From a8a36f3f990a6ca54a610445c1f54235c8f75bc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jacques Grelet <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 15:26:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] move fileExtension to tsg.preference.fileExtension keep the
 last tsg extension file in tsg.preference using circshift
 tsg.preference.fileExtension = ...        
 circshift(tsg.preference.fileExtension, 1 - filterIndex); update to v1.481

 tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m |   2 +
 tsgqc.m                    | 471 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 232 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m b/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
index 916de0e..3257d84 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ return
     preference.char_version          = CHAR_VERSION;
     preference.date_version          = DATE_VERSION;
     preference.autoload              = 'off';
+    preference.fileExtension = ({'*.lbv';'*.nc';'*.arg';'*.ast';'*.btl';'*.ora';...
+      '*.sdf';'*.spl'; '*.transmit*'; '*.tsgqc';'*.xml';'*.cnv'});
     % Climatology
     preference.levitus_version       = {'WOA01','WOA05','ISAS13'};
     preference.levitus_value         = 2;  % WOA05
diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m
index b02270a..8e935e2 100644
--- a/tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsgqc.m
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ global GOSUD_FORMAT_VERSION
 % version number, may be used to initialize some files when it change
 % 0.90x -> 1.0RCx
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-VERSION      = 1.48;  % -> 1.44
-CHAR_VERSION = '1.48';
-DATE_VERSION = '25/05/2018';
+VERSION      = 1.481;  % -> 1.44
+CHAR_VERSION = '1.48.1';
+DATE_VERSION = '29/05/2018';
 % netcdf file version, see DATA FORMAT TSG document:
 % CORTSG_format_gosud.doc
@@ -1251,16 +1251,13 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
     set( hTimelimitToggletool, 'state', 'off' );
     %    set( hZoomToggletool,      'state', 'off' );
+    % Get the tsg structure
+    % ---------------------
+    tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
     % Open standard dialog box for retrieving files
     % ---------------------------------------------
-    fileExtension = ({'*.lbv';'*.nc';'*.arg';'*.ast';'*.btl';'*.ora';...
-      '*.sdf';'*.spl'; '*.transmit*'; '*.tsgqc';'*.xml';'*.cnv'});
-    [fileName, pathname, filterIndex] = uigetfile( fileExtension, 'Pick a file');
-    % uigetfile add an extra index (*.*) and a bug if user select file from
-    % *.* and fileExtension(filterIndex) create an Index exceeds matrix
-    % now, we use strcat('*',ext) instead
-    [~,~,ext] = fileparts(fileName);
+    [fileName, pathname, filterIndex] = uigetfile( tsg.preference.fileExtension, 'Pick a file');
     % flushes the event queue and updates the closed uigetfile window
     % ---------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1271,6 +1268,11 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
     % -----------------------------------------------------------------
     if ~isequal(fileName, 0)
+      % uigetfile add an extra index (*.*) and a bug if user select file from
+      % *.* and fileExtension(filterIndex) create an Index exceeds matrix
+      % now, we use strcat('*',ext) instead
+      [~,~,ext] = fileparts(fileName);
       % Pointer set to watch during reading and plotting
       % ------------------------------------------------
       set( hMainFig, 'Pointer', 'watch' );
@@ -1278,14 +1280,19 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
       % construct valid and full file path
       % -----------------------------------
       fullFileName = strcat(pathname, fileName);
+      % the last extension selected move on top in cell array preference.fileExtensions
+      % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      tsg.preference.fileExtension = ...
+        circshift(tsg.preference.fileExtension, 1 - filterIndex);
+      setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
       % Read the data
       % -------------
       [errTsg, errSpl] = read_data( hMainFig, strcat('*',ext), fullFileName);
-      % Get the tsg structure
-      % ---------------------
-      tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
       % Keep the pathname of the tsgqc m_file
       % -------------------------------------
@@ -2137,106 +2144,106 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
       % is used when the context menu (callback 'Qc') is called
       % -----------------------------------------------------------------
       if ~strcmp( get(gcf, 'SelectionType'), 'alt')
+        % The QC is applied either on TSG data either on Sample data.
+        % it depends if the Botte Toggle button has been cliked on
+        % -----------------------------------------------------------
+        if strcmp( get(hBottleToggletool, 'state'), 'on')
-          % The QC is applied either on TSG data either on Sample data.
-          % it depends if the Botte Toggle button has been cliked on
-          % -----------------------------------------------------------
-          if strcmp( get(hBottleToggletool, 'state'), 'on')
-              % get index on selected zone
-              % --------------------------
-              if ~isempty(tsg.DAYD_EXT)
-                  ind = find(tsg.DAYD_EXT > p1(1) &  tsg.DAYD_EXT < p2(1) & ...
-                      tsg.EXT_DIF  > p1(2) &  tsg.EXT_DIF  < p2(2));
-                  % Keep the information on the indices of the selected zone
-                  % --------------------------------------------------------
-                  tsg.rbboxind = ind .* ones(size(ind));
-                  % Modifiy the QC
-                  % --------------
-                  tsg.([SAMPLE '_EXT_QC'])(ind) =;
-                  % Save the modifications
-                  % ----------------------
-                  setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
-                  % plot selected data with selected code
-                  % --------------------------------------
-                  plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA);
-              end
+          % get index on selected zone
+          % --------------------------
+          if ~isempty(tsg.DAYD_EXT)
+            ind = find(tsg.DAYD_EXT > p1(1) &  tsg.DAYD_EXT < p2(1) & ...
+              tsg.EXT_DIF  > p1(2) &  tsg.EXT_DIF  < p2(2));
+            % Keep the information on the indices of the selected zone
+            % --------------------------------------------------------
+            tsg.rbboxind = ind .* ones(size(ind));
+            % Modifiy the QC
+            % --------------
+            tsg.([SAMPLE '_EXT_QC'])(ind) =;
+            % Save the modifications
+            % ----------------------
+            setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+            % plot selected data with selected code
+            % --------------------------------------
+            plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA);
+          end
+        else
+          % store last QC in history for undo
+          % ---------------------------------
+          if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == 0)
+            tsg.qc_history_state = int8(zeros(size(tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']),1),tsg.qc_history_size));
+          end
+          if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == tsg.qc_history_size)
+            tsg.qc_history_state = circshift(tsg.qc_history_state,[0 -1]);
-              % store last QC in history for undo
-              % ---------------------------------
-              if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == 0)
-                  tsg.qc_history_state = int8(zeros(size(tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']),1),tsg.qc_history_size));
-              end
-              if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == tsg.qc_history_size)
-                  tsg.qc_history_state = circshift(tsg.qc_history_state,[0 -1]);
-              else
-                  tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer + 1;
-              end
-              tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer) = tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']);
-              tsg.qc_redo_possible = 0;
-              % get index on selected zone
-              % ---------------------------
-              ind = find(tsg.DAYD   > p1(1,1) & tsg.DAYD   < p2(1,1) & ...
-                  tsg.(PARA{1}) > p1(1,2) & tsg.(PARA{1}) < p2(1,2));
-              % Keep the information on the indices of the selected zone
-              % --------------------------------------------------------
-              tsg.rbboxind = ind .* ones(size(ind));
-              % Modify the QC
-              % --------------
-              tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC'])(ind) =;
-              % Save the modifications
-              % ----------------------
-              setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
-              % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure
-              % ------------------------------------
-              plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA{1} );
-              % refresh QC statistic panel
-              % --------------------------
-              display_QC( hMainFig );
-              % Update the map if already displayed
-              % -----------------------------------
-              if strcmp( get(hMapFig,'visible'), 'on') == 1
-                  erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
-                  plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
-              end
-              % enable Undo menu if QC flags applied
-              % ------------------------------------
-              if (tsg.qc_history_pointer > 0)
-                  set(findobj('tag','UIMENU_UNDO'),'enable','on');
-              end
+            tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer + 1;
+          end
+          tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer) = tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']);
+          tsg.qc_redo_possible = 0;
+          % get index on selected zone
+          % ---------------------------
+          ind = find(tsg.DAYD   > p1(1,1) & tsg.DAYD   < p2(1,1) & ...
+            tsg.(PARA{1}) > p1(1,2) & tsg.(PARA{1}) < p2(1,2));
-              % enable Redo menu if QC flags applied
-              % ------------------------------------
-              if (tsg.qc_history_pointer > 0)
-                  set(findobj('tag','UIMENU_REDO'),'enable','on');
-              end
+          % Keep the information on the indices of the selected zone
+          % --------------------------------------------------------
+          tsg.rbboxind = ind .* ones(size(ind));
+          % Modify the QC
+          % --------------
+          tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC'])(ind) =;
+          % Save the modifications
+          % ----------------------
+          setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+          % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure
+          % ------------------------------------
+          plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA{1} );
+          % refresh QC statistic panel
+          % --------------------------
+          display_QC( hMainFig );
+          % Update the map if already displayed
+          % -----------------------------------
+          if strcmp( get(hMapFig,'visible'), 'on') == 1
+            erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
+            plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
-          % As soon as a modification took place the data should be saved
-          % -------------------------------------------------------------
-          set( hSaveMenu, 'UserData', 'on' );
+          % enable Undo menu if QC flags applied
+          % ------------------------------------
+          if (tsg.qc_history_pointer > 0)
+            set(findobj('tag','UIMENU_UNDO'),'enable','on');
+          end
+          % enable Redo menu if QC flags applied
+          % ------------------------------------
+          if (tsg.qc_history_pointer > 0)
+            set(findobj('tag','UIMENU_REDO'),'enable','on');
+          end
+        end
+        % As soon as a modification took place the data should be saved
+        % -------------------------------------------------------------
+        set( hSaveMenu, 'UserData', 'on' );
       % enable ButtonMotion on main fig after select QC area
@@ -2326,7 +2333,7 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
     % ------------------------------------------
     if isfield(tsg, 'rbboxind') && ~isempty( tsg.rbboxind )
-     if strcmp( get(hBottleToggletool, 'state'), 'on')
+      if strcmp( get(hBottleToggletool, 'state'), 'on')
         tsg.([SAMPLE '_EXT_QC'])(tsg.rbboxind) =;
@@ -2339,29 +2346,29 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
         % -----------------------------------------
         plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA );
-     else
-         % store last QC in history for undo
-         % ---------------------------------
-         if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == 0)
-             tsg.qc_history_state = int8(zeros(size(tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']),1),tsg.qc_history_size));
-         end
-         if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == tsg.qc_history_size)
-             tsg.qc_history_state = circshift(tsg.qc_history_state,[0 -1]);
-         else
-             tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer + 1;
-         end
-         tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer) = tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']);
-         tsg.qc_redo_possible = 0;
-         % Modify the QC
-         % --------------
-         tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC'])(tsg.rbboxind) =;
+      else
+        % store last QC in history for undo
+        % ---------------------------------
+        if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == 0)
+          tsg.qc_history_state = int8(zeros(size(tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']),1),tsg.qc_history_size));
+        end
+        if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == tsg.qc_history_size)
+          tsg.qc_history_state = circshift(tsg.qc_history_state,[0 -1]);
+        else
+          tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer + 1;
+        end
+        tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer) = tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']);
+        tsg.qc_redo_possible = 0;
+        % Modify the QC
+        % --------------
+        tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC'])(tsg.rbboxind) =;
         % Save tsg.SSPS_QC in the application data before use
         % inside plot_Validation
         % ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -2754,7 +2761,7 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
     % -----------------
     tsg  = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data' );
-    % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure and unzoom as the new 
+    % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure and unzoom as the new
     % plot keep in memory the preceding zoom
     % -----------------------------------------
     plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.plot.parameter{1} );
@@ -3673,112 +3680,112 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 % Callback function run when the Edit/Undo menu item is selected (Ctrl+Z)
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    function UndoMenuCallback(hObject, eventdata)
-        if (tsg.qc_history_pointer > 0)
-            % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT or SSTP)
-            % --------------------------------------
-            PARA = getParaCorModule( hMainFig );
-            if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == tsg.qc_history_size)
-                tsg.qc_history_state = circshift(tsg.qc_history_state,[0 -1]);
-                tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer - 1;
-            end
-            % Back to previous QC flags
-            % -------------------------
-            tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer+1) = tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']);
-            tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']) = tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer);
-            tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer - 1;
-            % Allow redo
-            % ----------
-            tsg.qc_redo_possible = tsg.qc_redo_possible + 1;
-            % Save the modifications
-            % ----------------------
-            setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
-            % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure
-            % ------------------------------------
-            plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA{1} );
-            % refresh QC statistic panel
-            % --------------------------
-            display_QC( hMainFig );
-            % Update the map if already displayed
-            % -----------------------------------
-            if strcmp( get(hMapFig,'visible'), 'on') == 1
-                erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
-                plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
-            end
-            % As soon as a modification took place the data should be saved
-            % -------------------------------------------------------------
-            set( hSaveMenu, 'UserData', 'on' );
-        else
-            msgbox('Undo not possible', 'modal');
-        end
+  function UndoMenuCallback(hObject, eventdata)
+    if (tsg.qc_history_pointer > 0)
+      % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT or SSTP)
+      % --------------------------------------
+      PARA = getParaCorModule( hMainFig );
+      if (tsg.qc_history_pointer == tsg.qc_history_size)
+        tsg.qc_history_state = circshift(tsg.qc_history_state,[0 -1]);
+        tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer - 1;
+      end
+      % Back to previous QC flags
+      % -------------------------
+      tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer+1) = tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']);
+      tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']) = tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer);
+      tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer - 1;
+      % Allow redo
+      % ----------
+      tsg.qc_redo_possible = tsg.qc_redo_possible + 1;
+      % Save the modifications
+      % ----------------------
+      setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+      % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure
+      % ------------------------------------
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA{1} );
+      % refresh QC statistic panel
+      % --------------------------
+      display_QC( hMainFig );
+      % Update the map if already displayed
+      % -----------------------------------
+      if strcmp( get(hMapFig,'visible'), 'on') == 1
+        erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
+        plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+      end
+      % As soon as a modification took place the data should be saved
+      % -------------------------------------------------------------
+      set( hSaveMenu, 'UserData', 'on' );
+    else
+      msgbox('Undo not possible', 'modal');
+  end
 %% RedoMenuCallback
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 % Callback function run when the Edit/Redo menu item is selected (Ctrl+R)
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   function RedoMenuCallback(hObject, eventdata)
-        if (tsg.qc_redo_possible >0)
-            % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT or SSTP)
-            % --------------------------------------
-            PARA = getParaCorModule( hMainFig );
-            % Forward to undone QC flags
-            % --------------------------
-            tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer + 1;
-            tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']) = tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer+1);
-            % Reduce number of possible redo
-            % ------------------------------
-            tsg.qc_redo_possible = tsg.qc_redo_possible-1;
-            % Save the modifications
-            % ----------------------
-            setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
-            % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure
-            % ------------------------------------
-            plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA{1} );
-            % refresh QC statistic panel
-            % --------------------------
-            display_QC( hMainFig );
-            % Update the map if already displayed
-            % -----------------------------------
-            if strcmp( get(hMapFig,'visible'), 'on') == 1
-                erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
-                plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
-            end
-            % As soon as a modification took place the data should be saved
-            % -------------------------------------------------------------
-            set( hSaveMenu, 'UserData', 'on' );
-        else
-            msgbox('Redo not possible', 'modal');
-        end
+    if (tsg.qc_redo_possible >0)
+      % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT or SSTP)
+      % --------------------------------------
+      PARA = getParaCorModule( hMainFig );
+      % Forward to undone QC flags
+      % --------------------------
+      tsg.qc_history_pointer = tsg.qc_history_pointer + 1;
+      tsg.([PARA{1} '_QC']) = tsg.qc_history_state(:,tsg.qc_history_pointer+1);
+      % Reduce number of possible redo
+      % ------------------------------
+      tsg.qc_redo_possible = tsg.qc_redo_possible-1;
+      % Save the modifications
+      % ----------------------
+      setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+      % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure
+      % ------------------------------------
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA{1} );
+      % refresh QC statistic panel
+      % --------------------------
+      display_QC( hMainFig );
+      % Update the map if already displayed
+      % -----------------------------------
+      if strcmp( get(hMapFig,'visible'), 'on') == 1
+        erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
+        plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+      end
+      % As soon as a modification took place the data should be saved
+      % -------------------------------------------------------------
+      set( hSaveMenu, 'UserData', 'on' );
+    else
+      msgbox('Redo not possible', 'modal');
+    end
 %% KeyPressFcnCallback