From 6c4bd96856339852c01aa758936e34078f8b69f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jacques Grelet <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 13:05:28 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add new .ini file format 1.30 and correct use of TSG
 installation date and S/N, same with TINT

 tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m | 146 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 126 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m b/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m
index c4670d4..dbd1111 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m
@@ -49,13 +49,14 @@ while ~feof(fid)
     context = match{1}{1};
+  % build tsg struct from global attributes
   % check if we are is the right paragraph context
   % ----------------------------------------------
   if strcmp(context, 'GLOBAL') || strcmp(context, 'GENERAL') || ...
-     strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TSG) || strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TINT)
+      strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TSG) || strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TINT)
-    % Iterate from each element from object nca and additional variables
-    % ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    % Iterate from each element from global attributes (nca object)
+    % --------------------------------------------------------------
     for ii = nca_keys
       % get key, use char because i is cell
@@ -70,14 +71,15 @@ while ~feof(fid)
       regex = strcat('^\s*', clef, '\s*=\s*["]*(.+?)["]*$');
       match = regexp( str, regex, 'tokens');
       % build tsg struct
       % ----------------
       if ~isempty(match)
-        %if isnan(str2double(match{1}{1}))
         tsg.(clef) = match{1}{1};
-        %else
-        %  tsg.(clef) = sprintf('%f',str2double(match{1}{1}));
-        %end
+        % for debbuging only
+        % ------------------
+        fprintf('%s -> %s\n', clef, tsg.(clef));
@@ -85,9 +87,105 @@ while ~feof(fid)
+  % get TSG installation date and S/N
+  % ---------------------------------
+  if strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TSG) || strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TINT) || ...
+      strcmp(context, 'SENSORS')
+    % Iterate from each element from object nca attributes
+    % ----------------------------------------------------
+    for ii = nca_keys
+      % get key, use char because i is cell
+      % -----------------------------------
+      clef = char(ii);
+      % construct regex with pair cle=value
+      % and extract value
+      % use quantifier none greedy (.*?)
+      % remove double quote from expression : ["]*
+      % ---------------------------------------------------
+      if ~isempty(strfind(clef, 'DATE_'))
+        regex = strcat('^\s*(', tsg.TYPE_TSG, '.|', tsg.TYPE_TINT, ...
+          '.)?(', clef, ')?\s*=\s*["]*(.*?)["]*$');
+        match = regexp( str, regex, 'tokens');
+      elseif ~isempty(strfind(clef, 'NUMBER_'))
+        regex = strcat('^\s*(', tsg.TYPE_TSG, '.|', tsg.TYPE_TINT, ...
+          '.)?', clef, '\s*=\s*["]*(.*?)["]*$');
+        match = regexp( str, regex, 'tokens');
+      else
+        match = [];
+      end
+      % build tsg struct
+      % ----------------
+      if ~isempty(match)
+        switch size(match{1},2)
+          % in case of calibration coefficients, have key/value pair
+          % --------------------------------------------------------
+          case 3
+            % get key
+            % --------
+            k = match{1}{2};
+            % get value
+            % ---------
+            v = match{1}{3};
+            % convert date in yyyymmddHHMMSS convention
+            % in next version use ISO8660 format yyyyddmmTHHMMSSZ
+            % -------------------------------------------------------------
+            if ~isempty(strfind(k, 'DATE_'))
+              v = datestr(datenum(v, 'dd/mm/yyyy'), 'yyyymmddHHMMSS');
+            else
+              % in case where comma is decimal separator, replace it
+              % with by dot
+              % ----------------------------------------------------
+              v = str2double(regexprep(v, ',', '.'));
+            end
+            % add value to coefficients array
+            % -------------------------------
+            tsg.(clef) = v;
+            % for debbuging only
+            % ------------------
+            fprintf('%s => %s\n', clef, tsg.(clef));
+          case 2
+            % add value to variable array
+            % in case where comma is decimal separator, replace it
+            % with by dot
+            % ----------------------------------------------------
+            tsg.(clef) = str2double(regexprep(match{1}{2}, ',', '.'));
+            % for debbuging only
+            % ------------------
+            fprintf('%s => %f\n', clef, tsg.(clef));
+        end
+        % quit for loop
+        % -------------
+        continue
+      end
+    end % end of match
+  end
   % check if we are is the right paragraph context
-  % ----------------------------------------------
-  if strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TSG) || strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TINT)
+  % since SODA V1.30, all sensors information are in SENSORS group
+  % --------------------------------------------------------------
+  if strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TSG) || strcmp(context, tsg.TYPE_TINT) || ...
+      strcmp(context, 'SENSORS')
     % Iterate from each element from object nca and additional variables
     % ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -101,13 +199,21 @@ while ~feof(fid)
       % simple variables are : SSPS_DEPH=8.00000000E+0
       % coeff variables are  : SSJT_CALCOEF_G=4,23058298E-3 or
       %                        CNDC_LINCOEF_OFFSET=0.00000000E+0
+      % SODA 1.30
+      % [SENSORS]
+      % SBE21.DATE_TSG = "14/06/2010"
+      % SBE21.NUMBER_TSG = "2653"
+      % SBE38.DATE_TINT = "01/10/2007"
+      % SBE38.NUMBER_TINT = "2552"
+      % SBE38.SSTP_CALCOEF_G = "4.1100000000E-3"
       % ------------------------------------
       if ~isempty(strfind(clef, 'COEF'))
-        regex = strcat('^\s*', clef, '_(\w+)?\s*=\s*["]*(.*?)["]*$');
+        regex = strcat('^\s*(', tsg.TYPE_TSG, '.|', tsg.TYPE_TINT, ...
+          '.)?', clef, '_(\w+)?\s*=\s*["]*(.*?)["]*$');
         match = regexp( str, regex, 'tokens');
       elseif ~isempty(strfind(clef, 'DEPH'))
-        regex = strcat('^\s*', clef, '\s*=\s*["]*(.*?)["]*$');
-        %regex = strcat('^\s*\w*_DEPH_?\w*\s*=\s*(\w.+)$');
+        regex = strcat('^\s*(', tsg.TYPE_TSG, '.|', tsg.TYPE_TINT, ...
+          '.)?', clef, '\s*=\s*["]*(.*?)["]*$');
         match = regexp( str, regex, 'tokens');
         match = [];
@@ -123,20 +229,20 @@ while ~feof(fid)
           % in case of calibration coefficients, have key/value pair
           % --------------------------------------------------------
-          case 2
+          case 3
             % get key
             % --------
-            k = match{1}{1};
+            k = match{1}{2};
             % get value
             % ---------
-            v = match{1}{2};
+            v = match{1}{3};
             % convert date in julian day when key is 'DATE', else to double
             % -------------------------------------------------------------
-            if strcmpi(k, 'DATE')
-              v = datenumToJulian(datenum(v, 'dd/mm/yyyy'));
+            if strcmpi(k, 'DATE') 
+              v = datenumToJulian(datenum(v, 'dd/mm/yyyy'));              
               % in case where comma is decimal separator, replace it
@@ -157,17 +263,17 @@ while ~feof(fid)
             % ------------------
             fprintf('%s: %s -> %f\n', clef, k, v);
-          case 1
+          case 2
             % add value to variable array
             % in case where comma is decimal separator, replace it
             % with by dot
             % ----------------------------------------------------
-            tsg.(clef) = str2double(regexprep(match{1}{1}, ',', '.'));
+            tsg.(clef) = str2double(regexprep(match{1}{2}, ',', '.'));
             % for debbuging only
             % ------------------
-            % fprintf('%s: %f\n', clef, tsg.(clef));
+            fprintf('%s: %f\n', clef, tsg.(clef));
         % quit for loop