diff --git a/ReleaseNotes.md b/ReleaseNotes.md index d7b958641a4533e054310517dc3b54b4c0c31846..5700acd302509539da54944732bde6a793f802d6 100644 --- a/ReleaseNotes.md +++ b/ReleaseNotes.md @@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ Contact: <jacques.grelet@ird.fr> -## v1.50RC2 (2019-01-10) +## v1.50RC2 (2019-01-11) ++ fix issue #12, resolve a bug with all print menus with Matlab version prior 8.4 (R2014). Menu print and Print preview are disable for these versions and saveas was replaced by screencapture function from "undocumented Matlab" web site. ++ add version date on the main TSQGQC figure + fix issue #11, improve print menu + fix issue #9, add a customize menu to select ship size color, track size + fix issue #10, add menu "toolbar" to display toolbar icons. Notes that in R2018b, tools such as the zoom, pan, datatip, etc are no longer at the toolbar at the top of the figure window. These buttons are now in an "axes" toolbar and only appear when you hover your mouse over the plot. See: <https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/419036-what-happened-to-the-figure-toolbar-in-r2018b-why-is-it-an-axes-toolbar-how-can-i-put-the-buttons> diff --git a/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/ImageSelection.class b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/ImageSelection.class new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfac41d4d552a6c83b184c77190049bc9ccc5c9a Binary files /dev/null and b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/ImageSelection.class differ diff --git a/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/ImageSelection.java b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/ImageSelection.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ec32fd348cc6df8153cd667cebc2e89b2823395 --- /dev/null +++ b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/ImageSelection.java @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* + * Based on code snippet from + * http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/releases/data/ + * + * Copyright © 2008, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. + */ + +import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; +import java.awt.datatransfer.*; + +public class ImageSelection implements Transferable { + + private static final DataFlavor flavors[] = + {DataFlavor.imageFlavor}; + + private BufferedImage image; + + public ImageSelection(BufferedImage image) { + this.image = image; + } + + // Transferable + public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException { + if (flavor.equals(flavors[0]) == false) { + throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor); + } + return image; + } + + public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() { + return flavors; + } + + public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor + flavor) { + return flavor.equals(flavors[0]); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/license.txt b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/license.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c25c78454784409ff7e1c2c5688ae24563de29c --- /dev/null +++ b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Copyright (c) 2016, Yair Altman +All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in + the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" +AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE +ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF +SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS +INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN +CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/screencapture.m b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/screencapture.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ee657c26bfe5a1718c3bf4fdf0f61389a973346 --- /dev/null +++ b/tsg_util/ScreenCapture/screencapture.m @@ -0,0 +1,820 @@ +function imageData = screencapture(varargin) +% screencapture - get a screen-capture of a figure frame, component handle, or screen area rectangle +% +% ScreenCapture gets a screen-capture of any Matlab GUI handle (including desktop, +% figure, axes, image or uicontrol), or a specified area rectangle located relative to +% the specified handle. Screen area capture is possible by specifying the root (desktop) +% handle (=0). The output can be either to an image file or to a Matlab matrix (useful +% for displaying via imshow() or for further processing) or to the system clipboard. +% This utility also enables adding a toolbar button for easy interactive screen-capture. +% +% Syntax: +% imageData = screencapture(handle, position, target, 'PropName',PropValue, ...) +% +% Input Parameters: +% handle - optional handle to be used for screen-capture origin. +% If empty/unsupplied then current figure (gcf) will be used. +% position - optional position array in pixels: [x,y,width,height]. +% If empty/unsupplied then the handle's position vector will be used. +% If both handle and position are empty/unsupplied then the position +% will be retrieved via interactive mouse-selection. +% If handle is an image, then position is in data (not pixel) units, so the +% captured region remains the same after figure/axes resize (like imcrop) +% target - optional filename for storing the screen-capture, or the +% 'clipboard'/'printer' strings. +% If empty/unsupplied then no output to file will be done. +% The file format will be determined from the extension (JPG/PNG/...). +% Supported formats are those supported by the imwrite function. +% 'PropName',PropValue - +% optional list of property pairs (e.g., 'target','myImage.png','pos',[10,20,30,40],'handle',gca) +% PropNames may be abbreviated and are case-insensitive. +% PropNames may also be given in whichever order. +% Supported PropNames are: +% - 'handle' (default: gcf handle) +% - 'position' (default: gcf position array) +% - 'target' (default: '') +% - 'toolbar' (figure handle; default: gcf) +% this adds a screen-capture button to the figure's toolbar +% If this parameter is specified, then no screen-capture +% will take place and the returned imageData will be []. +% +% Output parameters: +% imageData - image data in a format acceptable by the imshow function +% If neither target nor imageData were specified, the user will be +% asked to interactively specify the output file. +% +% Examples: +% imageData = screencapture; % interactively select screen-capture rectangle +% imageData = screencapture(hListbox); % capture image of a uicontrol +% imageData = screencapture(0, [20,30,40,50]); % capture a small desktop region +% imageData = screencapture(gcf,[20,30,40,50]); % capture a small figure region +% imageData = screencapture(gca,[10,20,30,40]); % capture a small axes region +% imshow(imageData); % display the captured image in a matlab figure +% imwrite(imageData,'myImage.png'); % save the captured image to file +% img = imread('cameraman.tif'); +% hImg = imshow(img); +% screencapture(hImg,[60,35,140,80]); % capture a region of an image +% screencapture(gcf,[],'myFigure.jpg'); % capture the entire figure into file +% screencapture(gcf,[],'clipboard'); % capture the entire figure into clipboard +% screencapture(gcf,[],'printer'); % print the entire figure +% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','myFigure.jpg'); % same as previous, save to file +% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','clipboard'); % same as previous, copy to clipboard +% screencapture('handle',gcf,'target','printer'); % same as previous, send to printer +% screencapture('toolbar',gcf); % adds a screen-capture button to gcf's toolbar +% screencapture('toolbar',[],'target','sc.bmp'); % same with default output filename +% +% Technical description: +% http://UndocumentedMatlab.com/blog/screencapture-utility/ +% +% Bugs and suggestions: +% Please send to Yair Altman (altmany at gmail dot com) +% +% See also: +% imshow, imwrite, print +% +% Release history: +% 1.17 2016-05-16: Fix annoying warning about JavaFrame property becoming obsolete someday (yes, we know...) +% 1.16 2016-04-19: Fix for deployed application suggested by Dwight Bartholomew +% 1.10 2014-11-25: Added the 'print' target +% 1.9 2014-11-25: Fix for saving GIF files +% 1.8 2014-11-16: Fixes for R2014b +% 1.7 2014-04-28: Fixed bug when capturing interactive selection +% 1.6 2014-04-22: Only enable image formats when saving to an unspecified file via uiputfile +% 1.5 2013-04-18: Fixed bug in capture of non-square image; fixes for Win64 +% 1.4 2013-01-27: Fixed capture of Desktop (root); enabled rbbox anywhere on desktop (not necesarily in a Matlab figure); enabled output to clipboard (based on Jiro Doke's imclipboard utility); edge-case fixes; added Java compatibility check +% 1.3 2012-07-23: Capture current object (uicontrol/axes/figure) if w=h=0 (e.g., by clicking a single point); extra input args sanity checks; fix for docked windows and image axes; include axes labels & ticks by default when capturing axes; use data-units position vector when capturing images; many edge-case fixes +% 1.2 2011-01-16: another performance boost (thanks to Jan Simon); some compatibility fixes for Matlab 6.5 (untested) +% 1.1 2009-06-03: Handle missing output format; performance boost (thanks to Urs); fix minor root-handle bug; added toolbar button option +% 1.0 2009-06-02: First version posted on <a href="http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/authors/27420">MathWorks File Exchange</a> + +% License to use and modify this code is granted freely to all interested, as long as the original author is +% referenced and attributed as such. The original author maintains the right to be solely associated with this work. + +% Programmed and Copyright by Yair M. Altman: altmany(at)gmail.com +% $Revision: 1.17 $ $Date: 2016/05/16 17:59:36 $ + + % Ensure that java awt is enabled... + if ~usejava('awt') + error('YMA:screencapture:NeedAwt','ScreenCapture requires Java to run.'); + end + + % Ensure that our Java version supports the Robot class (requires JVM 1.3+) + try + robot = java.awt.Robot; %#ok<NASGU> + catch + uiwait(msgbox({['Your Matlab installation is so old that its Java engine (' version('-java') ... + ') does not have a java.awt.Robot class. '], ' ', ... + 'Without this class, taking a screen-capture is impossible.', ' ', ... + 'So, either install JVM 1.3 or higher, or use a newer Matlab release.'}, ... + 'ScreenCapture', 'warn')); + if nargout, imageData = []; end + return; + end + + % Process optional arguments + paramsStruct = processArgs(varargin{:}); + + % If toolbar button requested, add it and exit + if ~isempty(paramsStruct.toolbar) + + % Add the toolbar button + addToolbarButton(paramsStruct); + + % Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant) + redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct); + + % Exit immediately (do NOT take a screen-capture) + if nargout, imageData = []; end + return; + end + + % Convert position from handle-relative to desktop Java-based pixels + [paramsStruct, msgStr] = convertPos(paramsStruct); + + % Capture the requested screen rectangle using java.awt.Robot + imgData = getScreenCaptureImageData(paramsStruct.position); + + % Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant) + redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct); + + % Save image data in file or clipboard, if specified + if ~isempty(paramsStruct.target) + if strcmpi(paramsStruct.target,'clipboard') + if ~isempty(imgData) + imclipboard(imgData); + else + msgbox('No image area selected - not copying image to clipboard','ScreenCapture','warn'); + end + elseif strncmpi(paramsStruct.target,'print',5) % 'print' or 'printer' + if ~isempty(imgData) + hNewFig = figure('visible','off'); + imshow(imgData); + print(hNewFig); + delete(hNewFig); + else + msgbox('No image area selected - not printing screenshot','ScreenCapture','warn'); + end + else % real filename + if ~isempty(imgData) + imwrite(imgData,paramsStruct.target); + else + msgbox(['No image area selected - not saving image file ' paramsStruct.target],'ScreenCapture','warn'); + end + end + end + + % Return image raster data to user, if requested + if nargout + imageData = imgData; + + % If neither output formats was specified (neither target nor output data) + elseif isempty(paramsStruct.target) & ~isempty(imgData) %#ok ML6 + % Ask the user to specify a file + %error('YMA:screencapture:noOutput','No output specified for ScreenCapture: specify the output filename and/or output data'); + %format = '*.*'; + formats = imformats; + for idx = 1 : numel(formats) + ext = sprintf('*.%s;',formats(idx).ext{:}); + format(idx,1:2) = {ext(1:end-1), formats(idx).description}; %#ok<AGROW> + end + [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(format,'Save screen capture as'); + if ~isequal(filename,0) & ~isequal(pathname,0) %#ok Matlab6 compatibility + try + filename = fullfile(pathname,filename); + imwrite(imgData,filename); + catch % possibly a GIF file that requires indexed colors + [imgData,map] = rgb2ind(imgData,256); + imwrite(imgData,map,filename); + end + else + % TODO - copy to clipboard + end + end + + % Display msgStr, if relevant + if ~isempty(msgStr) + uiwait(msgbox(msgStr,'ScreenCapture')); + drawnow; pause(0.05); % time for the msgbox to disappear + end + + return; % debug breakpoint + +%% Process optional arguments +function paramsStruct = processArgs(varargin) + + % Get the properties in either direct or P-V format + [regParams, pvPairs] = parseparams(varargin); + + % Now process the optional P-V params + try + % Initialize + paramName = []; + paramsStruct = []; + paramsStruct.handle = []; + paramsStruct.position = []; + paramsStruct.target = ''; + paramsStruct.toolbar = []; + paramsStruct.wasDocked = 0; % no false available in ML6 + paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 0; % no false available in ML6 + + % Parse the regular (non-named) params in recption order + if ~isempty(regParams) & (isempty(regParams{1}) | ishandle(regParams{1}(1))) %#ok ML6 + paramsStruct.handle = regParams{1}; + regParams(1) = []; + end + if ~isempty(regParams) & isnumeric(regParams{1}) & (length(regParams{1}) == 4) %#ok ML6 + paramsStruct.position = regParams{1}; + regParams(1) = []; + end + if ~isempty(regParams) & ischar(regParams{1}) %#ok ML6 + paramsStruct.target = regParams{1}; + end + + % Parse the optional param PV pairs + supportedArgs = {'handle','position','target','toolbar'}; + while ~isempty(pvPairs) + + % Disregard empty propNames (may be due to users mis-interpretting the syntax help) + while ~isempty(pvPairs) & isempty(pvPairs{1}) %#ok ML6 + pvPairs(1) = []; + end + if isempty(pvPairs) + break; + end + + % Ensure basic format is valid + paramName = ''; + if ~ischar(pvPairs{1}) + error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','Invalid property passed to ScreenCapture'); + elseif length(pvPairs) == 1 + if isempty(paramsStruct.target) + paramsStruct.target = pvPairs{1}; + break; + else + error('YMA:screencapture:noPropertyValue',['No value specified for property ''' pvPairs{1} '''']); + end + end + + % Process parameter values + paramName = pvPairs{1}; + if strcmpi(paramName,'filename') % backward compatibility + paramName = 'target'; + end + paramValue = pvPairs{2}; + pvPairs(1:2) = []; + idx = find(strncmpi(paramName,supportedArgs,length(paramName))); + if ~isempty(idx) + %paramsStruct.(lower(supportedArgs{idx(1)})) = paramValue; % incompatible with ML6 + paramsStruct = setfield(paramsStruct, lower(supportedArgs{idx(1)}), paramValue); %#ok ML6 + + % If 'toolbar' param specified, then it cannot be left empty - use gcf + if strncmpi(paramName,'toolbar',length(paramName)) & isempty(paramsStruct.toolbar) %#ok ML6 + paramsStruct.toolbar = getCurrentFig; + end + + elseif isempty(paramsStruct.target) + paramsStruct.target = paramName; + pvPairs = {paramValue, pvPairs{:}}; %#ok (more readable this way, although a bit less efficient...) + + else + supportedArgsStr = sprintf('''%s'',',supportedArgs{:}); + error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','%s \n%s', ... + 'Invalid property passed to ScreenCapture', ... + ['Supported property names are: ' supportedArgsStr(1:end-1)]); + end + end % loop pvPairs + + catch + if ~isempty(paramName), paramName = [' ''' paramName '''']; end + error('YMA:screencapture:invalidProperty','Error setting ScreenCapture property %s:\n%s',paramName,lasterr); %#ok<LERR> + end +%end % processArgs + +%% Convert position from handle-relative to desktop Java-based pixels +function [paramsStruct, msgStr] = convertPos(paramsStruct) + msgStr = ''; + try + % Get the screen-size for later use + screenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); + + % Get the containing figure's handle + hParent = paramsStruct.handle; + if isempty(paramsStruct.handle) + paramsStruct.hFigure = getCurrentFig; + hParent = paramsStruct.hFigure; + else + paramsStruct.hFigure = ancestor(paramsStruct.handle,'figure'); + end + + % To get the acurate pixel position, the figure window must be undocked + try + if strcmpi(get(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle'),'docked') + set(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle','normal'); + drawnow; pause(0.25); + paramsStruct.wasDocked = 1; % no true available in ML6 + end + catch + % never mind - ignore... + end + + % The figure (if specified) must be in focus + if ~isempty(paramsStruct.hFigure) & ishandle(paramsStruct.hFigure) %#ok ML6 + isFigureValid = 1; % no true available in ML6 + figure(paramsStruct.hFigure); + else + isFigureValid = 0; % no false available in ML6 + end + + % Flush all graphic events to ensure correct rendering + drawnow; pause(0.01); + + % No handle specified + wasPositionGiven = 1; % no true available in ML6 + if isempty(paramsStruct.handle) + + % Set default handle, if not supplied + paramsStruct.handle = paramsStruct.hFigure; + + % If position was not specified, get it interactively using RBBOX + if isempty(paramsStruct.position) + [paramsStruct.position, jFrameUsed, msgStr] = getInteractivePosition(paramsStruct.hFigure); %#ok<ASGLU> jFrameUsed is unused + paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 1; % no true available in ML6 + wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6 + end + + elseif ~ishandle(paramsStruct.handle) + % Handle was supplied - ensure it is a valid handle + error('YMA:screencapture:invalidHandle','Invalid handle passed to ScreenCapture'); + + elseif isempty(paramsStruct.position) + % Handle was supplied but position was not, so use the handle's position + paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(paramsStruct.handle); + paramsStruct.position(1:2) = 0; + wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6 + + elseif ~isnumeric(paramsStruct.position) | (length(paramsStruct.position) ~= 4) %#ok ML6 + % Both handle & position were supplied - ensure a valid pixel position vector + error('YMA:screencapture:invalidPosition','Invalid position vector passed to ScreenCapture: \nMust be a [x,y,w,h] numeric pixel array'); + end + + % Capture current object (uicontrol/axes/figure) if w=h=0 (single-click in interactive mode) + if paramsStruct.position(3)<=0 | paramsStruct.position(4)<=0 %#ok ML6 + %TODO - find a way to single-click another Matlab figure (the following does not work) + %paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(ancestor(hittest,'figure')); + paramsStruct.position = getPixelPos(paramsStruct.handle); + paramsStruct.position(1:2) = 0; + paramsStruct.wasInteractive = 0; % no false available in ML6 + wasPositionGiven = 0; % no false available in ML6 + end + + % First get the parent handle's desktop-based Matlab pixel position + parentPos = [0,0,0,0]; + dX = 0; + dY = 0; + dW = 0; + dH = 0; + if ~isFigure(hParent) + % Get the reguested component's pixel position + parentPos = getPixelPos(hParent, 1); % no true available in ML6 + + % Axes position inaccuracy estimation + deltaX = 3; + deltaY = -1; + + % Fix for images + if isImage(hParent) % | (isAxes(hParent) & strcmpi(get(hParent,'YDir'),'reverse')) %#ok ML6 + + % Compensate for resized image axes + hAxes = get(hParent,'Parent'); + if all(get(hAxes,'DataAspectRatio')==1) % sanity check: this is the normal behavior + % Note 18/4/2013: the following fails for non-square images + %actualImgSize = min(parentPos(3:4)); + %dX = (parentPos(3) - actualImgSize) / 2; + %dY = (parentPos(4) - actualImgSize) / 2; + %parentPos(3:4) = actualImgSize; + + % The following should work for all types of images + actualImgSize = size(get(hParent,'CData')); + dX = (parentPos(3) - min(parentPos(3),actualImgSize(2))) / 2; + dY = (parentPos(4) - min(parentPos(4),actualImgSize(1))) / 2; + parentPos(3:4) = actualImgSize([2,1]); + %parentPos(3) = max(parentPos(3),actualImgSize(2)); + %parentPos(4) = max(parentPos(4),actualImgSize(1)); + end + + % Fix user-specified img positions (but not auto-inferred ones) + if wasPositionGiven + + % In images, use data units rather than pixel units + % Reverse the YDir + ymax = max(get(hParent,'YData')); + paramsStruct.position(2) = ymax - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4); + + % Note: it would be best to use hgconvertunits, but: + % ^^^^ (1) it fails on Matlab 6, and (2) it doesn't accept Data units + %paramsStruct.position = hgconvertunits(hFig, paramsStruct.position, 'Data', 'pixel', hParent); % fails! + xLims = get(hParent,'XData'); + yLims = get(hParent,'YData'); + xPixelsPerData = parentPos(3) / (diff(xLims) + 1); + yPixelsPerData = parentPos(4) / (diff(yLims) + 1); + paramsStruct.position(1) = round((paramsStruct.position(1)-xLims(1)) * xPixelsPerData); + paramsStruct.position(2) = round((paramsStruct.position(2)-yLims(1)) * yPixelsPerData + 2*dY); + paramsStruct.position(3) = round( paramsStruct.position(3) * xPixelsPerData); + paramsStruct.position(4) = round( paramsStruct.position(4) * yPixelsPerData); + + % Axes position inaccuracy estimation + if strcmpi(computer('arch'),'win64') + deltaX = 7; + deltaY = -7; + else + deltaX = 3; + deltaY = -3; + end + + else % axes/image position was auto-infered (entire image) + % Axes position inaccuracy estimation + if strcmpi(computer('arch'),'win64') + deltaX = 6; + deltaY = -6; + else + deltaX = 2; + deltaY = -2; + end + dW = -2*dX; + dH = -2*dY; + end + end + + %hFig = ancestor(hParent,'figure'); + hParent = paramsStruct.hFigure; + + elseif paramsStruct.wasInteractive % interactive figure rectangle + + % Compensate for 1px rbbox inaccuracies + deltaX = 2; + deltaY = -2; + + else % non-interactive figure + + % Compensate 4px figure boundaries = difference betweeen OuterPosition and Position + deltaX = -1; + deltaY = 1; + end + %disp(paramsStruct.position) % for debugging + + % Now get the pixel position relative to the monitor + figurePos = getPixelPos(hParent); + desktopPos = figurePos + parentPos; + + % Now convert to Java-based pixels based on screen size + % Note: multiple monitors are automatically handled correctly, since all + % ^^^^ Java positions are relative to the main monitor's top-left corner + javaX = desktopPos(1) + paramsStruct.position(1) + deltaX + dX; + javaY = screenSize(4) - desktopPos(2) - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4) + deltaY + dY; + width = paramsStruct.position(3) + dW; + height = paramsStruct.position(4) + dH; + paramsStruct.position = round([javaX, javaY, width, height]); + %paramsStruct.position + + % Ensure the figure is at the front so it can be screen-captured + if isFigureValid + figure(hParent); + drawnow; + pause(0.02); + end + catch + % Maybe root/desktop handle (root does not have a 'Position' prop so getPixelPos croaks + if isequal(double(hParent),0) % =root/desktop handle; handles case of hParent=[] + javaX = paramsStruct.position(1) - 1; + javaY = screenSize(4) - paramsStruct.position(2) - paramsStruct.position(4) - 1; + paramsStruct.position = [javaX, javaY, paramsStruct.position(3:4)]; + end + end +%end % convertPos + +%% Interactively get the requested capture rectangle +function [positionRect, jFrameUsed, msgStr] = getInteractivePosition(hFig) + msgStr = ''; + try + % First try the invisible-figure approach, in order to + % enable rbbox outside any existing figure boundaries + f = figure('units','pixel','pos',[-100,-100,10,10],'HitTest','off'); + drawnow; pause(0.01); + oldWarn = warning('off','MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame'); + jf = get(handle(f),'JavaFrame'); + warning(oldWarn); + try + jWindow = jf.fFigureClient.getWindow; + catch + try + jWindow = jf.fHG1Client.getWindow; + catch + jWindow = jf.getFigurePanelContainer.getParent.getTopLevelAncestor; + end + end + com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities.setWindowOpacity(jWindow,0.05); %=nearly transparent (not fully so that mouse clicks are captured) + jWindow.setMaximized(1); % no true available in ML6 + jFrameUsed = 1; % no true available in ML6 + msg = {'Mouse-click and drag a bounding rectangle for screen-capture ' ... + ... %'or single-click any Matlab figure to capture the entire figure.' ... + }; + catch + % Something failed, so revert to a simple rbbox on a visible figure + try delete(f); drawnow; catch, end %Cleanup... + jFrameUsed = 0; % no false available in ML6 + msg = {'Mouse-click within any Matlab figure and then', ... + 'drag a bounding rectangle for screen-capture,', ... + 'or single-click to capture the entire figure'}; + end + uiwait(msgbox(msg,'ScreenCapture')); + + k = waitforbuttonpress; %#ok k is unused + %hFig = getCurrentFig; + %p1 = get(hFig,'CurrentPoint'); + positionRect = rbbox; + %p2 = get(hFig,'CurrentPoint'); + + if jFrameUsed + jFrameOrigin = getPixelPos(f); + delete(f); drawnow; + try + figOrigin = getPixelPos(hFig); + catch % empty/invalid hFig handle + figOrigin = [0,0,0,0]; + end + else + if isempty(hFig) + jFrameOrigin = getPixelPos(gcf); + else + jFrameOrigin = [0,0,0,0]; + end + figOrigin = [0,0,0,0]; + end + positionRect(1:2) = positionRect(1:2) + jFrameOrigin(1:2) - figOrigin(1:2); + + if prod(positionRect(3:4)) > 0 + msgStr = sprintf('%dx%d area captured',positionRect(3),positionRect(4)); + end +%end % getInteractivePosition + +%% Get current figure (even if its handle is hidden) +function hFig = getCurrentFig + oldState = get(0,'showHiddenHandles'); + set(0,'showHiddenHandles','on'); + hFig = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); + set(0,'showHiddenHandles',oldState); +%end % getCurrentFig + +%% Get ancestor figure - used for old Matlab versions that don't have a built-in ancestor() +function hObj = ancestor(hObj,type) + if ~isempty(hObj) & ishandle(hObj) %#ok for Matlab 6 compatibility + try + hObj = get(hObj,'Ancestor'); + catch + % never mind... + end + try + %if ~isa(handle(hObj),type) % this is best but always returns 0 in Matlab 6! + %if ~isprop(hObj,'type') | ~strcmpi(get(hObj,'type'),type) % no isprop() in ML6! + try + objType = get(hObj,'type'); + catch + objType = ''; + end + if ~strcmpi(objType,type) + try + parent = get(handle(hObj),'parent'); + catch + parent = hObj.getParent; % some objs have no 'Parent' prop, just this method... + end + if ~isempty(parent) % empty parent means root ancestor, so exit + hObj = ancestor(parent,type); + end + end + catch + % never mind... + end + end +%end % ancestor + +%% Get position of an HG object in specified units +function pos = getPos(hObj,field,units) + % Matlab 6 did not have hgconvertunits so use the old way... + oldUnits = get(hObj,'units'); + if strcmpi(oldUnits,units) % don't modify units unless we must! + pos = get(hObj,field); + else + set(hObj,'units',units); + pos = get(hObj,field); + set(hObj,'units',oldUnits); + end +%end % getPos + +%% Get pixel position of an HG object - for Matlab 6 compatibility +function pos = getPixelPos(hObj,varargin) + persistent originalObj + try + stk = dbstack; + if ~strcmp(stk(2).name,'getPixelPos') + originalObj = hObj; + end + + if isFigure(hObj) %| isAxes(hObj) + %try + pos = getPos(hObj,'OuterPosition','pixels'); + else %catch + % getpixelposition is unvectorized unfortunately! + pos = getpixelposition(hObj,varargin{:}); + + % add the axes labels/ticks if relevant (plus a tiny margin to fix 2px label/title inconsistencies) + if isAxes(hObj) & ~isImage(originalObj) %#ok ML6 + tightInsets = getPos(hObj,'TightInset','pixel'); + pos = pos + tightInsets.*[-1,-1,1,1] + [-1,1,1+tightInsets(1:2)]; + end + end + catch + try + % Matlab 6 did not have getpixelposition nor hgconvertunits so use the old way... + pos = getPos(hObj,'Position','pixels'); + catch + % Maybe the handle does not have a 'Position' prop (e.g., text/line/plot) - use its parent + pos = getPixelPos(get(hObj,'parent'),varargin{:}); + end + end + + % Handle the case of missing/invalid/empty HG handle + if isempty(pos) + pos = [0,0,0,0]; + end +%end % getPixelPos + +%% Adds a ScreenCapture toolbar button +function addToolbarButton(paramsStruct) + % Ensure we have a valid toolbar handle + hFig = ancestor(paramsStruct.toolbar,'figure'); + if isempty(hFig) + error('YMA:screencapture:badToolbar','the ''Toolbar'' parameter must contain a valid GUI handle'); + end + set(hFig,'ToolBar','figure'); + hToolbar = findall(hFig,'type','uitoolbar'); + if isempty(hToolbar) + error('YMA:screencapture:noToolbar','the ''Toolbar'' parameter must contain a figure handle possessing a valid toolbar'); + end + hToolbar = hToolbar(1); % just in case there are several toolbars... - use only the first + + % Prepare the camera icon + icon = ['3333333333333333'; ... + '3333333333333333'; ... + '3333300000333333'; ... + '3333065556033333'; ... + '3000000000000033'; ... + '3022222222222033'; ... + '3022220002222033'; ... + '3022203110222033'; ... + '3022201110222033'; ... + '3022204440222033'; ... + '3022220002222033'; ... + '3022222222222033'; ... + '3000000000000033'; ... + '3333333333333333'; ... + '3333333333333333'; ... + '3333333333333333']; + cm = [ 0 0 0; ... % black + 0 0.60 1; ... % light blue + 0.53 0.53 0.53; ... % light gray + NaN NaN NaN; ... % transparent + 0 0.73 0; ... % light green + 0.27 0.27 0.27; ... % gray + 0.13 0.13 0.13]; % dark gray + cdata = ind2rgb(uint8(icon-'0'),cm); + + % If the button does not already exit + hButton = findall(hToolbar,'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton'); + tooltip = 'Screen capture'; + if ~isempty(paramsStruct.target) + tooltip = [tooltip ' to ' paramsStruct.target]; + end + if isempty(hButton) + % Add the button with the icon to the figure's toolbar + hButton = uipushtool(hToolbar, 'CData',cdata, 'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton', 'TooltipString',tooltip, 'ClickedCallback',['screencapture(''' paramsStruct.target ''')']); %#ok unused + else + % Otherwise, simply update the existing button + set(hButton, 'CData',cdata, 'Tag','ScreenCaptureButton', 'TooltipString',tooltip, 'ClickedCallback',['screencapture(''' paramsStruct.target ''')']); + end +%end % addToolbarButton + +%% Java-get the actual screen-capture image data +function imgData = getScreenCaptureImageData(positionRect) + if isempty(positionRect) | all(positionRect==0) | positionRect(3)<=0 | positionRect(4)<=0 %#ok ML6 + imgData = []; + else + % Use java.awt.Robot to take a screen-capture of the specified screen area + rect = java.awt.Rectangle(positionRect(1), positionRect(2), positionRect(3), positionRect(4)); + robot = java.awt.Robot; + jImage = robot.createScreenCapture(rect); + + % Convert the resulting Java image to a Matlab image + % Adapted for a much-improved performance from: + % http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/data/1-2WPAYR.html + h = jImage.getHeight; + w = jImage.getWidth; + %imgData = zeros([h,w,3],'uint8'); + %pixelsData = uint8(jImage.getData.getPixels(0,0,w,h,[])); + %for i = 1 : h + % base = (i-1)*w*3+1; + % imgData(i,1:w,:) = deal(reshape(pixelsData(base:(base+3*w-1)),3,w)'); + %end + + % Performance further improved based on feedback from Urs Schwartz: + %pixelsData = reshape(typecast(jImage.getData.getDataStorage,'uint32'),w,h).'; + %imgData(:,:,3) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^1-1),-8*0); + %imgData(:,:,2) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^2-1),-8*1); + %imgData(:,:,1) = bitshift(bitand(pixelsData,256^3-1),-8*2); + + % Performance even further improved based on feedback from Jan Simon: + pixelsData = reshape(typecast(jImage.getData.getDataStorage, 'uint8'), 4, w, h); + imgData = cat(3, ... + transpose(reshape(pixelsData(3, :, :), w, h)), ... + transpose(reshape(pixelsData(2, :, :), w, h)), ... + transpose(reshape(pixelsData(1, :, :), w, h))); + end +%end % getInteractivePosition + +%% Return the figure to its pre-undocked state (when relevant) +function redockFigureIfRelevant(paramsStruct) + if paramsStruct.wasDocked + try + set(paramsStruct.hFigure,'WindowStyle','docked'); + %drawnow; + catch + % never mind - ignore... + end + end +%end % redockFigureIfRelevant + +%% Copy screen-capture to the system clipboard +% Adapted from http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28708-imclipboard/content/imclipboard.m +function imclipboard(imgData) + % Import necessary Java classes + import java.awt.Toolkit.* + import java.awt.image.BufferedImage + import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor + + % Add the necessary Java class (ImageSelection) to the Java classpath + if ~exist('ImageSelection', 'class') + % Obtain the directory of the executable (or of the M-file if not deployed) + %javaaddpath(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '-end'); + if isdeployed % Stand-alone mode. + [status, result] = system('path'); %#ok<ASGLU> + MatLabFilePath = char(regexpi(result, 'Path=(.*?);', 'tokens', 'once')); + else % MATLAB mode. + MatLabFilePath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); + end + javaaddpath(MatLabFilePath, '-end'); + end + + % Get System Clipboard object (java.awt.Toolkit) + cb = getDefaultToolkit.getSystemClipboard; % can't use () in ML6! + + % Get image size + ht = size(imgData, 1); + wd = size(imgData, 2); + + % Convert to Blue-Green-Red format + imgData = imgData(:, :, [3 2 1]); + + % Convert to 3xWxH format + imgData = permute(imgData, [3, 2, 1]); + + % Append Alpha data (not used) + imgData = cat(1, imgData, 255*ones(1, wd, ht, 'uint8')); + + % Create image buffer + imBuffer = BufferedImage(wd, ht, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); + imBuffer.setRGB(0, 0, wd, ht, typecast(imgData(:), 'int32'), 0, wd); + + % Create ImageSelection object + % % custom java class + imSelection = ImageSelection(imBuffer); + + % Set clipboard content to the image + cb.setContents(imSelection, []); +%end %imclipboard + +%% Is the provided handle a figure? +function flag = isFigure(hObj) + flag = isa(handle(hObj),'figure') | isa(hObj,'matlab.ui.Figure'); +%end %isFigure + +%% Is the provided handle an axes? +function flag = isAxes(hObj) + flag = isa(handle(hObj),'axes') | isa(hObj,'matlab.graphics.axis.Axes'); +%end %isFigure + +%% Is the provided handle an image? +function flag = isImage(hObj) + flag = isa(handle(hObj),'image') | isa(hObj,'matlab.graphics.primitive.Image'); +%end %isFigure + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TODO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% find a way in interactive-mode to single-click another Matlab figure for screen-capture \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m index d39d8fb40560e6b33555f60790bb4371885b3df9..75f5c04853ffd0d8bc017ed07f5a970dc207850f 100644 --- a/tsgqc.m +++ b/tsgqc.m @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ global DEFAULT_PATH_FILE % ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION = 1.50; % -> 1.44 CHAR_VERSION = '1.50RC2'; -DATE_VERSION = '10/01/2019'; +DATE_VERSION = '01/11/2019'; % netcdf file version, see DATA FORMAT TSG document: % CORTSG_format_gosud.doc @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ DEFAULT_PATH_FILE = regexprep(fulltsgqcname, expr, ''); if (~isdeployed) p = [pathsep,... DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_util' pathsep],... + DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_util/screencapture' pathsep],... DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_data' pathsep],... DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_io' pathsep],... DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_icon' pathsep],... @@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ end % Create and then hide the GUI as it is being constructed. % -------------------------------------------------------- hMainFig = figure(... - 'Name', strcat('TSG Validation - v', CHAR_VERSION), ... + 'Name', ['TSG-QC Validation software - IRD - v', CHAR_VERSION, ' - ', DATE_VERSION],... 'NumberTitle', 'off', ... 'Resize', 'on', ... 'Menubar', 'none', ... @@ -1031,11 +1032,11 @@ set(hdls(tsg.preference.map.track.size_index), 'checked', 'on'); hMapPrintMenu = uimenu(hMapFig,'Label','Print', ... 'Tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_PRINT'); -uimenu(hMapPrintMenu,'Label','Print Preview',... +hMapPrintPreviewMenu = uimenu(hMapPrintMenu,'Label','Print Preview',... 'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_PRINT_PREVIEW',... 'Callback', {@mapPrintPreviewCallback}); -uimenu(hMapPrintMenu,'Label','Print',... +hMapPrintPrintMenu = uimenu(hMapPrintMenu,'Label','Print',... 'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_PRINT_PREVIEW',... 'Accelerator','P',... 'Callback', {@mapPrintCallback}); @@ -3845,6 +3846,22 @@ end set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_CLIMATOLOGY_WITH_PCOLOR'),'enable', 'on'); set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_CLIMATOLOGY_WITH_CONTOURF'),'enable', 'on'); + % find all climato on map submenu and set 'checked' property to 'off' + % ------------------------------------------------------------ + hdl = findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_CLIMATOLOGY_WITH_'); + set(hdl, 'checked', 'off'); + + % check menu with the previously selected climatology + % --------------------------------------------------- + switch tsg.preference.map.climatology + case 'pcolor' + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_CLIMATOLOGY_WITH_PCOLOR'),'checked', 'on'); + case 'contourf' + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_CLIMATOLOGY_WITH_CONTOURF'),'checked', 'on'); + otherwise + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_CLIMATOLOGY_WITH_NONE'),'checked', 'on'); + end + % plot climatology % ---------------- plot_Climatology(hMainFig, hPlotAxes); @@ -4043,6 +4060,13 @@ end % --------------------- tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data'); + % see issue #12 with bug on Matlab < R2014b + % ----------------------------------------- + if verLessThan('matlab','8.4') + set(hMapPrintPrintMenu, 'enable', 'off'); + set(hMapPrintPreviewMenu, 'enable', 'off'); + end + % check only the selected menu % ----------------------------- hdls = findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_CLIMATOLOGY_WITH_'); @@ -4143,16 +4167,36 @@ end function mapPrintCallback(src, evnt) % cache the contourf setting panel before printing set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'off'); - % call the print dialog box + % resize map panel for full figure + if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'contourf') + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, 1, 1]) + end + % call the print dialog box to the figure handle printdlg(get(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'),'parent')); - % enable the contourf setting panel - set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'on'); + if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'contourf') + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, .8, 1]) + % enable the contourf setting panel + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'on'); + end end % print preview of the map figure, parent of panel and axe % -------------------------------------------------------- function mapPrintPreviewCallback(src, evnt) + + % cache the contourf setting panel before printing + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'off'); + % resize map panel for full figure + if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'contourf') + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, 1, 1]) + end printpreview(get(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'),'parent')); + % resize map panel for axes only when contourf is selected + if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'contourf') + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, .8, 1]) + % enable the contourf setting panel + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'on'); + end end % enable toolbar on map figure from menu @@ -4184,11 +4228,21 @@ end % cache the contourf setting panel before printing set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'off'); % resize map panel for full figure - set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, 1, 1]) + if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'contourf') + set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, 1, 1]) + end % save figure to specific file format - saveas(get(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'),'parent'), fullfile(path,file)); + map_hdl = get(get(hPlotAxes(4), 'parent'), 'parent'); + + % bug with saveas for version < R2014b when figure as panel children + % ------------------------------------------------------------------- + if verLessThan('matlab','8.4') + screencapture(map_hdl, fullfile(path,file)); + else + saveas(map_hdl, fullfile(path,file)); + end + % resize map panel for axes only when contourf is selected if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'contourf') - % resize map panel for axes only when contourf is selected set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, .8, 1]) % enable the contourf setting panel set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'on'); @@ -4859,6 +4913,7 @@ end % -------------------------------------------------------------- if (~isdeployed) rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_util'] ); + rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_util/screencapture'] ); rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_data'] ); rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_io'] ); rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_icon'] );