From 77102c214353263a37e9c7e36d32f9c69da28b05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jacques Grelet <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:35:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?correction=20d'un=20bug=20sur=20la=20prise=20en?=
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 tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m        | 48 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 tsg_util/plot_Validation.m |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m b/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m
index 9156ece..c781562 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Tsg.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 function plot_Tsg( hTsgGUI, hAxes, PlotNum, X, Y, QC, para, colVal, ...
-                   lineType, markType, markSize )
+  lineType, markType, markSize )
 % Function to plot TSG parameters
 % The program can plot parameter of style SSPS or SSPS_ADJUSTED
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function plot_Tsg( hTsgGUI, hAxes, PlotNum, X, Y, QC, para, colVal, ...
 % QC ............. QC array - If empty plot using  Color specification
 % para
 % colVal ..........[]       - Draw Para taking into account color QC code
-%                  'k''b'... - Draw Para using Color code 
+%                  'k''b'... - Draw Para using Color code
 % lineType ....... Matlab type : 'none', '-', '--', ':', '-.'
 % markType ....... Matlab type
 % markSize ....... Integer
@@ -32,55 +32,55 @@ if ~isempty( X ) && ~isempty( Y )
   % get axes
   % --------
   axes( hAxes(PlotNum) );
   % Plot using QC
   % -------------
   if ~isempty(QC)
     % get list of keys from hashtable tsg.qc.hash, defined inside
     % tsg_initialisation.m
     % -----------------------------------------------------------
     qc_list = keys(tsg.qc.hash);
     % Plot Sample/TSG differences on axe 2
     % iterate (loop) on each key store inside hastable
     % ------------------------------------------------
     for key = qc_list
       % get key and some values in hashtable
       % ------------------------------------
-        qcState = tsg.qc.hash.(key).state;
-        qcCode = tsg.qc.hash.(key).code;
-        qcColor = tsg.qc.hash.(key).color;
-%       qcState = get(tsg.qc.hash, key, 'state');
-%       qcCode  = get(tsg.qc.hash, key, 'code');
-%       qcState = get(tsg.qc.hash, key, 'color');
+      qcState = tsg.qc.hash.(key).state;
+      qcCode = tsg.qc.hash.(key).code;
+      qcColor = tsg.qc.hash.(key).color;
+      %       qcState = get(tsg.qc.hash, key, 'state');
+      %       qcCode  = get(tsg.qc.hash, key, 'code');
+      %       qcState = get(tsg.qc.hash, key, 'color');
       % plot tsg salinity sample with right code/color
       % ----------------------------------------------
       ind = find( QC == qcCode );
       if ~isempty( ind )
         line( X(ind), Y(ind), ...
           'Tag', ['TAG_PLOT' num2str(PlotNum) '_LINE_' para '_' char(key)],...
           'LineStyle', lineType, ...
           'Marker', markType, 'MarkerSize', markSize, 'Color', qcColor);
     line( X, Y, 'Tag', ['TAG_PLOT' num2str(PlotNum) '_LINE_' para], ...
-                'LineStyle', lineType, ...
-                'Marker', markType, 'MarkerSize', markSize, 'Color', colVal);
+      'LineStyle', lineType, ...
+      'Marker', markType, 'MarkerSize', markSize, 'Color', colVal);
-%   hold off;
+% Write some 'Y' label
+% ------------------
+set(get(hAxes(PlotNum), 'Ylabel'), 'Interpreter', 'none', 'String', para);
-  % Write some 'Y' label
-  % ------------------
-  set(get(hAxes(PlotNum), 'Ylabel'), 'Interpreter', 'none', 'String', para);
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m b/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
index d257675..224e827 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ switch nPlot
   % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   case 3
     erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 3 );
-    if ~isempty( tsg.(PARA) )
+%    if ~isempty( tsg.(PARA) )
       plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.(PARA),[],...
                 PARA, 'k', lineType, '*', 2);
-    end
+ %   end
 axesCommonProp( hPlotAxes );