import unittest from physicalParameter import Roscop ''' Run test in single file > python - m unittest - v tests/ Run all test_ * in dir tests: > python - m unittest discover tests - v > python - m unittest discover - s tests - p 'test_*.py' - v ''' class testRoscop(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Test initialisation """ self.file = 'code_roscop.csv' self.r = Roscop(self.file) def test_file(self): """ Test if filename is correct """ self.assertEqual(self.r.file, self.file) def test_entries(self): ''' test the number of entries in csv file ''' self.assertEqual(len(self.r), 68) def test_key_TEMP(self): ''' test the standard_name for physical parameter TEMP ''' self.assertEqual(self.r.returnCode('TEMP')[ 'standard_name'], 'sea_water_temperature') self.assertEqual(self.r.returnCode('TEMP')[ 'units'], 'degree_Celsius') self.assertEqual(self.r.returnCode('TEMP')[ 'comment'], 'Ocean temperature in Degrees Celsius') def test_key_PSAL(self): ''' test the standard_name for physical parameter PSAL ''' self.assertEqual(self.r.returnCode('PSAL')[ 'standard_name'], 'sea_water_salinity') self.assertEqual(self.r.returnCode('PSAL')[ 'units'], '1') self.assertEqual(self.r.returnCode('PSAL')[ 'comment'], 'Ocean practical salinity (PSS-78)') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()