, m/s] # name 23 = nbin: number of scans per bin # name 24 = flag: flag # span 0 = 1318, 54737 # span 1 = 62.852371, 62.878132 # span 2 = 5.000, 2027.000 # span 3 = 4.974, 2005.887 # span 4 = 3.4585, 24.6045 # span 5 = 3.4581, 24.6041 # span 6 = 3.290646, 5.353358 # span 7 = 3.290817, 5.353507 # span 8 = 0.7713, 2.6754 # span 9 = 0.8852, 3.3791 # span 10 = -0.09513, 0.01981 # span 11 = -0.12321, 0.02477 # span 12 = 79.7492, 88.4064 # span 13 = 0.0437, 3.5863 # span 14 = 0.0155, 1.1125 # span 15 = 35.079, 226.490 # span 16 = 35.334, 229.022 # span 17 = 34.7014, 35.8162 # span 18 = 34.7037, 35.8133 # span 19 = 23.9527, 27.8204 # span 20 = 23.9538, 27.8223 # span 21 = 1487.30, 1534.49 # span 22 = 1487.30, 1534.49 # span 23 = 13, 145 # span 24 = 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00 # interval = decibars: 1 # start_time = Mar 03 2019 20:26:30 [System UTC, first data scan.] # bad_flag = -9.990e-29 # <Sensors count="11" > # <sensor Channel="1" > # <!-- Frequency 0, Temperature --> # <TemperatureSensor SensorID="55" > # <SerialNumber>6083</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>06-Jun-18</CalibrationDate> # <UseG_J>1</UseG_J> # <A>0.00000000e+000</A> # <B>0.00000000e+000</B> # <C>0.00000000e+000</C> # <D>0.00000000e+000</D> # <F0_Old>0.000</F0_Old> # <G>4.35319981e-003</G> # <H>6.68879170e-004</H> # <I>2.68418148e-005</I> # <J>2.12681557e-006</J> # <F0>1000.000</F0> # <Slope>1.00000000</Slope> # <Offset>0.0000</Offset> # </TemperatureSensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="2" > # <!-- Frequency 1, Conductivity --> # <ConductivitySensor SensorID="3" > # <SerialNumber>4509</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>07-Jun-18</CalibrationDate> # <UseG_J>1</UseG_J> # <!-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. --> # <SeriesR>0.0000</SeriesR> # <CellConst>2000.0000</CellConst> # <ConductivityType>0</ConductivityType> # <Coefficients equation="0" > # <A>0.00000000e+000</A> # <B>0.00000000e+000</B> # <C>0.00000000e+000</C> # <D>0.00000000e+000</D> # <M>0.0</M> # <CPcor>-9.57000000e-008</CPcor> # </Coefficients> # <Coefficients equation="1" > # <G>-1.00364060e+001</G> # <H>1.51500525e+000</H> # <I>-4.43743566e-004</I> # <J>1.14695984e-004</J> # <CPcor>-9.57000000e-008</CPcor> # <CTcor>3.2500e-006</CTcor> # <!-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. --> # <WBOTC>0.00000000e+000</WBOTC> # </Coefficients> # <Slope>1.00000000</Slope> # <Offset>0.00000</Offset> # </ConductivitySensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="3" > # <!-- Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC --> # <PressureSensor SensorID="45" > # <SerialNumber>1263</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>15-Dec-15</CalibrationDate> # <C1>-4.023025e+004</C1> # <C2>-4.466859e-001</C2> # <C3>1.240000e-002</C3> # <D1>3.511700e-002</D1> # <D2>0.000000e+000</D2> # <T1>3.023099e+001</T1> # <T2>-4.469710e-004</T2> # <T3>4.128850e-006</T3> # <T4>2.885040e-009</T4> # <Slope>1.00000000</Slope> # <Offset>0.00000</Offset> # <T5>0.000000e+000</T5> # <AD590M>1.279148e-002</AD590M> # <AD590B>-9.405686e+000</AD590B> # </PressureSensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="4" > # <!-- Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 --> # <TemperatureSensor SensorID="55" > # <SerialNumber>6086</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>06-Jun-18</CalibrationDate> # <UseG_J>1</UseG_J> # <A>0.00000000e+000</A> # <B>0.00000000e+000</B> # <C>0.00000000e+000</C> # <D>0.00000000e+000</D> # <F0_Old>0.000</F0_Old> # <G>4.35947792e-003</G> # <H>6.70575828e-004</H> # <I>2.73048438e-005</I> # <J>2.16054153e-006</J> # <F0>1000.000</F0> # <Slope>1.00000000</Slope> # <Offset>0.0000</Offset> # </TemperatureSensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="5" > # <!-- Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 --> # <ConductivitySensor SensorID="3" > # <SerialNumber>4510</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>07-Jun-18</CalibrationDate> # <UseG_J>1</UseG_J> # <!-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. --> # <SeriesR>0.0000</SeriesR> # <CellConst>2000.0000</CellConst> # <ConductivityType>0</ConductivityType> # <Coefficients equation="0" > # <A>0.00000000e+000</A> # <B>0.00000000e+000</B> # <C>0.00000000e+000</C> # <D>0.00000000e+000</D> # <M>0.0</M> # <CPcor>-9.57000000e-008</CPcor> # </Coefficients> # <Coefficients equation="1" > # <G>-9.74550860e+000</G> # <H>1.55873621e+000</H> # <I>-1.41241334e-003</I> # <J>1.86472266e-004</J> # <CPcor>-9.57000000e-008</CPcor> # <CTcor>3.2500e-006</CTcor> # <!-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. --> # <WBOTC>0.00000000e+000</WBOTC> # </Coefficients> # <Slope>1.00000000</Slope> # <Offset>0.00000</Offset> # </ConductivitySensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="6" > # <!-- A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43 --> # <OxygenSensor SensorID="38" > # <SerialNumber>3261</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>13-Jun-18</CalibrationDate> # <Use2007Equation>1</Use2007Equation> # <CalibrationCoefficients equation="0" > # <!-- Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation. --> # <Boc>0.0000</Boc> # <Soc>0.0000e+000</Soc> # <offset>0.0000</offset> # <Pcor>0.00e+000</Pcor> # <Tcor>0.0000</Tcor> # <Tau>0.0</Tau> # </CalibrationCoefficients> # <CalibrationCoefficients equation="1" > # <!-- Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later. --> # <Soc>4.6618e-001</Soc> # <offset>-0.4992</offset> # <A>-4.5144e-003</A> # <B> 2.3176e-004</B> # <C>-3.7531e-006</C> # <D0> 2.5826e+000</D0> # <D1> 1.92634e-004</D1> # <D2>-4.64803e-002</D2> # <E> 3.6000e-002</E> # <Tau20> 1.0100</Tau20> # <H1>-3.3000e-002</H1> # <H2> 5.0000e+003</H2> # <H3> 1.4500e+003</H3> # </CalibrationCoefficients> # </OxygenSensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="7" > # <!-- A/D voltage 1, Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 --> # <OxygenSensor SensorID="38" > # <SerialNumber>3265</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>13-Jun-18</CalibrationDate> # <Use2007Equation>1</Use2007Equation> # <CalibrationCoefficients equation="0" > # <!-- Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation. --> # <Boc>0.0000</Boc> # <Soc>0.0000e+000</Soc> # <offset>0.0000</offset> # <Pcor>0.00e+000</Pcor> # <Tcor>0.0000</Tcor> # <Tau>0.0</Tau> # </CalibrationCoefficients> # <CalibrationCoefficients equation="1" > # <!-- Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later. --> # <Soc>3.5388e-001</Soc> # <offset>-0.5257</offset> # <A>-4.5824e-003</A> # <B> 2.6664e-004</B> # <C>-4.0298e-006</C> # <D0> 2.5826e+000</D0> # <D1> 1.92634e-004</D1> # <D2>-4.64803e-002</D2> # <E> 3.6000e-002</E> # <Tau20> 1.6600</Tau20> # <H1>-3.3000e-002</H1> # <H2> 5.0000e+003</H2> # <H3> 1.4500e+003</H3> # </CalibrationCoefficients> # </OxygenSensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="8" > # <!-- A/D voltage 2, Transmissometer, WET Labs C-Star --> # <WET_LabsCStar SensorID="71" > # <SerialNumber>CTS1827DR</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>27/07/2017</CalibrationDate> # <M>19.2254</M> # <B>-0.0692</B> # <PathLength>0.250</PathLength> # </WET_LabsCStar> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="9" > # <!-- A/D voltage 3, Fluorometer, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL --> # <FluoroWetlabECO_AFL_FL_Sensor SensorID="20" > # <SerialNumber>FLRTD-4707</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>24/04/2017</CalibrationDate> # <ScaleFactor>6.00000000e+000</ScaleFactor> # <!-- Dark output --> # <Vblank>0.0590</Vblank> # </FluoroWetlabECO_AFL_FL_Sensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="10" > # <!-- A/D voltage 4, Fluorometer, Chelsea Aqua 3 --> # <FluoroChelseaAqua3Sensor SensorID="5" > # <SerialNumber>088-081</SerialNumber> # <CalibrationDate>2016/01/29</CalibrationDate> # <VB>0.148700</VB> # <V1>2.094600</V1> # <Vacetone>0.280900</Vacetone> # <ScaleFactor>1.000000</ScaleFactor> # <Slope>1.000000</Slope> # <Offset>0.000000</Offset> # </FluoroChelseaAqua3Sensor> # </sensor> # <sensor Channel="11" > # <!-- A/D voltage 5, Free --> # </sensor> # </Sensors> # datcnv_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:00, [datcnv_vars = 15] # datcnv_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\raw\fr29002.hex m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\raw\fr29002.XMLCON # datcnv_skipover = 0 # datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = yes # datcnv_ox_tau_correction = no # wildedit_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:13, # wildedit_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv # wildedit_pass1_nstd = 2.0 # wildedit_pass2_nstd = 20.0 # wildedit_pass2_mindelta = 0.000e+000 # wildedit_npoint = 100 # wildedit_vars = prDM depSM t090C t190C c0S/m c1S/m sbeox0V sbeox1V sbox0dV/dT sbox1dV/dT CStarTr0 flECO-AFL flC # wildedit_excl_bad_scans = yes # filter_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:14, # filter_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.030 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 0.150 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = sbox0dV/dT sbox1dV/dT flECO-AFL flC # filter_low_pass_B_vars = prDM # alignctd_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:15, # alignctd_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv # alignctd_adv = sbeox0V 2.000, sbeox1V 2.000 # celltm_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:16, # celltm_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv # celltm_alpha = 0.0300, 0.0300 # celltm_tau = 7.0000, 7.0000 # celltm_temp_sensor_use_for_cond = primary, secondary # loopedit_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:16, # loopedit_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv # loopedit_minVelocity = 0.000 # loopedit_surfaceSoak: do not remove # loopedit_excl_bad_scans = yes # wfilter_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:17, # wfilter_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv # wfilter_excl_bad_scans = yes # wfilter_action prDM = median, 24 # wfilter_action depSM = median, 24 # wfilter_action t090C = median, 5 # wfilter_action t190C = median, 5 # wfilter_action c0S/m = median, 5 # wfilter_action c1S/m = median, 5 # Derive_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:18, [derive_vars = 8] # Derive_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\raw\fr29002.xmlcon # derive_time_window_docdt = seconds: 2 # derive_ox_tau_correction = no # binavg_date = Mar 03 2019 22:56:21, # binavg_in = m:\PIRATA-FR29\data-processing\CTD\data\tmp\fr29002.cnv # binavg_bintype = decibars # binavg_binsize = 1 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_omit = 0 # binavg_min_scans_bin = 1 # binavg_max_scans_bin = 2147483647 # binavg_surface_bin = yes, min = 0.000, max = 2.000, value = 0.000 # file_type = ascii *END* 1318 62.852371 5.000 4.974 24.6009 24.6008 5.352252 5.352431 2.6754 3.3786 0.00002 0.00159 85.8645 0.2605 0.0930 204.810 207.023 35.6483 35.6497 23.9527 23.9538 1534.22 1534.23 145 0.0000e+00 3531 62.853439 6.000 5.965 24.6016 24.6021 5.352455 5.352689 2.6743 3.3738 0.00036 -0.00160 85.8554 0.2423 0.0930 204.724 206.692 35.6490 35.6504 23.9530 23.9539 1534.24 1534.25 44 0.0000e+00 3532 62.853439 7.000 6.961 24.6020 24.6019 5.352541 5.352711 2.6734 3.3757 -0.00045 -0.00265 85.8733 0.2321 0.1075 204.662 206.857 35.6490 35.6503 23.9530 23.9540 1534.26 1534.26 54 0.0000e+00 3582 62.853462 8.000 7.954 24.6028 24.6025 5.352666 5.352807 2.6736 3.3746 -0.00067 0.00157 85.8914 0.2275 0.0994 204.704 206.805 35.6489 35.6503 23.9527 23.9539 1534.28 1534.28 45 0.0000e+00 3627 62.853485 9.000 8.948 24.6020 24.6026 5.352609 5.352851 2.6704 3.3700 0.00024 -0.00118 85.8919 0.2393 0.0981 204.433 206.494 35.6488 35.6502 23.9530 23.9539 1534.29 1534.30 45 0.0000e+00 3667 62.853504 10.000 9.941 24.6005 24.6007 5.352505 5.352699 2.6715 3.3761 -0.00077 -0.00221 85.8647 0.2309 0.0985 204.568 206.970 35.6489 35.6502 23.9536 23.9545 1534.31 1534.31 34 0.0000e+00 3699 62.853519 11.000 10.940 24.6014 24.6020 5.352643 5.352880 2.6723 3.3754 -0.00213 0.00043 85.8446 0.2333 0.0941 204.669 206.940 35.6489 35.6502 23.9534 23.9542 1534.33 1534.33 32 0.0000e+00 3745 62.853542 12.000 11.935 24.6009 24.6006 5.352609 5.352756 2.6722 3.3723 0.00095 0.00009 85.8645 0.2281 0.0956 204.684 206.740 35.6487 35.6500 23.9535 23.9545 1534.34 1534.34 67 0.0000e+00 3819 62.853577 13.000 12.922 24.6000 24.6003 5.352571 5.352790 2.6702 3.3758 -0.00090 0.00170 85.8925 0.2567 0.0937 204.518 207.021 35.6488 35.6502 23.9538 23.9548 1534.36 1534.36 61 0.0000e+00 3863 62.853600 14.000 13.921 24.6022 24.6027 5.352857 5.353096 2.6713 3.3709 -0.00067 0.00003 85.8841 0.2555 0.0981 204.640 206.685 35.6489 35.6503 23.9534 23.9542 1534.38 1534.38 38 0.0000e+00 3900 62.853615 15.000 14.916 24.6033 24.6032 5.353089 5.353259 2.6687 3.3745 0.00022 -0.00296 85.8557 0.2501 0.0981 204.418 206.966 35.6494 35.6508 23.9534 23.9545 1534.40 1534.40 37 0.0000e+00 3944 62.853638 16.000 15.911 24.6041 24.6041 5.353217 5.353402 2.6702 3.3665 -0.00084 0.00113 85.8721 0.2593 0.1012 204.583 206.404 35.6494 35.6508 23.9533 23.9543 1534.42 1534.42 55 0.0000e+00 4002 62.853664 17.000 16.902 24.6045 24.6041 5.353358 5.353507 2.6712 3.3726 0.00166 -0.00561 85.8357 0.2530 0.1029 204.697 206.876 35.6499 35.6513 23.9536 23.9547 1534.44 1534.44 51 0.0000e+00 4043 62.853683 18.000 17.896 24.6040 24.6037 5.353317 5.353461 2.6695 3.3750 -0.00015 0.00396 85.8341 0.2537 0.1034 204.561 207.073 35.6496 35.6510 23.9535 23.9547 1534.45 1534.45 36 0.0000e+00 4078 62.853703 19.000 18.894 24.6003 24.6006 5.353013 5.353203 2.6669 3.3739 -0.00085 0.00457 85.8263 0.2701 0.1038 204.351 207.033 35.6499 35.6511 23.9550 23.9558 1534.46 1534.46 37 0.0000e+00 4126 62.853725 20.000 19.889 24.5984 24.5966 5.352860 5.352906 2.6680 3.3770 -0.00121 -0.00009 85.8096 0.2750 0.1042 204.495 207.294 35.6500 35.6517 23.9557 23.9575 1534.47 1534.47 63 0.0000e+00 4197 62.853760 21.000 20.878 24.5997 24.5985 5.353034 5.353105 2.6675 3.3791 0.00133 0.00107 85.8518 0.2795 0.1084 204.460 207.463 35.6499 35.6514 23.9553 23.9568 1534.49 1534.49 61 0.0000e+00 4241 62.853783 22.000 21.873 24.5644 24.5695 5.349721 5.350344 2.6641 3.3686 -0.00120 0.00067 85.8201 0.2734 0.1055 204.289 206.815 35.6528 35.6534 23.9682 23.9671 1534.43 1534.44 38 0.0000e+00