function updateTsgStruct(hMainFig) % % This function is called after reading data and update tsg structure % with common values % % Input % ----- % hMainFig ............ Handel to the main user interface % % $Id$ % Get the data from the application GUI % ------------------------------------- tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data'); % get min and max values for position and set to globals attributes % ----------------------------------------------------------------- tsg.SOUTH_LATX = min(tsg.LATX); tsg.NORTH_LATX = max(tsg.LATX); tsg.WEST_LONX = min(tsg.LONX); tsg.EAST_LONX = max(tsg.LONX); % get date start and end value and set to globals attributes % ----------------------------------------------------------------- date = datestr(min(tsg.DAYD),30); tsg.DATE_START = [date(1:8) date(10:15)]; date = datestr(max(tsg.DAYD),30); tsg.DATE_END = [date(1:8) date(10:15)]; % Compute ship velocity from positions if sog not available % --------------------------------------------------------- if isempty(tsg.SPDC) range = m_lldist(tsg.LONX,tsg.LATX); ind = size(tsg.DAYD); tsg.SPDC = zeros(size(ind)); for i=1:length(tsg.DAYD)-1 tsg.SPDC(i) = range(i) / ((tsg.DAYD(i+1)-tsg.DAYD(i)) * 24 * 1.854); end tsg.SPDC = [tsg.SPDC';0]; end % Initialise ADJUSTED variables if empty % -------------------------------------- if isempty( tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED ) && ~isempty( tsg.SSPS ) tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED = tsg.SSPS; tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC = tsg.SSPS_QC; tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR = NaN * ones( size( tsg.SSPS )); elseif isempty( tsg.SSPS ) msgbox('You must initialise the tsg.SSPS variable',... 'function ''updateTsgStruct''', .... 'warn', 'modal'); end if isempty( tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED ) && ~isempty( tsg.SSJT ) tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED = tsg.SSJT; tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED_QC = tsg.SSJT_QC; tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED_ERROR = NaN * ones( size( tsg.SSJT )); elseif isempty( tsg.SSJT ) msgbox('You must initialise the tsg.SSJT variable',... 'function ''updateTsgStruct''', .... 'warn', 'modal'); end if isempty( tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED ) && ~isempty( tsg.SSTP ) tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED = tsg.SSTP; tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_QC = tsg.SSTP_QC; tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_ERROR = NaN * ones( size( tsg.SSTP )); end % Initialise 'variables_LINCOEF' % ------------------------------- tsg.SSJT_LINCOEF(1) = 1; tsg.SSJT_LINCOEF(2) = 0; tsg.CNDC_LINCOEF(1) = 1; tsg.CNDC_LINCOEF(2) = 0; tsg.SSTP_LINCOEF(1) = 1; tsg.SSTP_LINCOEF(2) = 0; % Save tsg structure % ------------------ setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);