function quitProgram(DEFAULT_PATH_FILE, varargin) % QUITPROGRAM Exit tsgqc_GUI application % % Input % ----- % hTsgGUI ............ Handel to the main user interface % % Output % ------ % none % $Id$ % close all windows % ----------------- for i=1:size(varargin,2) delete(varargin{i}); end % reset userdata property of root Matalab object (0) for next use % --------------------------------------------------------------- set(0, 'userdata', []); % reset Matlab search path to default % ----------------------------------- rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_util'] ); rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_data'] ); rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_io'] ); % Refresh file system caches % -------------------------- rehash; % clear base workspace just before quit, this is the only method % to clear NetCDF variables assign to base workspace with assignin % ---------------------------------------------------------------- evalin('base','clear all'); end