diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m b/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
index 788037edf610928a49acf9a9318e4a822c2f1964..22ea2fd77d15e549eb084409e9c7a769e3412712 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
@@ -176,6 +176,10 @@ return
     preference.map.climato.SSPS.min  = 30;
     preference.map.climato.SSPS.max  = 37;
     preference.map.climato.SSPS.step = .2;
+    preference.map.track.size        = 1;
+    preference.map.track.color       = 'b';
+    preference.map.ship.size         = 5;
+    preference.map.ship.color        = 'r';
     preference.plot_connected_string = {'none', '-', '--', ':', '-.'};
     preference.plot_connected_value  = 1;  % 0, line not connected
     % QC test
diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m
index 507e5391e0e9119bde6a682f093ff222d677d07e..d5d387fff26666b39bca124dc2b736e6e4dc9c2e 100644
--- a/tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsgqc.m
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ global DEFAULT_PATH_FILE
 % or modify the version number to load a new default structure
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
 VERSION      = 1.50;  % -> 1.44
-CHAR_VERSION = '1.50RC1';
-DATE_VERSION = '12/05/2018';
+CHAR_VERSION = '1.50RC2';
+DATE_VERSION = '20/12/2018';
 % netcdf file version, see DATA FORMAT TSG document:
 % CORTSG_format_gosud.doc
@@ -909,6 +909,126 @@ uimenu(hMapClimatologyMenu,'Label','contour',...
   'Enable', 'off',...
   'Callback', {@mapClimatologyCallback, 'contourf'});
+% map Track menu, select color and size for track and ship
+% --------------------------------------------------------
+hMapCustomizeMenu = uimenu(hMapFig, ...
+  'Label', 'Customize', ...
+hMapShipMenu = uimenu(hMapCustomizeMenu,'Label','Ship', ...
+hMapShipSizeMenu = uimenu(hMapShipMenu,'Label','Size', ...
+hMapShipColorMenu = uimenu(hMapShipMenu,'Label','Color', ...
+hMapTrackMenu = uimenu(hMapCustomizeMenu,'Label','Track', ...
+hMapTrackSizeMenu = uimenu(hMapTrackMenu,'Label','Size', ...
+hMapTrackColorMenu = uimenu(hMapTrackMenu,'Label','Color', ...
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 4, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 5, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 6, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 7, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'r', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'k', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'b', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'g', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 4, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 5, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 6, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 7, 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'r', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'k', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'b', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapCustomizeCallback, 'g', 'SHIP_SIZE'});
 % map Print menu
 % --------------------
 hMapPrintMenu = uimenu(hMapFig,'Label','Print', ...
@@ -927,6 +1047,14 @@ uimenu(hMapPrintMenu,'Label','Save as',...
   'Callback', {@mapSaveAsCallback});
+% map Toolbar display menu
+% --------------------
+hMapToolbarMenu = uimenu(hMapFig,'Label','ToolBar', ...
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapToolBarCallback});
 % set uipanel for map axes and climato
 % ------------------------------------
 hMapAxesPanel = uipanel( ...
@@ -2956,8 +3084,9 @@ end
               hMarker = m_line(mod(tsg.LONX(indCursor(1)) + ...
                 tsg.lonplus, tsg.lonmod) - tsg.lonplus,...
-                'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerSize', 5, ...
-                'Color', 'r', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r');
+                'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerSize', tsg.preference.map.ship.size, ...
+                'Color', tsg.preference.map.ship.color, 'MarkerFaceColor', ...
+                tsg.preference.map.ship.color);
               % Put a tag on the Marker - This tag allows to get the handle
               % of the Marker
@@ -2974,8 +3103,9 @@ end
               delete( h);
               hMarker = m_line(...
                 tsg.LONX(indCursor), tsg.LATX(indCursor),...
-                'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerSize', 5, ...
-                'Color', 'r', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r');
+                'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerSize', tsg.preference.map.ship.size, ...
+                'Color', tsg.preference.map.ship.color,...
+                'MarkerFaceColor', tsg.preference.map.ship.color);
               % Put a tag on the Marker - This tag allows to get the handle
               % of the Marker
@@ -3961,6 +4091,31 @@ end
+% function mapCustomizeCallback
+% --------------------------------
+  function mapCustomizeCallback(src, evnt, val, tag)
+    % get the tsg structure
+    % ---------------------
+    tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+    hdls = findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', ['TAG_UIMENU_MAP_' tag]);
+    set(hdls, 'Checked', 'off');
+    set(src, 'Checked', 'on');
+    % change the map border from menu on map, dynamically transform
+    % tag to structure member
+    % -------------------------------------------------------------
+    member =  regexp(lower(tag),'(\w+)_(\w+)','tokens');
+    tsg.preference.map.(member{1}{1}).(member{1}{2}) = val;
+    setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+    % redraw map
+    % ------------------------------------------
+    erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
+    plot_map(hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+  end
 % print map figure from menu
 % ----------------------------
   function mapPrintCallback(src, evnt)
@@ -3971,6 +4126,17 @@ end
+% enable toolbar on map figure from menu
+% ------------------------------------
+  function mapToolBarCallback(src, evnt)
+    get(hMapFig, 'toolbar')
+    if( strcmp(get(hMapFig, 'toolbar'), 'none'))
+      set(hMapFig, 'toolbar', 'figure')
+    else
+      set(hMapFig, 'toolbar', 'none')
+    end
+  end
 % save the map as image file
 % --------------------------
   function mapSaveAsCallback(src, evnt)