diff --git a/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv b/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv
index dac665372d61b318d4f4924ff13a0974e52bb1f0..a35749fbd8292556b335461d588d2a694502fda4 100644
--- a/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv
+++ b/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-% tsg_platform.csv:  14 members & 0 lines with data; VERSION = 1.4840
+% tsg_platform.csv:  15 members & 2 lines with data; VERSION = 1.4840
+#;PACIFIC ISLANDER 2;;;;;;;;;8;6.000000;10.000000;NaN;NaN;NaN;;#
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes b/ReleaseNotes
index 198c4274e76319b99ab91f7d243cb1c3c0076379..9b1126e8e0751d8d7ecc241e9e2e5de1d19b7b69 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes
+++ b/ReleaseNotes
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Release notes
 TSG-QC   jacques.grelet@ird.fr
 v1.48.4 (2018-06-27)
++ Add Menus in map for user interaction (Map resolution, border and patch)
 + Add duplicate QC button for SSPS or SSTP in QC mode 
 + Improve zoom mode. Tested under R2013/2014 and 2017)
   - tsg.qc.active.Code is set now with the function get_active_QC. Fixes the 
diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m
index 3a975e4b7baf0ae92b87750e1426dcd7d02926ad..012c945433c1bda32644b892822eeefe7cc59c23 100644
--- a/tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsgqc.m
@@ -743,14 +743,14 @@ hPlotAxes(3) = axes('Parent', hPlotsPanel, 'Visible', 'off',...
   'box', 'on', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Tag', 'TAG_AXES_3', ...
   'HandleVisibility','on', 'Position',[.05, .02, .93, .27]);
-% The map will be plot  a new figure
+% The map will be plot a new figure
 % ---------------------------------
 hMapFig = figure(...
   'Name', 'TSG SHIP TRACK', ...
   'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
   'Resize', 'on', ...
-  'Menubar','figure', ...
+  'Menubar','none', ...
   'Toolbar', 'none', ...
   'Tag', 'MAP_FIGURE', ...
@@ -760,6 +760,112 @@ hMapFig = figure(...
   'Position',[0.17, 0.05, .8, .44],...
   'Color', get(0, 'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor'));
+% display map menus
+% -----------------
+hMapResolutionMenu = uimenu(...
+  'Parent', hMapFig,...
+  'HandleVisibility', handleVisibility,...
+  'Label', 'Map');
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapResolutionCallback, 1});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapResolutionCallback, 2});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapResolutionCallback, 3});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapResolutionCallback, 4});
+% set 'checked' property to 'on' for current map resolution
+% ------------------------------------------------------------
+hdl = flip(findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_RESOLUTION_'));
+set(hdl(tsg.preference.map_resolution), 'checked', 'on');
+hMapBorderMenu = uimenu(...
+  'Parent', hMapFig,...
+  'HandleVisibility', handleVisibility,...
+  'Label', 'Border');
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_1',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapDynaBorderCallback, 0});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_2',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapDynaBorderCallback, 1});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_3',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapDynaBorderCallback, 2});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_4',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapDynaBorderCallback, 5});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_5',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapDynaBorderCallback, 10});
+  'Checked','off',...
+  'Tag','TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_6',...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapDynaBorderCallback, 15});
+% set 'checked' property to 'on' for current map resolution
+% ------------------------------------------------------------
+hdl = flip(findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_'));
+set(hdl(tsg.preference.map_border_value), 'checked', 'on');
+hMapPatchMenu = uimenu(hMapFig,'Label','Type', ...
+% preset map menu with preference
+if tsg.preference.map_patch_value == 2
+  chk_with_patch = 'on';
+  chk_without_patch = 'off';
+  chk_with_patch = 'off';
+  chk_without_patch = 'on';
+uimenu(hMapPatchMenu,'Label','Map without patch (faster)',...
+  'Checked',chk_without_patch,...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapPatchMenuCallback, 0});
+uimenu(hMapPatchMenu,'Label','Map with patch (slower)',...
+  'Checked',chk_with_patch,...
+  'Enable', 'on',...
+  'Callback', {@mapPatchMenuCallback, 1});
 hPlotAxes(4) = axes(...     % the axes for plotting ship track map
   'Parent', hMapFig, ...
   'Units', 'normalized', ...
@@ -1876,10 +1982,6 @@ end
     set( hPanToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
     set( hTimelimitToggletool, 'state', 'off' );
-    % Hide the map. Otherwise it slows down the zooming
-    % -------------------------------------------------
-    %     set( hMapToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
     % returns a zoom mode object for the figure hMainFig handle
     % ---------------------------------------------------------
     hZoom = zoom(hMainFig);
@@ -1915,7 +2017,7 @@ end
     % Set map with border and save tsg
     % --------------------------------
-    tsg.preference.map_border = 0;
+    %tsg.preference.map_border = 0;
     setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );
@@ -1947,10 +2049,6 @@ end
     set( hPanToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
     set( hTimelimitToggletool, 'state', 'off' );
-    % Hide the map. Otherwise it slows down the zooming
-    % -------------------------------------------------
-    %     set( hMapToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
     % returns a zoom mode object for the figure hMainFig handle
     % ---------------------------------------------------------
     hZoom = zoom(hMainFig);
@@ -2008,7 +2106,6 @@ end
     % ------------------------------------------------------------------
     tsg.preference.map_border = ...
-    % tsg.preference.map_border
     setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );
     % returns the plot to its initial zoom setting and desactivate zoom
@@ -3485,6 +3582,83 @@ end
     aboutDialog(hMainFig, DEFAULT_PATH_FILE);
+%% Map menus
+% -----------
+  function mapResolutionCallback(src, evnt, resolution)
+    % set map resolution
+    % ------------------
+    tsg.preference.map_resolution = resolution;
+     % Save the modifications for use new setting
+    % -----------------------------------------
+    setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+    % redraw map
+    % ------------------------------------------
+    erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
+    plot_map(hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+  end
+  function mapPatchMenuCallback(src, evnt, patch)
+    if patch
+      % find map with patch submenu and set 'checked' property to 'off'
+      % ------------------------------------------------------------
+      hdl = findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_WITHOUT_PATCH');
+      set(hdl, 'checked', 'off');
+      % set current climato submenu checked
+      % -----------------------------------
+      set(src, 'checked', 'on');
+      % set tsg.preference for next use
+      % ------------------------------------------------
+      tsg.preference.map_patch_value = 2;
+    else
+      hdl = findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_WITH_PATCH');
+      set(hdl, 'checked', 'off');
+      % set current climato submenu checked
+      % -----------------------------------
+      set(src, 'checked', 'on');    
+      % set tsg.preference for next use
+      % ------------------------------------------------
+      tsg.preference.map_patch_value = 1;
+    end 
+    % Save the modifications for use new setting
+    % -----------------------------------------
+    setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+    % redraw map
+    % ------------------------------------------
+    erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
+    plot_map(hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+  end
+%% function mapDynaBorderCallback
+% --------------------------------
+  function mapDynaBorderCallback(src, evnt, border)
+    hdl = findobj( '-regexp', 'tag', 'TAG_UIMENU_MAP_BORDER_');
+    set(hdl, 'Checked', 'off');
+    set(src, 'Checked', 'on');
+    % change the map border from menu on map
+    % --------------------------------------
+    tsg.preference.map_border = border;
+    setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+    % redraw map
+    % ------------------------------------------
+    erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 4 );
+    plot_map(hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+  end
 %% HeaderMenuCallback
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
 % Callback function run when the headerForm tool bar item is selected