diff --git a/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform_info.mat b/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform_info.mat
index 5940258864c04157f815330703822359841df452..bb2adc41d88dc816da66bcb9601825f076a7d246 100644
Binary files a/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform_info.mat and b/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform_info.mat differ
diff --git a/tsg_io/readTsgDataTxt.m b/tsg_io/readTsgDataTxt.m
index 14b19faddb6cd6e5cdcc747138f5c9a5d59d476a..b988ade0469f2a8bc2d6990ba883ee2cd39b2523 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readTsgDataTxt.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readTsgDataTxt.m
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ tsg.SSPS_QC             = tsgData(:,11);
 tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED       = tsgData(:,12);
 tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR = tsgData(:,13);
+tsg.SSJT_QC             = tsg.SSPS_QC;
 % populate tsg.file structure
 % ---------------------------
 [tsg.file.pathstr, tsg.file.name, tsg.file.ext, tsg.file.versn] = ...
diff --git a/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m b/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m
index f4667961d3613b5c342533f908c7ae8fdba65fa3..bfe88cde6cf5bee806b4af129341d2e286e5de55 100644
--- a/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m
+++ b/tsg_util/corTsgLinear.m
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-function [error] = corTsgLinear(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax)
+function [error] = corTsgLinear(hMainFig, PARA, dateMin, dateMax)
 % Correct the TSG salinity time series with the Water sample.
 % Use a linear fit to the water sample/tsg difference
 % Input
 % hMainFig ..... Handle to the main GUI
+% PARA ......... Parameter
 % dateMin ...... the correction is applied between dateMin and date Max
 % dateMax ...... the correction is applied between dateMin and date Max
@@ -18,15 +19,15 @@ tsg    = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
 % -------------------------------------------------------
 PROBABLY_GOOD = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_GOOD', 'code');
-PROBABLY_BAD  = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_BAD', 'code');
+PROBABLY_BAD  = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_BAD',  'code');
 VALUE_CHANGED = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'VALUE_CHANGED', 'code');
 if dateMax > dateMin
   % intialisation
   % -------------
-  if isempty( tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED )
-    msgbox( 'Variable SSPS_ADJUSTED should be initialise in updateTsgStruct',...
+  if isempty( tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED']) )
+    msgbox( ['Variable ' PARA '_ADJUSTED should be initialise in updateTsgStruct'],...
             'Function ''corTsgLinear''',...
             'warn', 'modal');
@@ -34,23 +35,23 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
   % Find samples within TIME_WINDOWS with Good and probably Good QC
   % ---------------------------------------------------------------
   ind = find( tsg.DAYD_SPL    >= dateMin &  tsg.DAYD_SPL    <= dateMax &...
-              tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
+              tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC']) <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
   if ~isempty(ind)
     % detect NaN in sample.SSPS_DIF due to bad QC code for tsg.SSPS
     % -------------------------------------------------------------
-    ind2 = find(~isnan(tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(ind)));
+    ind2 = find(~isnan(tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(ind)));
     % Compute linear fit of the TSG/SAMPLE difference
     % -----------------------------------------------
     if ~isempty(ind2)
-      if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(ind(ind2)))
+      if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(ind(ind2)))
         % Linear fit applied to the difference tsg-sample
         % -----------------------------------------------
         X = tsg.DAYD_SPL(ind(ind2));
-        Y = tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(ind(ind2));
+        Y = tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(ind(ind2));
         [p, S, mu] = polyfit( X, Y, 1);
@@ -59,22 +60,23 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
         % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         dtTsg = find( tsg.DAYD    >= dateMin  & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax &...
-          tsg.SSPS_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
+          tsg.([PARA '_QC']) <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
-        [tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg), tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(dtTsg)] =...
-          polyval( p, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg), S, mu);
-        tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg) = tsg.SSPS(dtTsg) + tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg);
+        [tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED'])(dtTsg), tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'])(dtTsg)] =...
+                            polyval( p, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg), S, mu);
+        tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED'])(dtTsg) = ...
+                            tsg.(PARA)(dtTsg) + tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED'])(dtTsg);
         % VALUE_CHANGED code
         % ------------------
+        tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_QC'])(dtTsg) = VALUE_CHANGED;
   % Update the QC sample Code
   % -------------------------
-  updateSampleQC( hMainFig );
+  updateSampleQC( hMainFig, PARA );
   % Update tsg application data
   % ---------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m b/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m
index 316feb0a36e326ce1a2efdde064aa1e511ebebb7..42e6c0d3c31e5f15245020acfa8154815b9fd3a6 100644
--- a/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m
+++ b/tsg_util/corTsgMedian.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [error] = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax)
+function [error] = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, PARA, dateMin, dateMax)
 % Correct the TSG salinity time series with the Water sample.
 % Use the median value of TIME_WINDOWS water sample to compute the
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ function [error] = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax)
 % Input
 % hMainFig ..... Handle to the main GUI
+% PARA ......... Parameter (SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
 % dateMin ...... the correction is applied between dateMin and date Max
 % dateMax ...... the correction is applied between dateMin and date Max
@@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ function [error] = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax)
 % --------------------
 tsg    = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+% Get the parameter
+% -----------------
+PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
 % Shorten the variable name
 % -------------------------
@@ -42,8 +47,8 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
   % intialisation
   % -------------
-  if isempty( tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED )
-    msgbox( 'Variable SSPS_ADJUSTED should be initialise in updateTsgStruct',...
+  if isempty( tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED']) )
+    msgbox( ['Variable ' PARA '_ADJUSTED should be initialise in updateTsgStruct'],...
             'Function ''corTsgMedian''',...
             'warn', 'modal');
@@ -60,20 +65,20 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
     % ---------------------------------------------------------------
     ind = find( tsg.DAYD_SPL >= (tsg.DAYD_SPL(indSample(i)) - TIME_WINDOWS/2) &...
                 tsg.DAYD_SPL <= (tsg.DAYD_SPL(indSample(i)) + TIME_WINDOWS/2) &...
-                tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
+                tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC']) <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
     if ~isempty(ind)
       % detect NaN in sample.SSPS_DIF due to bad QC code in tsg.SSPS
       % ------------------------------------------------------------
-      ind2 = find(~isnan(tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(ind)));
+      ind2 = find(~isnan(tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(ind)));
       % Compute the median difference and error within TIME_WINDOWS
       % -----------------------------------------------------------
       if ~isempty(ind2)
-        if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(ind(ind2)))
+        if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(ind(ind2)))
-          A = tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(ind(ind2));
+          A = tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(ind(ind2));
           meanA = mean(A);
           stdA  = std(A);
@@ -81,7 +86,7 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
           % ------------------------------------------
           ind3 = find( A >= meanA-3*stdA & A <= meanA+3*stdA);
-          B = tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(ind(ind2(ind3)));
+          B = tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(ind(ind2(ind3)));
           if ~isempty( B )
             indCor = indCor + 1;
             cor.DAYD(indCor)   = tsg.DAYD_SPL((indSample(i)));
@@ -95,7 +100,7 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
           % ------------------------------------------------------
           ind4 = find( A < meanA-3*stdA | A > meanA+3*stdA);
           if ~isempty( ind4 )
-            tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind(ind2(ind4))) = PROBABLY_BAD;
+            tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(ind(ind2(ind4))) = PROBABLY_BAD;
@@ -123,7 +128,7 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
     % Find the tsg date in the interval dateMin-dateMax
     % -------------------------------------------------
-    dtTsg = find(tsg.DAYD    >= dateMin  & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax);
+    dtTsg = find(tsg.DAYD >= dateMin  & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax);
     if cor.DAYD(1) ~= dateMin
       cor.DAYD   = [tsg.DAYD(dtTsg(1)) cor.DAYD];
@@ -143,22 +148,22 @@ if dateMax > dateMin
     % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     dtTsg = find( tsg.DAYD    >= dateMin  & tsg.DAYD <= dateMax &...
-                  tsg.SSPS_QC <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
+                  tsg.([PARA '_QC']) <= PROBABLY_GOOD);
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(dtTsg)       = tsg.SSPS(dtTsg) + ...
+    tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED'])(dtTsg)       = tsg.(PARA)(dtTsg) + ...
                                   interp1(cor.DAYD, cor.DIFF, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg));
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(dtTsg) = ...
+    tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'])(dtTsg) = ...
                                  interp1(cor.DAYD, cor.ERROR, tsg.DAYD(dtTsg));
     % VALUE_CHANGED code
     % ------------------
+    tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_QC'])(dtTsg)    = VALUE_CHANGED;
   % Update the QC sample Code
   % -------------------------
-  updateSampleQC( hMainFig );
+  updateSampleQC( hMainFig, PARA );
   % Update tsg application data
   % ---------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m b/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m
index fb52cd370f3e730f6495c0b80c4103b4060ed5f9..11bae565cc6a8b8f9d9fd136685be77e467477f9 100644
--- a/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m
+++ b/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function diffTsgSample(hTsgGUI)
+function diffTsgSample(hTsgGUI, PARA)
 % Co-location of sample and TSG measurements
 % Compute the sample-TSG difference
@@ -14,14 +14,9 @@ probablyGoodCode = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_GOOD', 'code');
 % Consider only tsg data with NO_CONTROL, GOOD and PROBABLY_GOOD code
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-indTsg = find( tsg.SSPS_QC <= probablyGoodCode );
+indTsg = find( tsg.([PARA '_QC']) <= probablyGoodCode );
-[m, n] = size(tsg.SSPS_SPL);
-% time difference between 2 successive TSG measurements
-% Not use anymore. Now use a constant tsg.cst.TSG_WS_TIMEDIFF in the test
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% dt = min(diff(tsg.DAYD));
+[m, n] = size(tsg.([PARA '_SPL']));
 % Loop on the samples 
 % -------------------
@@ -42,14 +37,14 @@ for i= 1 : m
     if  timeDiff(indMin) < tsg.cst.TSG_WS_TIMEDIFF && ...
-      tsg.SSPS_SPL_SMOOTH(i)  = tsg.ssps_smooth(indMin);
+      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH'])(i)  = tsg.ssps_smooth(indMin);
 % Salinity difference : Sample minus smoothed TSG
 % -----------------------------------------------
+tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF']) = tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) - tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH']);  
 % update the sample structures in the application
 % ------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Correction.m b/tsg_util/plot_Correction.m
index 919bd0426f32bb42697db30ffb54f5b2720c2afc..5b2763137cac8762d4355f90dafaa0b5da97edd3 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Correction.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Correction.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes )
+function plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA )
 % Reinitialise plot 1 and 3
@@ -18,30 +18,30 @@ VALUE_CHANGED = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'VALUE_CHANGED', 'code');
 % **************************** AXE 1 ***********************************
 % Plot the samples
 % ----------------
-if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_SPL )
+if ~isempty( tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) )
   % Plot bucket samples
   % -------------------
-  iWS = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE == 1 );
+  iWS = find( tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE']) == 1 );
   if ~isempty(iWS)
     plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD_SPL(iWS),...
-              tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(iWS), tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(iWS),...
-              'SSPS_SPL_1','','none','square',5);
+              tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(iWS), tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(iWS),...
+              [PARA '_SPL_1'],'','none','square',5);
   % Plot other (external) samples
   % -----------------------------
-  iEXT = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE > 1 );
+  iEXT = find( tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE']) > 1 );
   if ~isempty(iEXT)
     plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD_SPL(iEXT),...
-              tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF(iEXT), tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(iEXT),...
-              'SSPS_SPL_2','','none','o',5);
+              tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])(iEXT), tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(iEXT),...
+              [PARA '_SPL_2'],'','none','o',5);
 % Select the record with VALUE_CHANGED code
 % -----------------------------------------
+iVC = find( tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_QC']) == VALUE_CHANGED );
 % Select only records corrected but not calibrated.
 % Records corrected and calibrated have the same QC code.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ iVC = find( tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC == VALUE_CHANGED );
 % ------------------------------------------------------
 iERR = [];
 if iVC ~= 0
-  iERR = find( isnan( tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(iVC) ) == 0 );
+  iERR = find( isnan( tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'])(iVC) ) == 0 );
 % Plot the difference tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED-tsg.SSPS on axe 1
@@ -59,29 +59,29 @@ end
 if iERR ~= 0
   plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1,...
-            tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(iVC(iERR))-tsg.SSPS(iVC(iERR)),...
-            [], 'SSPS_ADJUSTED','b','none','.',1);
+            tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED'])(iVC(iERR))-tsg.(PARA)(iVC(iERR)),...
+            [], [PARA '_ADJUSTED'],'b','none','.',1);
 % **************************** AXE 2 ***********************************
 % Plot SSPS and SAMPLE, with code color, on axe 2
 % ------------------------------------------------
-plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSPS, tsg.SSPS_QC,...
-          'SSPS','','none','*',2);
+plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.(PARA), tsg.([PARA '_QC']),...
+          PARA,'','none','*',2);
-if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_SPL )
-  ind = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE == 1 );
+if ~isempty( tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) )
+  ind = find( tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE']) == 1 );
   if ~isempty(ind)
     plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD_SPL(ind),...
-              tsg.SSPS_SPL(ind), tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind),...
-              'SSPS_SPL_1','','none','square',5);
+              tsg.([PARA '_SPL'])(ind), tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(ind),...
+              [PARA '_SPL_1'],'','none','square',5);
-  ind = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE > 1 );
+  ind = find( tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE']) > 1 );
   if ~isempty(ind)
     plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD_SPL(ind),...
-              tsg.SSPS_SPL(ind), tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind),...
-              'SSPS_SPL_2','','none','o',5);
+              tsg.([PARA '_SPL'])(ind), tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(ind),...
+              [PARA '_SPL_2'],'','none','o',5);
@@ -89,21 +89,21 @@ end
 % Plot SSPS, with no code, on axe3
 % --------------------------------
-plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED, [],...
-            'SSPS_ADJUSTED','r','none','*',1);
+plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED']), [],...
+            [PARA '_ADJUSTED'],'r','none','*',1);
-plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSPS,...
-          [],'SSPS','k','none','*',1);
+plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.(PARA),...
+          [],PARA,'k','none','*',1);
 % Plot TSG_ADJUSTED + ERROR on axe 3
 % -----------------------------------
 if iERR ~= 0
   plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD(iVC(iERR)),...
-          tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(iVC(iERR)) + tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(iVC(iERR)),...
-          [], 'SSPS_ADJUSTED','g','none','*',1);
+          tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED'])(iVC(iERR)) + tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'])(iVC(iERR)),...
+          [], [PARA '_ADJUSTED'],'g','none','*',1);
   plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD(iVC(iERR)),...
-          tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(iVC(iERR)) - tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(iVC(iERR)),...
-          [], 'SSPS_ADJUSTED','g','none','*',1);
+          tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED'])(iVC(iERR)) - tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'])(iVC(iERR)),...
+          [], [PARA '_ADJUSTED'],'g','none','*',1);
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Interpolation.m b/tsg_util/plot_Interpolation.m
index ac44765e96ca247f596356b28cbbbb2df6dcbe10..65427155dd3c6f56c88a982be76c478c745e6554 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Interpolation.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Interpolation.m
@@ -38,7 +38,13 @@ switch nPlot
   case 2
     erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 2 );
-    if ~isempty(tsg.POSITION_QC)
+    if ~isempty( tsg.LATX )
+      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.LATX,[],...
+        'LATX','k','none','*',2);
+    end
+   if ~isempty(tsg.POSITION_QC)
       ind = find( tsg.POSITION_QC == INTERPOLATED_VALUE );
       if ~isempty( ind )
         plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD(ind), tsg.LATX(ind),[],...
@@ -46,17 +52,18 @@ switch nPlot
-    if ~isempty( tsg.LATX )
-      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.LATX,[],...
-        'LATX','k','none','*',2);
-    end
 %   set( hPlotAxes(2) ,'xlim', [tsg.DAYD(1) tsg.DAYD(end)] );
   % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   case 3
     erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 3 );
+    if ~isempty( tsg.LONX )
+      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.LONX,[],...
+        'LONX','k','none','*',2);
+    end
     if ~isempty(tsg.POSITION_QC)
       ind = find( tsg.POSITION_QC == INTERPOLATED_VALUE );
       if ~isempty( ind )
@@ -65,11 +72,6 @@ switch nPlot
-    if ~isempty( tsg.LONX )
-      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.LONX,[],...
-        'LONX','k','none','*',2);
-    end
 %   set( hPlotAxes(3) ,'xlim', [tsg.DAYD(1) tsg.DAYD(end)] );
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m b/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
index 2bf0fb016fa95afbd0892cdc7ea98dd9f425d675..1ec841395fcba747db0e8086db08199d6dab628c 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, nPlot )
+function plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, nPlot, PARA )
 % Get tsg application data
 % ------------------------
@@ -10,37 +10,37 @@ switch nPlot
   case 1
     erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 1 );
-    if ~isempty( tsg.ssps_smooth )
-      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD, tsg.ssps_smooth, [],...
-                'SSPS_SMOOTH','k','-','*',2);
-    end
+%     if ~isempty( tsg.ssps_smooth )
+%       plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD, tsg.ssps_smooth, [],...
+%                 'SSPS_SMOOTH','k','-','*',2);
+%     end
-    if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS )
-      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSPS, tsg.SSPS_QC,...
-                'SSPS','','none','*',2);
+    if ~isempty( tsg.(PARA) )
+      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD, tsg.(PARA), tsg.([PARA '_QC']),...
+                PARA,'','none','*',2);
     % Plot Salinity bucket
     % --------------------
-    if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_SPL )
-      ind = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE == 1 );
-      if ~isempty(ind)
-        plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD_SPL(ind), tsg.SSPS_SPL(ind),...
-                  tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind),'SSPS_SPL_1','','none','square',5);
-      end
-      ind = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE > 1 );
-      if ~isempty(ind)
-        plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD_SPL(ind), tsg.SSPS_SPL(ind),...
-                  tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind),'SSPS_SPL_2','','none','o',5);
-      end
-    end
+%     if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_SPL )
+%       ind = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE == 1 );
+%       if ~isempty(ind)
+%         plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD_SPL(ind), tsg.SSPS_SPL(ind),...
+%                   tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind),'SSPS_SPL_1','','none','square',5);
+%       end
+%       ind = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE > 1 );
+%       if ~isempty(ind)
+%         plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.DAYD_SPL(ind), tsg.SSPS_SPL(ind),...
+%                   tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind),'SSPS_SPL_2','','none','o',5);
+%       end
+%     end
   % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   case 2
     erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 2 );
     if ~isempty( tsg.SSJT )
-      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSJT,[],...
+      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSJT, tsg.SSJT_QC,...
diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m b/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m
index 70f11a12c1616078c6eaaa7977bce92ba5224466..0364bf9ec7a7fd9c6ca2227ce02b5d5a7a2e1910 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m
@@ -114,7 +114,9 @@ tsg.cst.TSG_DT_SMOOTH = datenum(0, 0, 0, 1, 0 , 0);
 % Salinity, in 1 hour interval, should not depart the average for more
 % than SAL_STD_MAX standard deviation
 % --------------------------------------------------------------------
-tsg.cst.TSG_STDMAX = 0.1;
+tsg.SSPS_STDMAX = 0.1;
+tsg.SSJT_STDMAX = 1.0;
+tsg.SSTP_STDMAX = 1.0;
 % Correction is estimated by computing the median value of X tsg-sample
 % differences
diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m b/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m
index 0b1068a18e5a33d488fcef1f16bccc734f4bca78..635be0e48b34358079bd54f090516b50248357c1 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [] = tsg_mergesample( hTsgGUI )
+function [] = tsg_mergesample( hTsgGUI, PARA )
 % function [] = tsg_mergesample( hTsgGUI )
@@ -16,72 +16,83 @@ function [] = tsg_mergesample( hTsgGUI )
 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 tsg  = getappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data');
+% There are only SSTP samples. The SSJT time series should
+% be compared to the SSTP samples. To simplfies the soft we use a
+% variable SSJT sample equla to the SSTP sample structure
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+if strcmp( PARA, 'SSJT' )
+  PARA     = 'SSTP';
 % Create a structure with an NaN
 % No other solution as I can't add a structure to an empty one
 % ------------------------------------------------------------
 sample = struct('DAYD',NaN ,        'LATX',NaN ,      'LONX',NaN , ...
-                'SSPS',NaN ,        'SSPS_QC',NaN ,   'SSPS_DIF',NaN ,...
-                'SSPS_SMOOTH',NaN , 'SSPS_TYPE', NaN, 'SSPS_INDICE', NaN);    
+                'PARM',NaN ,        'PARM_QC',NaN ,   'PARM_DIF',NaN ,...
+                'PARM_SMOOTH',NaN , 'PARM_TYPE', NaN, 'PARM_INDICE', NaN);    
 % Fill the structure sample with the bucket data.
+% WS exist only for SSPS 
 % This measurements are of TYPE 1
 % ------------------------------------------------
-if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_WS)
+if strcmp( PARA, 'SSPS') & ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_WS']))
   sample.DAYD        = [sample.DAYD;        tsg.DAYD_WS];
   sample.LATX        = [sample.LATX;        tsg.LATX_WS];
   sample.LONX        = [sample.LONX;        tsg.LONX_WS];
-  sample.SSPS        = [sample.SSPS;        tsg.SSPS_WS];
-  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_WS_QC)
-    sample.SSPS_QC   = [sample.SSPS_QC;     tsg.SSPS_WS_QC];
+  sample.PARM        = [sample.PARM;        tsg.([PARA '_WS']) ];
+  if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_WS_QC']))
+    sample.PARM_QC   = [sample.PARM_QC;     tsg.([PARA '_WS_QC']) ];
-    sample.SSPS_QC   = [sample.SSPS_QC;     ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
+    sample.PARM_QC   = [sample.PARM_QC;     ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
   % Fill the structure with NaN. NaN is tested in diffTsgSample
   % -----------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.SSPS_DIF    = [sample.SSPS_DIF;    NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
-  sample.SSPS_SMOOTH = [sample.SSPS_SMOOTH; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
+  sample.PARM_DIF    = [sample.PARM_DIF;    NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
+  sample.PARM_SMOOTH = [sample.PARM_SMOOTH; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
   % INDICE is used to put back the QC once the validation procedure has
   % been applied
   % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.SSPS_INDICE = [sample.SSPS_INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_WS)]'];
+  sample.PARM_INDICE = [sample.PARM_INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_WS)]'];
   % Used for the plots : WS are given a type 1
   % ------------------------------------------
-  sample.SSPS_TYPE   = [sample.SSPS_TYPE;   ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
+  sample.PARM_TYPE   = [sample.PARM_TYPE;   ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
 % Fill the structure sample with the external sample
 % This measurements are of TYPE EXT
 % --------------------------------------------------
-if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_EXT)
+if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_EXT']))
   sample.DAYD        = [sample.DAYD;        tsg.DAYD_EXT];
   sample.LATX        = [sample.LATX;        tsg.LATX_EXT];
   sample.LONX        = [sample.LONX;        tsg.LONX_EXT];
-  sample.SSPS        = [sample.SSPS;        tsg.SSPS_EXT];
-  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_EXT_QC)
-    sample.SSPS_QC   = [sample.SSPS_QC;     tsg.SSPS_EXT_QC];
+  sample.PARM        = [sample.PARM;        tsg.([PARA '_EXT'])];
+  if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_EXT_QC']))
+    sample.PARM_QC   = [sample.PARM_QC;     tsg.([PARA '_EXT_QC'])];
-    sample.SSPS_QC   = [sample.SSPS_QC;     ones(size(sample.DAYD_EXT))];
+    sample.PARM_QC   = [sample.PARM_QC;     ones(size(sample.DAYD_EXT))];
   % Fill the following structures with NaN. NaN is test in diffTsgSample
   % --------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.SSPS_DIF    = [sample.SSPS_DIF;    NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
-  sample.SSPS_SMOOTH = [sample.SSPS_SMOOTH; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
+  sample.PARM_DIF    = [sample.PARM_DIF;    NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
+  sample.PARM_SMOOTH = [sample.PARM_SMOOTH; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
   % Used for the plots : EXT sample are given a type 2
   % --------------------------------------------------
-  sample.SSPS_TYPE   = [sample.SSPS_TYPE;   2*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
+  sample.PARM_TYPE   = [sample.PARM_TYPE;   2*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
   % INDICE is used to put back the QC once the validation procedure has
   % been applied
   % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.SSPS_INDICE = [sample.SSPS_INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_EXT)]'];
+  sample.PARM_INDICE = [sample.PARM_INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_EXT)]'];
@@ -91,12 +102,12 @@ if isnan(sample.DAYD(1))
   sample.DAYD(1)        = [];
   sample.LATX(1)        = [];
   sample.LONX(1)        = [];
-  sample.SSPS(1)        = [];
-  sample.SSPS_QC(1)     = [];
-  sample.SSPS_DIF(1)    = [];
-  sample.SSPS_SMOOTH(1) = [];
-  sample.SSPS_TYPE(1)   = [];
-  sample.SSPS_INDICE(1) = [];
+  sample.PARM(1)        = [];
+  sample.PARM_QC(1)     = [];
+  sample.PARM_DIF(1)    = [];
+  sample.PARM_SMOOTH(1) = [];
+  sample.PARM_TYPE(1)   = [];
+  sample.PARM_INDICE(1) = [];
 % Sort the struct sample - increasing time.
@@ -105,27 +116,40 @@ if ~isempty(sample)
   [sample.DAYD, iOrder] = sort(sample.DAYD);
   sample.LATX           = sample.LATX(iOrder);
   sample.LONX           = sample.LONX(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS           = sample.SSPS(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS_QC        = sample.SSPS_QC(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS_DIF       = sample.SSPS_DIF(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS_SMOOTH    = sample.SSPS_SMOOTH(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS_TYPE      = sample.SSPS_TYPE(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS_INDICE    = sample.SSPS_INDICE(iOrder);
+  sample.PARM           = sample.PARM(iOrder);
+  sample.PARM_QC        = sample.PARM_QC(iOrder);
+  sample.PARM_DIF       = sample.PARM_DIF(iOrder);
+  sample.PARM_SMOOTH    = sample.PARM_SMOOTH(iOrder);
+  sample.PARM_TYPE      = sample.PARM_TYPE(iOrder);
+  sample.PARM_INDICE    = sample.PARM_INDICE(iOrder);
   % put the structure sample in the tsg structure
   % ---------------------------------------------
-  tsg.DAYD_SPL           = sample.DAYD;
-  tsg.LATX_SPL           = sample.LATX;
-  tsg.LONX_SPL           = sample.LONX;
-  tsg.SSPS_SPL           = sample.SSPS;
-  tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC        = sample.SSPS_QC;
-  tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF       = sample.SSPS_DIF;
-  tsg.SSPS_SPL_SMOOTH    = sample.SSPS_SMOOTH;
-  tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE      = sample.SSPS_TYPE;
-  tsg.SSPS_SPL_INDICE    = sample.SSPS_INDICE;
+  tsg.DAYD_SPL                  = sample.DAYD;
+  tsg.LATX_SPL                  = sample.LATX;
+  tsg.LONX_SPL                  = sample.LONX;
+  tsg.([PARA '_SPL'])           = sample.PARM;
+  tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])        = sample.PARM_QC;
+  tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])       = sample.PARM_DIF;
+  tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH'])    = sample.PARM_SMOOTH;
+  tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE'])      = sample.PARM_TYPE;
+  tsg.([PARA '_SPL_INDICE'])    = sample.PARM_INDICE;
+% There are only SSTP samples. The SSJT time series should
+% be compared to the SSTP samples. To simplfies the soft we use a
+% variable SSJT sample equla to the SSTP sample structure
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+if strcmp( PARA_OLD, 'SSJT' )
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL         = tsg.SSTP_SPL;
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL_QC      = tsg.SSTP_SPL_QC;
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL_DIF     = tsg.SSTP_SPL_DIF;
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL_TYPE    = tsg.SSTP_SPL_TYPE;
 % Update application data
 % -----------------------
 setappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data', tsg );
diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_moveaverage.m b/tsg_util/tsg_moveaverage.m
index c97986d207e5735f48b94a6082d4c2a0a2eb0ad3..fd6b58489d3b6465bebe199c5b6c0ad53ceeed7c 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_moveaverage.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_moveaverage.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [] = tsg_moveaverage(hTsgGUI)
+function [] = tsg_moveaverage(hTsgGUI, PARA)
 % Perform a moving average of a time series.
 % The average is made over a period equal to 'tsg.cst.TSG_DT_SMOOTH'
 % Data exceeding the average over that period by 'tsg.cst.TSG_STDMAX'
@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ tsg = getappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data');
 % Memory allocation
 % -----------------
-smooth = zeros( size(tsg.SSPS) );
-nval   = zeros( size(tsg.SSPS) );
+smooth = zeros( size(tsg.(PARA)) );
+nval   = zeros( size(tsg.(PARA)) );
 % Loop over the tsg.SSPS time series
 % -----------------------------------
-for i = 1:length(tsg.SSPS)
+h = waitbar(0,'Please wait. Compute a smooth time series ....');
+iEnd = length(tsg.(PARA));
+for i = 1:iEnd
+  waitbar(i/iEnd);
   % Select the param data over 'tsg.cst.TSG_DT_SMOOTH' time interval
   % ind1 : indices of tsg.SSPS in the 'tsg.cst.TSG_DT_SMOOTH' time interval
@@ -39,22 +43,22 @@ for i = 1:length(tsg.SSPS)
     % Compare Standard Deviation to the MAX acceptable STD
     % ----------------------------------------------------
-    while currentStd > tsg.cst.TSG_STDMAX && currentStd ~= previousStd
+    while currentStd > tsg.([PARA '_STDMAX']) && currentStd ~= previousStd
       previousStd = currentStd;
       % Standard deviation and average over timeInterval
       % ------------------------------------------------
-			currentStd = nanstd(  tsg.SSPS(ind2) );
-      meanParam  = nanmean( tsg.SSPS(ind2) );
+			currentStd = nanstd(  tsg.(PARA)(ind2) );
+      meanParam  = nanmean( tsg.(PARA)(ind2) );
 			% Indices of 'good' values of Param
       % ---------------------------------
-      ind2 = ind1( tsg.SSPS(ind1) >= meanParam - currentStd & ...
-                   tsg.SSPS(ind1) <= meanParam + currentStd );
+      ind2 = ind1( tsg.(PARA)(ind1) >= meanParam - currentStd & ...
+                   tsg.(PARA)(ind1) <= meanParam + currentStd );
-    smooth(i) = nanmean( tsg.SSPS(ind2) );
+    smooth(i) = nanmean( tsg.(PARA)(ind2) );
     smooth(i) = NaN;
@@ -62,7 +66,10 @@ for i = 1:length(tsg.SSPS)
   nval( i ) = length( ind2 );
+% Transfer the smooth timeseries to the TSG structure
+% ---------------------------------------------------
 tsg.ssps_smooth      = smooth;
 tsg.ssps_smooth_nval = nval;
diff --git a/tsg_util/updateSampleQC.m b/tsg_util/updateSampleQC.m
index 01cb57761d3c8866a77088a99623690393e8afdc..05deb7e0af54df6f0385b3c8df7d30c458d6bb1c 100644
--- a/tsg_util/updateSampleQC.m
+++ b/tsg_util/updateSampleQC.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function updateSampleQC( hTsgGUI )          
+function updateSampleQC( hTsgGUI, PARA )          
 % Update the QC code for WS and EXT samples
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ tsg = getappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data');
 % Update WS QC
 % ------------
-indWS = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE == 1 );
+indWS = find( tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE']) == 1 );
 if ~isempty(indWS)
-  tsg.SSPS_WS_QC = tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(indWS);
+  tsg.([PARA '_WS_QC']) = tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(indWS);
 % Update EXT QC
 % -------------
-indEXT = find( tsg.SSPS_SPL_TYPE == 2 );
+indEXT = find( tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE']) == 2 );
 if ~isempty(indEXT)
-  tsg.SSPS_EXT_QC = tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(indEXT);
+  tsg.([PARA '_EXT_QC']) = tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(indEXT);
 % update the tsg structure in the application
diff --git a/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m b/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m
index 43565e6274008464e3782c2260ff5e5164860212..bfd7c1f297423e901aea703df4a94514ff2f23ae 100644
--- a/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m
+++ b/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ function updateTsgStruct(hMainFig)
 % -------------------------------------
 tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-nPARA = 3;
-PARA  = ['SSPS'; 'SSJT'; 'SSPS'];
+nPARA = 2;
+PARA  = ['SSPS'; 'SSJT'];
 % get min and max values for position and set to globals attributes
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tsgqc_GUI.m b/tsgqc_GUI.m
index 064e67e96c6e958768bb9bd8ac11faa36394bc8c..1d0860bf2f11fdd9eb3cd4a4df78c29a23de0b43 100644
--- a/tsgqc_GUI.m
+++ b/tsgqc_GUI.m
@@ -910,9 +910,6 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
 % -------------------------------------------------------
 if strcmp(tsg.preference.autoload, 'on')
-  % this code need to be fatorized file/open menu
-  % ---------------------------------------------
   % A TSG file has been open and read
   % ---------------------------------
   set( hOpenMenu, 'UserData', 'on' );
@@ -939,24 +936,28 @@ if strcmp(tsg.preference.autoload, 'on')
   % -----------------------------------
   updateTsgStruct( hMainFig );
-  % Running average of TSG time series
-  % ----------------------------------
-  tsg_moveaverage(hMainFig);
   % Get application data for the test
   % ---------------------------------
   tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-  if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_WS ) || ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_EXT )
-    tsg_mergesample( hMainFig );
-  end
+  % Get the default parameter
+  % -------------------------
+  PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+  % Running average of TSG time series
+  % ----------------------------------
+  tsg_moveaverage( hMainFig, PARA );
+  % Merge sample from different origins : WS and EXT
+  % ------------------------------------------------
+  tsg_mergesample( hMainFig, PARA );
   % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure 
   % -----------------------------------------
   resetAxes( hMainFig, hPlotAxes );
-  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1 );
-  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2 );
-  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3 );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
   % Draw the map with the ship track
   % --------------------------------
@@ -1026,8 +1027,8 @@ end
       % Read the data
       % -------------
-      errTsg = -1;
-      errSpl = -1;
+      errTsg = -2;
+      errSpl = -2;
       switch filterIndex
         case 1                      % read  TSG text file *.txt
@@ -1069,7 +1070,13 @@ end
       end    % switch filterIndex
+      % Get the tsg structure
+      % ---------------------
       tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+      % Default parameter
+      % -----------------
+      PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
       % A TSG file has been read
       % ------------------------
@@ -1102,7 +1109,7 @@ end
         % Running average of TSG time series
         % ----------------------------------
-        tsg_moveaverage(hMainFig);
+        tsg_moveaverage(hMainFig, PARA);
         % The callback to detect the mouse motion can be set to on
         % --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1112,12 +1119,12 @@ end
         % --------------------
         display_QC( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
-      else
+      elseif errTsg > -2
         % Problem to read the file or
         % Choice of parameters for Labview file canceled by the user
         % TSG structure has been reinitialize       
-        % Disable toolbar menu pushtool
+        % Disable toolbar menu pushtool except the open file button
         % ----------------------------------------------------------
         hdl_pushtool = findobj('-regexp','Tag', 'PUSHTOOL_');
         set(hdl_pushtool, 'Enable', 'off');
@@ -1125,27 +1132,19 @@ end
         set( hOpenPushtool, 'Enable', 'on' );
       end    %if errTsg > 0
-      % A Sample file has been read
-      % ---------------------------
-      if errSpl > 0
-        % Merge bucket and external samples
-        % ---------------------------------
-        if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_WS ) || ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_EXT )
-          tsg_mergesample( hMainFig );
-        end
-      end
+      % Merge sample from different origins : WS and EXT
+      % ------------------------------------------------
+      tsg_mergesample( hMainFig, PARA );
     end    % if ~isequal(fileName, 0)
     % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure 
     % -----------------------------------------
     resetAxes( hMainFig, hPlotAxes )
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1 );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2 );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3 );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
     % Pointer reset to arrow
     % ----------------------
@@ -1168,13 +1167,13 @@ end
     % Toggle button
     % -------------
-    set( hBottleToggletool,    'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off' );
-    set( hCalToggletool,       'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off'  );
-    set( hClimToggletool,      'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off'  );
-    set( hPanToggletool,       'state', 'off', 'enable', 'on'  );
-    set( hQCToggletool,        'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off'  );
+    set( hBottleToggletool,    'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off');
+    set( hCalToggletool,       'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off');
+    set( hClimToggletool,      'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off');
+    set( hPanToggletool,       'state', 'off', 'enable', 'on' );
+    set( hQCToggletool,        'state', 'off', 'enable', 'off');
     set( hTimelimitToggletool, 'state', 'off', 'enable', 'on' );
-    set( hZoomToggletool,      'state', 'off', 'enable', 'on'  );
+    set( hZoomToggletool,      'state', 'off', 'enable', 'on' );
     set( hHeaderPushtool,      'enable', 'off' );
@@ -1211,11 +1210,15 @@ end
     set( hHeaderPushtool,      'enable', 'on' );
+    % Get tsg structure
+    % -----------------
+    tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data' );
     % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure 
     % -----------------------------------------
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1 );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2 );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3 );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
     % Set the pointer
     % ---------------
@@ -1384,9 +1387,9 @@ end
     % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure 
     % -----------------------------------------
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1 );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2 );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3 );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
@@ -1587,6 +1590,8 @@ end
   function QC_OnMenuCallback(gcbo, eventdata)
+   PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % Desactivate toggletools.
     % ------------------------
     set( hZoomToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
@@ -1647,8 +1652,10 @@ end
           % get index on selected zone
           % --------------------------
-          ind = find(tsg.DAYD_SPL     > p1(1,1) & tsg.DAYD_SPL     < p2(1,1) & ...
-                     tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF > p1(1,2) & tsg.SSPS_SPL_DIF < p2(1,2));
+          ind = find(tsg.DAYD_SPL            > p1(1,1) &...
+                     tsg.DAYD_SPL            < p2(1,1) & ...
+                     tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF']) > p1(1,2) &...
+                     tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF']) < p2(1,2));
           % Keep the information on the indices of the selected zone
           % --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1656,7 +1663,7 @@ end
           % Modifiy the QC
           % --------------
-          tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(ind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
+          tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(ind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
           % Save the modifications
           % ----------------------
@@ -1664,18 +1671,18 @@ end
           % Update sample QC in the _WS and _EXT records
           % --------------------------------------------
-          updateSampleQC( hMainFig );
+          updateSampleQC( hMainFig, PARA );
           % plot selected data with selected code
           % --------------------------------------
-          plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+          plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA);
           % get index on selected zone
           % ---------------------------
-          ind = find(tsg.DAYD > p1(1,1) & tsg.DAYD < p2(1,1) & ...
-                     tsg.SSPS > p1(1,2) & tsg.SSPS < p2(1,2));
+          ind = find(tsg.DAYD   > p1(1,1) & tsg.DAYD   < p2(1,1) & ...
+                     tsg.(PARA) > p1(1,2) & tsg.(PARA) < p2(1,2));
           % Keep the information on the indices of the selected zone
           % --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1683,15 +1690,15 @@ end
           % Modifiy the QC
           % --------------
-          tsg.SSPS_QC(ind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
+          tsg.([PARA '_QC'])(ind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
           % put last SSPS_QC in queue (Undo/Redo)
           % -------------------------------------
-          tsg.queue = push( tsg.queue, tsg.SSPS_QC);
+          tsg.queue = push( tsg.queue, tsg.([PARA '_QC']));
           % store QC in queue object, for undo
           % ----------------------------------
-          tsg.queue = push(tsg.queue, tsg.SSPS_QC);
+          tsg.queue = push(tsg.queue, tsg.([PARA '_QC']));
           % Save the modifications
           % ----------------------
@@ -1699,7 +1706,7 @@ end
           % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure 
           % ------------------------------------
-          plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1 );
+          plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA );
           % refresh QC statistic panel
           % --------------------------
@@ -1759,6 +1766,10 @@ end
     % Retrieve Default Quality Code and Color
     % ---------------------------------------
     tsg    = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+    % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT or SSTP)
+    % --------------------------------------
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % get key and some values in hashtable
     % ------------------------------------
@@ -1776,7 +1787,7 @@ end
       if strcmp( get(hBottleToggletool, 'state'), 'on')
-        tsg.SSPS_SPL_QC(tsg.rbboxind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
+        tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])(tsg.rbboxind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
         % Save tsg.SSPS_QC and tsg.qc.active.Code 
         % in the application data
@@ -1785,10 +1796,10 @@ end
         % Draw the 3 plots of the Correction figure
         % -----------------------------------------
-        plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes );
+        plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA );
-        tsg.SSPS_QC(tsg.rbboxind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
+        tsg.([PARA '_QC'])(tsg.rbboxind) = tsg.qc.active.Code;
         % Save tsg.SSPS_QC in the application data
         % ----------------------------------------
@@ -1796,7 +1807,7 @@ end
         % Draw plot 1 of the validation figure
         % ------------------------------------
-        plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1 );
+        plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA );
@@ -1975,16 +1986,6 @@ end
   function Map_OffMenuCallback(hObject, eventdata)
-    %if ~isempty( get(hMapPanel, 'UserData'))
-    %  delete(get(hMapPanel, 'UserData'));
-    %end
-    %hLines = findobj( hPlotAxes(4), 'Tag', 'TAG_AXES_MAP');
-    %hLines = get( hPlotAxes(4), 'Children' );
-    %if ~isempty( hLines )
-    %  delete(hLines);
-    %end
    % Make the earth map invisible
     % ----------------------------
     set(hMapPanel, 'Visible', 'off' ); 
@@ -2024,6 +2025,10 @@ end
     % ---------------------
     tsg = getappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+    % Get the parameter we are working on (SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
+    % ------------------------------------------------------
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % Switch somme buttons
     % --------------------
     set( hZoomToggletool,       'state',  'off' );
@@ -2042,15 +2047,19 @@ end
     % Test if tsg and sample data have been loaded
     % --------------------------------------------
-    if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_SPL )
+    if ~isempty( tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) )
+%       % Running average of TSG time series
+%       % ----------------------------------
+%       tsg_moveaverage(hMainFig, PARA);
       % Compute the sample-TSG differences
       % ----------------------------------
-      diffTsgSample( hMainFig );
+      diffTsgSample( hMainFig, PARA );
       % Plot in the 3 axes
       % ------------------
-      plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes );
+      plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA );
       % Get the information on time limits of the time series
       % Write them in the uipanel
@@ -2095,16 +2104,24 @@ end
     % Desactivate Click Mouse on figure
     % ---------------------------------
     set( hMainFig, 'WindowButtonDownFcn', []);
+    % Get tsg structure
+    % -----------------
+    tsg  = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data' );
+    % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
+    % ------------------------------------
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % Drawing only necessary if the Correction moduel has been activated
     % ------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS_SPL )
+    if ~isempty( tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) )
       % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure
       % -----------------------------------------
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1 );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2 );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3 );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1,  PARA );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
     % Set the pointer
@@ -2116,37 +2133,40 @@ end
 %% CorCancelCallback .................................... Correction Module
   function CorCancelCallback(hObject, eventdata)
     % Callback function run when ...
     % Desactivate somme Toggle button
     % -------------------------------
     set( hZoomToggletool,       'state', 'off' );
     set( hPanToggletool,        'state', 'off' );
     set( hQCToggletool,         'state', 'off' );
     set( hTimelimitToggletool,  'state', 'off' );
     % Get tsg application data
     % ------------------------
     tsg = getappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+    % Get parameter we are working on (SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
+    % --------------------------------------------------
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % To cancel the correction set the ERROR to NaN then
     % call updateAdjustedVariable.
     % --------------------------------------------------
-    tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR = NaN * ones( size(tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR));
+    tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_ERROR']) = ...
+            NaN * ones( size(tsg.([PARA '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'])));
-        % Save tsg data
-        % -------------
-        setappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+    % Save tsg data
+    % -------------
+    setappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
-        % Set the ADJUSTED variable either to the raw variable or to
-        % the calibrated variable
-        % ----------------------------------------------------------
-        updateAdjustedVariable( hMainFig );
+    % Set the ADJUSTED variable either to the raw variable or to
+    % the calibrated variable
+    % ----------------------------------------------------------
+    updateAdjustedVariable( hMainFig );
-        % Plot in the 3 axes
-        % ------------------
-        plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes );
-%       end
-%     end
+    % Plot in the 3 axes
+    % ------------------
+    plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA );
@@ -2162,17 +2182,22 @@ end
     set( hTimelimitToggletool,  'state', 'off' );
     % Get the time limits for the correction A TESTER
-    % --------------------------------------
+    % -----------------------------------------------
     dateMin = datenum(get( hetDateMin, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
     dateMax = datenum(get( hetDateMax, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
+    % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT, or SSTP)
+    % ---------------------------------------
+    tsg  = getappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % Compute the sample-TSG differences
     % ----------------------------------
-    diffTsgSample( hMainFig );
+    diffTsgSample( hMainFig, PARA );
     % Correction
     % ----------
-    error = corTsgLinear(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax);
+    error = corTsgLinear(hMainFig, PARA, dateMin, dateMax);
     switch error
@@ -2180,7 +2205,7 @@ end
         % Plot in the 3 axes
         % ------------------
-        plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes );
+        plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA );
       case -1
         msgbox( 'Date limits are not correct',...
@@ -2204,14 +2229,19 @@ end
     % --------------------------------------
     dateMin = datenum(get( hetDateMin, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
     dateMax = datenum(get( hetDateMax, 'String'), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
+    % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT, or SSTP)
+    % ---------------------------------------
+    tsg  = getappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % Compute the sample-TSG differences
     % ----------------------------------
-    diffTsgSample( hMainFig );
+    diffTsgSample( hMainFig, PARA );
     % Correction
     % ----------
-    error = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, dateMin, dateMax);
+    error = corTsgMedian(hMainFig, PARA, dateMin, dateMax);
     switch error
@@ -2219,7 +2249,7 @@ end
         % Plot in the 3 axes
         % ------------------
-        plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes );
+        plot_Correction( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, PARA );
       case -1
         msgbox( 'Date limits are not correct',...