diff --git a/TSGQC_amelioration.xls b/TSGQC_amelioration.xls
index d22eaac479daede8bd30552cb33c3ba44eca6518..52efdd34fd0a3391dcc6a098da9ad192b95a1b91 100644
Binary files a/TSGQC_amelioration.xls and b/TSGQC_amelioration.xls differ
diff --git a/tsg_io/concatStructTSG.m b/tsg_io/concatStructTSG.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a92c157780f8f2d06a013c97219a57388ecdf15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_io/concatStructTSG.m
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+function concatStructTSG( hMainFig, tsg_old )
+% Concatenate some elements of a TSG structure. Mainly :
+% - TSG data members (DAYD, DATE, LATX, LONX, SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
+% - Discrete data (_EXT) members (DAYD, DATE, LATX, LONX, SSPS, SSTP) 
+% Right now, the function do not concatenate :
+% - Calibration coefficent
+% - '_HIST'
+% - preference
+% If the concatenanted TSG structures have identical dates, the double
+% are supressed.
+% This function is called by read_data.m
+% The function calls :
+% concatNumTsg    - At the end of this file
+% concatInt8Tsg   - At the end of this file
+% supTsgDouble    - At the end of this file
+% supTsgExtDouble - At the end of this file
+% Input
+% hMainFig .... Handle to the main application
+% tsg_old ..... TSG struct array, the first loaded in tsgqc. The data will
+%               be concatenated in this variable
+% The tsg structure array to concatenate has been initialised in
+% read_data and saved in the application data variable 'tsg_data'.
+% $Id$
+% Retrieve the new tsg struct that we want to concatenate 
+% -------------------------------------------------------
+tsg_new = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data' );
+% Get NO_CONTROL code value
+% -------------------------
+NO_CONTROL = tsg_old.qc.hash.NO_CONTROL.code;
+% Sort the date in ascending order. 
+% iOrder is used to sort the members of the strcture
+% DAYD is not concatenated right now because the function concatNumTsg uses
+% the variable DAYD to konw the size of the arrays.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+DAYD = [tsg_old.DAYD; tsg_new.DAYD];
+[DAYD, iOrder] = sort(DAYD);
+% Concatenate the arrays
+% ----------------------
+tsg_old.DATE = [tsg_old.DATE; tsg_new.DATE];
+tsg_old.DATE = tsg_old.DATE(iOrder,:);
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'LATX');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'LONX');
+tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder, NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'POSITION_QC');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SPDC');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'PRES');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'FLOW');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'CNDC');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'CNDC_STD');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'CNDC_CAL');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'CNDC_FREQ');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT');
+tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder, NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_QC');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_STD');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_CAL');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_FREQ');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_ADJUSTED');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_ADJUSTED_ERROR');
+tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder, NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_ADJUSTED_QC');
+% % concatStrTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSJT_ADJUSTED_HIST');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS');
+tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder, NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS_QC');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS_STD');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS_CAL');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS_ADJUSTED');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR');
+tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder,  NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC');
+% % concatStrTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSPS_ADJUSTED_HIST');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP');
+tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder, NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP_QC');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP_CAL');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP_FREQ');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP_ADJUSTED');
+tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP_ADJUSTED_ERROR');
+tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder, NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP_ADJUSTED_QC');
+% % concatStrTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, 'SSTP_ADJUSTED_HIST');
+tsg_old.DAYD = DAYD;
+% Suppress double. Compare the dates
+% ----------------------------------
+tsg_old = supTsgDouble(tsg_old);
+% Discrete samples
+% ----------------
+tsg_old.DAYD_EXT          = [tsg_old.DAYD_EXT;        tsg_new.DAYD_EXT];
+tsg_old.DATE_EXT          = [tsg_old.DATE_EXT;        tsg_new.DATE_EXT];
+tsg_old.LATX_EXT          = [tsg_old.LATX_EXT;        tsg_new.LATX_EXT];
+tsg_old.LONX_EXT          = [tsg_old.LONX_EXT;        tsg_new.LONX_EXT];
+tsg_old.SSPS_EXT          = [tsg_old.SSPS_EXT;        tsg_new.SSPS_EXT];
+tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_BOTTLE   = strvcat(tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_BOTTLE, tsg_new.SSPS_EXT_BOTTLE);
+tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_QC       = [tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_QC;     tsg_new.SSPS_EXT_QC];
+tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_TYPE     = strvcat(tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_TYPE, tsg_new.SSPS_EXT_TYPE);
+tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_ANALDATE = strvcat(tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_ANALDATE,tsg_new.SSPS_EXT_ANALDATE);
+tsg_old.SSTP_EXT          = [tsg_old.SSTP_EXT;        tsg_new.SSTP_EXT];
+tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_QC       = [tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_QC;     tsg_new.SSTP_EXT_QC];
+tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_TYPE     = strvcat(tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_TYPE, tsg_new.SSTP_EXT_TYPE);
+if ~isempty(tsg_old.DAYD_EXT)
+  [tsg_old.DAYD_EXT, iOrder] = sort(tsg_old.DAYD_EXT);
+  tsg_old.DATE_EXT           = tsg_old.DATE_EXT(iOrder,:);
+  tsg_old.LATX_EXT           = tsg_old.LATX_EXT(iOrder);
+  tsg_old.LONX_EXT           = tsg_old.LONX_EXT(iOrder);
+  tsg_old.SSPS_EXT           = tsg_old.SSPS_EXT(iOrder);
+  tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_QC        = tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_QC(iOrder);
+  tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_BOTTLE    = tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_BOTTLE(iOrder,:);
+  tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_TYPE      = tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_TYPE(iOrder,:);
+  tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_ANALDATE  = tsg_old.SSPS_EXT_ANALDATE(iOrder,:);
+  tsg_old.SSTP_EXT           = tsg_old.SSTP_EXT(iOrder);
+  tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_QC        = tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_QC(iOrder);
+  tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_TYPE      = tsg_old.SSTP_EXT_TYPE(iOrder,:);
+% Suppress Double. Compare the dates
+% ----------------------------------
+tsg_old = supTsgExtDouble(tsg_old);
+setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg_old );
+%% ************************************************************************
+function tsg_old = concatNumTsg( iOrder, tsg_old, tsg_new, Para)
+% function concatNumTsg : Concatenate 2 numeric TSG arrays 
+% Input
+% iOrder - Indicies to organise the array in time ascending order
+% tsg_old - First TSG structure
+% tsg_new - TSG structure that we want to concatenate
+% Para - Member of the structures to concatenate
+% Output
+% tsg_old - TSG structure
+% If tsg_new.Para and tsg_old.Para are empty nothing is done
+% ----------------------------------------------------------
+if isempty(tsg_new.(Para)) && isempty(tsg_old.(Para))
+  return;
+% If only tsg_new.PARA is empty, fill it with NaN. The dimension of the
+% final array must must be equal to the sum of the dimension of tsg.DAYD
+% and tsg_old.DAYD
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+elseif isempty(tsg_new.(Para))
+  tsg_new.(Para) = NaN * ones( size( tsg_new.DAYD ) );
+% See preceding comment
+% ---------------------
+elseif isempty(tsg_old.(Para))
+  tsg_old.(Para)  = NaN * ones( size( tsg_old.DAYD ) );
+% Concatenation
+% -------------
+tsg_old.(Para) = [tsg_old.(Para); tsg_new.(Para)];
+% Re-order the struct array
+% -------------------------
+tsg_old.(Para) = tsg_old.(Para)(iOrder);
+%% *************************************************************************
+function tsg_old = concatInt8Tsg( iOrder, NO_CONTROL, tsg_old, tsg_new, Para)
+% function concatInt8Tsg : Concatenate 2 numeric int8 arrays 
+% Input
+% iOrder - Indicies to organise the array in time ascending order
+% NO_CONTROL - Value for no control quality code
+% tsg_old - First TSG structure
+% tsg_new - Second TSG structure
+% Para - Member of the structures to concatenate
+% Output
+% tsg_old - TSG structure
+% If tsg_new.Para and tsg_old.Para are empty nothing is done
+% ----------------------------------------------------------
+if isempty(tsg_new.(Para)) && isempty(tsg_old.(Para))
+  return;
+% If only tsg.PARA is empty, fill it with NO_CONTROL. The dimension of the  
+% concatenate array must must be equal to the sum of the dimension of 
+% tsg.DAYD and tsg_old.DAYD
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+elseif isempty(tsg_new.(Para))
+  tsg_new.(Para)      = int8(NO_CONTROL) * int8(ones( size( tsg_new.DAYD )));
+% See preceding comment
+% ---------------------
+elseif isempty(tsg_old.(Para))
+  tsg_old.(Para)  = int8(NO_CONTROL) * int8(ones( size( tsg_old.DAYD )));
+% Concatenation
+% -------------
+tsg_old.(Para) = [tsg_old.(Para); tsg_new.(Para)];
+% Re-order the struct array
+% -------------------------
+tsg_old.(Para) = tsg_old.(Para)(iOrder);
+%% ************************************************************************
+function tsg = supTsgDouble( tsg)
+% function supTsgDouble : Suppress TSG measurements made at the same date
+% The comparison cannot be made using tsg.DAYD :
+% This cannot be done using the Matlab Serial Date format as there can be
+% some loss of precision. Especially when a floating number was written in
+% a file.
+% I use tsg.DATE. Could be simplify by comparing string rather than
+% converting DATE with datenum
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Convert string array DATE in numerical array
+% --------------------------------------------
+date = str2num(tsg.DATE);
+% Compare adjacent element in an array
+% ------------------------------------
+date_diff = find( diff( date ) == 0 );
+if ~isempty( date_diff )
+  tsg.DAYD(date_diff) = [];
+  tsg.DATE(date_diff,:) = [];
+  tsg.LATX(date_diff) = [];
+  tsg.LONX(date_diff) = [];
+  tsg.POSITION_QC(date_diff) = [];
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SPDC); tsg.SPDC(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.PRES); tsg.PRES(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.FLOW); tsg.FLOW(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.CNDC); tsg.CNDC(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.CNDC_STD); tsg.CNDC_STD(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.CNDC_CAL); tsg.CNDC_CAL(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.CNDC_FREQ); tsg.CNDC_FREQ(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT); tsg.SSJT(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_QC); tsg.SSJT_QC(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_STD); tsg.SSJT_STD(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_CAL); tsg.SSJT_CAL(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_FREQ); tsg.SSJT_FREQ(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED); tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED_ERROR); tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED_ERROR(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED_QC); tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED_QC(date_diff) = []; end
+  % if ~isempty(tsg.SSJT_ADJUSTED_HIST(date_diff,:) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS); tsg.SSPS(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_QC); tsg.SSPS_QC(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_STD); tsg.SSPS_STD(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_CAL); tsg.SSPS_CAL(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED); tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR); tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_ERROR(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC); tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_QC(date_diff) = []; end
+  %  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_ADJUSTED_HIST(date_diff,:) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP); tsg.SSTP(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP_QC); tsg.SSTP_QC(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP_CAL); tsg.SSTP_CAL(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP_FREQ); tsg.SSTP_FREQ(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED); tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_ERROR); tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_ERROR(date_diff) = []; end
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_QC); tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_QC(date_diff) = []; end
+  % if ~isempty(tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_HIST);tsg.SSTP_ADJUSTED_HIST(date_diff,:) = []; end
+%% ************************************************************************
+function tsg = supTsgExtDouble(tsg)
+% supTsgExtDouble : suppress EXT measurements made at the same date
+% The comparison cannot be made using tsg.DAYD_EXT.
+% This cannot be done using the Matlab Serial Date format as there can be
+% some loss of precision.
+% I use tsg.DATE_EXT
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if ~isempty( tsg.DATE_EXT )
+  % Convert string array DATE in numerical array
+  % --------------------------------------------
+  date = str2num(tsg.DATE_EXT);
+  % Compare adjacent element in an array
+  % ---------------------------------------------
+  date_diff = find( diff( date ) == 0 );
+  if ~isempty( date_diff )
+    tsg.DAYD_EXT(date_diff)           = [];
+    tsg.DATE_EXT(date_diff,:)         = [];
+    tsg.LATX_EXT(date_diff)           = [];
+    tsg.LONX_EXT(date_diff)           = [];
+    tsg.SSPS_EXT(date_diff)           = [];
+    tsg.SSPS_EXT_QC(date_diff)        = [];
+    tsg.SSPS_EXT_BOTTLE(date_diff,:)  = [];
+    tsg.SSPS_EXT_TYPE(date_diff,:)    = [];
+    tsg.SSPS_EXT_ANALDATE(date_diff,:)= [];
+    tsg.SSTP_EXT(date_diff)           = [];
+    tsg.SSTP_EXT_QC(date_diff)        = [];
+    tsg.SSTP_EXT_TYPE(date_diff,:)    = [];
+  end
diff --git a/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m b/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m
index f7e0d24731382a11d78a0ab2c18c74d603a61d7f..595980476f98da22b72db9f3e34bca3fa10a4ac6 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readTsgIniLabview.m
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ while ~feof(fid)
       % construct regex with pair cle=value
       % and extract value
       % use quantifier none greedy (.*?)
-      % remove double quote from experssion : ["]*
+      % remove double quote from expression : ["]*
       % ---------------------------------------------------
       regex = strcat('^\s*', clef, '\s*=\s*["]*(.+?)["]*$');
       match = regexp( str, regex, 'tokens');
@@ -129,12 +129,20 @@ while ~feof(fid)
             % --------
             k = match{1}{1};
+            % get value
+            % ---------
+            v = match{1}{2};
             % convert date in julian day when key is 'DATE', else to double
             % -------------------------------------------------------------
             if strcmpi(k, 'DATE')
-              v = datenumToJulian(datenum(match{1}{2}, 'dd/mm/yyyy'));
+              v = datenumToJulian(datenum(v, 'dd/mm/yyyy'));
-              v = str2double(match{1}{2});
+              % in case where comma is decimal separator, replace it
+              % with by dot
+              % ----------------------------------------------------
+              v = str2double(regexprep(v, ',', '.'));
             % add key to _CONV array, with length of STRING8
@@ -147,17 +155,19 @@ while ~feof(fid)
             % for debbuging only
             % ------------------
-            %fprintf('%s: %s -> %f\n', clef, k, v);
+            fprintf('%s: %s -> %f\n', clef, k, v);
           case 1
             % add value to variable array
-            % ---------------------------
-            tsg.(clef) = str2double(match{1}{1});
+            % in case where comma is decimal separator, replace it
+            % with by dot
+            % ----------------------------------------------------
+            tsg.(clef) = str2double(regexprep(match{1}{1}, ',', '.'));
             % for debbuging only
             % ------------------
-            %fprintf('%s: %f\n', clef, tsg.(clef));
+            fprintf('%s: %f\n', clef, tsg.(clef));
         % quit for loop
diff --git a/tsg_io/read_data.m b/tsg_io/read_data.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d5998024cc32e2c03b4eb92cc5f758ce2b6d5c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_io/read_data.m
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+function [errTsg, errSpl] = read_data( hMainFig, filterIndex, fullFileName)
+% Read TSG file or Discrete data (Water sample, ARGO, etc.)
+% Called by TSGQC.M
+% Input 
+% hMainFig       Handle to the Main figure - Defined in TSGQC.m
+% filterIndex    Integer - Type of file
+% fullFileName   file name to read - Directory+filename
+% Output
+% errTsg         Error code for TSG files
+% errSpl         Error code for discrete data file
+% Filter index values
+% 1 - Argo file *.arg (G. Reverdin format)
+% 2 - TSG Astrolabe text file *.ast
+% 3 - WS ascii file *.btl (tsgqc ascci format)
+% 4 - TSG labview file *.lbv
+% 5 - TSG netcdf file *.nc
+% 6 - TSG Oracle text file *.ora
+% 7 - TSG SDF file *.sdf
+% 8 - SPL ascii file *.spl (tsgqc ascci format)
+% 9 - TSG Nuka transmit file *.transmit*
+% 10 - TSG text file *.tsgqc (tsgqc ascci format)
+% 11 - TSG XML file *.xml
+% errTsg, errSpl
+%   1  - File read OK
+% < 0 - An error occured
+% $id:$
+% Error code - Initialisation
+% ---------------------------
+errTsg = -2;
+errSpl = -2;
+% Retrieve named application data
+% -------------------------------
+tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+switch filterIndex
+  % Read discrete data (Water sample, Argo, etc.)
+  % ---------------------------------------------
+  case {1, 3, 8}
+    % A TSG file must have been uploaded before reading Water sample file
+    % --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if isempty( tsg.SSPS )
+      msgbox('Load a TSG file before a Water sample file', 'Read Bucket');
+      return;
+    elseif filterIndex == 1
+      % Read Argo file *.arg (G. Reverdin format)
+      errSpl = readArgoLocean(  hMainFig, fullFileName );
+    elseif filterIndex == 3 || filterIndex == 8
+      % Read sample file *.spl
+      errSpl = readAsciiSample( hMainFig, fullFileName, 'SPL');
+    end
+  % Read TSG data file
+  % ------------------
+  case {2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11}
+    % Save the TSG structure - Temporary variable
+    % -------------------------------------------
+    tsg_old = tsg;
+    % Initialisation of TSG data struct : tsg variable
+    % ------------------------------------------------
+    tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
+    % Read the file. TSG values are stored in a tsg variable
+    % -------------
+    switch filterIndex
+      case 2                  % read TSG Astrolabe text file *.ast
+        errTsg = readTsgDataAstrolabe(hMainFig, fullFileName);
+      case 4                  % read TSG labview file *.lbv
+        errTsg = readTsgDataLabview(hMainFig, fullFileName );
+      case 5                  % read TSG netcdf file *.nc
+        errTsg = readTsgDataNetCDF(hMainFig, fullFileName );
+      case 6                  % read TSG Oracle text file *.ora
+        errTsg = readTsgDataOracle(hMainFig, fullFileName);
+      case 7                  % read TSG SDF file *.sdf
+        errTsg = readTsgDataSDF(hMainFig, fullFileName );
+      case 9                  % read TSG Nuka transmit file *.transmit*
+        errTsg = readTsgDataNuka(hMainFig, fullFileName);
+      case 10                 % read TSG text file *.tsgqc
+        errTsg = readAsciiTsg(hMainFig, fullFileName);
+      case 11                 % read TSG XML file *.xml
+        errTsg = readTsgDataXML(hMainFig, fullFileName );
+    end
+    % Problem to read the file - Back to tsgqc.m
+    % ------------------------------------------
+    if errTsg < 0
+      return
+    end
+    % Test if a TSG file is already uploaded in TSGQC
+    % Give the possibility to concatenate new and old files
+    % -----------------------------------------------------
+    button = 'Replace';
+    if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS )
+      qstring = {'TSG data have already been uploaded in TSGQC '; ' '; ...
+        'Do you want to Replace or to Concatenate them?'};
+      title   = 'Read TSG Data';
+      button = questdlg(qstring, title,'Replace','Concatenate','Cancel', 'Cancel');
+    end
+    switch button
+      case 'Replace'
+        return
+      case 'Concatenate'
+        if strcmp( button, 'Concatenate')
+          concatStructTSG( hMainFig, tsg_old );
+        end
+      case 'Cancel'
+        % reassign the structure array tsg_old to the application data
+        % tsg_data
+        % --------------------------------------------------------------
+        setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg_old);
+        return;
+      otherwise
+        return;
+    end
+  otherwise
+    % Reset pointer to arrow
+    % ----------------------
+    set( hMainFig, 'Pointer', 'arrow' );
+    % diplay warning msgbox
+    % ---------------------
+    msgbox( {['Invalid TSG file: ' fileName],...
+      'Please select another file'},...
+      'Warning open file', 'warn', 'modal' );
+    return;
+end    % switch filterIndex
+end    % function
diff --git a/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m b/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m
index d88d884b33e6ce5cbface426f71184120c1105a1..61185549f962fb2b971c8fc17f4230dc4485fb03 100644
--- a/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m
+++ b/tsg_util/updateTsgStruct.m
@@ -138,13 +138,14 @@ for i = 1:numel(var)
     for j = 1:tsg.dim.LINCOEF
       tsg.(var{i})(j) = lin_val(j);
+    % write LINCOEF_CONV's
+    % convert cell array of string to char array
+    % ------------------------------------------
+    tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']) = char(lin_type);
-  % rewrite LINCOEF's
-  % convert cell array of string to char array
-  % ------------------------------------------
-  tsg.([var{i} '_CONV']) = char(lin_type);
diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m
index 473aeae5c8b2dfc11b9c7adc7472e94e84d09336..5892484cbb607a948b430daa1e9ee4e36d7c8148 100644
--- a/tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsgqc.m
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ global NETCDF_FORMAT_VERSION
 % version number, may be used to initialize some files when it change
 % 0.90x -> 1.0RCx
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-VERSION = 1.1;  % -> 1.1
-CHAR_VERSION = '1.1';
+VERSION = 1.2;  % -> 1.2
+CHAR_VERSION = '1.2';
 % netcdf file version, see DATA FORMAT TSG document:
 % CORTSG_format_gosud_1.5.doc
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
     % Open standard dialog box for retrieving files
     % ---------------------------------------------
     [fileName, pathname, filterIndex] = uigetfile( ...
-      {'*.nc';'*.ast';'*.btl';'*.lbv';'*.arg';'*.ora';'*.sdf';'*.spl';...
+      {'*.arg';'*.ast';'*.btl';'*.lbv';'*.nc';'*.ora';'*.sdf';'*.spl';...
        '*.transmit*'; '*.tsgqc';'*.xml'}, 'Pick a file');
     % flushes the event queue and updates the closed uigetfile window
@@ -1223,79 +1223,8 @@ hrbInterpCancel = uicontrol( ...
       % Read the data
       % -------------
-      errTsg = -2;
-      errSpl = -2;
-      switch filterIndex
-        case 5                       % Read Argo file *.arg (G. Reverdin format)
-          if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS )
-            errSpl = readArgoLocean(   hMainFig, fullFileName );
-          else
-            msgbox('Load a TSG file before a Water sample file', 'Read Bucket');
-          end
-         case 2                      % read TSG Astrolabe text file *.ast
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readTsgDataAstrolabe( hMainFig, fullFileName);
-        case 3                      % read bucket file *.btl
-          if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS )
-            errSpl = readAsciiSample( hMainFig, fullFileName, 'WS');
-          else
-            msgbox('Load a TSG file before a Water sample file', 'Read Bucket');
-          end
-        case 4                      % read TSG labview file *.lbv
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readTsgDataLabview( hMainFig, fullFileName );
-        case 1                     % read TSG netcdf file *.nc
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readTsgDataNetCDF(  hMainFig, fullFileName );
-         case 6                     % read TSG Oracle text file *.ora
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readTsgDataOracle( hMainFig, fullFileName);
-        case 7                      % read TSG SDF file *.sdf
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readTsgDataSDF( hMainFig, fullFileName );
-        case 8                      % Read Sample file *.spl
-          if ~isempty( tsg.SSPS )
-            errSpl = readAsciiSample( hMainFig, fullFileName, 'SPL');
-          else
-            msgbox('Load a TSG file before a Water sample file', 'Read Bucket');
-          end
-         case 9                     % read TSG Nuka transmit file *.transmit*
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readTsgDataNuka( hMainFig, fullFileName);
-        case 10                      % read TSG text file *.tsgqc
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readAsciiTsg( hMainFig, fullFileName);
-        case 11                      % read TSG XML file *.xml
-          tsg_initialisation(hMainFig);
-          errTsg = readTsgDataXML(     hMainFig, fullFileName );
-       otherwise
-          % Reset pointer to arrow
-          % ----------------------
-          set( hMainFig, 'Pointer', 'arrow' );
-          % diplay warning msgbox
-          % ---------------------
-          msgbox( {['Invalid TSG file: ' fileName],...
-            'Please select another file'},...
-            'Warning open file', 'warn', 'modal' );
-          return;
-      end    % switch filterIndex
+      [errTsg, errSpl] = read_data( hMainFig, filterIndex, fullFileName);
       % Get the tsg structure
       % ---------------------
       tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');