diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_map.m b/tsg_util/plot_map.m
index 0fcaa32531feb783890e8e4c4be8e35fc3030c43..71e2021f822b0fe9d65b71a3bba2cbf31aa59e9f 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_map.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_map.m
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ ind = find( tsg.DAYD >= dateLim(1) & tsg.DAYD <= dateLim(2));
 latx = double(tsg.LATX);
 lonx = double(tsg.LONX);
+dt = datacursormode;
+dt.UpdateFcn = {@labeldatatips};
 if ~isempty( ind )
   latMin = min(latx(ind) );
@@ -294,11 +297,11 @@ if ~isempty( ind )
   % Write title
   % -----------
   if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'none')  % if climato selected on 2D map
-    title(['Cruise: ', tsg.file.name],  'fontsize',tsg.fontSize +2,...
+    title(tsg.file.name,  'fontsize',tsg.fontSize,...
       'fontweight', 'bold', 'interpreter','none');
-    title({['Cruise: ', tsg.file.name], ['Climatology: ', ...
-      tsg.levitus.version, ' ', tsg.levitus.type]}, 'fontsize',tsg.fontSize +2,...
+    title([tsg.file.name, ' / ', ...
+      tsg.levitus.version, ' ', tsg.levitus.type], 'fontsize',tsg.fontSize,...
       'fontweight', 'bold', 'interpreter','none');
diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m
index f27e320f68b5357072deca2c61b97c1294185233..d39d8fb40560e6b33555f60790bb4371885b3df9 100644
--- a/tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsgqc.m
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ global DEFAULT_PATH_FILE
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
 VERSION      = 1.50;  % -> 1.44
 CHAR_VERSION = '1.50RC2';
-DATE_VERSION = '07/01/2019';
+DATE_VERSION = '10/01/2019';
 % netcdf file version, see DATA FORMAT TSG document:
 % CORTSG_format_gosud.doc
@@ -4088,8 +4088,8 @@ end
-% Generic function for all customization menus. 
-% The tag argument (second) is used to extract the handle of the selected 
+% Generic function for all customization menus.
+% The tag argument (second) is used to extract the handle of the selected
 % menu.
 % We use a regular expression to access and modify the preference structure
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -4122,8 +4122,8 @@ end
     plot_map(hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
-  % color picker callback
-  % ---------------------
+% color picker callback
+% ---------------------
   function mapColorPickerCallback(src, evnt, tag)
     % open color picker
@@ -4141,11 +4141,18 @@ end
 % print map figure from menu
 % ----------------------------
   function mapPrintCallback(src, evnt)
-    printdlg(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'));
+    % cache the contourf setting panel before printing
+    set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'off');
+    % call the print dialog box
+    printdlg(get(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'),'parent'));
+    % enable the contourf setting panel
+    set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'on');
+% print preview of the map figure, parent of panel and axe
+% --------------------------------------------------------
   function mapPrintPreviewCallback(src, evnt)
-    printpreview(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'));
+    printpreview(get(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'),'parent'));
 % enable toolbar on map figure from menu
@@ -4155,7 +4162,7 @@ end
 % https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/419036-what-happened-to-the-figure-toolbar-in-r2018b-why-is-it-an-axes-toolbar-how-can-i-put-the-buttons
 % --------------------------------------------------------------------
   function mapToolBarCallback(src, evnt)
     if( strcmp(get(hMapFig, 'toolbar'), 'none'))
       set(hMapFig, 'toolbar', 'figure');
       if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.5')
@@ -4174,7 +4181,18 @@ end
     fprintf(1, 'Save figure map as %s\n', fullfile(path,file));
-    saveas(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'), fullfile(path,file));
+    % cache the contourf setting panel before printing
+    set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'off');
+    % resize map panel for full figure
+    set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, 1, 1])
+    % save figure to specific file format
+    saveas(get(get(hPlotAxes(4),'parent'),'parent'), fullfile(path,file));
+    if strcmp(tsg.preference.map.climatology, 'contourf')
+      % resize map panel for axes only when contourf is selected
+      set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_AXES'),'Position',[0, 0, .8, 1])
+      % enable the contourf setting panel
+      set(findobj('tag', 'TAG_MAP_CLIMATO_UIPANEL'),'Visible', 'on');
+    end