import unittest import toml ''' Run all test_* in dir test: > python -m unittest discover tests -v > python -m unittest discover -s tests -p 'test_*.py' -v ''' class testConfig(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """Initialisation des tests.""" self.cfg = toml.load('tests/test.toml') self.glob = {'author': 'jgrelet IRD March 2019 PIRATA-FR29 cruise', 'debug': False, 'echo': True, 'codeRoscop': 'C:\git\python\oceano2python\code_roscop.csv', #'codeRoscop': '/home/jgrelet/git/oceano2python/code_roscop.csv', 'ascii': "ascii", 'netcdf': "netcdf", 'odv': "odv", 'title':'', 'history':'', 'institution':'IRD', 'source':'', 'comment':'', 'references':''} = {'cycleMesure': 'PIRATA-FR29', 'plateforme': 'THALASSA', 'callsign': 'FNFP', 'institute': 'IRD', 'timezone': 'GMT', 'beginDate': '01/03/2019', 'endDate': '04/04/2019', 'pi': 'BOURLES', 'creator': ''} self.ctd = {'cruisePrefix': 'fr29', 'stationPrefixLength': 3, 'titleSummary': 'CTD profiles processed during PIRATA-FR29 cruise', 'typeInstrument': 'SBE911+', 'instrumentNumber': '09P1263', 'dateTimeFormat': "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S", 'julianOrigin': 1} self.ctdHeader = {'isHeader': '^[*#]+\s+', 'endHeader': '^[*]END[*]', 'station': 'Station\s*:\s*\D*(\d*)', 'LATITUDE': 'NMEA\s+Latitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\w)', 'LONGITUDE': 'NMEA\s+Longitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+(\w)', 'DATETIME': 'System UpLoad Time\s*=\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)', 'DATE': 'Date\s*:\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', 'TIME': '[Heure|Hour]\s*:\s*(\d+)[:hH](\d+):(\d+)', 'BATH': 'Bottom Depth\s*:\s*(\d*\.?\d+?)\s*\S*', 'operator': 'Operator\s*:\s*(.*)', 'type': 'Type\s*:\s*(.*)'} self.xbt = {'cruisePrefix': "fr29", 'stationPrefixLength': 3, 'typeInstrument': "SIPPICAN+", 'instrumentNumber': "N/A", 'acquisitionSoftware': "WinMK21", 'acquisitionVersion': "2.10.1", 'processingSoftware': "", 'processingVersion': "", 'type': "SIPPICAN", 'sn': "01150", 'title_summary': "XBT profiles processed during PIRATA-FR29 cruise", 'comment': "Extract from .edf files", 'dateTimeFormat': "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"} self.xbtHeader = {'endHeader': '^Depth\s*\(m\)', 'station': 'Sequence\s*#\s*:\s*(\d*)', 'TIME': 'Time of Launch\s*[:=]\s*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)', 'DATE': 'Date of Launch\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', 'DATETIME': 'System UpLoad Time\s*=\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)', 'LATITUDE': 'Latitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)(\w)', 'LONGITUDE': 'Longitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d+)(\w)'} self.splitCtd = {'ETDD': 1, 'PRES': 2, 'DEPTH': 3, 'TEMP': 4, 'PSAL': 17, 'DENS': 19, 'SVEL': 21, 'DOX2': 15, 'FLU2': 13, 'FLU3': 14, 'TUR3': 12, 'NAVG': 23} self.splitCtdAll = {'ETDD': 1, 'PRES': 2, 'DEPTH': 3, 'TE01': 4, 'TE02': 5, 'CND1': 6, 'CND2': 7, 'DOV1': 8, 'DOV2': 9, 'DVT1': 10, 'DVT2': 11, 'TUR3': 12, 'FLU2': 13, 'FLU3': 14, 'DO12': 15, 'DO22': 16, 'PSA1': 17, 'PSA2': 18, 'DEN1': 19, 'DEN2': 20, 'SVEL': 21, 'NAVG': 23} self.splitBtl = {'BOTL': 0, 'PSA1': 4, 'PSA2': 5, 'DO11': 6, 'DO12': 7, 'DO21': 8, 'DO22': 9, 'Potemp090C': 10, 'Potemp190C': 11, 'ETDD': 12, 'PRES': 13, 'DEPTH': 14, 'TE01': 15, 'TE02': 16, 'CND1': 17, 'CND2': 18, 'DOV1': 19, 'DOV2': 20, 'DVT1': 21, 'DVT2': 22, 'TUR3': 23, 'FLU2': 24} self.splitXbt = {'DEPTH': 0, 'TEMP': 1, 'SVEL': 2} def test_global(self): ''' test block [global]''' d = self.cfg['global'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k], self.glob[k]) def test_cruise(self): ''' test block [cruise]''' d = self.cfg['cruise'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k],[k]) def test_ctd(self): ''' test block [ctd]''' d = self.cfg['ctd'] for k in d.keys(): # problem with nested table if k == 'header': break self.assertEqual(d[k], self.ctd[k]) def test_ctd_header(self): ''' test block [ctd.header]''' d = self.cfg['ctd']['header'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k], self.ctdHeader[k]) def test_split_ctd(self): """ Test if all value in block [split.ctd] are correct """ d = self.cfg['split']['ctd'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k], self.splitCtd[k]) def test_split_ctdAll(self): """ Test if all value in block [split.ctdall] are correct """ d = self.cfg['split']['ctdAll'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k], self.splitCtdAll[k]) def test_split_btl(self): """ Test if all value in block [split.btl] are correct """ d = self.cfg['split']['btl'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k], self.splitBtl[k]) def test_xbt(self): """ Test if all value in block [xbt] are correct """ d = self.cfg['xbt'] for k in d.keys(): # problem with nested table if k == 'header': break self.assertEqual(d[k], self.xbt[k]) def test_xbt_header(self): ''' test block [xbt.header]''' d = self.cfg['xbt']['header'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k], self.xbtHeader[k]) def test_split_xbt(self): """ Test if all value in block [split.xbt] are correct """ d = self.cfg['split']['xbt'] for k in d.keys(): self.assertEqual(d[k], self.splitXbt[k]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()