From a4d158555b06090e3d79f68de89f01d0004a77d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jacques Grelet <> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 11:42:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] provide a better help and usage --- tsgqc.m | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m index c4c638f..0bcec47 100644 --- a/tsgqc.m +++ b/tsgqc.m @@ -1,12 +1,25 @@ -%% function tsgqc( varargin ) -% TSGQC: Thermosalinograph (TSG) Quality Control software +%TSGQC Thermosalinograph (TSG) Quality Control software +% TSGQC is a software for interactive analysis and validation of +% underway SST / SSS (Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity) +% measurements from a SeaBird Thermosalinograph (TSG). +% It has been developed under Matlab. % -% $Id$ +% Usage: +% tsgqc help +% +% See: +% Documentation: +% Source code: +% + +% Tips: +% To get and check tsg structure anywhere during debug: +% tsg = getappdata( findobj('Tag', 'TAG_TSG-QC_GUI'), 'tsg_data') %% COPYRIGHT & LICENSE -% Copyright 2007 - IRD US191, all rights reserved. +% Copyright 2007-2018 - IRD US191, all rights reserved. % % This file is part of tsgqc. % @@ -23,14 +36,7 @@ function tsgqc( varargin ) % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Datagui; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -% -%% DOCUMENTATION -% see: -% svn: -% -%% TIPS -% To get tsg anywhere during debug: -% tsg = getappdata( findobj('Tag', 'TAG_TSG-QC_GUI'), 'tsg_data') + %% Define global variables for VERSIONING % --------------------------------------- @@ -42,6 +48,8 @@ global DEBUGGING % version number, may be used to initialize some files when it change % 0.90x -> 1.0RCx +% if you modify the tsgqc.preference structure, you need to increment +% or modify the version number to load a new default structure % ------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION = 1.485; % -> 1.44 CHAR_VERSION = '1.48.5RC5'; -- GitLab