diff --git a/code_roscop.csv b/code_roscop.csv
index 44a1172bd8ad7efc30c6289e95b5f807f4661a98..7fff2b537b95529e853a8bdef2bd59974ae519fc 100644
--- a/code_roscop.csv
+++ b/code_roscop.csv
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ PROFILE;int32;profile number;;1;;;;;;%4d;99999;;;Station number, a station could
 LATITUDE;float32;latitude of measurement;latitude;degrees_north;;;;;;;;Y;;;;;;WGS84;urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
 LONGITUDE;float32;longitude of measurement;longitude;degrees_east;;;;;;;;X;;;;;;WGS84;urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4327
 TIME;float64;time of measurement;time;days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z;Relative julian days with decimal part (as parts of the day);;;0.0;90000.0;%6.6f;;T;;;;;;;
-ETDD;float32;ellapsed time;;1;;;;0;90000;%9.5f;;;;;;;;;
+ETDD;float64;ellapsed time;;1;;;;0;90000;%9.5f;1E+36;;;;;;;;
 DEPH;float32;depth of measurement;depth;meter;;;down;0;9000;%7.2f;1E+36;Z;;;;;;;urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::5831
 DEPTH;float32;depth of measurement;depth;meter;;;down;0;9000;%7.2f;1E+36;Z;;;;;;;urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::5831
 PRES;float32;sea water pressure;sea_water_pressure;decibar;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;9000;%7.2f;1E+36;;;Pressure (dbar) of the measurement;;;;;
@@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ WMSP;float32;wind speed - max aver per 2 mn;wind_speed;meter/second;;TIME DEPTH
 WDIR;float32;wind direction rel. true north;wind_to_direction;degree;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;360;%5.1f;1E+36;;0.001;Horizontal wind speed;;;;;
 ATMS;float32;atmospheric pressure - sea lev;air_pressure_at_sea_level;hectoPascal;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;940;1030;%8.3f;1E+36;;0.001;Atmospheric pressure at sea level;;;;;
 RELH;float32;relative humidity;relative_humidity;%;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;100;%6.1f;1E+36;;0.001;Relative humidity;;;;;
-NSCT;float32;current north component;;cm/second;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-100;100;%7.3f;1E+36;;0.01; Current north;;;;;
+NSCT;float32;current north component;;cm/second;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-100;100;%7.3f;1E+36;;0.01;" Current north";;;;;
 EWCT;float32;current east component;;cm/second;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-100;100;%7.3f;1E+36;;0.02;Current east;;;;;
 SSJT;float32;sea surface water jacket temperature;sea_water_temperature;degree_Celsius;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-1.5;38;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;Ocean temperature;;;;;
 SSTP;float32;sea surface water temperature;sea_water_temperature;degree_Celsius;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-1.5;38;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;Sea surface Ocean temperature;;;;;
-SSPS;float32;sea surface practical salinity;sea_water_salinity ;pss;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-1.5;38;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;Ocean salinity;;;;;
+SSPS;float32;sea surface practical salinity;"sea_water_salinity ";pss;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-1.5;38;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;Ocean salinity;;;;;
 PCO2;float32;co2 part. pres in dry/wet gas;;microatmosphere;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;100;700;%7.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 FLU2;float32;fluorescence;;milligram/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;1;%8.4f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
+FLU3;float32;secondary fluorescence;;milligram/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;1;%8.4f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 TUR1;float32;light diffusion coefficient;;m-1;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;10;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 TUR2;float32;light attenuation coefficient;;m-1;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;10;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 TUR3;float32;light transmission;;%;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;100;%6.2f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
@@ -54,10 +55,10 @@ DOV1;float32;dissolved oxygen primary sensor voltage;;V;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LON
 DOV2;float32;dissolved oxygen secondary sensor voltage;;V;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;10;%6.4f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 DVT1;float32;dissolved oxygen primary sensor dv/dt;;dv/dt;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-1;1;%+7.5f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 DVT2;float32;dissolved oxygen secondary sensor dv/dt;;dv/dt;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;-1;1;%+7.5f;1E+36;;0.002;;;;;;
-NTIW;float32;nitrite (no2-n) ;moles_of_nitrite_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water;micromole/kg;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;100;%7.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
-NTRI;float32;nitrite (no2-n) ;moles_concentration_of_nitrite_in_sea_water;millimole/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;10;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
-NTAW;float32;nitrate (no3-n) ;moles_of_nitrate_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water;micromole/kg;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;90;%5.2f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
-NTRA;float32;nitrate (no3-n) ;moles_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water;millimole/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;56;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
+NTIW;float32;"nitrite (no2-n) ";moles_of_nitrite_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water;micromole/kg;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;100;%7.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
+NTRI;float32;"nitrite (no2-n) ";moles_concentration_of_nitrite_in_sea_water;millimole/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;10;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
+NTAW;float32;"nitrate (no3-n) ";moles_of_nitrate_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water;micromole/kg;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;90;%5.2f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
+NTRA;float32;"nitrate (no3-n) ";moles_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water;millimole/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;56;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 NTZW;float32;nitrate + nitrite;moles_of_nitrate_and_nitrite_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water;micromole/kg;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;10;%6.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 NTRZ;float32;nitrate + nitrite;moles_concentration_of_nitrate_and_nitrite_in_sea_water;millimole/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;100;%6.2f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 PHOW;float32;phosphate (po4-p);moles_of_phosphate_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water;micromole/kg;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;10;%5.3f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ PHOS;float32;phosphate (po4-p);moles_phosphate_of_nitrate_in_sea_water;millimole
 PHPT;float32;total pheophytin;;milligramm/m3;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;99;%5.2f;1E+36;;0.01;;;;;;
 WETT;float32;wet bulb temperature;;degree_Celsius;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;;0;90;%5.1f;1E+36;;0.001;;;;;;
 HEIG;float32;atmospheric height;;meter;;TIME DEPTH LATITUDE LONGITUDE;up;0;40000;%8.2f;1E+36;;0.1;;;;;;urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::5829
-NAVG;int32;averaged data cycle number;;1;;;;0;999;%3.0f;99999;;;;;;;;
+NAVG;int32;averaged data cycle number;;1;;;;0;999;%3d;9999;;;;;;;;
 BOTL;int32;sea water sample bottle number;;1;;;;1;36;%3d;99999;;;;;;;;
-TYPECAST;int32;type of cast: unknow=0, phy=1, bio=2, geo=3;;1;;;;0.0;9.0;%1d;99999;;;;;;;;
-BATH;float32;bathymetric depth;;meter;;;;0;11000;%6.1f;1E+36;;0.1;;;;;;
+TYPECAST;int32;type of cast: unknow=0, phy=1, bio=2, geo=3;;1;;;;0;9;%1d;99999;;;;;;;;
+BATH;float32;bathymetric depth;;meter;;;;0;11000;%6.1f;1E+36;;0.1;;;;;;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/file_extractor.py b/file_extractor.py
index c0390f02eb52137b93e6df719a377bbd1272be68..13545ab86815e897cfbbd3459ef5a61571e520fd 100644
--- a/file_extractor.py
+++ b/file_extractor.py
@@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ class FileExtractor:
     # constructor with values by defaul
-    def __init__(self, fname, keys, separator=None):
+    def __init__(self, fname, roscop, keys, separator=None):
         # attibutes
         # public:
         self.fname = fname
         self.keys = keys
+        self.roscop = roscop
         self.n = 0
         self.m = 0
         self.lineHeader = 0
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ class FileExtractor:
         self.__data = {}
         self.__regex = {}
         # replace this constante with roscop fill value
-        self.__FillValue = 1e36
+        #self.__FillValue = 1e36
     # overloading operators
     def __getitem__(self, key):
@@ -82,11 +83,9 @@ class FileExtractor:
         # first pass on file(s)
         d = cfg[ti.lower()]['header']
-        #print(d, end='\n')
+        # fill the __regex dict with compiled regex 
         for key in d.keys():
-            print("{}: {}".format(key, d[key]))
             self.__regex[key] = re.compile(d[key])
-        print(end='\n')
     def first_pass(self):
@@ -105,6 +104,8 @@ class FileExtractor:
             with fileinput.input(
                     file, openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded("ISO-8859-1")) as f:
                 lineData = 0
+                lineHeader = 0
+                isHeader = True
                 filesRead += 1
                 for line in f:
                     # header detection, skip header lines
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ class FileExtractor:
                         elif 'endHeader' in self.__regex:
                             if self.__regex['endHeader'].match(line):
                                 lineHeader += 1
-                                isHeader = False
+                                isHeader = False             
                                 lineHeader += 1
@@ -163,12 +164,19 @@ class FileExtractor:
         # initialize arrays, move at the end of firstPass ?
         for key in variables_1D:
-            self.__data[key] = np.ones((self.n)) * self.__FillValue
+            #self.__data[key] = np.ones((self.n)) * self.__FillValue
+            if '_FillValue' in self.roscop[key]:
+                self.__data[key] = np.full((self.n, self.roscop[key]['_FillValue'])) 
+            else:
+                self.__data[key] = np.empty(self.n) 
         for key in self.keys:
             # mult by __fillValue next
             # the shape parameter has to be an int or sequence of ints
-            self.__data[key] = np.ones((self.n, self.m)) * self.__FillValue
+            if '_FillValue' in self.roscop[key]:
+                self.__data[key] = np.full([self.n, self.m], self.roscop[key]['_FillValue'])
+            else:
+                self.__data[key] = np.empty([self.n, self.m]) 
         for file in self.fname:
             with fileinput.input(
@@ -177,78 +185,87 @@ class FileExtractor:
                 for line in f:
                     if f.filelineno() < self.lineHeader + 1:
                         # read and decode header
-                        if self.__regex['DATETIME'].search(line):
-                            (month, day, year, hour, minute, second) = \
-                                self.__regex['DATETIME'].search(line).groups() 
-                            # format date and time to  "May 09 2011 16:33:53"
-                            dateTime = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s"  %  (day, month, year, hour, minute, second)
-                            # dateTime conversion to "09/05/2011 16:33:53"
-                            dateTime = "%s" % \
-                                (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))  
-                            # conversion to "20110509163353"
-                            epic_date = "%s" % \
-                                (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))  
-                            # conversion to julian day
-                            julian = float((dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%j"))) \
-                            + ((float(hour) * 3600.) + (float(minute) * 60.) + float(second) ) / 86400.
-                            # we use julian day with origine 0
-                            julian -= 1
-                            print("{:07.4f} : {} / {}".format(julian, dateTime, epic_date))
-                            self.__data['TIME'][n] = julian  
-                        if self.__regex['DATE'].search(line):
-                            (month, day, year) = \
-                                self.__regex['DATE'].search(line).groups() 
-                        if self.__regex['TIME'].search(line):
-                            (hour, minute, second) = \
-                                self.__regex['TIME'].search(line).groups()   
+                        for k in self.__regex.keys():
+                            # key is DATETIME
+                            if k == "DATETIME" and self.__regex[k].search(line):
+                                (month, day, year, hour, minute, second) = \
+                                    self.__regex[k].search(line).groups() 
+                                # format date and time to  "May 09 2011 16:33:53"
+                                dateTime = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s"  %  (day, month, year, hour, minute, second)
+                                # dateTime conversion to "09/05/2011 16:33:53"
+                                dateTime = "%s" % \
+                                    (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))  
+                                # conversion to "20110509163353"
+                                epic_date = "%s" % \
+                                    (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))  
+                                # conversion to julian day
+                                julian = float((dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%j"))) \
+                                + ((float(hour) * 3600.) + (float(minute) * 60.) + float(second) ) / 86400.
+                                # we use julian day with origine 0
+                                julian -= 1
+                                self.__data['TIME'][n] = julian  
+                            # key is DATE
+                            if k == "DATE" and self.__regex[k].search(line):
+                                if device.lower() == 'ladcp':
+                                    (year, month, day) = \
+                                    self.__regex[k].search(line).groups() 
+                                else:
+                                    (month, day, year) = \
+                                    self.__regex[k].search(line).groups() 
+                            # key is TIME
+                            if k == "TIME" and self.__regex[k].search(line):
+                                (hour, minute, second) = \
+                                self.__regex[k].search(line).groups()   
-                            # format date and time to  "May 09 2011 16:33:53"
-                            dateTime = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s"  %  (day, month, year, hour, minute, second)
-                            # dateTime conversion to "09/05/2011 16:33:53"
-                            dateTime = "%s" % \
-                                (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))  
-                            # conversion to "20110509163353"
-                            epic_date = "%s" % \
-                                (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))  
-                            # conversion to julian day
-                            julian = float((dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%j"))) \
-                            + ((float(hour) * 3600.) + (float(minute) * 60.) + float(second) ) / 86400.
-                            # we use julian day with origine 0
-                            julian -= 1
-                            print("{:07.4f} : {} / {}".format(julian, dateTime, epic_date))
-                            self.__data['TIME'][n] = julian  
-                        if self.__regex['LATITUDE'].search(line):
-                            (lat_deg, lat_min, lat_hemi) = self.__regex['LATITUDE'].search(line).groups() 
-                            # format latitude to string
-                            latitude_str = "%s%c%s %s" % (lat_deg, DEGREE, lat_min, lat_hemi)
-                            # transform to decimal using ternary operator
-                            latitude = float(lat_deg) + (float(lat_min) / 60.) if lat_hemi == 'N' else \
-                                (float(lat_deg) + (float(lat_min) / 60.)) * -1
-                            print("{:07.4f} : {}".format(latitude, latitude_str))
-                            self.__data['LATITUDE'][n] = latitude  
-                        if self.__regex['LONGITUDE'].search(line):
-                            (lon_deg, lon_min, lon_hemi) = self.__regex['LONGITUDE'].search(line).groups() 
-                            # format longitude to string
-                            longitude_str = "%s%c%s %s" % (lon_deg, DEGREE, lon_min, lon_hemi)
-                            # transform to decimal using ternary operator
-                            longitude = float(lon_deg) + (float(lon_min) / 60.) if lon_hemi == 'E' else \
-                                (float(lon_deg) + (float(lon_min) / 60.)) * -1
-                            print("{:07.4f} : {}".format(longitude, longitude_str))
-                            self.__data['LONGITUDE'][n] = longitude  
+                                # format date and time to  "May 09 2011 16:33:53"
+                                dateTime = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s"  %  (day, month, year, hour, minute, second)
+                                # dateTime conversion to "09/05/2011 16:33:53"
+                                dateTime = "%s" % \
+                                    (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))  
+                                # conversion to "20110509163353"
+                                epic_date = "%s" % \
+                                    (dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))  
+                                # conversion to julian day
+                                julian = float((dt.strptime(dateTime, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%j"))) \
+                                + ((float(hour) * 3600.) + (float(minute) * 60.) + float(second) ) / 86400.
+                                # we use julian day with origine 0
+                                julian -= 1
+                                self.__data['TIME'][n] = julian  
+                            # key is LATITUDE
+                            if k == "LATITUDE" and self.__regex[k].search(line):
+                                if device.lower() == 'ladcp':
+                                    [latitude] = self.__regex[k].search(line).groups()                                  
+                                else:
+                                    (lat_deg, lat_min, lat_hemi) = self.__regex[k].search(line).groups() 
+                                    # format latitude to string
+                                    latitude_str = "%s%c%s %s" % (lat_deg, DEGREE, lat_min, lat_hemi)
+                                    # transform to decimal using ternary operator
+                                    latitude = float(lat_deg) + (float(lat_min) / 60.) if lat_hemi == 'N' else \
+                                        (float(lat_deg) + (float(lat_min) / 60.)) * -1
+                                self.__data['LATITUDE'][n] = latitude  
+                            # key is LONGITUDE
+                            if k == "LONGITUDE" and self.__regex[k].search(line):
+                                if device.lower() == 'ladcp':
+                                    [longitude] = self.__regex[k].search(line).groups()
+                                else:
+                                    (lon_deg, lon_min, lon_hemi) = self.__regex[k].search(line).groups() 
+                                    # format longitude to string
+                                    longitude_str = "%s%c%s %s" % (lon_deg, DEGREE, lon_min, lon_hemi)
+                                    # transform to decimal using ternary operator
+                                    longitude = float(lon_deg) + (float(lon_min) / 60.) if lon_hemi == 'E' else \
+                                        (float(lon_deg) + (float(lon_min) / 60.)) * -1
+                                self.__data['LONGITUDE'][n] = longitude  
                     # split the line, remove leading and trailing space before
diff --git a/netcdf.py b/netcdf.py
index 37935e16d52a63201d16692f6e10956fba1f6d74..1b577f470483e765c19dab64fb145758cc1a2289 100644
--- a/netcdf.py
+++ b/netcdf.py
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 import logging
 from netCDF4 import Dataset
 from numpy import arange, dtype
-from physical_parameter import Roscop
-def writeNetCDF(fileName, fe, variables_1D):
+def writeNetCDF(fileName, fe, r, variables_1D):
     # ncvars is a dictionary that store a netcdf variable for each physical parameter key
     ncvars = {}
@@ -14,9 +13,6 @@ def writeNetCDF(fileName, fe, variables_1D):
     variables = variables_1D.copy()
     dims_2D = ['TIME', 'DEPTH']
-    # move to main after tests
-    r = Roscop("code_roscop.csv")
     # create netcdf file
     nc = Dataset(fileName, "w", format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC")
     logging.debug(' ' + nc.data_model)
@@ -49,13 +45,14 @@ def writeNetCDF(fileName, fe, variables_1D):
             fillvalue = None
         # create the variable
         if any(key in item for item in variables_1D):
             ncvars[key] = nc.createVariable(
                 key, dtype(hash['types']).char, (key,), fill_value=fillvalue)
             ncvars[key] = nc.createVariable(
-                key, dtype(hash['types']).char, dims_2D, fill_value=fillvalue)
+            key, dtype(hash['types']).char, dims_2D, fill_value=fillvalue)
         # remove from the dictionary
         # create dynamically variable attributes
@@ -71,10 +68,8 @@ def writeNetCDF(fileName, fe, variables_1D):
     # write the ncvars
     for key in variables:
         if any(key in item for item in variables_1D):
-            #print("Key: {}, {}".format(key,fe[key]))
             ncvars[key][:] = fe[key]
-            #print("Key: {}, {}".format(key,fe[key]))
             ncvars[key][:, :] = fe[key]
     # close the netcdf file
diff --git a/oceano.py b/oceano.py
index 5558b314e20a3dc2db04d6ab0408a4e731107f6e..b0232582bceebaf5fe7cb63d638cbd7fcaa0e9fe 100644
--- a/oceano.py
+++ b/oceano.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from configparser import ConfigParser
 import os
 import distutils.util as du
 import netcdf
+from physical_parameter import Roscop
 # typeInstrument is a dictionary as key: files extension
 typeInstrument = {'CTD': ('cnv', 'CNV'), 'XBT': (
@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ filesBrowsePosition_column = 1
 # initialize filename use to save GUI configuration
 configfile = 'oceano.cfg'
+# move to main after tests
+r = Roscop("code_roscop.csv")
 def processArgs():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ def processArgs():
     parser.add_argument('-i', '--instrument', nargs='?', choices=ti.keys(),
                         help='specify the instrument that produce files, eg CTD, XBT, TSG, LADCP')
-    parser.add_argument('-k', '--keys', nargs='+', default=['PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL'],
+    parser.add_argument('-k', '--keys', nargs='+',
                         help='display dictionary for key(s), (default: %(default)s)')
     parser.add_argument('-g', '--gui', action='store_true',
                         help='use GUI interface')
@@ -130,12 +133,17 @@ def process(args, cfg, ti):
         n, m: array size
+    print('processing...')
     # check if no file selected or cancel button pressed
     logging.debug("File(s): {}, config: {}, Keys: {}".format(
         args.files, args.config, args.keys))
-    # fileExtractor
-    fe = FileExtractor(args.files, args.keys)
+    # if physical parameters are not given from cmd line, option -k, use the toml <device>.split values
+    if args.keys == None:
+        args.keys = cfg['split'][device.lower()].keys()
+    # extract header and data from files
+    fe = FileExtractor(args.files, r, args.keys)
     # prepare (compile) each regular expression inside toml file under section [<device=ti>.header] 
     fe.set_regex(cfg, ti)
@@ -273,11 +281,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-        keys = cfg['split'][device.lower()].keys()
         # in command line mode (console)
         fe = process(args, cfg, device)
         #print("Dimensions: {} x {}".format(fe.m, fe.n))
     # write the NetCDF file
-    netcdf.writeNetCDF( "netcdf/OS_{}_{}.nc".format(cfg['cruise']['cycleMesure'], device), fe,variables_1D)
+    ncfile = "netcdf/OS_{}_{}.nc".format(cfg['cruise']['cycleMesure'], device)
+    netcdf.writeNetCDF( ncfile, fe, r, variables_1D)
diff --git a/physical_parameter.py b/physical_parameter.py
index 03da9e18faf1acf040c00d5f6b88658a560a570c..fb92c2434d4ce2161baf4f5cb5492740b0df274e 100644
--- a/physical_parameter.py
+++ b/physical_parameter.py
@@ -82,9 +82,14 @@ class Roscop:
                         # use the second line with key string to convert each numeric type into float
                         if theKey != 'string':
                             if self['string'][k] == 'numeric':
-                                row[k] = float(row[k])
-                        logging.debug(
-                            " {} -> {}, {} = {}".format(theKey, k, type(row[k]), row[k]))
+                                if 'float' in row['types']:
+                                   row[k] = float(row[k])
+                                elif 'int' in row['types']:
+                                   row[k] = int(row[k])
+                                else:
+                                    print('invalid type {}: {}'.format(theKey, k))
+                        #logging.debug(
+                        #    " {} -> {}, {} = {}".format(theKey, k, type(row[k]), row[k]))
                 self.__hash[theKey] = row
diff --git a/tests/test.toml b/tests/test.toml
index cfbcc73b940dacfac002e9257acb12c5be4f6b4e..79544cb122faa7b7b48d63b3f3eab3ddf05f0fc8 100644
--- a/tests/test.toml
+++ b/tests/test.toml
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ instrumentNumber  = "09P1263"
 isHeader = '^[*#]'
-isDevice = '^\*\s+(Sea-Bird)'
 DATETIME = 'System UpLoad Time\s*=\s*(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)'
 LATITUDE = 'NMEA\s+Latitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\w)'
 LONGITUDE = 'NMEA\s+Longitude\s*[:=]\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+(\w)'
@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ comment        = "Extract from .colcor files"
 cruisePrefix   = "fr29"
 stationPrefixLength  = 3
-skipHeader = 10
 acquisitionSoftware = "BBTALK"
 acquisitionVersion = 3.04
 processingSoftware = "MATLAB-VISBECK"
@@ -94,19 +92,26 @@ downSn           = "24543"
 title_summary  = "IFM-GEOMAR/LDEO Matlab LADCP-Processing system adapted by FM/PR/JG"
 comment        = "Extract from .lad files"
+	[ladcp.header]
+	endHeader = 'Columns'
+	DATE = 'Date\s*=\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)'
+	TIME = 'Start_Time\s*=\s*(\d+)[:hH](\d+):(\d+)'
+	LATITUDE = 'Latitude\s*[:=]\s*([-+]?\d+\.\d+)'
+	LONGITUDE = 'Longitude\s*[:=]\s*([-]?\d+.\d+)'
-	ETDD = 2
-	PRES = 3
-	DEPTH = 4
-	TEMP = 5
-	PSAL = 18
-	DENS = 20
-	SVEL = 22
-	DOX2 = 16
-	FLU2 = 14
-	FLU3 = 15
-	TUR3 = 13
+	ETDD = 1
+	PRES = 2
+	DEPTH = 3
+	TEMP = 4
+	PSAL = 17
+	DENS = 19
+	SVEL = 21
+	DOX2 = 15
+	FLU2 = 13
+	FLU3 = 14
+	TUR3 = 12
 	NAVG = 23
@@ -174,4 +179,4 @@ comment        = "Extract from .lad files"
 	DEPTH = 0
 	SSJT = 1
 	SSTP = 2
-	SSPS = 3
\ No newline at end of file
+	SSPS = 3