function error = headerForm(hTsgGUI) % % Input % ----- % hTsgGUI ............ Handel to the main user interface % % Output % ------ % error .............. 1: OK ; -1 : an error occured % % $Id$ %% TIPS: % run headerForm: % headerForm(findobj('Tag', 'TAG_TSG-QC_GUI')) error = -1; % Get the data from the application GUI % ------------------------------------- tsg = getappdata(hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data'); % load platform mat file % ---------------------- %load platform.mat; % set default uicontrol size % -------------------------- default_height = 0.03; default_length = .11; % Define uicontrol start position % ------------------------------- left = .01; bottom = .95; inc_x = 3 * default_length; inc_y = 0.01; % get actual date % --------------- date = datestr(now,30); % Get an instance of dynaload objetc from file 'tsgqc_netcdf.csv' % ----------------------------------------------------------------- nc = dynaload('tsgqc_netcdf.csv'); % Get attributes & variables list from dynaload instance % ------------------------------------------------------ nca_keys = keys(nc.ATTRIBUTES); %ncv_keys = keys(nc.VARIABLES); % set additionals variables, location may be change in the future % --------------------------------------------------------------- add_var = { 'SSPS_DEPH', 'SSPS_DEPH_MIN', 'SSPS_DEPH_MAX', ... 'SSTP_DEPH', 'SSTP_DEPH_MIN', 'SSTP_DEPH_MAX'}; % set additionals variables, location may be change in the future % --------------------------------------------------------------- add_coeff_var = { 'SSJT_CALCOEF', 'SSJT_LINCOEF', 'CNDC_CALCOEF', ... 'CNDC_LINCOEF', 'SSTP_CALCOEF', 'SSTP_LINCOEF'}; % if tsg_platform_info.csv not exist, create it % --------------------------------------------- existPlatform(hTsgGUI); % % check if .ini file exist in data % % -------------------------------- % file_ini = strcat(, '.ini'); % Load platform_info object from tsg_platform_info.csv % ---------------------------------------------------- platform_info = tsg_nc('tsg_platform.csv'); % % check if filename exist and should be open in read mode % % ------------------------------------------------------- % file_ini_id = fopen(file_ini, 'r'); % if (file_ini_id ~= -1) % read_ini_file; % end % header Uicontrols in a new figure % --------------------------------- hHeaderFig = figure(... 'BackingStore','off',... 'Name', 'TSG GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES AND VARIABLES', ... 'NumberTitle', 'off', ... 'Resize', 'on', ... 'Menubar','none', ... 'Toolbar', 'none', ... 'Tag', 'GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES', ... 'Visible','on',... 'WindowStyle', 'modal', ... 'Units', 'normalized',... 'Position',get(hTsgGUI,'Position'), ... 'Color', get(0, 'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor')); % bg = [0.92549 0.913725 0.847059] = get(0, 'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor'); % Iterate from each element from object nca and additional variables % ------------------------------------------------------------------ for i = nca_keys % get key, use char because i is cell % ----------------------------------- key = char(i); % get all structure for the key % ----------------------------- s = nc.ATTRIBUTES.(key); % set tsg.DATE_UPDATE % ------------------- if strcmp(key, 'DATE_UPDATE') tsg.(key) = [date(1:8) date(10:15)]; end % check for empty field and replace them by default value % ------------------------------------------------------- % if isempty(s.length), s.length = default_length; end; % if isempty(s.height), s.height = default_height; end; s.length = default_length; s.height = default_height; % display dynamically uicontrol text % use of char function to prevent error when field is empty [] => '' % ------------------------------------------------------------------ uicontrol(... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Style', 'Text', ... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-1, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ... 'Position',[left, bottom, s.length, s.height], ... 'TooltipString', char(s.comment), ... 'String', char(; % display dynamically uicontrol % ----------------------------- ui = uicontrol(... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'BackgroundColor', 'w', ... 'Style', char(s.uicontrolType), ... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-2, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', char(s.horizontalAlignment), ... 'Position', [left + s.length, bottom, s.length, s.height], ... 'String', char(s.string), ... 'Value', s.value, ... 'Tag', key); % display conventions field if exist % ---------------------------------- uicontrol(... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Style', 'text', ... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-2, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ... 'Position', [left + 2*s.length, bottom, s.length, s.height], ... 'String', char(s.conventions)); % set dynamically uicontrol from tsg struct % ----------------------------------------- switch s.uicontrolType % for a popmenu control, set index position % --------------------------------- case 'popupmenu' str = cellstr(get(ui,'String')); ind = strfind(str,tsg.(key)); for k=1:numel(ind) if ~isempty(ind{k}) set(ui, 'value', k); end end % for edit control, set uicontrol with tsg.(key) value % ---------------------------------------------------- case 'edit' set(ui, 'string', tsg.(key)); % for checkbox control, not yet implemented % ------------------------------------------ case 'checkbox' % not yet implemented !!! end % Check vertical position of last uicontrol and creation new colomn % ----------------------------------------------------------------- bottom = bottom - inc_y - s.height; if bottom < .1 bottom = 0.95; left = left + inc_x; end end % additionnal variable here % ------------------------- add_variables; % additinnal coefficient variable here % ------------------------------------ %if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_CALCOEF) add_coefficients; %end % set a callback to PLATFORM_NAME uicontrol % ----------------------------------------- %set(findobj('Tag', 'PLATFORM_NAME'), 'Callback', @updateForm); % set a callback to check date % ---------------------------- set(findobj('-regexp', 'Tag', 'CALCOEF_DATE'), 'Callback', @editCallback); % CONTINUE PUSH BUTTON % -------------------- % The Continue (valid) button uicontrol( ... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Style','pushbutton',... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize,... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position',[.01, .01, .1, .04],... 'String','Continue',... 'Interruptible','off',... 'BusyAction','cancel',... 'Tag','PUSH_BUTTON',... 'Callback', @continueCallback); % CANCEL PUSH BUTTON % ------------------ % The cancel button uicontrol( ... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Style','pushbutton',... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize,... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position',[.2, .01, .1, .04],... 'String','Cancel',... 'Interruptible','off',... 'BusyAction','cancel',... 'Tag','PUSH_BUTTON',... 'Callback', @cancelCallback); % Build structure container for graphic handles with tag property defined. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data = guihandles(hHeaderFig); % record data struct in application data object % --------------------------------------------- % guidata(hHeaderFig, data); % stop execution until push-button Continue was press % --------------------------------------------------- uiwait(hHeaderFig); %% Nested callback % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % check if date format is valid, if not beep and set empty string % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function editCallback(obj, event) value = get(obj, 'string'); match = regexp( value, '^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$', 'match'); if isempty(match) beep; set(obj, 'string', ''); end end % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Continue action, get uicontrol fields and populate tsg structure % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function continueCallback(obj, event) % get the PLATFORM_NAME value, use tag to retrieve % ------------------------------------------------ platform_name = get(findobj('Tag', 'PLATFORM_NAME'), 'string'); % get platform info structure from hashtable store in platform_info object % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ p_i = get(platform_info, platform_name); % get hashtable describing platform_info structure data type % ---------------------------------------------------------- hdr = header(platform_info); % Iterate from each element from object nca + additional variables % ---------------------------------------------------------------- for ncak = nca_keys % get key, use char for cell ncak % ---------------------------- key = char(ncak); % get all structure for the key, for additional variables, s = {} % -------------------------------------------------------------- s = nc.ATTRIBUTES.(key); % get the corresponding string from uicontrol using guihandles % data (dynamic) % ------------------------------------------------------------ tsg.(key) = get(data.(key), 'string'); % if uicontrol is a popupmenu, string is cell array with all choices % ------------------------------------------------------------------ if ~isempty(s) && strcmp(s.uicontrolType,'popupmenu') % get the corresponding string from cell array using selected value % ------------------------------------------------------------------ tsg.(key) = deblank(tsg.(key)(get(data.(key), 'value'),:)); end % update p_i structure from tsg only with corresponding field % ----------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(p_i, key) % get data type from platform_info structure % ------------------------------------------ switch hdr.(key) case 'char' p_i.(key) = tsg.(key); case 'byte' p_i.(key) = int8(str2num(tsg.(key))); case 'integer' p_i.(key) = int16(str2num(tsg.(key))); case 'float' p_i.(key) = single(str2double(tsg.(key))); case 'double' p_i.(key) = str2double(tsg.(key)); otherwise % by default, display a warning % ----------------------------- warning('tsgqc:headerForm', ... 'unknow type ''%s'' for ''%s'' attribute.\nCheck your %s file', ... hdr.(key), key, platform_info.file); % and cast to char % ---------------- p_i.(key) = tsg.(key); end end end % get additional variables from uicontrol and update tsg struct % ------------------------------------------------------------- for kk = add_var key = char(kk); tsg.(key) = single(str2double(get(data.(key), 'string'))); p_i.(key) = tsg.(key); end % get additional coefficients from uicontrol and update tsg struct % ---------------------------------------------------------------- if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_CALCOEF) for kk = add_coeff_var var = char(kk); for ii=1:numel(tsg.(var)) key = strtrim(tsg.([var '_CONV'])(ii,:)); if strcmpi(key, '') continue end s = get(data.(strcat(var,'_',key)), 'string'); %tsg.(var)(i) = single(str2double(get(data.(strcat(var,'_',key)), 'string'))); if strcmp(s, '') tsg.(var)(ii) = NaN; else if strcmpi(key, 'DATE') tsg.(var)(ii) = single(datenumToJulian(datenum(s, 'yyyymmdd'))); else tsg.(var)(ii) = single(str2double(s)); end end %p_i.(key) = tsg.(key); end end end % Save tsg structure % ------------------ setappdata(hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data', tsg); % test if uicontrol not empty % --------------------------- if isempty(platform_name) warndlg({'PLATFORM NAME is empty';'';'Please, enter a valid PLATFORM name'},... 'Invalid PLATFORM name'); else % Update plateform_info object with this PLATFORM_NAME value and % platform info updated structure % -------------------------------------------------------------- platform_info = set(platform_info, platform_name, p_i); % save object in csv file % ----------------------- save(platform_info); % close windows (replace call to uiresume(hHeaderFig)) % ---------------------------------------------------- close(hHeaderFig); % flushes the event queue and updates the figure window % ----------------------------------------------------- drawnow; % return with no error code (true) % -------------------------------- error = 1; return end end % end of continueCallback nested function % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Cancel button, no action % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function cancelCallback(obj, event) % close windows % ------------- close(hHeaderFig); % flushes the event queue and updates the figure window % ----------------------------------------------------- drawnow; % return error code (no change) % ----------------------------- error = -1; end % end of cancelCallback nested function % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Callback when uicontrol PLATFORM_NAME is modified % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function updateForm(obj, event) % get the new value, use tag to retrieve % -------------------------------------- platform_name = get(findobj('Tag', 'PLATFORM_NAME'), 'string'); % get platform info structure from hashtable store in platform_info object % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ p_i = get(platform_info, platform_name); % get hashtable describing platform_info structure data type % ---------------------------------------------------------- %hdr = header(platform_info); % if this platform exist, structure not empty % ------------------------------------------- if ~isempty(p_i) % iterate on all members of platform_info structure, filenames return % a cell array of string % ------------------------------------------------------------------- nb = fieldnames(p_i); for ii = 1:numel(nb) % convert each cell to char % ------------------------- key = nb{ii}; % update tsg with data from platform_info struct % TODOS: % may be add color test here % ---------------------------------------------- tsg.(key) = p_i.(key); % get uicontrol style % ------------------- type = get(data.(key), 'style'); % update headerform fields % ------------------------ switch type case 'edit' set(data.(key), 'string', tsg.(key)); case 'popupmenu' indice = strmatch(tsg.(key), get(data.(key), 'string')); set(data.(key), 'value', indice); end % with different color % -------------------- set(findobj('Tag', key), 'foregroundColor', 'r'); end % if user enter a new PLATFORM_NAME, open a question dialog box for % confirmation % ----------------------------------------------------------------- else selection = ... questdlg(['PLATFORM NAME: ' platform_name ' is new. Do you want to use and save it ?'],... 'Create new PLATFORM NAME ?',... 'Yes', 'No', 'No'); % if yes, continue, create and save new hash for PLATFORM_NAME in csv file % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if strcmp(selection, 'Yes') return; % if not, reset field % ------------------- else set(findobj('Tag','PLATFORM_NAME'),'string', ''); end end end % end of updateForm nested function % additionnal variable here % ------------------------- function add_variables % get the PLATFORM_NAME value, use tag to retrieve % ------------------------------------------------ platform_name = get(findobj('Tag', 'PLATFORM_NAME'), 'string'); % get platform info structure from hashtable store in platform_info object % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ p_i = get(platform_info, platform_name); % display dynamically uicontrol text over add_var list % ---------------------------------------------------- for ad = add_var key = char(ad); uicontrol(... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Style', 'Text', ... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-1, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ... 'Position',[left, bottom, s.length, s.height], ... 'TooltipString', '', ... 'String', key); ui = uicontrol(... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'BackgroundColor', 'w', ... 'Style', 'edit', ... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-2, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ... 'Position', [left + s.length, bottom, s.length, s.height], ... 'String', '', ... 'Tag', key); % Check vertical position of last uicontrol and creation new colomn % ----------------------------------------------------------------- bottom = bottom - inc_y - s.height; if bottom < .1 bottom = 0.95; left = left + inc_x; end % update uicontrol from tsg structure or plateform_info % ----------------------------------------------------- if isempty( tsg.(key) ) % get value from platform_info % ---------------------------- if ~isempty(p_i) set(ui, 'string', p_i.(key)); end else set(ui, 'string', tsg.(key)); end end end % end of add_variables nested function % additionnal coefficients variable here % -------------------------------------- function add_coefficients % display dynamically uicontrol text over add_var list % ---------------------------------------------------- for acv = add_coeff_var % get key from cell array of keys % ------------------------------ var = char(acv); % check before use, if variable has the right vertical dimensions % if not, write fillValue: NaN or char filled with blanks % ------------------------------------------------------------ match = regexp(var, '\w+_(\w+)', 'tokens'); for ii=numel(tsg.(var))+1:tsg.dim.(char(match{1})) tsg.(var)(ii) = NaN; tsg.([var '_CONV'])(ii,:) = padding('', tsg.dim.COEF_CONV_SIZE); end % loop for each value of coefficient variable % ------------------------------------------- for ii=1:numel(tsg.(var)) cle = tsg.([var '_CONV'])(ii,:); % if fillValue, don't display uicontrol % ------------------------------------- if strcmp(cle, padding('', tsg.dim.COEF_CONV_SIZE)) continue end % if key is date, use special format, not real % -------------------------------------------- if isnan(tsg.(var)(ii)) value = ''; elseif strcmpi(cle, padding('DATE', tsg.dim.COEF_CONV_SIZE)) value = datestr(julianToDatenum(tsg.(var)(ii)), 'YYYYmmdd'); else value = num2str(tsg.(var)(ii)); end % concate variable name with key: eg SSJT_CALCOEF_H % ------------------------------------------------- cle = strcat(var, '_', cle); % display iucontrol % ----------------- uicontrol(... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Style', 'Text', ... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-1, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ... 'Position',[left, bottom, s.length, s.height], ... 'TooltipString', '', ... 'String', cle); uicontrol(... 'Parent', hHeaderFig, ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'BackgroundColor', 'w', ... 'Style', 'edit', ... 'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-2, ... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ... 'Position', [left + s.length, bottom, s.length, s.height], ... 'String', value, ... 'Tag', char(cle) ); % Check vertical position of last uicontrol and creation new colomn % ----------------------------------------------------------------- bottom = bottom - inc_y - s.height; if bottom < .1 bottom = 0.95; left = left + inc_x; end end end end % end of add_variables nested function end % end of headerForm