diff --git a/multi_adcp_mooring/merge_data.m b/multi_adcp_mooring/merge_data.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06d26e9f44be28da6457e6d30f256a4055753c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_adcp_mooring/merge_data.m
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+% Merge subsurface ADCP mooring data                                      %
+% Autor: P. Rousselot / Date: 03/2020                                     %
+clear all; close all;
+%% Variables
+FileToMerge1     = 'F:\Encours\PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS\Convert_ADCP/ADCP_23W0N_2001_2015.nc'; %.nc file to merge with
+FileToMerge2     = 'F:\Encours\PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS\23W\0_Final_Files/ADCP_0N23W_2015_2016_1d_up_down.nc'; %.nc file to merge
+% FileToMerge3     = '/media/irdcampagnes/PIRATA/PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS/10W/0_Final_Files/ADCP_10W0N_2004_2005_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge
+% FileToMerge1     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX/ADCP_0N130E_2013_2013_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge with
+% FileToMerge2     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX/ADCP_0N130E_2013_2016_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge
+step_subsampling = 1; % 1=daily
+plot_data        = 1;
+mooring.name     = '23W0N';
+freq             = 'Variable';
+% mooring.name     = '0N130E';
+% freq             = '75';
+%% Read first .nc file
+ncfile1.time  = ncread(FileToMerge1,'TIME');
+ncfile1.depth = ncread(FileToMerge1,'DEPTH');
+ncfile1.u     = ncread(FileToMerge1,'U')';
+ncfile1.v     = ncread(FileToMerge1,'V')';
+%% Read second .nc file
+ncfile2.time  = ncread(FileToMerge2,'TIME');
+ncfile2.depth = ncread(FileToMerge2,'DEPTH');
+ncfile2.u     = ncread(FileToMerge2,'UCUR');
+ncfile2.v     = ncread(FileToMerge2,'VCUR');
+% %% Read third .nc file
+% ncfile3.time  = ncread(FileToMerge3,'TIME');
+% ncfile3.depth = ncread(FileToMerge3,'DEPTH');
+% ncfile3.u     = ncread(FileToMerge3,'UCUR');
+% ncfile3.v     = ncread(FileToMerge3,'VCUR');
+%% Create depth matrix
+depth = max(vertcat(ncfile1.depth,ncfile2.depth)):ncfile1.depth(2)-ncfile1.depth(1):min(vertcat(ncfile1.depth,ncfile2.depth));
+depth = fliplr(depth);
+% min(vertcat(ncfile1.depth,ncfile2.depth))
+depth = 0:5:1000;
+%% Create time matrix
+time  = vertcat(ncfile1.time,ncfile2.time);
+[YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss] = datevec(time+datenum(1950,01,01));
+time = julian(YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss);
+%time  = time + datenum(1950,1,1,0,0,0) + datenum(2020,01,01);  % -0.5 is necessary to remove 12h00 introduced by datetime function starting at noon instead of midnight as performed by julian function previously used 
+time  = time*ones(1,length(depth));
+%% Create u/v matrix
+for ii = 1:length(ncfile1.time)
+    u1(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile1.depth,ncfile1.u(ii,:),depth);
+    v1(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile1.depth,ncfile1.v(ii,:),depth);
+for ii = 1:length(ncfile2.time)
+    u2(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile2.depth,ncfile2.u(ii,:),depth);
+    v2(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile2.depth,ncfile2.v(ii,:),depth);
+% for ii = 1:length(ncfile3.time)
+%     u3(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile3.depth,ncfile3.u(ii,:),depth);
+%     v3(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile3.depth,ncfile3.v(ii,:),depth);
+% end
+u     = vertcat(u1,u2);
+v     = vertcat(v1,v2);
+u = u';
+v = v';
+% create a continuous series of daily data, ranging from min(d) to max(d)
+final_time = ceil(min(min(time))):1:floor(max(max(time)));
+ADCP_final.u = NaN(length(depth),length(final_time));
+ADCP_final.v = NaN(length(depth),length(final_time));
+for i_time = 1:length(final_time)
+    for j_time = 1:length(time)
+        if final_time(i_time) == time(j_time,1)
+            ADCP_final.u(:,i_time)=u(:,j_time);
+            ADCP_final.v(:,i_time)=v(:,j_time);
+        end
+    end
+time = final_time;
+time  = time'*ones(1,length(depth));
+time = time';
+u    = ADCP_final.u;
+v    = ADCP_final.v;
+%% Plot data
+if plot_data
+    niv_u = (-1.5:0.05:1);
+    niv_v = (-1.8:0.05:1.5);
+    depth = depth.*ones(length(time),1);
+    depth = depth';
+    %date1 = julian(ncfile1.time(1));
+    %date2 = julian(ncfile2.time(end));
+    date1 = datestr(ncfile1.time(1)+datenum(1950,01,01),'yyyy');
+    date2 = datestr(ncfile2.time(end)+datenum(1950,01,01),'yyyy');
+    hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+    %u
+    subplot(2,1,1);
+    colormap jet
+    [C,h] = contourf(time,depth,u,niv_u);
+    set(h,'LineColor','none');
+    caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
+    h=colorbar;
+    ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
+    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+    ylabel('Depth (m)');
+    ylim([0,max(max(depth))]);
+    %datetick('x','mm-yyyy');
+    gregtick;
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ' num2str(date1) ' to ' num2str(date2) ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    %v
+    subplot(2,1,2);
+    [C,h] = contourf(time,depth,v,niv_v);
+    set(h,'LineColor','none');
+    caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
+    h     = colorbar;
+    ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
+    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+    ylabel('Depth (m)');
+    ylim([0,max(max(depth))]);
+    gregtick;
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ' num2str(date1) ' to ' num2str(date2) ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    graph_name = ['ADCP_' mooring.name '_' num2str(date1) '_' num2str(date2) '_U_V_daily'];
+    set(hf,'Units','Inches');
+    pos = get(hf,'Position');
+    set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)])
+    print(hf,graph_name,'-dpdf','-r300');
+%%  Write netcdf file
+time       = time(1,:)';
+timed      = gregorian(time);
+timed(:,5) = 0;
+timed(:,6) = 0;
+time       = datenum(timed)-datenum(1950,01,01);
+disp('Creating .nc file')
+yr_start = datestr(time(1)+datenum(1950,01,01), 'yyyy');
+yr_end   = datestr(time(end)+datenum(1950,01,01), 'yyyy');
+ncid     = netcdf.create(['ADCP_',mooring.name,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'.nc'],'NC_CLOBBER');
+%create dimension
+dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'DEPTH', size(depth,2));
+dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'TIME', netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
+%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
+time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'TIME','double',dimidt);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'long_name', 'Time');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'axis', 'T');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'units', 'days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'time_origin', '1-JAN-1950:00:00:00');
+depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'DEPTH','double',dimidz);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'long_name', 'Depth');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'axis', 'Z');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'units', 'meters');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'positive', 'down');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'point_spacing', 'even');
+%Define the main variable ()
+u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'U','double',[dimidz dimidt]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, u_ID, 'long_name', 'Zonal velocities');
+v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'V','double',[dimidz dimidt]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, v_ID, 'long_name', 'Meridional velocities');
+%We are done defining the NetCdf
+%Then store the dimension variables in
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, depth_ID, depth);
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, time_ID, 0, length(time), time);
+%Then store my main variable
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, u_ID, u);
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, v_ID, v);
+%We're done, close the netcdf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/merge_data.m b/multi_adcp_mooring/merge_data_finalfile.m
similarity index 60%
rename from merge_data.m
rename to multi_adcp_mooring/merge_data_finalfile.m
index f4e2a4cb7e1eca1009c273db95eb215fccda0024..e1693a906fbe3273890f0b47f6a9bdc005dea26d 100644
--- a/merge_data.m
+++ b/multi_adcp_mooring/merge_data_finalfile.m
@@ -1,149 +1,162 @@
-% Merge subsurface ADCP mooring data                                      %
-% Autor: P. Rousselot / Date: 03/2020                                     %
-clear all; close all;
-%% Variables
-FileToMerge1     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX2/ADCP_0N130E_2010_2010_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge with
-FileToMerge2     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX/ADCP_0N130E_2013_2016_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge
-FileToMerge3     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX2/ADCP_0N130E_2010_2012_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge
-% FileToMerge1     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX/ADCP_0N130E_2013_2013_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge with
-% FileToMerge2     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX/ADCP_0N130E_2013_2016_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge
-step_subsampling = 1; % 1=daily
-plot_data        = 1;
-mooring.name     = '0N130E';
-freq             = '75';
-% mooring.name     = '0N130E';
-% freq             = '75';
-%% Read first .nc file
-ncfile1.time  = ncread(FileToMerge1,'time');
-ncfile1.depth = ncread(FileToMerge1,'depth');
-ncfile1.u     = ncread(FileToMerge1,'u');
-ncfile1.v     = ncread(FileToMerge1,'v');
-%% Read second .nc file
-ncfile2.time  = ncread(FileToMerge2,'time');
-ncfile2.depth = ncread(FileToMerge2,'depth');
-ncfile2.u     = ncread(FileToMerge2,'u');
-ncfile2.v     = ncread(FileToMerge2,'v');
-%% Read third .nc file
-ncfile3.time  = ncread(FileToMerge3,'time');
-ncfile3.depth = ncread(FileToMerge3,'depth');
-ncfile3.u     = ncread(FileToMerge3,'u');
-ncfile3.v     = ncread(FileToMerge3,'v');
-%% Create depth matrix
-depth = max(vertcat(ncfile1.depth,ncfile2.depth)):ncfile1.depth(2)-ncfile1.depth(1):min(vertcat(ncfile1.depth,ncfile2.depth));
-depth = fliplr(depth);
-%% Create time matrix
-time  = vertcat(ncfile1.time,ncfile3.time,ncfile2.time);
-time  = time*ones(1,length(depth));
-%% Create u/v matrix
-for ii = 1:length(ncfile1.time)
-    u1(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile1.depth,ncfile1.u(ii,:),depth);
-    v1(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile1.depth,ncfile1.v(ii,:),depth);
-for ii = 1:length(ncfile2.time)
-    u2(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile2.depth,ncfile2.u(ii,:),depth);
-    v2(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile2.depth,ncfile2.v(ii,:),depth);
-for ii = 1:length(ncfile3.time)
-    u3(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile3.depth,ncfile3.u(ii,:),depth);
-    v3(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile3.depth,ncfile3.v(ii,:),depth);
-u     = vertcat(u1,u3,u2);
-v     = vertcat(v1,v3,v2);
-%% Plot data
-if plot_data
-    niv_u = (-1.5:0.05:0.9);
-    niv_v = (-1.8:0.05:1.5);
-    depth = depth.*ones(length(time),1);
-    date1 = julian(ncfile1.time(1));
-    date2 = julian(ncfile2.time(end));
-    hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
-    %u
-    subplot(2,1,1);
-    colormap jet
-    [C,h] = contourf(time,depth,u,niv_u);
-    set(h,'LineColor','none');
-    caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
-    h=colorbar;
-    ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
-    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
-    ylabel('Depth (m)');
-    ylim([0,max(max(depth))]);
-    gregtick;
-    title({[mooring.name, ' - ' num2str(date1(1)) ' to ' num2str(date2(1)) ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
-    %v
-    subplot(2,1,2);
-    [C,h] = contourf(time,depth,v,niv_v);
-    set(h,'LineColor','none');
-    caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
-    h     = colorbar;
-    ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
-    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
-    ylabel('Depth (m)');
-    ylim([0,max(max(depth))]);
-    gregtick;
-    title({[mooring.name, ' - ' num2str(date1(1)) ' to ' num2str(date2(1)) ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
-    graph_name = ['ADCP_' mooring.name '_' num2str(date1(1)) '_' num2str(date2(1)) '_U_V_daily'];
-    set(hf,'Units','Inches');
-    pos = get(hf,'Position');
-    set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)])
-    print(hf,graph_name,'-dpdf','-r300');
-%%  Write netcdf file
-time       = time(:,1);
-timed      = gregorian(time);
-timed(:,5) = 0;
-timed(:,6) = 0;
-time       = datenum(timed)-datenum(1950,01,01);
-disp('Creating .nc file')
-yr_start = datestr(time(1)+datenum(1950,01,01), 'yyyy');
-yr_end   = datestr(time(end)+datenum(1950,01,01), 'yyyy');
-ncid     = netcdf.create(['ADCP_',mooring.name,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'.nc'],'NC_CLOBBER');
-%create dimension
-dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'DEPTH', size(depth,2));
-dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'TIME', netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
-%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
-time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'TIME','double',dimidt);
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'long_name', 'Time');
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'axis', 'T');
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'units', 'days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z');
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'time_origin', '1-JAN-1950:00:00:00');
-depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'DEPTH','double',dimidz);
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'long_name', 'Depth');
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'axis', 'Z');
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'units', 'meters');
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'positive', 'down');
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'point_spacing', 'even');
-%Define the main variable ()
-u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'U','double',[dimidz dimidt]);
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, u_ID, 'long_name', 'Zonal velocities');
-v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'V','double',[dimidz dimidt]);
-netcdf.putAtt(ncid, v_ID, 'long_name', 'Meridional velocities');
-%We are done defining the NetCdf
-%Then store the dimension variables in
-netcdf.putVar(ncid, depth_ID, depth(1,:));
-netcdf.putVar(ncid, time_ID, 0, length(time), time);
-%Then store my main variable
-netcdf.putVar(ncid, u_ID, u');
-netcdf.putVar(ncid, v_ID, v');
-%We're done, close the netcdf
+% Merge subsurface ADCP mooring data                                      %
+% Autor: P. Rousselot / Date: 03/2020                                     %
+%clear all; close all;
+%% Variables
+FileToMerge1     = 'F:\Encours\PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS\Convert_ADCP/ADCP_23W0N_2001_2015.nc'; %.nc file to merge with
+FileToMerge2     = 'F:\Encours\PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS\23W\0_Final_Files/ADCP_0N23W_2015_2016_1d_up_down.nc'; %.nc file to merge
+%FileToMerge2     = 'F:\Encours\PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS\23W\v2\2008-2009\ADCP_23W0N_2008_2009_1d.nc';
+% FileToMerge3     = '/media/irdcampagnes/PIRATA/PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS/10W/0_Final_Files/ADCP_10W0N_2004_2005_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge
+% FileToMerge1     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX/ADCP_0N130E_2013_2013_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge with
+% FileToMerge2     = '/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/ADCP/ADCP_mooring_data_processing/IDMX/ADCP_0N130E_2013_2016_1d.nc'; %.nc file to merge
+step_subsampling = 1; % 1=daily
+plot_data        = 1;
+mooring.name     = '23W0N';
+freq             = 'Variable';
+% mooring.name     = '0N130E';
+% freq             = '75';
+%% Read first .nc file
+ncfile1.time  = ncread(FileToMerge1,'TIME');
+ncfile1.depth = ncread(FileToMerge1,'DEPTH');
+ncfile1.u     = ncread(FileToMerge1,'U')';
+ncfile1.v     = ncread(FileToMerge1,'V')';
+%% Read second .nc file
+ncfile2.time  = ncread(FileToMerge2,'TIME');
+ncfile2.depth = ncread(FileToMerge2,'DEPTH');
+ncfile2.u     = ncread(FileToMerge2,'UCUR');
+ncfile2.v     = ncread(FileToMerge2,'VCUR');
+% %% Read third .nc file
+% ncfile3.time  = ncread(FileToMerge3,'TIME');
+% ncfile3.depth = ncread(FileToMerge3,'DEPTH');
+% ncfile3.u     = ncread(FileToMerge3,'UCUR');
+% ncfile3.v     = ncread(FileToMerge3,'VCUR');
+%% Create depth matrix
+% depth = max(vertcat(ncfile1.depth,ncfile2.depth)):ncfile1.depth(2)-ncfile1.depth(1):min(vertcat(ncfile1.depth,ncfile2.depth));
+% depth = fliplr(depth);
+depth = 0:5:1000;
+%% Create time matrix
+time  = vertcat(ncfile1.time,ncfile2.time);
+[YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss] = datevec(time+datenum(1950,01,01));
+time = julian(YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss);
+%time  = time + datenum(1950,1,1,0,0,0) + datenum(2020,01,01);  % -0.5 is necessary to remove 12h00 introduced by datetime function starting at noon instead of midnight as performed by julian function previously used 
+%time  = time*ones(1,length(depth));
+% time  = time + datetime(1950,1,1,0,0,0);  % -0.5 is necessary to remove 12h00 introduced by datetime function starting at noon instead of midnight as performed by julian function previously used 
+% time  = time*ones(1,length(depth));
+%% Create u/v matrix
+for ii = 1:length(ncfile1.time)
+    u1(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile1.depth,ncfile1.u(ii,:),depth);
+    v1(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile1.depth,ncfile1.v(ii,:),depth);
+for ii = 1:length(ncfile2.time)
+    u2(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile2.depth,ncfile2.u(ii,:),depth);
+    v2(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile2.depth,ncfile2.v(ii,:),depth);
+% for ii = 1:length(ncfile3.time)
+%     u3(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile3.depth,ncfile3.u(ii,:),depth);
+%     v3(ii,:) = interp1(ncfile3.depth,ncfile3.v(ii,:),depth);
+% end
+u     = vertcat(u1,u2);
+v     = vertcat(v1,v2);
+time  = time*ones(1,length(depth));
+%% Plot data
+if plot_data
+    niv_u = (-1.5:0.05:0.9);
+    niv_v = (-1.8:0.05:1.5);
+    depth = depth.*ones(length(time),1);
+    date1 = datestr(ncfile1.time(1)+datenum(1950,01,01),'YYYY');
+    date2 = datestr(ncfile2.time(end)+datenum(1950,01,01),'YYYY');
+    hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+    %u
+    subplot(2,1,1);
+    colormap jet
+    [C,h] = contourf(time,depth,u,niv_u);
+    set(h,'LineColor','none');
+    caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
+    h=colorbar;
+    ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
+    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+    ylabel('Depth (m)');
+    ylim([0,max(max(depth))]);
+    gregtick;
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ' num2str(date1) ' to ' num2str(date2) ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    %v
+    subplot(2,1,2);
+    [C,h] = contourf(time,depth,v,niv_v);
+    set(h,'LineColor','none');
+    caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
+    h     = colorbar;
+    ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
+    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+    ylabel('Depth (m)');
+    ylim([0,max(max(depth))]);
+    gregtick;
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ' num2str(date1) ' to ' num2str(date2) ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    graph_name = ['ADCP_' mooring.name '_' num2str(date1) '_' num2str(date2) '_U_V_daily'];
+    set(hf,'Units','Inches');
+    pos = get(hf,'Position');
+    set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)])
+    print(hf,graph_name,'-dpdf','-r300');
+%%  Write netcdf file
+time       = time(:,1);
+timed      = gregorian(time);
+timed(:,5) = 0;
+timed(:,6) = 0;
+time       = datenum(timed)-datenum(1950,01,01);
+disp('Creating .nc file')
+yr_start = datestr(time(1)+datenum(1950,01,01), 'yyyy');
+yr_end   = datestr(time(end)+datenum(1950,01,01), 'yyyy');
+ncid     = netcdf.create(['ADCP_',mooring.name,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'.nc'],'NC_CLOBBER');
+%create dimension
+dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'DEPTH', size(depth,2));
+dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'TIME', netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
+%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
+time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'TIME','double',dimidt);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'long_name', 'Time');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'axis', 'T');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'units', 'days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, time_ID, 'time_origin', '1-JAN-1950:00:00:00');
+depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'DEPTH','double',dimidz);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'long_name', 'Depth');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'axis', 'Z');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'units', 'meters');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'positive', 'down');
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, depth_ID, 'point_spacing', 'even');
+%Define the main variable ()
+u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'U','double',[dimidz dimidt]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, u_ID, 'long_name', 'Zonal velocities');
+v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'V','double',[dimidz dimidt]);
+netcdf.putAtt(ncid, v_ID, 'long_name', 'Meridional velocities');
+%We are done defining the NetCdf
+%Then store the dimension variables in
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, depth_ID, depth(1,:));
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, time_ID, 0, length(time), time);
+%Then store my main variable
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, u_ID, u');
+netcdf.putVar(ncid, v_ID, v');
+%We're done, close the netcdf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/multi_adcp_mooring/template_combine_adcp_up_and_down.m b/multi_adcp_mooring/template_combine_adcp_up_and_down.m
index a6e2009851db61043f5e8d6cd1feee6365a280a6..01247ea0ac5ac1aaeb0c722d2c818f020c560487 100644
--- a/multi_adcp_mooring/template_combine_adcp_up_and_down.m
+++ b/multi_adcp_mooring/template_combine_adcp_up_and_down.m
@@ -16,26 +16,26 @@ clear all;close all;
 % Location of ADCP up and down data
-fpath = '.\data_example\up_and_down\';
+fpath = 'F:\Encours\PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS\23W\v2\2015-2016\';
 % Directory for outputs
-fpath_output = '.\data_example\up_and_down\';
+fpath_output = 'F:\Encours\PIRATA_ADCP-MOORINGS\23W\v2\2015-2016\';
 % Contour levels for u anv v fields
 niv_u = (-1.5:0.1:1.5);
 niv_v = (-0.5:0.1:0.5);
 %% combine up and down
-load([fpath, 'FR22-10W0N_508_instr_01_int_filt_sub']);
+load([fpath, 'up\23W0N_1140_instr_01_int_filt_sub']);
-npts_up= data.npts_up;
+%npts_up= data.npts_up;
-load([fpath, 'FR22-10W0N_509_instr_02_int_filt_sub_down']);
+load([fpath, 'dn\23W0N_2627_instr_01_int_filt_sub']);
@@ -54,12 +54,15 @@ distance_between_instruments = 3;
 distance_between_up_and_down = adcp_up.config.cell/2 + adcp_up.config.blank + distance_between_instruments + adcp_down.config.blank + adcp_down.config.cell/2;
 %calculate real minimum down ADCP depth
 up_z = fliplr(up_z);
-depth_down_ADCP = up_z(min(npts_up)+1) + ceil(distance_between_up_and_down);
+depth_down_ADCP = up_z(end) + ceil(distance_between_up_and_down);
 %interval grid between up and down ADCP
 interval_grid = max(up_z)+adcp_up.config.cell/2-1:adcp_up.config.cell/2:min(depth_down_ADCP)-adcp_up.config.cell/2+1;
 %on applique l'offset sur les profondeurs de l'ADCP down
 offset_ADCP_down = min(down_z) - min(depth_down_ADCP);
 down_z = down_z - offset_ADCP_down;
+% down_z = flip(down_z);
+% down_u = flip(down_u);
+% down_v = flip(down_v);
 % initialisation de la matrice combinée up + down
 [B,a] = size(down_u); [B1,a1] = size(up_u);
@@ -79,72 +82,84 @@ for i = 1:length(down_u)
 %% figure finale
-z_final = [up_z interval_grid down_z];
+Z = [up_z interval_grid down_z];
+inttim = down_time;
+bin_start = 1;
+bin_end = length(Z);
+uintfilt = u_final;
+vintfilt = v_final;
+%% Figure
+niv_u               = (-1:0.05:1);
+niv_v               = (-1:0.05:1);
+close all
 hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
-[~,h] = contourf(down_time,z_final,u_final,niv_u); 
+colormap jet
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_u);
 caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
 ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
 set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
 ylabel('Depth (m)');
-title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - ADCP UP : RDI ',num2str(freq_up),' kHz - ADCP DOWN : RDI ',num2str(freq_down),' kHz']});
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI 150 kHz and 75 kHz (filtered from tide)']});
-[C,h] = contourf(down_time,z_final,v_final,niv_v); 
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_v);
 caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
+h     = colorbar;
 ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
 set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
 ylabel('Depth (m)');
-title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - ADCP UP : RDI ',num2str(freq_up),' kHz - ADCP DOWN : RDI ',num2str(freq_down),' kHz']});
-% Save combined data
-data.time = down_time;
-data.u_final = u_final;
-data.v_final = v_final;
-data.z_final = z_final;
-save([fpath, mooring.name '_UP_DOWN_int_filt_sub.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data','raw');
-graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_U_V_UP_DOWN_int_filt_sub'];
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI 150 kHz and 75 kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_up_down_U_V_int_filt_sub'];
-pos = get(hf,'Position');
-set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)])
+pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
-% rmpath
+%%  Write netcdf file
+disp('Creating .nc file')
+[yr_start , ~, ~] = gregorian(inttim(1));
+[yr_end,  ~, ~]   = gregorian(inttim(length(inttim)));
-%%  Write netcdf file           
-[yr_start , ~, ~] = gregorian(down_time(1));
-[yr_end,  ~, ~] = gregorian(down_time(length(down_time)));
+ncid     = netcdf.create([fpath_output,'ADCP_',mooring.name,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'_1d.nc'],'NC_WRITE');
-ncid=netcdf.create([fpath_output,'ADCP_',mooring.name, '_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'_1d.nc'],'NC_WRITE');
 %create dimension
-dimidt = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',length(down_time));
-dimidz = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'depth',length(z_final));
+dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',length(inttim));
+dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'depth',length(Z));
 %Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
+time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimidt);
+depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'depth','double',dimidz);
 %Define the main variable ()
-u_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'u','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
-v_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'v','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'u','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'v','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
 %We are done defining the NetCdf
 %Then store the dimension variables in
 %Then store my main variable
 %We're done, close the netcdf
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/multi_adcp_mooring/template_combine_adcp_up_and_up.m b/multi_adcp_mooring/template_combine_adcp_up_and_up.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29990c9f4ba53fd9f0c2e58902491001ad86e888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_adcp_mooring/template_combine_adcp_up_and_up.m
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+% template_combine_adcp_up_and_down.m
+% -------------------------------
+% Author : Jérémie HABASQUE - IRD
+% -------------------------------
+% - ADCP up data processed (output of template_get_adcp_data.m)
+% - ADCP down data processed (output of template_get_adcp_data.m) 
+% - U and V fields interpolated on a regulard grid, filtered and subsampled
+clear all;close all;
+% path
+% Location of ADCP up and down data
+fpath = '.\data_example\up_and_down\';
+% Directory for outputs
+fpath_output = './23W/';
+% Contour levels for u anv v fields
+niv_u = (-1.5:0.1:1.5);
+niv_v = (-0.5:0.1:0.5);
+%% combine up and down
+%npts_up= data.npts_up;
+freq_down = adcp_down.config.sysconfig.frequency;
+% distance between deepest measurement of the upward looking and 
+% shallowest measurement of the downward looking ADCP 
+% half distance of 1st bin in upward ADCP + 
+% blank of upward ADCP + 
+% distance between instruments + 
+% blank of downward ADCP +
+% half distance of 1st bin in downward ADCP.
+distance_between_instruments = 3;
+distance_between_up_and_down = adcp_up.config.cell/2 + adcp_up.config.blank + distance_between_instruments + adcp_down.config.blank + adcp_down.config.cell/2;
+%calculate real minimum down ADCP depth
+up_z = fliplr(up_z);
+depth_down_ADCP = 148 + ceil(distance_between_up_and_down);
+%interval grid between up and down ADCP
+interval_grid = max(up_z)+adcp_up.config.cell/2-1:adcp_up.config.cell/2:min(depth_down_ADCP)-adcp_up.config.cell/2+1;
+%on applique l'offset sur les profondeurs de l'ADCP down
+offset_ADCP_down = min(down_z) - min(depth_down_ADCP);
+down_z = down_z - offset_ADCP_down;
+down_z = flip(down_z);
+down_u = flip(down_u);
+down_v = flip(down_v);
+% initialisation de la matrice combinée up + down
+[B,a] = size(down_u); [B1,a1] = size(up_u);
+BB = B+B1+1 ;
+DOWN = NaN(BB,a);
+V_DOWN = NaN(BB,a);
+u_final = NaN(BB,a);
+v_final = NaN(BB,a);
+% on alimente la matrice avec les données up
+u_final(1:B1,1:a1) = up_u(B1:-1:1,:);
+v_final(1:B1,1:a1) = up_v(B1:-1:1,:);
+for i = 1:length(down_u)
+    u_final(B1+length(interval_grid)+1:B1+length(interval_grid)+B,i) = down_u(:,i);
+    v_final(B1+length(interval_grid)+1:B1+length(interval_grid)+B,i) = down_v(:,i);
+%% figure finale
+Z = [up_z interval_grid down_z];
+inttim = down_time;
+bin_start = 1;
+bin_end = 52;
+uintfilt = u_final;
+vintfilt = v_final;
+%% Figure
+niv_u               = (-1:0.05:1);
+niv_v               = (-1:0.05:1);
+close all
+hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+colormap jet
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_u);
+caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
+ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI 150 kHz and 75 kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_v);
+caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
+h     = colorbar;
+ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI 150 kHz and 75 kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_up_down_U_V_int_filt_sub'];
+pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
+%%  Write netcdf file
+disp('Creating .nc file')
+[yr_start , ~, ~] = gregorian(inttim(1));
+[yr_end,  ~, ~]   = gregorian(inttim(length(inttim)));
+ncid     = netcdf.create([fpath_output,'ADCP_',mooring.name,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'_1d.nc'],'NC_WRITE');
+%create dimension
+dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',length(inttim));
+dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'depth',length(data.Z));
+%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
+time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimidt);
+depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'depth','double',dimidz);
+%Define the main variable ()
+u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'u','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'v','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+%We are done defining the NetCdf
+%Then store the dimension variables in
+%Then store my main variable
+%We're done, close the netcdf
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w.m b/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae5109c73550d9cc3e25a7a8ef8d77adccd94db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w.m
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+% template_get_adcp_data.m
+% -------------------------------
+% Author : Pierre ROUSSELOT - IRD (pierre.rousselot@ird.fr)
+%          Jeremie HABASQUE - IRD (jeremie.habasque@ird.fr)  
+% -------------------------------
+% - binary raw file with .000 extension
+% - U and V fields interpolated on a regulard grid, filtered and subsampled
+close all; clear
+addpath('/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/TOOLS/nansuite'); % NaNSuitePath
+%% META information:
+% Location rawfile
+rawfile          = 'FR10W000.000';        % binary file with .000 extension
+fpath_output     = './10W/';                                                             % Output directory
+% Cruise/mooring info
+cruise.name      = 'PIRATA';                                                         % cruise name
+mooring.name     = '10W0N';                                                                % '0N10W'
+mooring.lat      = '00°00.000';                                                           % latitude [°']
+mooring.lon      = '-10°00.000';                                                           % longitude [°']
+clock_drift      = 0;                                                                   % [seconds]
+% ADCP info
+adcp.sn          = 508;                                                                  % ADCP serial number
+adcp.type        = '300 khz Quartermaster';                                               % Type : Quartermaster, longranger
+adcp.direction   = 'up';                                                                  % upward-looking 'up', downward-looking 'dn'
+adcp.instr_depth = 150;                                                                   % nominal instrument depth
+instr            = 1;                                                                     % this is just for name convention and sorting of all mooring instruments
+%% Convert variables
+latDegInd               = strfind(mooring.lat,'°');
+lonDegInd               = strfind(mooring.lon,'°');
+mooring.lat             = str2double(mooring.lat(1:latDegInd-1))+str2double(mooring.lat(latDegInd+1:end-1))/60;
+mooring.lon             = str2double(mooring.lon(1:lonDegInd-1))+str2double(mooring.lon(lonDegInd+1:end-1))/60;
+clock_drift             = clock_drift/3600;  % convert into hrs
+%% Read rawfile
+raw_file                = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '_raw.mat'];
+% if exist(raw_file)
+%     fprintf('Read %s\n', raw_file);
+%     load(raw_file)
+% else
+%     fprintf('Read %s\n', rawfile);
+%     raw                 = read_os3(rawfile,'all');
+%     save(raw_file,'raw','-v7.3');
+% end
+%% Correct clock drift
+% time0                   = julian(raw.juliandate);
+% clockd                  = linspace(0, clock_drift, length(time0));
+% raw.juliandate          = raw.juliandate - clockd / 24;
+% disp('****')
+% disp('Correct clock drift')
+%% Plot pressure and temperature sensor
+detrend_sdata = detrend(raw.pressure);
+trend         = raw.pressure - detrend_sdata;
+hold on
+plot(trend, 'r--')
+hold off
+title('Pressure sensor');
+ylabel('Depth [m]');
+xlabel('Time index');
+grid on;
+title('Temperature sensor');
+ylabel('Temperature [cond1C]');
+xlabel('Time index');
+grid on;
+%% Determine first and last indiced when instrument was at depth (you can do this by plotting 'raw.pressure' for example
+first               = input('Determine first indice when instrument was at depth (with pres/temp plot): ');
+last                = input('Determine last indice when instrument was at depth (with pres/temp plot): ');
+%% Correct velocity data with external T/S sensor
+%% Extract data
+freq                = raw.config.sysconfig.frequency;
+u2 = SerEmmpersec(first:last,:)'./1000; u2(u2<-30)=NaN;
+v2 = SerNmmpersec(first:last,:)'./1000; v2(v2<-30)=NaN;
+vel_err = SerErmmpersec(first:last,:)'./1000; vel_err(vel_err<-30)=NaN;
+% u2                  = squeeze(raw.vel(:,1,first:last));
+% v2                  = squeeze(raw.vel(:,2,first:last));
+% w                   = squeeze(raw.vel(:,3,first:last));
+% vel_err             = squeeze(raw.vel(:,4,first:last)); 
+corr                  = squeeze(SerC4cnt(first:last,:)');
+test(:,1,:) = SerEA1cnt'; test(:,2,:) = SerEA2cnt'; test(:,3,:) = SerEA3cnt'; test(:,4,:) = SerEA4cnt';
+ea                  = squeeze(mean(test(:,4,first:last),2));
+%pg                  = squeeze(raw.pg(:,4,first:last));
+%time                = raw.juliandate(first:last);
+time = julian(SerYear(first:last)+2000,SerMon(first:last),SerDay(first:last),SerHour(first:last));
+ang                 = [raw.pitch(first:last) raw.roll(first:last) raw.heading(first:last)];
+soundspeed          = raw.soundspeed(first:last);
+temp                = raw.temperature(first:last);
+press               = raw.pressure(first:last);
+if press < 0
+    press = -press;
+nbin                = raw.config.ncells;      % number of bins
+bin                 = 1:nbin;                 % bin number
+blen                = raw.config.cell;        % bin length
+tlen                = raw.config.pulse;       % pulse length
+lag                 = raw.config.lag;         % transmit lag distance
+blnk                = raw.config.blank;       % blank distance after transmit
+fbind               = raw.config.bin1distance;% middle of first bin distance
+dt                  = (time(2)-time(1))*24;   % Sampling interval in hours
+EA0                 = round(mean(ea(nbin,:)));
+%% Calculate Magnetic deviation values
+[a,~]                   = gregorian(raw.juliandate(1));
+magnetic_deviation_ini  = -magdev(mooring.lat,mooring.lon,0,a+(time(1)-julian(a,1,1,0,0,0))/365.25);
+[a,~]                   = gregorian(raw.juliandate(end));
+magnetic_deviation_end  = -magdev(mooring.lat,mooring.lon,0,a+(time(end)-julian(a,1,1,0,0,0))/365.25);
+rot                     = (magnetic_deviation_ini+magnetic_deviation_end)/2;
+mag_dev                 = linspace(magnetic_deviation_ini, magnetic_deviation_end, length(time));
+%mag_dev                 = mag_dev(first:last);
+%% Correction of magnetic deviation
+disp('Correct magnetic deviation')
+% for ii = 1 : length(mag_dev)
+%     [u(:,ii),v(:,ii)] = uvrot(u2(:,ii), v2(:,ii), -mag_dev(ii));
+% end
+mag_dev = -mag_dev * pi/180;
+for ii = 1 : length(mag_dev)
+    M(1,1) = cos(mag_dev(ii));
+    M(1,2) = -sin(mag_dev(ii));
+    M(2,1) = sin(mag_dev(ii));
+    M(2,2) = cos(mag_dev(ii));
+    vvel(1,:) = u2(:,ii);
+    vvel(2,:) = v2(:,ii);
+    vvvel = M * vvel;
+    u(:,ii) = vvvel(1,:);
+    v(:,ii) = vvvel(2,:);
+%% Correct percent good: Exclude data with percent good below prct_good
+colormap jet;
+shading flat;
+title('Percent good of the bins'); colorbar;
+xlabel('Time index');
+prct_good           = input('Determine percent good threshold (generally 20): ');
+igap                = find(pg<prct_good);           % Exclude data with percent good below prct_good
+u(igap)             = NaN;
+v(igap)             = NaN;
+w(igap)             = NaN;
+vel_err(igap)       = NaN;
+ea(igap)            = NaN;
+corr(igap)          = NaN;
+%% Correction data with high attitude (pitch/roll)
+hold on
+hold off
+title('Attitude sensor');
+ylabel('Pitch [cond1]');
+xlabel('Time index');
+axis([0 length(ang(:,1)) 0 20])
+grid on;
+hold on
+hold off
+ylabel('Roll [cond1]');
+xlabel('Time index');
+axis([0 length(ang(:,1)) 0 20])
+grid on;
+disp('Delete high attitude ADCP data (>=10°)');
+high_pitch = find(abs(ang(:,1))>=10);
+high_roll  = find(abs(ang(:,2))>=10);
+if ~isempty(high_pitch) || ~isempty(high_roll)
+    high_att           = input('Do you want to delete them? 1/0 [1]');
+    if isempty(high_att)
+        high_att = 1;
+    end
+    if high_att == 1
+        high_att                = union(high_pitch,high_roll);
+        offset(high_att)        = NaN;
+        ang(high_att,1)         = NaN;
+        ang(high_att,2)         = NaN;
+        ang(high_att,3)         = NaN;
+        mag_dev(high_att)       = NaN;
+        u(high_att)             = NaN;
+        v(high_att)             = NaN;
+        w(high_att)             = NaN;
+        vel_err(high_att)       = NaN;
+        ea(high_att)            = NaN;
+        corr(high_att)          = NaN;
+        pg(high_att)            = NaN;
+        time(high_att)          = NaN;
+        z_bins(high_att)        = NaN;
+        depth(high_att)         = NaN;
+        temp(high_att)          = NaN;
+        soundspeed(high_att)    = NaN;
+    end
+%% amplitude of the bins / Correction ADCP's depth
+colormap jet;
+shading flat;
+title('Amplitude of the bins'); colorbar;
+xlabel('Time index');
+%% If upward looking: determine range of surface bins used for instrument depth correction below!
+surface_bins = input('Do you want to apply an offset using surface reflection? 1/0 [1]');
+if isempty(surface_bins)
+    surface_bins = 1;
+if surface_bins == 1
+    sbins               = input('Determine range of surface bins used for instrument depth correction (with aplitude plot, ie. 30:35): ');
+    %% Calculate depth of each bin:
+    dpt                 = sw_dpth(press,mooring.lat)';  % convert pressure to depth, press needs to have dimension (n x 1)
+    dpt1                = repmat(dpt,nbin,1);
+    binmat              = repmat((1:nbin)',1,length(dpt1));
+    % If ADCP is upward-looking a depth correction can be inferred from the surface reflection, which is done in adcp_surface_fit
+    disp('****')
+    if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up')
+        [z,dpt1,offset,xnull] = adcp_surface_fit(dpt,ea,sbins,blen,tlen,lag,blnk,nbin,fbind);
+    elseif strcmp(adcp.direction,'dn')
+        z(1,:) = dpt1(1,:)+(tlen+blen+lag)*0.5+blnk;
+        for ii = 2:length(binmat(:,1))
+            z(ii,:) = z(1,:)+(binmat(ii,:)-1.5)*blen;
+        end
+    else
+        error('Bin depth calculation: unknown direction!');
+    end
+    saveas(figure(5),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Histdiff_depth'],'fig')
+    saveas(figure(6),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Offset_depth'],'fig')
+    saveas(figure(7),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Amplitude_bins_2'],'fig')
+    dpt                 = sw_dpth(press,mooring.lat)';  % convert pressure to depth, press needs to have dimension (n x 1)
+    dpt1                = repmat(dpt,nbin,1);
+    z                   = dpt;
+    figure
+    plot(dpt)
+    hold on
+    plot(adcp.instr_depth*ones(length(dpt),1),'--r')
+    hold off
+    grid on
+    axis([0 length(dpt) min(min(dpt,adcp.instr_depth*ones(1,length(dpt))))-50 max(max(dpt,adcp.instr_depth*ones(1,length(dpt))))+50])
+    xlabel('Ensembles')
+    ylabel('Depth [m]')
+    legend('Depth','Nominal Depth')
+    offset = input('Do you want to apply a manual offset? 1/0 [0]');
+    if isempty(offset)
+        offset           = 0;
+    elseif offset == 1
+        offset          = input('->Enter new offset:');
+        dpt             = dpt + offset;
+        dpt1            = dpt1 + offset;
+        z               = z + offset;
+        hold on
+        plot(dpt,'g')
+        hold off
+        legend('Depth', 'Nominal Depth', 'Corrected depth')
+    elseif offset == 0
+        offset           = 0;
+    end
+    binmat              = repmat((1:nbin)',1,length(dpt1));
+    if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up')
+        z(1,:) = dpt1(1,:)-(tlen+blen+lag)*0.5-blnk;
+        for ii = 2:length(binmat(:,1))
+            z(ii,:) = z(1,:)-(binmat(ii,:)-1.5)*blen;
+        end
+    elseif strcmp(adcp.direction,'dn')
+        z(1,:) = dpt1(1,:)+(tlen+blen+lag)*0.5+blnk;
+        for ii = 2:length(binmat(:,1))
+            z(ii,:) = z(1,:)+(binmat(ii,:)-1.5)*blen;
+        end
+    else
+        error('Bin depth calculation: unknown direction!');
+    end
+%% Remove bad data if ADCP is looking upward
+u1=u; v1=v; w1=w; vel_err1=vel_err; ea1=ea; corr1=corr; z1=z;
+if surface_bins == 1
+    disp('****')
+    disp('Remove bad data near surface due to sidelobe');
+    if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up')
+        for i = 1:length(time)
+            sz_dpt(i) = adcp_shadowzone(dpt1(i),raw.config.sysconfig.angle); % depending on the instrument depth and the beam angle the shadow zone, i.e. the depth below the surface which is contaminated by the surface reflection is determined
+            iz(i)     = find(z(:,i)>sz_dpt(i),1,'last');
+            sbin(i)   = bin(iz(i));
+            %sbin(i)=30; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+            % here a manual criterion should be hard-coded if
+            % adcp_check_surface (below) shows bad velocities close to the
+            % surface
+            u1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+            v1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+            w1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+            vel_err1(sbin(i)+1:end,i) = NaN;
+            ea1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)      = NaN;
+            corr1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)    = NaN;
+            z1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+        end
+        if 1
+            bins           = nmedian(sbin)-4:nmedian(sbin)+4;
+            adcp_check_surface(bins,u,u1,v,v1,corr,corr1,time,bin,z,z1,sz_dpt);
+            % here the closest bins below the surface are plotted that are supposed to have good velocities, if there are still bad velocities a manual criterion needs to be found
+            reply_sidelobe = input('Do you want to apply manual criterion? 1/0 [0]:');
+            if isempty(reply_sidelobe)
+                reply_sidelobe = 0;
+            end
+            if reply_sidelobe
+                bin_cutoff = input('->Enter new bin cutoff value:');
+                u1=u; v1=v; w1=w; vel_err1=vel_err; ea1=ea; corr1=corr; z1=z;
+                u1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                v1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                w1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                vel_err1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:) = NaN;
+                ea1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)      = NaN;
+                corr1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)    = NaN;
+                z1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                adcp_check_surface(bins,u,u1,v,v1,corr,corr1,time,bin,z,z1,sz_dpt);
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    saveas(figure(7),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Meridional_zonal_velocity'],'fig')
+% More meta information
+adcp.config         = raw.config;
+adcp.z_offset       = offset;
+adcp.ang            = ang;
+adcp.mag_dev        = rot;
+% Data structure
+data.u              = u1;
+data.v              = v1;
+data.w              = w1;
+data.e              = vel_err1;
+data.ea             = ea1;
+data.pg             = pg;
+data.time           = time;
+data.z_bins         = z1;
+data.depth          = dpt1;
+data.temp           = temp;
+data.sspd           = soundspeed;
+data.lat            = mooring.lat;
+data.lon            = mooring.lon;
+reply_ts            = input('Do you want to calculate Target Strength? (CTD profile needed) 1/0 [0]:');
+if isempty(reply_ts)
+    reply_ts = 0;
+if reply_ts == 1
+    % EA0: noisefloor from ADCP electronic noise; a scalar
+    disp('->Calculate Target Strength')
+    disp(['->EA0=' num2str(EA0) '(noisefloor from ADCP electronic noise) ; pH=8.1; (seawater pH)'])
+    file_ctd        = input('->Path to CTD .nc file [''*.nc'']:');
+    if exist(file_ctd, 'file')
+        ctd.depth = ncread(file_ctd, 'PRES');
+        ctd.temp  = ncread(file_ctd, 'TEMP');
+        ctd.sal   = ncread(file_ctd, 'PSAL');
+        ctd.tempR = ones(size(z));
+        ctd.salR  = ones(size(z));
+        % for each ADCP bin, find salinity and temperature values
+        for i_bin = 1:nbin
+            [~,ind_depth]      = min(abs(z(i_bin,:)-ctd.depth(:)));
+            ctd.salR(i_bin,:)  = ctd.sal(ind_depth);
+            ctd.tempR(i_bin,:) = ctd.temp(ind_depth);
+        end
+        % Compute TS
+        [sspd,~]  = meshgrid(soundspeed,1:nbin);
+        data.ts   = target_strength(data.ea,EA0,ctd.salR,ctd.tempR,sspd,temp',soundspeed',z,adcp.config.cell,adcp.config.blank,adcp.config.sysconfig.angle,freq);
+        figure;
+        colormap jet;
+        pcolor(data.ts.ts);
+        shading flat;
+        title('Target Strength'); colorbar;
+        ylabel('Bins');
+        xlabel('Time index');
+        saveas(gcf,[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','target_strength'],'fig')
+    else
+        disp('CTD file doesn''t exist')
+        reply_ts = 0;
+    end
+%% Save raw data
+disp('Saving raw data')
+save([fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data','-v7.3');
+%% Interpolate data on a regular vertical grid
+Z                   = fliplr(blen/2:blen:max(z(:))+blen);
+Zmax                = max(Z);
+u_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+v_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+if reply_ts == 1
+    ts_interp       = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+for i=1:length(time)
+    % indice correspondant sur la grille finale Z
+    ind = round((Zmax-z(1,i))/blen)+1;
+    % filling the grid
+    npts = min([length(Z)+ind+1 length(bin)]);
+    u_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = u1(1:npts,i);
+    v_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = v1(1:npts,i);
+    if reply_ts == 1
+        ts_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = data.ts.ts(1:npts,i);
+    end
+if reply_ts == 0
+    ts_interp       = NaN;
+%% Horizontal interpolation, filtering and subsampling
+horz_interp            = input('Do you want to do an horizontal interpolation? 1/0 [1]:');
+if isempty(horz_interp)
+    horz_interp        = 1;
+if horz_interp
+    filt            = input('Do you want to filter tide? 1/0 [1]:');
+    if isempty(filt)
+        filt        = 1;
+    end
+    sub            = input('Do you want to subsampling data daily? 1/0 [1]:');
+    if isempty(filt)
+        sub        = 1;
+    end
+    if filt
+        if sub
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation, Filtering & Subsampling')
+        else
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation & Filtering')
+        end
+        disp('Filtering using 40h Hamming filter (other disponible filter: FFT filter, tide model)')
+    else
+        if sub
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation & Subsampling')
+        else
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation')
+        end
+    end
+    filt = 0;
+    sub  = 0;
+[uintfilt,vintfilt,tsintfilt,inttim,utid_baro,vtid_baro] = adcp_filt_sub(data,u_interp',v_interp',ts_interp',1:length(Z),reply_ts, filt, sub);
+if horz_interp == 0    
+    uintfilt      = u_interp';
+    vintfilt      = v_interp';
+    inttim        = data.time;
+%% Save interpolated data
+bin_start           = input('Determine first bin indice with good interpolated data: '); % bin indice where good interpolated data for the whole dataset start
+bin_end             = input('Determine last bin indice with good interpolated data: '); % bin indice where good interpolated data for the whole dataset start
+data.uintfilt       = uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+data.vintfilt       = vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    data.tsintfilt  = tsintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+data.Z              = Z(bin_start:bin_end);
+data.inttim         = inttim;
+save([fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '_int_filt_sub.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data');
+%% Figure
+niv_u               = (-1:0.05:1);
+niv_v               = (-1:0.05:1);
+close all
+hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+colormap jet
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_u);
+caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
+ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+if filt
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_v);
+caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
+h     = colorbar;
+ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+if filt
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_', num2str(instr), '_U_V_int_filt_sub'];
+pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 500]);
+    colormap jet
+    pcolor(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),tsintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:)); shading interp;
+    h     = colorbar;
+    ylabel(h,'Target Strength [dB1]');
+    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+    ylabel('Depth (m)');
+    ylim([0,round(max(max(z,adcp.instr_depth)))]);
+    %change figure label in HH:MM
+    gregtick;
+    if filt
+        title({[mooring.name, ' - TARGET STRENGTH - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    else
+        title({[mooring.name, ' - TARGET STRENGTH - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+    end
+    graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name, '_', num2str(instr), '_TS_int_filt_sub'];
+    set(hf,'Units','Inches');
+    pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+    set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
+    saveas(hf,graph_name,'jpeg');
+% %% Plot tide
+% hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+% niv_tide = (-5:0.2:5);
+% utid_baro = utid_baro * 100;
+% vtid_baro = vtid_baro * 100;
+% %u
+% subplot(2,1,1);
+% colormap jet
+% [C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),utid_baro(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_tide);
+% set(h,'LineColor','none');
+% caxis(niv_tide([1 end]));
+% h=colorbar;
+% ylabel(h,'U [cm s^-^1]');
+% set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+% ylabel('Depth (m)');
+% ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]);
+% %change figure label in HH:MM
+% gregtick;
+% title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL TIDE VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+% %v
+% subplot(2,1,2);
+% [C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vtid_baro(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_tide);
+% set(h,'LineColor','none');
+% caxis(niv_tide([1 end]));
+% h     = colorbar;
+% ylabel(h,'V [cm s^-^1]');
+% set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+% ylabel('Depth (m)');
+% ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]);
+% %change figure label in HH:MM
+% gregtick;
+% title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL TIDE VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+%%  Write netcdf file
+disp('Creating .nc file')
+[yr_start , ~, ~] = gregorian(inttim(1));
+[yr_end,  ~, ~]   = gregorian(inttim(length(inttim)));
+ncid     = netcdf.create([fpath_output,'ADCP_',mooring.name,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'_1d.nc'],'NC_WRITE');
+%create dimension
+dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',length(inttim));
+dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'depth',length(data.Z));
+%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
+time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimidt);
+depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'depth','double',dimidz);
+%Define the main variable ()
+u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'u','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'v','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    ts_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'ts','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+%We are done defining the NetCdf
+%Then store the dimension variables in
+%Then store my main variable
+if reply_ts == 1
+    netcdf.putVar(ncid,ts_ID,data.tsintfilt');
+%We're done, close the netcdf
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w_down.m b/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w_down.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef18be4fb2a3d2f15fed5ea872f0c202789ab4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w_down.m
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+% template_get_adcp_data.m
+% -------------------------------
+% Author : Pierre ROUSSELOT - IRD (pierre.rousselot@ird.fr)
+%          Jeremie HABASQUE - IRD (jeremie.habasque@ird.fr)  
+% -------------------------------
+% - binary raw file with .000 extension
+% - U and V fields interpolated on a regulard grid, filtered and subsampled
+close all; clear
+addpath('/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/TOOLS/nansuite'); % NaNSuitePath
+%% META information:
+% Location rawfile
+rawfile          = 'FR10W000.000';        % binary file with .000 extension
+fpath_output     = './10W/';                                                             % Output directory
+% Cruise/mooring info
+cruise.name      = 'PIRATA';                                                         % cruise name
+mooring.name     = '10W0N';                                                                % '0N10W'
+mooring.lat      = '00°00.000';                                                           % latitude [°']
+mooring.lon      = '-10°00.000';                                                           % longitude [°']
+clock_drift      = 0;                                                                   % [seconds]
+% ADCP info
+adcp.sn          = 509;                                                                  % ADCP serial number
+adcp.type        = '300 khz Quartermaster';                                               % Type : Quartermaster, longranger
+adcp.direction   = 'down';                                                                  % upward-looking 'up', downward-looking 'dn'
+adcp.instr_depth = 300;                                                                   % nominal instrument depth
+instr            = 1;                                                                     % this is just for name convention and sorting of all mooring instruments
+%% Convert variables
+latDegInd               = strfind(mooring.lat,'°');
+lonDegInd               = strfind(mooring.lon,'°');
+mooring.lat             = str2double(mooring.lat(1:latDegInd-1))+str2double(mooring.lat(latDegInd+1:end-1))/60;
+mooring.lon             = str2double(mooring.lon(1:lonDegInd-1))+str2double(mooring.lon(lonDegInd+1:end-1))/60;
+clock_drift             = clock_drift/3600;  % convert into hrs
+%% Read rawfile
+% raw_file                = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '_raw.mat'];
+% if exist(raw_file)
+%     fprintf('Read %s\n', raw_file);
+%     load(raw_file)
+% else
+%     fprintf('Read %s\n', rawfile);
+%     raw                 = read_os3(rawfile,'all');
+%     save(raw_file,'raw','-v7.3');
+% end
+%% Correct clock drift
+% time0                   = julian(raw.juliandate);
+% clockd                  = linspace(0, clock_drift, length(time0));
+% raw.juliandate          = raw.juliandate - clockd / 24;
+% disp('****')
+% disp('Correct clock drift')
+%% Plot pressure and temperature sensor
+% figure;
+% subplot(2,1,1)
+% plot(raw.pressure);
+% detrend_sdata = detrend(raw.pressure);
+% trend         = raw.pressure - detrend_sdata;
+% hold on
+% plot(trend, 'r--')
+% hold off
+% title('Pressure sensor');
+% ylabel('Depth [m]');
+% xlabel('Time index');
+% grid on;
+% subplot(2,1,2)
+% plot(raw.temperature);
+% title('Temperature sensor');
+% ylabel('Temperature [cond1C]');
+% xlabel('Time index');
+% grid on;
+% saveas(gcf,[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Pressure_Temp_sensor'],'fig')
+% %% Determine first and last indiced when instrument was at depth (you can do this by plotting 'raw.pressure' for example
+% disp('****')
+% first               = input('Determine first indice when instrument was at depth (with pres/temp plot): ');
+% disp('****')
+% last                = input('Determine last indice when instrument was at depth (with pres/temp plot): ');
+first = 17;  % time point of ADCP into and out of water
+last = 12856; % determined by pressure time series
+%% Correct velocity data with external T/S sensor
+%% Extract data
+freq                = raw.config.sysconfig.frequency;
+u2 = SerEmmpersec(first:last,:)'./1000; u2(u2<-30)=NaN;
+v2 = SerNmmpersec(first:last,:)'./1000; v2(v2<-30)=NaN;
+vel_err = SerErmmpersec(first:last,:)'./1000; vel_err(vel_err<-30)=NaN;
+% u2                  = squeeze(raw.vel(:,1,first:last));
+% v2                  = squeeze(raw.vel(:,2,first:last));
+% w                   = squeeze(raw.vel(:,3,first:last));
+% vel_err             = squeeze(raw.vel(:,4,first:last)); 
+corr                  = squeeze(SerC4cnt(first:last,:)');
+test(:,1,:) = SerEA1cnt'; test(:,2,:) = SerEA2cnt'; test(:,3,:) = SerEA3cnt'; test(:,4,:) = SerEA4cnt';
+ea                  = squeeze(mean(test(:,4,first:last),2));
+%pg                  = squeeze(raw.pg(:,4,first:last));
+% %time                = raw.juliandate(first:last);
+% d0=datenum(2006,06,26,01,0,0);
+% d1=datenum(2008,09,28,21,0,0); 
+% time=d0:1/24:d1;
+% [YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss] = datevec(time);
+% time=julian(YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss);
+depth = AnDepthmm(first:last)./1000;
+time = julian(SerYear(first:last)+2000,SerMon(first:last),SerDay(first:last),SerHour(first:last));
+% ang                 = [raw.pitch(first:last) raw.roll(first:last) raw.heading(first:last)];
+% soundspeed          = raw.soundspeed(first:last);
+% temp                = raw.temperature(first:last);
+% press               = raw.pressure(first:last);
+% if press < 0
+%     press = -press;
+% end
+nbin                = raw.config.ncells;      % number of bins
+bin                 = 1:nbin;                 % bin number
+blen                = raw.config.cell;        % bin length
+tlen                = raw.config.pulse;       % pulse length
+lag                 = raw.config.lag;         % transmit lag distance
+blnk                = raw.config.blank;       % blank distance after transmit
+fbind               = raw.config.bin1distance;% middle of first bin distance
+dt                  = (time(2)-time(1))*24;   % Sampling interval in hours
+EA0                 = round(mean(ea(nbin,:)));
+%% Calculate Magnetic deviation values
+[a,~]                   = gregorian(raw.juliandate(1));
+magnetic_deviation_ini  = -magdev(mooring.lat,mooring.lon,0,a+(time(1)-julian(a,1,1,0,0,0))/365.25);
+[a,~]                   = gregorian(raw.juliandate(end));
+magnetic_deviation_end  = -magdev(mooring.lat,mooring.lon,0,a+(time(end)-julian(a,1,1,0,0,0))/365.25);
+rot                     = (magnetic_deviation_ini+magnetic_deviation_end)/2;
+mag_dev                 = linspace(magnetic_deviation_ini, magnetic_deviation_end, length(time));
+%mag_dev                 = mag_dev(first:last);
+%% Correction of magnetic deviation
+disp('Correct magnetic deviation')
+% for ii = 1 : length(mag_dev)
+%     [u(:,ii),v(:,ii)] = uvrot(u2(:,ii), v2(:,ii), -mag_dev(ii));
+% end
+mag_dev = -mag_dev * pi/180;
+for ii = 1 : length(mag_dev)
+    M(1,1) = cos(mag_dev(ii));
+    M(1,2) = -sin(mag_dev(ii));
+    M(2,1) = sin(mag_dev(ii));
+    M(2,2) = cos(mag_dev(ii));
+    vvel(1,:) = u2(:,ii);
+    vvel(2,:) = v2(:,ii);
+    vvvel = M * vvel;
+    u(:,ii) = vvvel(1,:);
+    v(:,ii) = vvvel(2,:);
+%% Correct percent good: Exclude data with percent good below prct_good
+colormap jet;
+shading flat;
+title('Percent good of the bins'); colorbar;
+xlabel('Time index');
+%prct_good           = input('Determine percent good threshold (generally 20): ');
+igap                = find(pg<20);           % Exclude data with percent good below prct_good
+u(igap)             = NaN;
+v(igap)             = NaN;
+w(igap)             = NaN;
+vel_err(igap)       = NaN;
+ea(igap)            = NaN;
+corr(igap)          = NaN;
+% %% Correction data with high attitude (pitch/roll)
+% figure;
+% subplot(2,1,1)
+% plot(abs(ang(:,1)));
+% hold on
+% plot(10*ones(1,length(ang(:,1))),'--r');
+% hold off
+% title('Attitude sensor');
+% ylabel('Pitch [cond1]');
+% xlabel('Time index');
+% axis([0 length(ang(:,1)) 0 20])
+% grid on;
+% subplot(2,1,2)
+% plot(abs(ang(:,2)));
+% hold on
+% plot(10*ones(1,length(ang(:,1))),'--r');
+% hold off
+% ylabel('Roll [cond1]');
+% xlabel('Time index');
+% axis([0 length(ang(:,1)) 0 20])
+% grid on;
+% saveas(gcf,[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Attitude'],'fig')
+% disp('****')
+% disp('Delete high attitude ADCP data (>=10°)');
+% high_pitch = find(abs(ang(:,1))>=10);
+% high_roll  = find(abs(ang(:,2))>=10);
+% if ~isempty(high_pitch) || ~isempty(high_roll)
+%     high_att           = input('Do you want to delete them? 1/0 [1]');
+%     if isempty(high_att)
+%         high_att = 1;
+%     end
+%     if high_att == 1
+%         high_att                = union(high_pitch,high_roll);
+%         offset(high_att)        = NaN;
+%         ang(high_att,1)         = NaN;
+%         ang(high_att,2)         = NaN;
+%         ang(high_att,3)         = NaN;
+%         mag_dev(high_att)       = NaN;
+%         u(high_att)             = NaN;
+%         v(high_att)             = NaN;
+%         w(high_att)             = NaN;
+%         vel_err(high_att)       = NaN;
+%         ea(high_att)            = NaN;
+%         corr(high_att)          = NaN;
+%         pg(high_att)            = NaN;
+%         time(high_att)          = NaN;
+%         z_bins(high_att)        = NaN;
+%         depth(high_att)         = NaN;
+%         temp(high_att)          = NaN;
+%         soundspeed(high_att)    = NaN;
+%     end
+% end
+%% amplitude of the bins / Correction ADCP's depth
+colormap jet;
+shading flat;
+title('Amplitude of the bins'); colorbar;
+xlabel('Time index');
+%% If upward looking: determine range of surface bins used for instrument depth correction below!
+surface_bins = 0;%input('Do you want to apply an offset using surface reflection? 1/0 [1]');
+if isempty(surface_bins)
+    surface_bins = 1;
+if surface_bins == 1
+    sbins               = input('Determine range of surface bins used for instrument depth correction (with aplitude plot, ie. 30:35): ');
+    %% Calculate depth of each bin:
+    dpt                 = sw_dpth(press,mooring.lat)';  % convert pressure to depth, press needs to have dimension (n x 1)
+    dpt1                = repmat(dpt,nbin,1);
+    binmat              = repmat((1:nbin)',1,length(dpt1));
+    % If ADCP is upward-looking a depth correction can be inferred from the surface reflection, which is done in adcp_surface_fit
+    disp('****')
+    if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up')
+        [z,dpt1,offset,xnull] = adcp_surface_fit(dpt,ea,sbins,blen,tlen,lag,blnk,nbin,fbind);
+    elseif strcmp(adcp.direction,'dn')
+        z(1,:) = dpt1(1,:)+(tlen+blen+lag)*0.5+blnk;
+        for ii = 2:length(binmat(:,1))
+            z(ii,:) = z(1,:)+(binmat(ii,:)-1.5)*blen;
+        end
+    else
+        error('Bin depth calculation: unknown direction!');
+    end
+    saveas(figure(5),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Histdiff_depth'],'fig')
+    saveas(figure(6),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Offset_depth'],'fig')
+    saveas(figure(7),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Amplitude_bins_2'],'fig')
+%     dpt                 = sw_dpth(press,mooring.lat)';  % convert pressure to depth, press needs to have dimension (n x 1)
+%     dpt1                = repmat(dpt,nbin,1);
+%     z                   = dpt;
+%     figure
+%     plot(dpt)
+%     hold on
+%     plot(adcp.instr_depth*ones(length(dpt),1),'--r')
+%     hold off
+%     grid on
+%     axis([0 length(dpt) min(min(dpt,adcp.instr_depth*ones(1,length(dpt))))-50 max(max(dpt,adcp.instr_depth*ones(1,length(dpt))))+50])
+%     xlabel('Ensembles')
+%     ylabel('Depth [m]')
+%     legend('Depth','Nominal Depth')
+%     offset = input('Do you want to apply a manual offset? 1/0 [0]');
+%     if isempty(offset)
+%         offset           = 0;
+%     elseif offset == 1
+%         offset          = input('->Enter new offset:');
+%         dpt             = dpt + offset;
+%         dpt1            = dpt1 + offset;
+%         z               = z + offset;
+%         hold on
+%         plot(dpt,'g')
+%         hold off
+%         legend('Depth', 'Nominal Depth', 'Corrected depth')
+%     elseif offset == 0
+%         offset           = 0;
+%     end
+%     binmat              = repmat((1:nbin)',1,length(dpt1));
+%     if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up')
+%         z(1,:) = dpt1(1,:)-(tlen+blen+lag)*0.5-blnk;
+%         for ii = 2:length(binmat(:,1))
+%             z(ii,:) = z(1,:)-(binmat(ii,:)-1.5)*blen;
+%         end
+%     elseif strcmp(adcp.direction,'dn')
+%         z(1,:) = dpt1(1,:)+(tlen+blen+lag)*0.5+blnk;
+%         for ii = 2:length(binmat(:,1))
+%             z(ii,:) = z(1,:)+(binmat(ii,:)-1.5)*blen;
+%         end
+%     else
+%         error('Bin depth calculation: unknown direction!');
+%     end
+%% Remove bad data if ADCP is looking upward
+u1=u; v1=v; w1=w; vel_err1=vel_err; ea1=ea; corr1=corr; %z1=z;
+if surface_bins == 1
+    disp('****')
+    disp('Remove bad data near surface due to sidelobe');
+    if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up')
+        for i = 1:length(time)
+            sz_dpt(i) = adcp_shadowzone(dpt1(i),raw.config.sysconfig.angle); % depending on the instrument depth and the beam angle the shadow zone, i.e. the depth below the surface which is contaminated by the surface reflection is determined
+            iz(i)     = find(z(:,i)>sz_dpt(i),1,'last');
+            sbin(i)   = bin(iz(i));
+            %sbin(i)=30; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+            % here a manual criterion should be hard-coded if
+            % adcp_check_surface (below) shows bad velocities close to the
+            % surface
+            u1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+            v1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+            w1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+            vel_err1(sbin(i)+1:end,i) = NaN;
+            ea1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)      = NaN;
+            corr1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)    = NaN;
+            z1(sbin(i)+1:end,i)       = NaN;
+        end
+        if 1
+            bins           = nmedian(sbin)-4:nmedian(sbin)+4;
+            adcp_check_surface(bins,u,u1,v,v1,corr,corr1,time,bin,z,z1,sz_dpt);
+            % here the closest bins below the surface are plotted that are supposed to have good velocities, if there are still bad velocities a manual criterion needs to be found
+            reply_sidelobe = input('Do you want to apply manual criterion? 1/0 [0]:');
+            if isempty(reply_sidelobe)
+                reply_sidelobe = 0;
+            end
+            if reply_sidelobe
+                bin_cutoff = input('->Enter new bin cutoff value:');
+                u1=u; v1=v; w1=w; vel_err1=vel_err; ea1=ea; corr1=corr; z1=z;
+                u1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                v1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                w1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                vel_err1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:) = NaN;
+                ea1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)      = NaN;
+                corr1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)    = NaN;
+                z1(bin_cutoff+1:end,:)       = NaN;
+                adcp_check_surface(bins,u,u1,v,v1,corr,corr1,time,bin,z,z1,sz_dpt);
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    saveas(figure(7),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','Meridional_zonal_velocity'],'fig')
+z1 = data.z_bins;
+dpt1 = data.depth;
+z  = data.z_bins;
+% More meta information
+adcp.config         = raw.config;
+%adcp.z_offset       = offset;
+%adcp.ang            = ang;
+adcp.mag_dev        = rot;
+% Data structure
+data.u              = u1;
+data.v              = v1;
+data.w              = w1;
+data.e              = vel_err1;
+data.ea             = ea1;
+data.pg             = pg;
+data.time           = time;
+data.z_bins         = z1;
+data.depth          = dpt1;
+%data.temp           = temp;
+%data.sspd           = soundspeed;
+data.lat            = mooring.lat;
+data.lon            = mooring.lon;
+reply_ts            = 0;%input('Do you want to calculate Target Strength? (CTD profile needed) 1/0 [0]:');
+if isempty(reply_ts)
+    reply_ts = 0;
+if reply_ts == 1
+    % EA0: noisefloor from ADCP electronic noise; a scalar
+    disp('->Calculate Target Strength')
+    disp(['->EA0=' num2str(EA0) '(noisefloor from ADCP electronic noise) ; pH=8.1; (seawater pH)'])
+    file_ctd        = input('->Path to CTD .nc file [''*.nc'']:');
+    if exist(file_ctd, 'file')
+        ctd.depth = ncread(file_ctd, 'PRES');
+        ctd.temp  = ncread(file_ctd, 'TEMP');
+        ctd.sal   = ncread(file_ctd, 'PSAL');
+        ctd.tempR = ones(size(z));
+        ctd.salR  = ones(size(z));
+        % for each ADCP bin, find salinity and temperature values
+        for i_bin = 1:nbin
+            [~,ind_depth]      = min(abs(z(i_bin,:)-ctd.depth(:)));
+            ctd.salR(i_bin,:)  = ctd.sal(ind_depth);
+            ctd.tempR(i_bin,:) = ctd.temp(ind_depth);
+        end
+        % Compute TS
+        [sspd,~]  = meshgrid(soundspeed,1:nbin);
+        data.ts   = target_strength(data.ea,EA0,ctd.salR,ctd.tempR,sspd,temp',soundspeed',z,adcp.config.cell,adcp.config.blank,adcp.config.sysconfig.angle,freq);
+        figure;
+        colormap jet;
+        pcolor(data.ts.ts);
+        shading flat;
+        title('Target Strength'); colorbar;
+        ylabel('Bins');
+        xlabel('Time index');
+        saveas(gcf,[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','target_strength'],'fig')
+    else
+        disp('CTD file doesn''t exist')
+        reply_ts = 0;
+    end
+%% Save raw data
+disp('Saving raw data')
+save([fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data','-v7.3');
+%% Interpolate data on a regular vertical grid
+Z                   = (round(min(data.depth))+blen/2:blen:max(z(:))+blen);
+Zmax                = min(Z);
+u_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+v_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+if reply_ts == 1
+    ts_interp       = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+for i=1:length(time)
+    % indice correspondant sur la grille finale Z
+    ind = -(round((Zmax-z(1,i))/blen)-1);
+    % filling the grid
+    npts = min([length(Z)-ind-1 length(bin)]);
+    u_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = u1(1:npts,i);
+    v_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = v1(1:npts,i);
+    if reply_ts == 1
+        ts_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = data.ts.ts(1:npts,i);
+    end
+if reply_ts == 0
+    ts_interp       = NaN;
+%% Horizontal interpolation, filtering and subsampling
+horz_interp            = input('Do you want to do an horizontal interpolation? 1/0 [1]:');
+if isempty(horz_interp)
+    horz_interp        = 1;
+if horz_interp
+    filt            = input('Do you want to filter tide? 1/0 [1]:');
+    if isempty(filt)
+        filt        = 1;
+    end
+    sub            = input('Do you want to subsampling data daily? 1/0 [1]:');
+    if isempty(filt)
+        sub        = 1;
+    end
+    if filt
+        if sub
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation, Filtering & Subsampling')
+        else
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation & Filtering')
+        end
+        disp('Filtering using 40h Hamming filter (other disponible filter: FFT filter, tide model)')
+    else
+        if sub
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation & Subsampling')
+        else
+            disp('Horizontal interpolation')
+        end
+    end
+    filt = 0;
+    sub  = 0;
+[uintfilt,vintfilt,tsintfilt,inttim,utid_baro,vtid_baro] = adcp_filt_sub_down(data,u_interp',v_interp',ts_interp',1:length(Z),reply_ts, filt, sub);
+if horz_interp == 0    
+    uintfilt      = u_interp';
+    vintfilt      = v_interp';
+    inttim        = data.time;
+%% Save interpolated data
+bin_start           = input('Determine first bin indice with good interpolated data: '); % bin indice where good interpolated data for the whole dataset start
+bin_end             = input('Determine last bin indice with good interpolated data: '); % bin indice where good interpolated data for the whole dataset start
+data.uintfilt       = uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+data.vintfilt       = vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    data.tsintfilt  = tsintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+data.Z              = Z(bin_start:bin_end);
+data.inttim         = inttim;
+save([fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '_int_filt_sub.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data');
+%% Figure
+niv_u               = (-1:0.05:1);
+niv_v               = (-1:0.05:1);
+close all
+hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+colormap jet
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_u);
+caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
+ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+if filt
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_v);
+caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
+h     = colorbar;
+ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+if filt
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_', num2str(instr), '_U_V_int_filt_sub'];
+pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 500]);
+    colormap jet
+    pcolor(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),tsintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:)); shading interp;
+    h     = colorbar;
+    ylabel(h,'Target Strength [dB1]');
+    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+    ylabel('Depth (m)');
+    ylim([0,round(max(max(z,adcp.instr_depth)))]);
+    %change figure label in HH:MM
+    gregtick;
+    if filt
+        title({[mooring.name, ' - TARGET STRENGTH - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    else
+        title({[mooring.name, ' - TARGET STRENGTH - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+    end
+    graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name, '_', num2str(instr), '_TS_int_filt_sub'];
+    set(hf,'Units','Inches');
+    pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+    set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
+    saveas(hf,graph_name,'jpeg');
+% %% Plot tide
+% hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+% niv_tide = (-5:0.2:5);
+% utid_baro = utid_baro * 100;
+% vtid_baro = vtid_baro * 100;
+% %u
+% subplot(2,1,1);
+% colormap jet
+% [C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),utid_baro(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_tide);
+% set(h,'LineColor','none');
+% caxis(niv_tide([1 end]));
+% h=colorbar;
+% ylabel(h,'U [cm s^-^1]');
+% set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+% ylabel('Depth (m)');
+% ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]);
+% %change figure label in HH:MM
+% gregtick;
+% title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL TIDE VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+% %v
+% subplot(2,1,2);
+% [C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vtid_baro(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_tide);
+% set(h,'LineColor','none');
+% caxis(niv_tide([1 end]));
+% h     = colorbar;
+% ylabel(h,'V [cm s^-^1]');
+% set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+% ylabel('Depth (m)');
+% ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]);
+% %change figure label in HH:MM
+% gregtick;
+% title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL TIDE VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+%%  Write netcdf file
+disp('Creating .nc file')
+[yr_start , ~, ~] = gregorian(inttim(1));
+[yr_end,  ~, ~]   = gregorian(inttim(length(inttim)));
+ncid     = netcdf.create([fpath_output,'ADCP_',mooring.name,'_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'_1d.nc'],'NC_WRITE');
+%create dimension
+dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',length(inttim));
+dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'depth',length(data.Z));
+%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
+time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimidt);
+depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'depth','double',dimidz);
+%Define the main variable ()
+u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'u','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'v','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    ts_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'ts','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+%We are done defining the NetCdf
+%Then store the dimension variables in
+%Then store my main variable
+if reply_ts == 1
+    netcdf.putVar(ncid,ts_ID,data.tsintfilt');
+%We're done, close the netcdf
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w_olddata.m b/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w_olddata.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c4137c6904bec4ee26dfb5e974a29031e3b371d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specific/template_get_adcp_data_10w_olddata.m
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+% template_get_adcp_data.m
+% -------------------------------
+% Author : Pierre ROUSSELOT - IRD (pierre.rousselot@ird.fr)
+%          Jeremie HABASQUE - IRD (jeremie.habasque@ird.fr)  
+% -------------------------------
+% - binary raw file with .000 extension
+% - U and V fields interpolated on a regulard grid, filtered and subsampled
+close all; clear
+addpath('/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/TOOLS/nansuite'); % NaNSuitePath
+%% META information:
+% Location rawfile
+rawfile          = 'FR10W000.000';        % binary file with .000 extension
+fpath_output     = './10W/';                                                             % Output directory
+% Cruise/mooring info
+cruise.name      = 'PIRATA';                                                         % cruise name
+mooring.name     = '10W0N';                                                                % '0N10W'
+mooring.lat      = '00°00.000';                                                           % latitude [°']
+mooring.lon      = '-10°00.000';                                                           % longitude [°']
+clock_drift      = 0;                                                                   % [seconds]
+% ADCP info
+adcp.sn          = 500;                                                                  % ADCP serial number
+adcp.type        = '300 khz';                                                             % Type : Quartermaster, longranger
+adcp.direction   = 'up';                                                                  % upward-looking 'up', downward-looking 'dn'
+adcp.instr_depth = 100;                                                                   % nominal instrument depth
+instr            = 1;                                                                     % this is just for name convention and sorting of all mooring instruments
+%% Convert variables
+latDegInd               = strfind(mooring.lat,'°');
+lonDegInd               = strfind(mooring.lon,'°');
+mooring.lat             = str2double(mooring.lat(1:latDegInd-1))+str2double(mooring.lat(latDegInd+1:end-1))/60;
+mooring.lon             = str2double(mooring.lon(1:lonDegInd-1))+str2double(mooring.lon(lonDegInd+1:end-1))/60;
+clock_drift             = clock_drift/3600;  % convert into hrs
+%% Read rawfile
+raw_file                = [fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '_raw.mat'];
+% if exist(raw_file)
+%     fprintf('Read %s\n', raw_file);
+%     load(raw_file)
+% else
+%     fprintf('Read %s\n', rawfile);
+%     raw                 = read_os3(rawfile,'all');
+%     save(raw_file,'raw','-v7.3');
+% end
+adcp_2003_time = adcp_2003_time';
+u2 = uvmat(:,1:5976)/100;
+v2 = uvmat(:,5977:5976*2)/100;
+adcp_2003_bin_length = 4;
+dpt1 = 4:adcp_2003_bin_length:104;
+[YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss] = datevec(adcp_2003_time);
+% Data structure
+u_interp              = u2';
+v_interp              = v2';
+ts_interp = NaN;
+data.time           = time;
+Z                   = dpt1;
+reply_ts = 0;
+%% Horizontal interpolation, filtering and subsampling
+horz_interp        = 1;
+filt        = 1;
+sub        = 1;
+[uintfilt,vintfilt,tsintfilt,inttim,utid_baro,vtid_baro] = adcp_filt_sub(data,u_interp',v_interp',ts_interp',1:length(Z),reply_ts, filt, sub);
+% saveas(figure(5),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','data_raw_filt_subsampled_1'],'fig')
+% saveas(figure(6),[fpath_output,mooring.name,'_',num2str(adcp.sn),'_instr_',num2str(instr),'_','data_raw_filt_subsampled_2'],'fig')
+if horz_interp == 0    
+    uintfilt      = u_interp';
+    vintfilt      = v_interp';
+    inttim        = data.time;
+%% Save interpolated data
+bin_start           = input('Determine first bin indice with good interpolated data: '); % bin indice where good interpolated data for the whole dataset start
+bin_end             = input('Determine last bin indice with good interpolated data: '); % bin indice where good interpolated data for the whole dataset start
+data.uintfilt       = uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+data.vintfilt       = vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    data.tsintfilt  = tsintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:);
+data.Z              = Z(bin_start:bin_end);
+data.inttim         = inttim;
+%save([fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '_int_filt_sub.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data');
+%% Figure
+niv_u               = (-1:0.05:1);
+niv_v               = (-1:0.05:1);
+close all
+hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+colormap jet
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),uintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_u);
+caxis(niv_u([1 end]));
+ylabel(h,'U [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+if filt
+    title({['10W0N - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI 150 kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+[C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_v);
+caxis(niv_v([1 end]));
+h     = colorbar;
+ylabel(h,'V [m s^-^1]');
+set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+ylabel('Depth (m)');
+%change figure label in HH:MM
+if filt
+    title({['10W0N - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI 150 kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+graph_name = ['10W0N_nb150khz_U_V_int_filt_sub'];
+pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 500]);
+    colormap jet
+    pcolor(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),tsintfilt(bin_start:bin_end,:)); shading interp;
+    h     = colorbar;
+    ylabel(h,'Target Strength [dB1]');
+    set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+    ylabel('Depth (m)');
+    ylim([0,round(max(Z))]);
+    %change figure label in HH:MM
+    gregtick;
+    if filt
+        title({[mooring.name, ' - TARGET STRENGTH - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz (filtered from tide)']});
+    else
+        title({[mooring.name, ' - TARGET STRENGTH - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+    end
+    graph_name = [fpath_output, mooring.name, '_nb150khz_TS_int_filt_sub'];
+    set(hf,'Units','Inches');
+    pos        = get(hf,'Position');
+    set(hf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)]);
+    saveas(hf,graph_name,'jpeg');
+% %% Plot tide
+% hf=figure('position', [0, 0, 1400, 1000]);
+% niv_tide = (-5:0.2:5);
+% utid_baro = utid_baro * 100;
+% vtid_baro = vtid_baro * 100;
+% %u
+% subplot(2,1,1);
+% colormap jet
+% [C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),utid_baro(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_tide);
+% set(h,'LineColor','none');
+% caxis(niv_tide([1 end]));
+% h=colorbar;
+% ylabel(h,'U [cm s^-^1]');
+% set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+% ylabel('Depth (m)');
+% ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]);
+% %change figure label in HH:MM
+% gregtick;
+% title({[mooring.name, ' - ZONAL TIDE VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+% %v
+% subplot(2,1,2);
+% [C,h] = contourf(inttim,Z(bin_start:bin_end),vtid_baro(bin_start:bin_end,:),niv_tide);
+% set(h,'LineColor','none');
+% caxis(niv_tide([1 end]));
+% h     = colorbar;
+% ylabel(h,'V [cm s^-^1]');
+% set(gca,'ydir', 'reverse');
+% ylabel('Depth (m)');
+% ylim([0,adcp.instr_depth]);
+% %change figure label in HH:MM
+% gregtick;
+% title({[mooring.name, ' - MERIDIONAL TIDE VELOCITY - RDI ',num2str(freq),' kHz']});
+%%  Write netcdf file
+disp('Creating .nc file')
+[yr_start , ~, ~] = gregorian(inttim(1));
+[yr_end,  ~, ~]   = gregorian(inttim(length(inttim)));
+ncid     = netcdf.create(['ADCP_10W0N_',num2str(yr_start),'_',num2str(yr_end),'_1d.nc'],'NC_WRITE');
+%create dimension
+dimidt   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'time',length(inttim));
+dimidz   = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'depth',length(data.Z));
+%Define IDs for the dimension variables (pressure,time,latitude,...)
+time_ID  = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'time','double',dimidt);
+depth_ID = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'depth','double',dimidz);
+%Define the main variable ()
+u_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'u','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+v_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'v','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+if reply_ts == 1
+    ts_ID     = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'ts','double',[dimidt dimidz]);
+%We are done defining the NetCdf
+%Then store the dimension variables in
+%Then store my main variable
+if reply_ts == 1
+    netcdf.putVar(ncid,ts_ID,data.tsintfilt');
+%We're done, close the netcdf
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/template_get_adcp_data.m b/template_get_adcp_data.m
index 3bc09df2d91921c623b462f31df4884c69d5cd9a..23ddeadffd33e8ab89d64aa78cd959155190ea80 100644
--- a/template_get_adcp_data.m
+++ b/template_get_adcp_data.m
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ addpath('/home/proussel/Documents/OUTILS/TOOLS/nansuite'); % NaNSuitePath
 %% META information:
 % Location rawfile
-rawfile          = 'IDMX2/_RDI_000.000';        % binary file with .000 extension
-fpath_output     = './IDMX2/';                                                             % Output directory
+rawfile          = '_RDI_000.000';        % binary file with .000 extension
+fpath_output     = './10W/';                                                             % Output directory
 % Cruise/mooring info
-cruise.name      = 'INDOMIX';                                                         % cruise name
-mooring.name     = '0N130E';                                                                % '0N10W'
-mooring.lat      = '00°04.066';                                                           % latitude [°']
-mooring.lon      = '129°12.41';                                                           % longitude [°']
+cruise.name      = 'PIRATA';                                                         % cruise name
+mooring.name     = '10W0N';                                                                % '0N10W'
+mooring.lat      = '00°00.000';                                                           % latitude [°']
+mooring.lon      = '-10°00.000';                                                           % longitude [°']
 clock_drift      = 0;                                                                   % [seconds]
 % ADCP info
-adcp.sn          = 13952;                                                                  % ADCP serial number
-adcp.type        = '75 khz Quartermaster';                                               % Type : Quartermaster, longranger
+adcp.sn          = 509;                                                                  % ADCP serial number
+adcp.type        = '150 khz Quartermaster';                                               % Type : Quartermaster, longranger
 adcp.direction   = 'up';                                                                  % upward-looking 'up', downward-looking 'dn'
-adcp.instr_depth = 632;                                                                   % nominal instrument depth
+adcp.instr_depth = 300;                                                                   % nominal instrument depth
 instr            = 1;                                                                     % this is just for name convention and sorting of all mooring instruments
@@ -428,23 +428,45 @@ disp('Saving raw data')
 save([fpath_output, mooring.name '_' num2str(adcp.sn) '_instr_' sprintf('%02d',instr) '.mat'],'adcp','mooring','data','-v7.3');
 %% Interpolate data on a regular vertical grid
-Z                   = fliplr(blen/2:blen:max(z(:))+blen);
-Zmax                = max(Z);
-u_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
-v_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
-if reply_ts == 1
-    ts_interp       = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
-for i=1:length(time)
-    % indice correspondant sur la grille finale Z
-    ind = round((Zmax-z(1,i))/blen)+1;
-    % filling the grid
-    npts = min([length(Z)+ind+1 length(bin)]);
-    u_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = u1(1:npts,i);
-    v_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = v1(1:npts,i);
+if strcmp(adcp.direction,'up')
+    Z                   = fliplr(blen/2:blen:max(z(:))+blen);
+    Zmax                = max(Z);
+    u_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+    v_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+    if reply_ts == 1
+        ts_interp       = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+    end
+    for i=1:length(time)
+        % indice correspondant sur la grille finale Z
+        ind = round((Zmax-z(1,i))/blen)+1;
+        % filling the grid
+        npts = min([length(Z)+ind+1 length(bin)]);
+        u_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = u1(1:npts,i);
+        v_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = v1(1:npts,i);
+        if reply_ts == 1
+            ts_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = data.ts.ts(1:npts,i);
+        end
+    end
+    Z                   = (round(min(data.depth))+blen/2:blen:max(z(:))+blen);
+    Zmax                = min(Z);
+    u_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+    v_interp            = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
     if reply_ts == 1
-        ts_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = data.ts.ts(1:npts,i);
+        ts_interp       = NaN(length(time),length(Z));
+    end
+    for i=1:length(time)
+        % indice correspondant sur la grille finale Z
+        ind = -(round((Zmax-z(1,i))/blen)-1);
+        % filling the grid
+        npts = min([length(Z)-ind-1 length(bin)]);
+        u_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = u1(1:npts,i);
+        v_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = v1(1:npts,i);
+        if reply_ts == 1
+            ts_interp(i,ind:ind+npts-1) = data.ts.ts(1:npts,i);
+        end