From a8f5320f5ce870af1e9f9119dcbf746933449f41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Rousselot <> Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 16:22:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Version reviewed --- template_get_adcp_data_down_only.m | 279 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 279 insertions(+) create mode 100644 template_get_adcp_data_down_only.m diff --git a/template_get_adcp_data_down_only.m b/template_get_adcp_data_down_only.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0762097 --- /dev/null +++ b/template_get_adcp_data_down_only.m @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% template_get_adcp_data_down_only.m +% ------------------------------- +% Author : Jérémie HABASQUE - IRD +% ------------------------------- +% INPUTS: +% - binary raw file with .000 extension +% OUTPUTS: +% - U and V fields interpolated on a regulard grid, filtered and subsampled +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +% First part -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +close all +clear all + +%% META information: + +% Path +addpath('C:\Workspace_Matlab\git\ADCP_mooring_data_processing\moored_adcp_proc'); +addpath('.\backscatter'); % Optionnel + +% Location rawfile +fpath = ''; +rawfile='C:\Users\jhabasqu\Desktop\\PIRATA\ADCP_mooring_data\23W-0N\2004-2005 - kpo_0612\LR3173_2004.000'; + +% Directory for outputs +fpath_output = 'C:\Users\jhabasqu\Desktop\\PIRATA\ADCP_mooring_data\23W-0N\2004-2005 - kpo_0612\'; + +% Cruise/mooring info = '';'23W0N';; %latitude en degrés décimaux +mooring.lon=-23+00/60; %longitude en degrés décimaux + +% ADCP info'kpo_0612'; +adcp.type='150 khz Quartermaster'; % Type : ‘Quartermaster’, ‘longranger’ +adcp.direction='dn'; % upward-looking 'up', downward-looking 'dn' +adcp.instr_depth=180; % nominal instrument depth +instr=1; % this is just for name convention and sorting of all mooring instruments + +% If ADCP was not set up to correct for magnetic deviation internally +% ("EA0" code in configuration file), use +% Magnetic deviation: Mean of deviations at time of deployment and time of recovery + +% Magnetic deviation values +magnetic_deviation_ini = 16.44; +magnetic_deviation_end = 16.28; +rot=-(magnetic_deviation_ini+magnetic_deviation_end)/2; + +% Read rawfile +fprintf('Read %s\n', rawfile); +raw=read_os3(rawfile,'all'); +figure;plot(raw.pressure);set(gca,'ydir','reverse'); +title('pressure sensor');ylabel('Depth(m)');xlabel('Time'); +saveas(gcf,[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Pressure_sensor'],'fig') + +% Second part -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +% Determine first and last indiced when instrument was at depth (you can do this by plotting 'raw.pressure' for example +first = 370; +last = 11398; + +% amplitude of the bins / Correction ADCP's depth +ea = squeeze(mean(raw.amp(:,:,first:last),2)); +figure; imagesc(ea);title('Amplitude of the bins'); colorbar; +ylabel('Bins');xlabel('Time'); +saveas(gcf,[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Amplitude_bins'],'fig') + +% Third part -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +% Exclude data with percent good below prct_good +prct_good = 20; + +%% Read data +freq = raw.config.sysconfig.frequency; + +u2 = squeeze(raw.vel(:,1,first:last)); +v2 = squeeze(raw.vel(:,2,first:last)); +w = squeeze(raw.vel(:,3,first:last)); +vel_err = squeeze(raw.vel(:,4,first:last)); % the difference in vertical velocity between the two pairs of transducers +time = raw.juliandate(first:last); +ang = [raw.pitch(first:last) raw.roll(first:last) raw.heading(first:last)]; +soundspeed = raw.soundspeed(first:last); +T = raw.temperature(first:last); +press = raw.pressure(first:last); + +nbin = raw.config.ncells; % number of bins +bin = 1:nbin; +blen = raw.config.cell; % bin length +blnk = raw.config.blank; % blank distance after transmit + +dt=(time(2)-time(1))*24; % Sampling interval in hours + +[u,v]=uvrot(u2,v2,-rot); % Correction of magnetic deviation + +pg = squeeze(,4,first:last)); % percent good + +igap=find(pg<prct_good); % Exclude data with percent good below prct_good +u(igap)=nan; +v(igap)=nan; +w(igap)=nan; +vel_err(igap)=nan; + +%% Calculate depth of each bin: +dpt = sw_dpth(press,'; % convert pressure to depth, press needs to have dimension (n x 1) +dpt1 = repmat(dpt,nbin,1); +binmat = repmat((1:nbin)',1,length(dpt1)); + +% If ADCP is upward-looking a depth correction can be inferred from the +% surface reflection, which is done in adcp_surface_fit +if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up') + [z,dpt1,offset,xnull]=adcp_surface_fit(dpt,ea,sbins,blen,blnk,nbin); +elseif strcmp(adcp.direction,'dn') + z = dpt1+(binmat-0.5)*blen+blnk; +else + error('Bin depth calculation: unknown direction!'); +end + +saveas(figure(1),[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Hist_diff_orig-depth_recon-depth'],'fig') +saveas(figure(2),[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Offset_depth'],'fig') +saveas(figure(3),[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Amplitude_bins_2'],'fig') + +%% Remove bad data if ADCP is looking upward +u1=u; v1=v; w1=w; vel_err1=vel_err; ea1=ea; + +if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up') + for i=1:length(time) + sz_dpt(i)=adcp_shadowzone(dpt(i),raw.config.sysconfig.angle); % depending on the instrument depth and the beam angle the shadow zone, i.e. the depth below the surface which is contaminated by the surface reflection is determined + + iz(i)=find(z(:,i)>sz_dpt(i),1,'last'); + sbin(i)=bin(iz(i)); + + % here a manual criterion should be hard-coded if + % adcp_check_surface (below) shows bad velocities close to the + % surface + + fz(i)=z(iz(i),i); + end + + for i=1:length(time) + u1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)=nan; + v1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)=nan; + w1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)=nan; + vel_err1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)=nan; + ea1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)=nan; + end + + if 1 + bins=nmedian(sbin)-4:nmedian(sbin)+2; + adcp_check_surface(bins,u,u1,v,v1,time,bin,z); + % here the closest bins below the surface are plotted that are supposed to have good velocities, if there are still bad velocities a manual criterion needs to be found + end +end +saveas(figure(4),[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Meridional_zonal_velocity'],'fig') + +%% SAVE DATA +% More meta information +%adcp.comment=''; +adcp.config=raw.config; +%adcp.z_offset=offset; +adcp.ang=ang; +adcp.mag_dev=rot; + +% Data structure +data.u=u1; +data.v=v1; +data.w=w1; +data.e=vel_err1; +data.ea=ea1;; +data.time=time; +data.z_bins=z; +data.depth=dpt; +data.temp=T; +data.sspd = soundspeed; + +% Save +save([fpath_output, '_' num2str( '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data','raw'); + +%% Interpolate data on a regular vertical grid +Z = min(z(:)):blen:max(z(:))+blen; +Zmin = min(Z); + +u_interp = NaN(length(time),length(Z)); +v_interp = NaN(length(time),length(Z)); +for i=1:length(time) + % indice correspondant sur la grille finale Z + ind = round(abs(Zmin-z(1,i))/blen)+1; + % filling the grid + npts = min([length(Z)-ind+1 nbin]); + u_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = u(1:npts,i); + v_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = v(1:npts,i); +end + +%% Horizontal interpolation, filtering and subsampling +[uintfilt,vintfilt,inttim] = adcp_filt_sub(data,u_interp',v_interp',1:length(Z),40); +saveas(figure(5),[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','data_raw_filt_subsampled_1'],'fig') +saveas(figure(6),[fpath_output,,'_',num2str(,'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','data_raw_filt_subsampled_2'],'fig') + +% Save interpolated data +bin_start = 8; % bin indice where good interpolated data for the whole dataset start +bin_end = length(Z)-4; +data.uintfilt=uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:); +data.vintfilt=vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:); +data.Z = Z(bin_start:bin_end); +data.inttim = inttim; +save([fpath_output, '_' num2str( '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '_int_filt_sub.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data','raw'); + +%% Figure +niv_u = (-1.5:0.1:1.5); +niv_v = (-0.5:0.1:0.5); + +hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]); +%u +subplot(2,1,1); +[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_u); +set(h,'LineColor','none'); +caxis(niv_u([1 end])); +h=colorbar; +ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]'); +set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse'); +ylabel('Depth (m)'); +%ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]); +%change figure label in HH:MM +gregtick; +title({[, ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']}); + +%v +subplot(2,1,2); +[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_v); +set(h,'LineColor','none'); +caxis(niv_v([1 end])); +h=colorbar; +ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]'); +set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse'); +ylabel('Depth (m)'); +%ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]); +%change figure label in HH:MM +gregtick; +title({[, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']}); + +graph_name = [fpath_output, '_U_V_int_filt_sub']; +set(hf,'Units','Inches'); +pos = get(hf,'Position'); +set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]); +print(hf,graph_name,'-dpdf','-r300'); + +%% Write netcdf file +[yr_start , ~, ~] = gregorian(inttim(1)); +[yr_end, ~, ~] = gregorian(inttim(length(inttim))); + +ncid=netcdf.create([fpath_output,'ADCP_',,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),''],'NC_WRITE'); + +%create dimension +dimidt = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',length(inttim)); +dimidz = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'depth',length(Z)); +%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...) +time_ID=netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimidt); +depth_ID=netcdf.defVar(ncid,'depth','double',dimidz); +%Define the main variable () +u_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'u','double',[dimidt dimidz]); +v_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'v','double',[dimidt dimidz]); +%We are done defining the NetCdf +netcdf.endDef(ncid); +%Then store the dimension variables in +netcdf.putVar(ncid,time_ID,inttim); +netcdf.putVar(ncid,depth_ID,Z); +%Then store my main variable +netcdf.putVar(ncid,u_ID,uintfilt); +netcdf.putVar(ncid,v_ID,vintfilt); +%We're done, close the netcdf +netcdf.close(ncid); + +% rmpath +% rmpath('..\moored_adcp_proc'); +clear all; close all; + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ No newline at end of file -- GitLab