From 85eb74eefd33f1d963a68952756adf8ea13ba177 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yves Gouriou <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:02:17 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Am=C3=A9lioration=20des=20modules=20de=20correc?=
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Desactivation du module PREFERENCE qui bugue
 tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m    | 143 +++++++++++++------------------------
 tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m    |  80 ++++++++++++++-------
 tsg_util/plot_Sample.m     |   6 +-
 tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m        |   7 +-
 tsg_util/plot_map.m        |  30 ++++++--
 tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m |   3 +-
 tsgqc_GUI.m                | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 7 files changed, 212 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m b/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m
index 901db14..d1a9fc2 100644
--- a/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m
+++ b/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 function [error] = corTsgLinear(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax)
 % Correct the TSG salinity time series with the Water sample.
-% Use the median value of TIME_WINDOWS water sample to compute the
-% correction. see the documentation
+% Use a linear fit to the water sample/tsg difference
 % Input
 % hMainFig ..... Handle to the main GUI
@@ -12,119 +10,73 @@ function [error] = corTsgLinear(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax)
 % Output
 % Error ........  1 everything OK
 %       ........ -1 dateMax <= date Min
-% TO DO
-% corTsgMethod1.m
-% 1) Test if there are NaN values in 'sample': 
-%    We could get some problem with the computation of the median and std
-% 2) Initialisation de la structure 'cor'
-% 3) Test for anormal sample-tsg difference - Suppress bad points
-% 4) Test on the validation code. do we apply the correction whatever the
-%    is the code ?
-% 5) Return an Error code ?
-% 6) Test Date_Min < Date_Max
 % Get application data
 % --------------------
 tsg    = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
 sample = getappdata( hMainFig, 'sample');
-% Shorten the variable name
-% -------------------------
-% ----------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------
 PROBABLY_GOOD = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_GOOD', 'code');
+PROBABLY_BAD  = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_BAD', 'code');
 VALUE_CHANGED = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'VALUE_CHANGED', 'code');
-% The correction is computed between dateMin and dateMax
-% ------------------------------------------------------
-dt = find(sample.DAYD >= dateMin & sample.DAYD <= dateMax);
 if dateMax > dateMin
-  % Create a structure with an NaN
-  % No other solution as I can't add a structure to an empty one
-  % ------------------------------------------------------------
-  cor = struct('DAYD', NaN, 'DIFF', NaN, 'ERROR', NaN, 'NVALUE', NaN);
-  % --------------------
-  for i = 1 : length(dt)
-    % Find the sample within TIME_WINDOWS with Good and probably Good QC
-    % ------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ind = find( sample.DAYD(dt) >= sample.DAYD(dt(i)) - TIME_WINDOWS/2 &...
-                sample.DAYD(dt) <= sample.DAYD(dt(i)) + TIME_WINDOWS/2 &...
-                sample.SSPS_QC(dt) <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
-  end
-  % Eliminate the first element if NaN
-  % ----------------------------------
-  if isnan(cor.DAYD(1))
-    cor.DAYD(1)   = [];
-    cor.DIFF(1)   = [];
-    cor.ERROR(1)  = [];
-    cor.NVALUE(1) = [];
-  end
-  if ~isempty( cor.DAYD )
-    % The error is maximum if the median is computed with less than 4 samples
-    % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    cor.ERROR( cor.NVALUE < 4 ) = 1;
-    % The correction is applied between dateMin and dateMax
-    % We attribute to dateMin the first correction computed
-    % and to dateMax the last one
-    %
-    % Find the tsg date in the interval dateMin-dateMax
-    % -------------------------------------------------
-    dtTsg = find(tsg.DAYD >= dateMin & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax);
-    if cor.DAYD(1) ~= dateMin
-      cor.DAYD   = [tsg.DAYD(dtTsg(1)) cor.DAYD];
-      cor.DIFF   = [cor.DIFF(1)        cor.DIFF];
-      cor.ERROR  = [cor.ERROR(1)       cor.ERROR];
-      cor.NVALUE = [cor.NVALUE(1)      cor.NVALUE];
-    end
-    if cor.DAYD(end) ~= dateMax
-      cor.DAYD   = [cor.DAYD   tsg.DAYD(dtTsg(end))];
-      cor.DIFF   = [cor.DIFF   cor.DIFF(end)];
-      cor.ERROR  = [cor.ERROR  cor.ERROR(end)];
-      cor.NVALUE = [cor.NVALUE cor.NVALUE(end)];
+  % Find samples within TIME_WINDOWS with Good and probably Good QC
+  % ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  ind = find( sample.DAYD    >= dateMin &  sample.DAYD    <= dateMax &...
+              sample.SSPS_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
+  if ~isempty(ind)
+    % detect NaN in sample.SSPS_DIF due to bad QC code for tsg.SSPS
+    % -------------------------------------------------------------
+    ind2 = find(~isnan(sample.SSPS_DIF(ind)));
+    % Compute linear fit of the TSG/SAMPLE difference
+    % -----------------------------------------------
+    if ~isempty(sample.SSPS_DIF(ind(ind2)))
+      X = sample.DAYD(ind(ind2));
+      Y = sample.SSPS_DIF(ind(ind2));
+      [p, S, mu] = polyfit( X, Y, 1);
+      % The correction is applied to the TSG between dateMin and dateMax using
+      % a linear interpolation only on measurements with GOOD and
+      % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      dtTsg = find( tsg.DAYD    >= dateMin  & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax &...
+        tsg.SSPS_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
+      [tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg), tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(dtTsg)] =...
+                                            polyval( p, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg), S, mu);
+      tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg) = tsg.SSPS(dtTsg) + tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg);
+      % VALUE_CHANGED code
+      % ------------------
+      tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC(dtTsg)    = VALUE_CHANGED;
-    p = polyfit( x, y, 1);
-    y = polyval(p,x);
-    % The correction is applied to the TSG between dateMin and dateMax using
-    % a linear interpolation
-    % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg)       = tsg.SSPS(dtTsg) + ...
-                                  interp1(cor.DAYD, cor.DIFF, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg));
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(dtTsg) = ...
-                                 interp1(cor.DAYD, cor.ERROR, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg));
     % RAZ if no correction
     % --------------------
-    dt = find(tsg.DAYD >= dateMin & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax);
+    dtTsg = find(tsg.DAYD >= dateMin & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax);
+    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg)       = NaN*ones(size(tsg.SSPS(dt)));
+    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(dtTsg) = NaN*ones(size(tsg.SSPS(dt)));
+    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC(dtTsg)    = zeros(size(tsg.SSPS(dt)));
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dt)       = NaN*ones(size(tsg.SSPS(dt)));
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(dt) = NaN*ones(size(tsg.SSPS(dt)));
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC(dt)    = zeros(size(tsg.SSPS(dt)));
   % Update tsg application data
   % ---------------------------
   setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+  setappdata( hMainFig, 'sample',   sample);
   % everything OK
   % -------------
   error = 1;
@@ -134,6 +86,7 @@ else
   % DateMax <= DateMin
   % ------------------
   error = -1;
diff --git a/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m b/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m
index dabf0cb..e3c0c73 100644
--- a/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m
+++ b/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m
@@ -15,16 +15,9 @@ function [error] = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax)
 % TO DO
 % corTsgMethod1.m
-% 1) Test if there are NaN values in 'sample': 
-%    We could get some problem with the computation of the median and std
-% 2) Initialisation de la structure 'cor'
 % 3) Test for anormal sample-tsg difference - Suppress bad points
 % 4) Test on the validation code. do we apply the correction whatever the
 %    is the code ?
-% 5) Return an Error code ?
-% 6) Test Date_Min < Date_Max
-% 7) BUG : Le nombre d'elements est faux si il y a des NaN
 % Get application data
 % --------------------
@@ -35,41 +28,69 @@ sample = getappdata( hMainFig, 'sample');
 % -------------------------
-% ----------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------
 PROBABLY_GOOD = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_GOOD', 'code');
+PROBABLY_BAD  = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_BAD', 'code');
 VALUE_CHANGED = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'VALUE_CHANGED', 'code');
 % Create a structure with an NaN
-% No other solution as I can't add a structure to an empty one
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
+% No other solution, as I can't add a structure to an empty one
+% -------------------------------------------------------------
 cor = struct('DAYD', NaN, 'DIFF', NaN, 'ERROR', NaN, 'NVALUE', NaN);
 if dateMax > dateMin
+  % Find the number of samples within the time limits.
+  % --------------------------------------------------
   indSample = find(sample.DAYD >= dateMin & sample.DAYD <= dateMax);
   indCor = 0;
   for i=1:length(indSample)
-    % Find the sample within TIME_WINDOWS with Good and probably Good QC
-    % ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    % Find samples within TIME_WINDOWS with Good and probably Good QC
+    % ---------------------------------------------------------------
     ind = find( sample.DAYD    >= (sample.DAYD(i) - TIME_WINDOWS/2) &...
                 sample.DAYD    <= (sample.DAYD(i) + TIME_WINDOWS/2) &...
                 sample.SSPS_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
-    % Compute the median difference and error within TIME_WINDOWS
-    % -----------------------------------------------------------
     if ~isempty(ind)
-      indCor = indCor + 1;
-      cor.DAYD(indCor)   = sample.DAYD(i);
-      cor.DIFF(indCor)   = nanmedian(sample.SSPS_DIF(ind));
-      cor.ERROR(indCor)  = nanstd(sample.SSPS_DIF(ind))/sqrt(length(ind));
-      % BUG : Le nombre d'element est faux si il y a des NaN
-      cor.NVALUE(indCor) = length(ind);
+      % detect NaN in sample.SSPS_DIF due to bad QC code in tsg.SSPS
+      % ------------------------------------------------------------
+      ind2 = find(~isnan(sample.SSPS_DIF(ind)));
+      % Compute the median difference and error within TIME_WINDOWS
+      % -----------------------------------------------------------
+      if ~isempty(sample.SSPS_DIF(ind(ind2)))
+        A = sample.SSPS_DIF(ind(ind2));
+        meanA = mean(A);
+        stdA  = std(A);
+        % Standard deviation test: keep these values
+        % ------------------------------------------
+        ind3 = find( A >= meanA-3*stdA & A <= meanA+3*stdA);
+        B = sample.SSPS_DIF(ind(ind2(ind3)));
+        if ~isempty( B )
+          indCor = indCor + 1;
+          cor.DAYD(indCor)   = sample.DAYD(i);
+          cor.DIFF(indCor)   = median(B);
+          cor.ERROR(indCor)  = nanstd(B)/sqrt(length(B));
+          cor.NVALUE(indCor) = length(B);
+        end
+        % Standard deviation test: don't keep these values
+        % QC PROBABLY_BAD
+        % ------------------------------------------------------
+        ind4 = find( A < meanA-3*stdA | A > meanA+3*stdA);
+        if ~isempty( ind4 )
+          sample.SSPS_QC(ind(ind2(ind4))) = PROBABLY_BAD;
+        end
+      end
   % Eliminate the first element if NaN
@@ -93,7 +114,7 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
     % Find the tsg date in the interval dateMin-dateMax
     % -------------------------------------------------
-    dtTsg = find(tsg.DAYD >= dateMin & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax);
+    dtTsg = find(tsg.DAYD    >= dateMin  & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax);
     if cor.DAYD(1) ~= dateMin
       cor.DAYD   = [tsg.DAYD(dtTsg(1)) cor.DAYD];
@@ -109,15 +130,19 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
     % The correction is applied to the TSG between dateMin and dateMax using
-    % a linear interpolation
+    % a linear interpolation only on measurements with GOOD and
     % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    dtTsg = find( tsg.DAYD    >= dateMin  & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax &...
+                  tsg.SSPS_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
     tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg)       = tsg.SSPS(dtTsg) + ...
                                   interp1(cor.DAYD, cor.DIFF, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg));
     tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(dtTsg) = ...
                                  interp1(cor.DAYD, cor.ERROR, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg));
-    % Get PROBABLY_GOOD code
-    % ----------------------
+    % VALUE_CHANGED code
+    % ------------------
@@ -135,6 +160,7 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
   % Update tsg application data
   % ---------------------------
   setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+  setappdata( hMainFig, 'sample',   sample);
   % everything OK
   % -------------
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Sample.m b/tsg_util/plot_Sample.m
index 238175d..4f429aa 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Sample.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Sample.m
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ if isempty(MyColor)
         line( sample.DAYD(ind), sample.(Para)(ind), ...
              'Tag', ['TAG_PLOT' num2str(PlotNum) '_LINE_' Para '_' key],...
              'LineStyle', 'none',...
-             'Marker', 'square', 'MarkerSize', 3,...
+             'Marker', 'square', 'MarkerSize', 5,...
              'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k', 'MarkerFaceColor', color);
@@ -73,10 +73,8 @@ else
   line( sample.DAYD, sample.(Para),...
         'Tag', ['TAG_PLOT' num2str(PlotNum) '_LINE_' Para],...
-        'LineStyle', 'none',...
-        'Marker', 'square', 'MarkerSize', 3,...
+        'LineStyle', 'none', 'Marker', 'square', 'MarkerSize', 5,...
         'MarkerEdgeColor', MyColor, 'MarkerFaceColor', MyColor);
 hold off;
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m b/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m
index 608fc8f..6defc76 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m
@@ -80,9 +80,10 @@ if ~isempty( tsg.(Para) )
-    line( tsg.DAYD, tsg.(Para),'Tag', ['TAG_PLOT' num2str(PlotNum) '_LINE_' Para], ...
-      'LineStyle', Style, ...
-      'Marker', Mark, 'MarkerSize', 5,  'Color', MyColor);
+    line(tsg.DAYD, tsg.(Para),...
+      'Tag', ['TAG_PLOT' num2str(PlotNum) '_LINE_' Para], ...
+      'LineStyle', Style,'Marker', Mark, 'MarkerSize', 5,  'Color', MyColor);
   hold off;
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_map.m b/tsg_util/plot_map.m
index 81369bb..e8e087a 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_map.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_map.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function plot_map(hTsgGUI, hAxes)
+function plot_map(hTsgGUI, hPlotAxes)
 % Function to plot the earth map and ship trackline
 % Input
@@ -20,13 +20,28 @@ function plot_map(hTsgGUI, hAxes)
 % -------------------------------
 tsg = getappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data');
+% Get the Geographic limit of the TSG time series
+% -----------------------------------------------
+dateLim = get(hPlotAxes(1), 'Xlim');
+ind = find( tsg.DAYD >= dateLim(1) & tsg.DAYD <= dateLim(2));
+latMin = min( tsg.LATX(ind) );
+latMax = max( tsg.LATX(ind) );
+lonMin = min( tsg.LONX(ind) );
+lonMax = max( tsg.LONX(ind) );
 % Positionning the right axes
 % ----------------------------
+%hLines = get( hPlotAxes(4), 'Children' );
+%if ~isempty( hLines )
+%  delete(hLines);
 % Use of Mercator projection
 % --------------------------
-m_proj('Mercator','lat',[-70 70],'long',[-180 180]);
+%m_proj('Mercator','lat',[-70 70],'long',[-180 180]);
+m_proj('Mercator','lat',[latMin latMax],'long',[lonMin lonMax]);
 % detailed coast lines
 % m_gshhs_i('patch',[.7 .7 .7]);
@@ -38,10 +53,11 @@ m_proj('Mercator','lat',[-70 70],'long',[-180 180]);
 % ----------------------------
 m_coast('patch',[.7 .7 .7]);
-m_grid('box','fancy','tickdir','in', ...
-       'ytick', [-70:20:70],...
-       'xtick', [-180:40:180],...
-       'Fontsize', [10]);
+%m_grid('box','fancy','tickdir','in', ...
+%       'ytick', [-70:20:70],...
+%       'xtick', [-180:40:180],...
+%       'Fontsize', [10]);
+m_grid('box','fancy','tickdir','in', 'Fontsize', [10]);
 % Plot the ship track - Check if LAT-LON in deg-decimal
 % -----------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m b/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
index 82ced8e..bbbb227 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_preferences.m
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ config_file = [prefdir, filesep, app_name, '.mat'];
 % Open config file
 % ----------------
-config = fopen( config_file, 'r' );
+%config = fopen( config_file, 'r' );
+config = -1;
 % test fopen return value
 % -----------------------
diff --git a/tsgqc_GUI.m b/tsgqc_GUI.m
index 2186fcb..d250547 100644
--- a/tsgqc_GUI.m
+++ b/tsgqc_GUI.m
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ hrbCorCancel = uicontrol( ...
   'Tag', 'CORRECT_CANCEL_PUSH', ...
   'Enable', 'off',...
-  'pos',[.05 .68 .9 .25], ...
+  'pos',[.05 .08 .9 .25],...
   'HandleVisibility','callback', ...
   'Callback', @CorCancelCallback);
 hrbCorLinear = uicontrol( ...
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ hrbCorMedian = uicontrol( ...
   'Tag', 'CORRECT_MEDIAN_PUSH', ...
   'Enable', 'off',...
-  'pos',[.05 .08 .9 .25],...
+  'pos',[.05 .68 .9 .25], ...
   'HandleVisibility','callback', ...
   'Callback', @CorMedianCallback);
@@ -893,7 +893,11 @@ end
         % Plot the Map with the ship trackline
         % ------------------------------------
-        plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes)
+        % plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes)
+        % Update QC statistics
+        % --------------------
+        display_QC( hMainFig, hPlotAxes)
@@ -1291,7 +1295,7 @@ end
       y = a(2,2);
       % Code to Activate the PAN function when QC mode is active
-      % A PAN zone is defined in the bottom (5%) of PlotAxes(1)
+      % A PAN zone is defined in the bottom (10%) of PlotAxes(1)
       % 2 callback are needed : 
       %    1 - one to desactivate QC when Pan is set to on.
       %    2 - one to reactivate QC once the pan has been used.
@@ -1304,9 +1308,9 @@ end
         % Suppose that Y axes is increasing from the bottom to the top
         % ------------------------------------------------------------
-        limy2 = limy(1) + (limy(2)-limy(1)) * 0.05;
+        limy2 = limy(1) + (limy(2)-limy(1)) * 0.10;
-        if  x > limx(1) && x < limx(2) &&  y <= limy2
+        if  x > limx(1) && x < limx(2) &&  y <= limy2 && y >= limy(1)
           hPan = pan(hMainFig);
           set(hPan,'ActionPreCallback',  @preQcPanCallback);
           set(hPan,'ActionPostCallback', @postQcPanCallback);
@@ -1381,7 +1385,13 @@ end
     % ---------------------------------------
     set(hZoomToggletool,  'state', 'off' );
     set(hPanToggletool,  'state', 'off' );
+    if ~isempty( get(hMapPanel, 'UserData'))
+      delete(get(hMapPanel, 'UserData'));
+    end
+    plot_map( hMainFig, hPlotAxes)
     % Make the earth map visible
     % --------------------------
     set(hMapPanel, 'Visible', 'on' );
@@ -1597,6 +1607,14 @@ end
   function CorCancelCallback(hObject, eventdata)
     % Callback function run when ...
+    % Desactivate somme Toggle button
+    % -------------------------------
+    set( hZoomToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
+    set( hPanToggletool,        'state', 'off' );
+    set( hQCToggletool,  'state', 'off' );
+    set( hStartlimitToggletool, 'State', 'off' );
+    set( hEndlimitToggletool,   'State', 'off' );
     tsg = getappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
     tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED       = NaN*ones(size(tsg.SSPS));
@@ -1616,13 +1634,21 @@ end
 %% CorLinearCallback .................................... Correction Module
   function CorLinearCallback(hObject, eventdata)
-  % Callback function run when
+    % Callback function run when
+    % Desactivate somme Toggle button
+    % -------------------------------
+    set( hZoomToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
+    set( hPanToggletool,        'state', 'off' );
+    set( hQCToggletool,  'state', 'off' );
+    set( hStartlimitToggletool, 'State', 'off' );
+    set( hEndlimitToggletool,   'State', 'off' );
     % Get the time limits for the correction A TESTER
     % --------------------------------------
     dateMin = datenum(get( hetDateMin, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
     dateMax = datenum(get( hetDateMax, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
     % Compute the sample-TSG differences
     % ----------------------------------
     diffTsgSample( hMainFig );
@@ -1630,11 +1656,11 @@ end
     % Correction
     % ----------
     error = corTsgLinear(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax);
     switch error
       case 1
         % Reinitialise plot 2 and 3
         % -------------------------
         erase_Line( hPlotAxes(2), 2 )
@@ -1646,19 +1672,28 @@ end
         % ----------------------------------------
         plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes(3), 3, 'SSPS_ADJUSTED', 0, 'r' );
+        tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
         % Plot the difference tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED-tsg.SSPS on axe 2
         % -------------------------------------------------------
         axes( hPlotAxes(2) );
-        tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
         line( tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED-tsg.SSPS,...
-              'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT2_LINE_TSGDIF', 'Color', 'b');
+          'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT2_LINE_TSGDIF', 'Color', 'b');
+        % Plot TSG + ERROR on axe 3
+        % -------------------------
+        errorPlus  = tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED + tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR;
+        errorMinus = tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED - tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR;
+        axes( hPlotAxes(3) );
+        line( tsg.DAYD, errorPlus,...
+          'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT3_LINE_TSGERROR_PLUS', 'Color', 'g');
+        line( tsg.DAYD, errorMinus,...
+          'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT3_LINE_TSGERROR_MINUS', 'Color', 'g');
       case -1
         msgbox( 'Date limits are not correct',...
-                'Correction module', 'warn', 'modal');
+          'Correction module', 'warn', 'modal');
-    msgbox('Method not yet implemented', 'modal' );
@@ -1666,11 +1701,19 @@ end
   function CorMedianCallback(hObject, eventdata)
     % Callback function run when
+    % Desactivate somme Toggle button
+    % -------------------------------
+    set( hZoomToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
+    set( hPanToggletool,        'state', 'off' );
+    set( hQCToggletool,  'state', 'off' );
+    set( hStartlimitToggletool, 'State', 'off' );
+    set( hEndlimitToggletool,   'State', 'off' );
     % Get the time limits for the correction A TESTER
     % --------------------------------------
     dateMin = datenum(get( hetDateMin, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
     dateMax = datenum(get( hetDateMax, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
     % Compute the sample-TSG differences
     % ----------------------------------
     diffTsgSample( hMainFig );
@@ -1678,11 +1721,11 @@ end
     % Correction
     % ----------
     error = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax);
     switch error
       case 1
         % Reinitialise plot 2 and 3
         % -------------------------
         erase_Line( hPlotAxes(2), 2 )
@@ -1694,18 +1737,29 @@ end
         % ----------------------------------------
         plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes(3), 3, 'SSPS_ADJUSTED', 0, 'r' );
+        tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
         % Plot the difference tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED-tsg.SSPS on axe 2
         % -------------------------------------------------------
         axes( hPlotAxes(2) );
-        tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
         line( tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED-tsg.SSPS,...
-              'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT2_LINE_TSGDIF', 'Color', 'b');
+          'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT2_LINE_TSGDIF', 'Color', 'b');
+        % Plot TSG + ERROR on axe 3
+        % -------------------------
+        errorPlus  = tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED + tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR;
+        errorMinus = tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED - tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR;
+        axes( hPlotAxes(3) );
+        line( tsg.DAYD, errorPlus,...
+          'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT3_LINE_TSGERROR_PLUS', 'Color', 'g');
+        line( tsg.DAYD, errorMinus,...
+          'Tag', 'TAG_PLOT3_LINE_TSGERROR_MINUS', 'Color', 'g');
       case -1
         msgbox( 'Date limits are not correct',...
-                'Correction module', 'warn', 'modal');
+          'Correction module', 'warn', 'modal');
 %% Clim_OffMenuCallback