function updateTsgStructWithSmoothVars(hMainFig) % % This function is called after change option/parameter from preferenceForm % or tsg_preference % % Input % ----- % hMainFig ............ Handle to the main user interface % % $Id$ % Get the data from the application GUI % ------------------------------------- tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data'); % use in tsg-average by tsg.cst.TSG_DT_SMOOTH % convert this value minute with datenum % --------------------------------------------- hour = floor(str2double(tsg.preference.dt_smooth)/60); min = mod(str2double(tsg.preference.dt_smooth), 60); smooth = datenum(0, 0, 0, hour, min , 0); tsg.cst.TSG_DT_SMOOTH = smooth; % Salinity, in 1 hour interval, should not depart the average for more % than SAL_STD_MAX standard deviation % ------------------------------------- tsg.SSPS_STDMAX = str2double(tsg.preference.ssps_stdmax); % Maximum time difference between tsg data and water sample used to % compute the difference % convert this value minute with datenum % ------------------------------------ hour = floor(str2double(tsg.preference.ws_timediff)/60); min = mod(str2double(tsg.preference.ws_timediff), 60); timediff = datenum(0, 0, 0, hour, min , 0); tsg.cst.TSG_WS_TIMEDIFF = timediff; % uncomment for debug % ------------------- % tsg.cst % tsg.SSPS_STDMAX % Save tsg structure % ------------------ setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg); end