function updateTsgStruct(hMainFig) % % This function is called after reading data and update tsg structure % with common values % % Input % ----- % hMainFig ............ Handel to the main user interface % % $Id$ % Compute ship velocity from positions if sog not available % Must be done first as we use getappdata and setappdata within % the function % --------------------------------------------------------- shipVelocity( hMainFig ); % Get the data from the application GUI % ------------------------------------- tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data'); PARA = {'SSPS', 'SSJT', 'SSTP'}; % Get NO_CONTROL and INTERPOLATED_VALUE codes % a modifier !!!!!!!!!!!!! % ------------------------------------------- s = tsg.qc.hash.NO_CONTROL; NO_CONTROL = s.code; % shift to [-180 180] longitude by default % ---------------------------------------- tsg.LONX = mod(tsg.LONX + 180, 360) - 180; % Suppress longitude discontinuity at -180 or 180 crossing % -------------------------------------------------------- deflon = find(isfinite(tsg.LONX)); dlon = diff(tsg.LONX(deflon)); tsg.indcross = find(abs(dlon) > 180); if ~isempty(tsg.indcross) tsg.loncross = sign(dlon(tsg.indcross)) * 360; tsg.indcross = deflon(tsg.indcross); for i=1:length(tsg.indcross) tsg.LONX(tsg.indcross(i)+1:end) = ... tsg.LONX(tsg.indcross(i)+1:end) - tsg.loncross(i); end end tsg.lonplus = 0; tsg.lonmod = 0; % get min and max values for position and set to globals attributes % ----------------------------------------------------------------- tsg.SOUTH_LATX = min(tsg.LATX); tsg.NORTH_LATX = max(tsg.LATX); if (max(tsg.LONX)-min(tsg.LONX)) > 360 tsg.WEST_LONX = -180; tsg.EAST_LONX = 180; else tsg.WEST_LONX = mod(min(tsg.LONX)+180, 360) - 180; tsg.EAST_LONX = mod(max(tsg.LONX)+180, 360) - 180; end % get date start and end value and set to globals attributes % ----------------------------------------------------------------- date = datestr(min(tsg.DAYD), 30); tsg.DATE_START = [date(1:8) date(10:15)]; date = datestr(max(tsg.DAYD), 30); tsg.DATE_END = [date(1:8) date(10:15)]; % Variables must exists % --------------------- for para = PARA para = char(para); if ~isempty( tsg.(para) ) && isempty( tsg.([para '_QC']) ) % If QC variables are emptied, fill them with NO_CONTROL code value % ----------------------------------------------------------------- tsg.([para '_QC']) = castByteQC( NO_CONTROL, tsg.DAYD ); end if ~isempty( tsg.(para) ) && isempty( tsg.([para '_ADJUSTED_QC']) ) % If QC variables are emptied, fill them with NO_CONTROL code value % ----------------------------------------------------------------- tsg.([para '_ADJUSTED_QC']) = castByteQC( NO_CONTROL, tsg.DAYD ); end end % initialize POSITION_QC % ---------------------- tsg.('POSITION_QC') = castByteQC( NO_CONTROL, tsg.DAYD ); % Empty variables filled with NaN % ------------------------------- names = fieldnames( tsg ); for i = 1: length(names) para = char( names(i) ); if ~isstruct(tsg.(para)) && ~isempty(tsg.(para)) && ~iscell(tsg.(para)) A = tsg.(para); ind = find( isnan( A ) == 0 ); if isempty( ind ) tsg.(para) = []; end end end % Save tsg structure % ------------------ setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg); % fill tsg calibration variables % ------------------------------ updateTsgStructWithCalCoeff(hMainFig); % Get the data from the application GUI % ------------------------------------- tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data'); % Initialise 'variables_LINCOEF' % in tsg_initialisation now % ------------------------------- var ={'SSJT_LINCOEF', 'CNDC_LINCOEF', 'SSTP_LINCOEF'}; lin_type = {padding('SLOPE',tsg.dim.COEF_CONV_SIZE),... padding('OFFSET',tsg.dim.COEF_CONV_SIZE)}; lin_val = [1,0]; % loop over each variables % ------------------------ for i = 1:numel(var) % check if var_LINCOEF not empty % ----------------------------------- if isempty(tsg.(var{i})) for j = 1:tsg.dim.LINCOEF tsg.(var{i})(j) = lin_val(j); end end % rewrite LINCOEF's % convert cell array of string to char array % ------------------------------------------ tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']) = char(lin_type); end % Save tsg structure % ------------------ setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg); end