diff --git a/tsg_data/Touc0702.nc b/tsg_data/Touc0702.nc
index f8f42e65984125a6c237a425330510ef7a919c66..982d00dfe3013825715203212d41c584ef659724 100644
Binary files a/tsg_data/Touc0702.nc and b/tsg_data/Touc0702.nc differ
diff --git a/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m b/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m
index 0ad8f7af2cf857bc0835ec83506fb83a3dba75ea..342daa536253c915300248b8d446f2dd42080349 100644
--- a/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m
+++ b/tsg_util/diffTsgSample.m
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ probablyGoodCode = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'PROBABLY_GOOD', 'code');
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
 indTsg = find( tsg.([PARA '_QC']) <= probablyGoodCode );
-[m, n] = size(tsg.([PARA '_SPL']));
+if ~isempty( indTsg )
+  [m, n] = size(tsg.([PARA '_SPL']));
+  % Loop on the samples
+  % -------------------
+  for i= 1 : m
-% Loop on the samples 
-% -------------------
-for i= 1 : m
     % Compute the differences between the sample and the time serie
     % -------------------------------------------------------------
     timeDiff  = abs(tsg.DAYD - tsg.DAYD_SPL(i));
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ for i= 1 : m
     % -------------------------
     smooth = tsg_average(hTsgGUI, PARA, indMin);
     if  timeDiff(indMin) < tsg.cst.TSG_WS_TIMEDIFF && ~isnan(smooth)
       % The smooth TSG time series (tsg_moveaverage) is
       % no more computed : too long
       % We now computed a smooth value only at the position of the sample
@@ -44,13 +46,15 @@ for i= 1 : m
       %tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH'])(i)  = tsg.ssps_smooth(indMin);
       tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH'])(i)  = smooth;
-    end 
+    end
+  end
+  % Salinity difference : Sample minus smoothed TSG
+  % -----------------------------------------------
+  tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF']) = tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) - tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH']);
-% Salinity difference : Sample minus smoothed TSG
-% -----------------------------------------------
-tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF']) = tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) - tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH']);  
+  % update the sample structures in the application
+  % ------------------------------------------------
+  setappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data', tsg );
-% update the sample structures in the application
-% ------------------------------------------------
-setappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data', tsg );
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tsg_util/initParameterChoice.m b/tsg_util/initParameterChoice.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5e147d4a4f2d315649bb68819820ba9b8efd132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_util/initParameterChoice.m
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+function error = initParameterChoice( hMainFig, pmhPara )
+% Initialise the 3 popup menu used to choose the parameters that will be
+% plot on figure 1, 2 and 3
+% Get the tsg structure
+% ---------------------
+tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+% Initialisation du popup n°1
+% ---------------------------
+if isfield( tsg, 'SSPS' )
+  pop1 = { 'SSPS' };
+if isfield( tsg, 'SSJT' )
+  pop1 = [ pop1 {'SSJT'} ];
+if isfield( tsg, 'SSTP' )
+  pop1 = [ pop1 {'SSTP'} ];
+set( pmhPara(1), 'String', pop1 );
+% Initialisation du popup n°2 - Same as pop1
+% ------------------------------------------
+pop2 = pop1;
+set( pmhPara(2), 'String', pop2 );
+% Initialisation du popup n°3
+% ---------------------------
+if isfield( tsg, 'SPDC' )
+  pop3 = { 'SPDC' };
+if isfield( tsg, 'CNDC' )
+  pop3 = [ pop3 {'CNDC'} ];
+if isfield( tsg, 'LATX' )
+  pop3 = [ pop3 {'LATX'} ];
+if isfield( tsg, 'LONX' )
+  pop3 = [ pop3 {'LONX'} ];
+if isfield( tsg, 'SSPS' )
+  pop3 = [ pop3 {'SSPS'} ];
+if isfield( tsg, 'SSJT' )
+  pop3 = [ pop3 {'SSJT'} ];
+if isfield( tsg, 'SSTP' )
+  pop3 = [ pop3 {'SSTP'} ];
+set( pmhPara(3), 'String', pop3 );
+% Initialise tsg.preference.parameter
+% -----------------------------------
+if ~isempty( pop1{1} )
+  tsg.preference.parameter{1} = pop1{1};
+  tsg.preference.parameter{1} = 'NONE';
+if ~isempty( pop2{2} )
+  tsg.preference.parameter{2} = pop2{1};
+  tsg.preference.parameter{2} = 'NONE';
+if ~isempty( pop1{3} )
+  tsg.preference.parameter{3} = pop3{1};
+  tsg.preference.parameter{3} = 'NONE';
+% Save the tsg structure
+% ---------------------
+setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_ClimatologyB.m b/tsg_util/plot_ClimatologyB.m
index ec92be26b5a088c6cc8df397e4281d16470ba038..83a4125e563e2d2511e701d7bdacf6ffc5276d98 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_ClimatologyB.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_ClimatologyB.m
@@ -68,49 +68,38 @@ dayd = tsg.DAYD( ind );
 % Get Climatology
 %           LATX(80)  = -0.5 et LATX(81)  = 0.5
 %           LONX(180) = -0.5 et LONX(181) = 0.5
-% ----------------
-para = {'SSTP'; 'SSPS'};
+% ---------------------------------------------
 for i = 1:2
+  para = tsg.preference.parameter{i};
+  if strcmp( para, 'SSJT' )
+    para = 'SSTP';
+  end
   mean = zeros(size(ind));
   std  = zeros(size(ind));
   for ii=1:length(ind)
     ilat     = find(tsg.levitus.data.WOA01_LATX == lat2(ii));
     ilon     = find(tsg.levitus.data.WOA01_LONX == lon2(ii));
-    mean(ii) = tsg.levitus.data.(['WOA01_MEAN_' para{i}])(time_dim,1,ilat,ilon);
-    std(ii)  = tsg.levitus.data.(['WOA01_STD_' para{i}])(time_dim,1,ilat,ilon);
+    mean(ii) = tsg.levitus.data.(['WOA01_MEAN_' para])(time_dim,1,ilat,ilon);
+    std(ii)  = tsg.levitus.data.(['WOA01_STD_'  para])(time_dim,1,ilat,ilon);
-  % get handle of axe when SSPS is plotted
-  % --------------------------------------
-  hdls = findobj('-regexp','Tag', ['TAG_PLOT\d_LINE_' para{i}]);
-  % get handle of axe when SSTP is plotted
-  % --------------------------------------
-  if strcmp( para{i}, 'SSTP' )
-    hdls = findobj('-regexp','Tag', 'TAG_PLOT\d_LINE_SSJT');
-    if isempty(hdls)
-      hdls = findobj('-regexp','Tag', 'TAG_PLOT\d_LINE_SSTP');
-    end
-  end
-  if ~isempty(hdls)
-    hdl_current_axes = get(hdls(1),'parent');
-    axes( hdl_current_axes );
-    % Plot mean salinity climatology
-    % ------------------------------
-    line(dayd, mean, ...
-      'Tag', ['TAG_LINE_CLIMATO_MEAN_' para{i}], 'Linestyle', '-', 'Color','k');
-    % Plot with 3 standard deviation
-    % ------------------------------
-    line(dayd,  mean + 3 * std, ...
-      'Tag', ['TAG_LINE_CLIMATO_STDDEV_PLUS_' para{i}], 'Linestyle', '-', 'Color','r');
-    line(dayd,  mean - 3 * std, ...
-      'Tag', ['TAG_LINE_CLIMATO_STDDEV_MINUS_' para{i}], 'Linestyle', '-', 'Color','r');
-  end
+  % Select the axes
+  % ---------------
+  axes( hPlotAxes(i) );
+  % Plot mean salinity climatology
+  % ------------------------------
+  line(dayd, mean, ...
+    'Tag', ['TAG_LINE_CLIMATO_MEAN_' para], 'Linestyle', '-', 'Color','k');
+  % Plot with 3 standard deviation
+  % ------------------------------
+  line(dayd,  mean + 3 * std, ...
+    'Tag', ['TAG_LINE_CLIMATO_STDDEV_PLUS_' para], 'Linestyle', '-', 'Color','r');
+  line(dayd,  mean - 3 * std, ...
+    'Tag', ['TAG_LINE_CLIMATO_STDDEV_MINUS_' para], 'Linestyle', '-', 'Color','r');
diff --git a/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m b/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
index 392dac6b82629b169df8e8448cafb8914ee9618f..ecf7556c919752b5ab9ae94c4803b1b4e43001cc 100644
--- a/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
+++ b/tsg_util/plot_Validation.m
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ switch nPlot
   case 2
     erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 2 );
-    if ~isempty( tsg.SSJT )
-      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SSJT, tsg.SSJT_QC,...
-                'SSJT','k','none','*',2);
+    if ~isempty( tsg.(PARA) )
+      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.DAYD, tsg.(PARA), [],...
+                PARA,'k','none','*',2);
   % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   case 3
     erase_Line( hPlotAxes, 3 );
-    if ~isempty( tsg.SPDC )
-      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.SPDC,[],...
-                'SPDC','k','none','*',2);
+    if ~isempty( tsg.(PARA) )
+      plot_Tsg( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.DAYD, tsg.(PARA),[],...
+                PARA,'k','none','*',2);
diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m b/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m
index aa92df76b79899698d0fa07116e59154459683cb..c0676389cf489096a64f565dc7d1b1ccd641dc38 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_initialisation.m
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ set( hMainFig, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', []);
 tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data' );
 oldPara = [];
 if ~isempty( tsg )
-  oldPara = tsg.preference.parameter;
+  oldPara = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
 % init empty tsg structure
@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ tsg.REFERENCE_DATE_TIME   =  REFERENCE_DATE_TIME;
 % -------------------------------------
 tsg.preference.autoload  = 'off';
 if ~isempty(oldPara)
-  tsg.preference.parameter = oldPara;
+  tsg.preference.parameter{1} = oldPara;
-  tsg.preference.parameter = 'SSPS';
+  tsg.preference.parameter{1} = 'SSPS';
 % Save tsg structure 
diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m b/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m
index 9deaeac520d75bb3369ae6c3f4b0459d32653de4..b1c6faa82eeaab8ea35093ae492de092417ed95a 100644
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m
+++ b/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample.m
@@ -1,143 +1,145 @@
-function [] = tsg_mergesample( hTsgGUI, PARA )
+function [] = tsg_mergesample_B( hMainFig )
-% function [] = tsg_mergesample( hTsgGUI )
+% function [] = tsg_mergesample( hMainFig )
-% Merge the 2 types of 'bucket' records, if they exists
+% Merge the 2 types of 'bucket' records
 % Input
-% _WS ........ Water sample
-% _EXT ....... External samples (ARGO, CTD, etc.)
 % Ouptut
+% Sample of type WS only have SSPS parameter
+% Sample of type EXT may have SSPS and SSTP parameters.
+% When WS and EXT parameters are merge I must create a fake SSTP variable
+% for WS type.
 % Get bucket data in ASCII or NETCDF format. If the data does not exist
 % getappdata return an empty matrix
 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-tsg  = getappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data');
+tsg  = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
 % Get NO_CONTROL code value
 % -------------------------
 NO_CONTROL = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'NO_CONTROL', 'code');
-% There are only SSTP samples. The SSJT time series should
-% be compared to the SSTP samples. To simplfies the soft we use a
-% variable SSJT sample equal to the SSTP sample structure
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------
-if strcmp( PARA, 'SSJT' )
-  PARA     = 'SSTP';
-% Create a structure with an NaN
+% Create a temporary structure with one NaN
 % No other solution as I can't add a structure to an empty one
 % ------------------------------------------------------------
-sample = struct('DAYD',NaN ,     'LATX',NaN ,      'LONX',NaN , ...
-                'X',NaN ,        'X_QC',NaN ,      'X_DIF',NaN ,...
-                'X_SMOOTH',NaN , 'X_TYPE', 'UNKN', 'X_INDICE', NaN);    
+sample = struct('DAYD',   NaN,   'LATX',    NaN,   'LONX',      NaN, ...
+                'SSPS',   NaN,   'SSPS_QC', NaN,   'SSPS_TYPE', 'UNKN',...
+                'SSTP',   NaN,   'SSTP_QC', NaN,   'SSTP_TYPE', 'UNKN', ...
+                'INDICE', NaN );
 % Fill the structure sample with the bucket data.
 % WS exist only for SSPS 
-% This measurements are of TYPE 1
 % ------------------------------------------------
-if strcmp( PARA, 'SSPS') && ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_WS']))
-  sample.DAYD        = [sample.DAYD;        tsg.DAYD_WS];
-  sample.LATX        = [sample.LATX;        tsg.LATX_WS];
-  sample.LONX        = [sample.LONX;        tsg.LONX_WS];
-  sample.X        = [sample.X;        tsg.([PARA '_WS']) ];
-  if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_WS_QC']))
-    sample.X_QC   = [sample.X_QC;  tsg.([PARA '_WS_QC']) ];
+if ~isempty( tsg.DAYD_WS )
+  sample.DAYD = [sample.DAYD; tsg.DAYD_WS];
+  sample.LATX = [sample.LATX; tsg.LATX_WS];
+  sample.LONX = [sample.LONX; tsg.LONX_WS];
+  sample.SSPS = [sample.SSPS; tsg.SSPS_WS];
+  sample.SSTP = [sample.SSTP; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS)) ];
+  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_WS_QC)
+    sample.SSPS_QC = [int8(sample.SSPS_QC); tsg.SSPS_WS_QC ];
-    sample.X_QC   = [sample.X_QC;  NO_CONTROL * ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
+    sample.SSPS_QC = [int8(sample.SSPS_QC); ...
+                      NO_CONTROL*int8(ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS)))];
-  % Fill the structure with NaN. NaN is tested in diffTsgSample
-  % -----------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.X_DIF    = [sample.X_DIF;    NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
-  sample.X_SMOOTH = [sample.X_SMOOTH; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
+  sample.SSTP_QC   = [int8(sample.SSTP_QC); ...
+                     NO_CONTROL*int8(ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS)))];
   % INDICE is used to put back the QC once the validation procedure has
   % been applied
   % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.X_INDICE = [sample.X_INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_WS)]'];
+  sample.INDICE = [sample.INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_WS)]'];
-%   % Used for the plots : WS are given a type 1
-%   % ------------------------------------------
-%   sample.X_TYPE   = [sample.X_TYPE;   ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS))];
+  % Type Used for the plots : type WS 
+  % -----------------------------
   label = 'WS  ';
   m = length(tsg.DAYD_WS);
-  sample.X_TYPE = strvcat( sample.X_TYPE, label( ones(m,1), :) );
+  sample.SSPS_TYPE = strvcat( sample.SSPS_TYPE, label( ones(m,1), :) );
+  sample.SSTP_TYPE = strvcat( sample.SSTP_TYPE, label( ones(m,1), :) );
 % Fill the structure sample with the external sample
 % This measurements are of TYPE EXT
 % --------------------------------------------------
-if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_EXT']))
-  sample.DAYD        = [sample.DAYD;        tsg.DAYD_EXT];
-  sample.LATX        = [sample.LATX;        tsg.LATX_EXT];
-  sample.LONX        = [sample.LONX;        tsg.LONX_EXT];
-  sample.X           = [sample.X;        tsg.([PARA '_EXT'])];
-  if ~isempty(tsg.([PARA '_EXT_QC']))
-    sample.X_QC = [sample.X_QC; tsg.([PARA '_EXT_QC'])];
-  else
-    sample.X_QC = [sample.X_QC; NO_CONTROL * ones(size(sample.DAYD_EXT))];
-  end
-  % Fill the following structures with NaN. NaN is test in diffTsgSample
-  % --------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.X_DIF    = [sample.X_DIF;    NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
-  sample.X_SMOOTH = [sample.X_SMOOTH; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
-%   % Used for the plots : EXT sample are given a type 2
-%   % --------------------------------------------------
-%   sample.X_TYPE   = [sample.X_TYPE;   2*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT))];
-if isempty( tsg.([PARA '_EXT_TYPE']) )
-  m = length(tsg.DAYD_EXT);
-  label = 'UNKN';
-  sample.X_TYPE = strvcat( sample.X_TYPE, label( ones(m,1), :) );
-  sample.X_TYPE = strvcat( sample.X_TYPE, tsg.([PARA '_EXT_TYPE']) );
+if ~isempty(tsg.DAYD_EXT)
+  sample.DAYD = [sample.DAYD; tsg.DAYD_EXT];
+  sample.LATX = [sample.LATX; tsg.LATX_EXT];
+  sample.LONX = [sample.LONX; tsg.LONX_EXT];
+  para = { 'SSPS'; 'SSTP' };
+  for i = 1 : 2    
+    PARA = para{i};
+    if ~isempty(tsg.([ PARA '_EXT']))
+      sample.(PARA) = [sample.(PARA); tsg.([ PARA '_EXT']) ];
+    else
+      sample.(PARA) = [sample.(PARA); NaN * ones( size(tsg.DAYD_EXT)) ];
+    end
+    if ~isempty(tsg.([ PARA '_EXT_QC']))
+      sample.([PARA '_QC']) = [int8(sample.([PARA '_QC']));...
+                               tsg.([PARA '_EXT_QC'])];
+    else
+      sample.([PARA '_QC']) = [int8(sample.([PARA '_QC'])); ...
+                               NO_CONTROL*int8(ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT)))];
+    end
+    m = length(tsg.DAYD_EXT);
+    if isempty( tsg.([ PARA '_EXT_TYPE']) )
+      label = 'UNKN';
+      sample.([ PARA '_TYPE']) = strvcat(sample.([PARA '_TYPE']), ...
+                                         label(ones(m,1),:) );
+    else
+      sample.([ PARA '_TYPE']) = strvcat(sample.([ PARA '_TYPE']),...
+                                         tsg.SSPS_EXT_TYPE );
+    end
+  end
   % INDICE is used to put back the QC once the validation procedure has
   % been applied
   % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.X_INDICE = [sample.X_INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_EXT)]'];
+  sample.INDICE = [sample.INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_EXT)]'];
 % Eliminate the first element if NaN
 % ----------------------------------
 if isnan(sample.DAYD(1))
-  sample.DAYD(1)        = [];
-  sample.LATX(1)        = [];
-  sample.LONX(1)        = [];
-  sample.X(1)           = [];
-  sample.X_QC(1)        = [];
-  sample.X_DIF(1)       = [];
-  sample.X_SMOOTH(1)    = [];
-  sample.X_TYPE(1,:)    = [];
-  sample.X_INDICE(1)    = [];
+  sample.DAYD(1)     = [];
+  sample.LATX(1)     = [];
+  sample.LONX(1)     = [];
+  sample.SSPS(1)     = [];
+  sample.SSPS_QC(1)  = [];
+  sample.SSPS_TYPE(1,:)  = [];
+  sample.SSTP(1)     = [];
+  sample.SSTP_QC(1)  = [];
+  sample.SSTP_TYPE(1,:)  = [];
+  sample.INDICE(1)   = [];
-% Sort the struct sample - increasing time.
-% -----------------------------------------
 if ~isempty(sample.DAYD)
+  % Sort the struct sample - increasing time.
+  % -----------------------------------------  
   [sample.DAYD, iOrder] = sort(sample.DAYD);
   sample.LATX           = sample.LATX(iOrder);
   sample.LONX           = sample.LONX(iOrder);
-  sample.X              = sample.X(iOrder);
-  sample.X_QC           = sample.X_QC(iOrder);
-  sample.X_DIF          = sample.X_DIF(iOrder);
-  sample.X_SMOOTH       = sample.X_SMOOTH(iOrder);
-  sample.X_TYPE         = sample.X_TYPE(iOrder,:);
-  sample.X_INDICE       = sample.X_INDICE(iOrder);
+  sample.SSPS           = sample.SSPS(iOrder);
+  sample.SSPS_QC        = sample.SSPS_QC(iOrder);
+  sample.SSPS_TYPE      = sample.SSPS_TYPE(iOrder,:);
+  sample.SSTP           = sample.SSTP(iOrder);
+  sample.SSTP_QC        = sample.SSTP_QC(iOrder);
+  sample.SSTP_TYPE      = sample.SSTP_TYPE(iOrder,:);
+  sample.INDICE         = sample.INDICE(iOrder);
   % Test if DAYD is strictly increasing
   % -----------------------------------
@@ -151,34 +153,38 @@ if ~isempty(sample.DAYD)
   % put the structure sample in the tsg structure
   % ---------------------------------------------
   if ~isempty( increasingInd )
-    tsg.DAYD_SPL                  = sample.DAYD(increasingInd);
-    tsg.LATX_SPL                  = sample.LATX(increasingInd);
-    tsg.LONX_SPL                  = sample.LONX(increasingInd);
-    tsg.([PARA '_SPL'])           = sample.X(increasingInd);
-    tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])        = int8( sample.X_QC(increasingInd) );
-    tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])       = sample.X_DIF(increasingInd);
-    tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH'])    = sample.X_SMOOTH(increasingInd);
-    tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE'])      = sample.X_TYPE(increasingInd, :);
-    tsg.([PARA '_SPL_INDICE'])    = sample.X_INDICE(increasingInd);
+    tsg.DAYD_SPL      = sample.DAYD(increasingInd);
+    tsg.LATX_SPL      = sample.LATX(increasingInd);
+    tsg.LONX_SPL      = sample.LONX(increasingInd);
+    tsg.INDICE_SPL    = sample.INDICE(increasingInd);
+    para = { 'SSPS'; 'SSTP' };
+    for i = 1 : 2
+      PARA = para{i};
+      tsg.([PARA '_SPL'])       = sample.(PARA)(increasingInd);
+      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])    = int8(sample.([PARA '_QC'])(increasingInd));
+      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE'])  = sample.([PARA '_TYPE'])(increasingInd,:);
+      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])   = NaN * ones(size(tsg.DAYD_SPL));
+      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH'])= NaN * ones(size(tsg.DAYD_SPL));
+    end
 % There are only SSTP samples. The SSJT time series should
 % be compared to the SSTP samples. To simplify the soft we use a
 % variable SSJT sample equals to the SSTP sample structure
 % ---------------------------------------------------------------
-if strcmp( PARA_OLD, 'SSJT' )
-  if ~isempty( tsg.SSTP_SPL )
-    tsg.SSJT_SPL         = tsg.SSTP_SPL;
-    tsg.SSJT_SPL_QC      = tsg.SSTP_SPL_QC;
-    tsg.SSJT_SPL_DIF     = tsg.SSTP_SPL_DIF;
-    tsg.SSJT_SPL_TYPE    = tsg.SSTP_SPL_TYPE;
-  end
+if ~isempty( tsg.SSTP_SPL )
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL         = tsg.SSTP_SPL;
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL_QC      = tsg.SSTP_SPL_QC;
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL_DIF     = tsg.SSTP_SPL_DIF;
+  tsg.SSJT_SPL_TYPE    = tsg.SSTP_SPL_TYPE;
 % Update application data
 % -----------------------
-setappdata( hTsgGUI, 'tsg_data', tsg );
+setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );
diff --git a/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample_B.m b/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample_B.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c6faa82eeaab8ea35093ae492de092417ed95a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tsg_util/tsg_mergesample_B.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-function [] = tsg_mergesample_B( hMainFig )
-% function [] = tsg_mergesample( hMainFig )
-% Merge the 2 types of 'bucket' records
-% Input
-% Ouptut
-% Sample of type WS only have SSPS parameter
-% Sample of type EXT may have SSPS and SSTP parameters.
-% When WS and EXT parameters are merge I must create a fake SSTP variable
-% for WS type.
-% Get bucket data in ASCII or NETCDF format. If the data does not exist
-% getappdata return an empty matrix
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-tsg  = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-% Get NO_CONTROL code value
-% -------------------------
-NO_CONTROL = get(tsg.qc.hash, 'NO_CONTROL', 'code');
-% Create a temporary structure with one NaN
-% No other solution as I can't add a structure to an empty one
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-sample = struct('DAYD',   NaN,   'LATX',    NaN,   'LONX',      NaN, ...
-                'SSPS',   NaN,   'SSPS_QC', NaN,   'SSPS_TYPE', 'UNKN',...
-                'SSTP',   NaN,   'SSTP_QC', NaN,   'SSTP_TYPE', 'UNKN', ...
-                'INDICE', NaN );
-% Fill the structure sample with the bucket data.
-% WS exist only for SSPS 
-% ------------------------------------------------
-if ~isempty( tsg.DAYD_WS )
-  sample.DAYD = [sample.DAYD; tsg.DAYD_WS];
-  sample.LATX = [sample.LATX; tsg.LATX_WS];
-  sample.LONX = [sample.LONX; tsg.LONX_WS];
-  sample.SSPS = [sample.SSPS; tsg.SSPS_WS];
-  sample.SSTP = [sample.SSTP; NaN*ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS)) ];
-  if ~isempty(tsg.SSPS_WS_QC)
-    sample.SSPS_QC = [int8(sample.SSPS_QC); tsg.SSPS_WS_QC ];
-  else
-    sample.SSPS_QC = [int8(sample.SSPS_QC); ...
-                      NO_CONTROL*int8(ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS)))];
-  end
-  sample.SSTP_QC   = [int8(sample.SSTP_QC); ...
-                     NO_CONTROL*int8(ones(size(tsg.DAYD_WS)))];
-  % INDICE is used to put back the QC once the validation procedure has
-  % been applied
-  % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.INDICE = [sample.INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_WS)]'];
-  % Type Used for the plots : type WS 
-  % -----------------------------
-  label = 'WS  ';
-  m = length(tsg.DAYD_WS);
-  sample.SSPS_TYPE = strvcat( sample.SSPS_TYPE, label( ones(m,1), :) );
-  sample.SSTP_TYPE = strvcat( sample.SSTP_TYPE, label( ones(m,1), :) );
-% Fill the structure sample with the external sample
-% This measurements are of TYPE EXT
-% --------------------------------------------------
-if ~isempty(tsg.DAYD_EXT)
-  sample.DAYD = [sample.DAYD; tsg.DAYD_EXT];
-  sample.LATX = [sample.LATX; tsg.LATX_EXT];
-  sample.LONX = [sample.LONX; tsg.LONX_EXT];
-  para = { 'SSPS'; 'SSTP' };
-  for i = 1 : 2    
-    PARA = para{i};
-    if ~isempty(tsg.([ PARA '_EXT']))
-      sample.(PARA) = [sample.(PARA); tsg.([ PARA '_EXT']) ];
-    else
-      sample.(PARA) = [sample.(PARA); NaN * ones( size(tsg.DAYD_EXT)) ];
-    end
-    if ~isempty(tsg.([ PARA '_EXT_QC']))
-      sample.([PARA '_QC']) = [int8(sample.([PARA '_QC']));...
-                               tsg.([PARA '_EXT_QC'])];
-    else
-      sample.([PARA '_QC']) = [int8(sample.([PARA '_QC'])); ...
-                               NO_CONTROL*int8(ones(size(tsg.DAYD_EXT)))];
-    end
-    m = length(tsg.DAYD_EXT);
-    if isempty( tsg.([ PARA '_EXT_TYPE']) )
-      label = 'UNKN';
-      sample.([ PARA '_TYPE']) = strvcat(sample.([PARA '_TYPE']), ...
-                                         label(ones(m,1),:) );
-    else
-      sample.([ PARA '_TYPE']) = strvcat(sample.([ PARA '_TYPE']),...
-                                         tsg.SSPS_EXT_TYPE );
-    end
-  end
-  % INDICE is used to put back the QC once the validation procedure has
-  % been applied
-  % -------------------------------------------------------------------
-  sample.INDICE = [sample.INDICE; [1:length(tsg.DAYD_EXT)]'];
-% Eliminate the first element if NaN
-% ----------------------------------
-if isnan(sample.DAYD(1))
-  sample.DAYD(1)     = [];
-  sample.LATX(1)     = [];
-  sample.LONX(1)     = [];
-  sample.SSPS(1)     = [];
-  sample.SSPS_QC(1)  = [];
-  sample.SSPS_TYPE(1,:)  = [];
-  sample.SSTP(1)     = [];
-  sample.SSTP_QC(1)  = [];
-  sample.SSTP_TYPE(1,:)  = [];
-  sample.INDICE(1)   = [];
-if ~isempty(sample.DAYD)
-  % Sort the struct sample - increasing time.
-  % -----------------------------------------  
-  [sample.DAYD, iOrder] = sort(sample.DAYD);
-  sample.LATX           = sample.LATX(iOrder);
-  sample.LONX           = sample.LONX(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS           = sample.SSPS(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS_QC        = sample.SSPS_QC(iOrder);
-  sample.SSPS_TYPE      = sample.SSPS_TYPE(iOrder,:);
-  sample.SSTP           = sample.SSTP(iOrder);
-  sample.SSTP_QC        = sample.SSTP_QC(iOrder);
-  sample.SSTP_TYPE      = sample.SSTP_TYPE(iOrder,:);
-  sample.INDICE         = sample.INDICE(iOrder);
-  % Test if DAYD is strictly increasing
-  % -----------------------------------
-  increasingInd = 1:length(sample.DAYD);
-  diffDay       = diff(sample.DAYD);
-  ind           = find(diffDay == 0);
-  if ~isempty(ind)
-    increasingInd(ind) = [];
-  end
-  % put the structure sample in the tsg structure
-  % ---------------------------------------------
-  if ~isempty( increasingInd )
-    tsg.DAYD_SPL      = sample.DAYD(increasingInd);
-    tsg.LATX_SPL      = sample.LATX(increasingInd);
-    tsg.LONX_SPL      = sample.LONX(increasingInd);
-    tsg.INDICE_SPL    = sample.INDICE(increasingInd);
-    para = { 'SSPS'; 'SSTP' };
-    for i = 1 : 2
-      PARA = para{i};
-      tsg.([PARA '_SPL'])       = sample.(PARA)(increasingInd);
-      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_QC'])    = int8(sample.([PARA '_QC'])(increasingInd));
-      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_TYPE'])  = sample.([PARA '_TYPE'])(increasingInd,:);
-      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_DIF'])   = NaN * ones(size(tsg.DAYD_SPL));
-      tsg.([PARA '_SPL_SMOOTH'])= NaN * ones(size(tsg.DAYD_SPL));
-    end
-  end
-% There are only SSTP samples. The SSJT time series should
-% be compared to the SSTP samples. To simplify the soft we use a
-% variable SSJT sample equals to the SSTP sample structure
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------
-if ~isempty( tsg.SSTP_SPL )
-  tsg.SSJT_SPL         = tsg.SSTP_SPL;
-  tsg.SSJT_SPL_QC      = tsg.SSTP_SPL_QC;
-  tsg.SSJT_SPL_DIF     = tsg.SSTP_SPL_DIF;
-  tsg.SSJT_SPL_TYPE    = tsg.SSTP_SPL_TYPE;
-% Update application data
-% -----------------------
-setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );
diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m
index 6a1e7a815ee1b49474988582e88e81955db76d81..86d6a30656a979528014711185a32c6be30f3b95 100644
--- a/tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsgqc.m
@@ -772,25 +772,24 @@ hbgParameter = uibuttongroup(...
   'BorderType', 'etchedin',...
   'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.0, .78, .15, .18]);
-para    = [ 'SSPS'; 'SSJT'; 'SSTP' ];
-strPara = [ ['Salinity ' para(1,:) '   ']; ...
-            ['Temperature ' para(2,:)]; ...
-            ['Temperature ' para(3,:)] ];  
-for i = 1:3
-  % add button QC to hbgParameter uibuttongroup
-  % -------------------------------------------
-  uicontrol(...
-    'Parent', hbgParameter,...
-    'Style', 'radiobutton',...
-    'Fontsize', tsg.fontSize-1, 'ForegroundColor', color,...
-    'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
-    'HandleVisibility','on', ...
-    'String', strPara(i, :),...
-    'Tag', ['TAG_PARA_RADIO_' para(i,:)], ...
-    'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05, .8-(i-1)*.30, .90, 0.15]);
+pmhPara(1) = uicontrol(...
+  'Parent', hbgParameter, 'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+  'String', { 'NONE' }, 'Value', 1, ...
+  'HandleVisibility', handleVisibility, ...
+  'Callback', {@SelectParameter, 1}, ...
+  'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05, .7, .3, 0.25]);
+pmhPara(2) = uicontrol(...
+  'Parent', hbgParameter, 'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+  'String', { 'NONE' }, 'Value', 1, ...
+  'HandleVisibility', handleVisibility, ...
+  'Callback', {@SelectParameter, 2}, ...
+  'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05, .38, .3, 0.25]);
+pmhPara(3) = uicontrol(...
+  'Parent', hbgParameter, 'Style', 'popupmenu', ...
+  'String', { 'NONE' }, 'Value', 1, ...
+  'HandleVisibility', handleVisibility, ...
+  'Callback', {@SelectParameter, 3}, ...
+  'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [.05, .05, .3, 0.25]);
 % Initialize CallBack for button group properties
 % ----------------------------------------------- 
@@ -1076,21 +1075,10 @@ if strcmp(tsg.preference.autoload, 'on')
   % Get application data for the test
   % ---------------------------------
   tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-  % Get the default parameter
-  % -------------------------
-  PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
-  % The smooth TSG time series (tsg_moveaverage) is
-  % no more computed : too long
-  % We now computed a smooth value only at the position of the sample
-  % in diffTsgSample
-  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
-  %tsg_moveaverage( hMainFig, PARA );
   % Merge sample from different origins : WS and EXT
   % ------------------------------------------------
-  tsg_mergesample_B( hMainFig );
+  tsg_mergesample( hMainFig );
   % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure
   % The plots need to be re-initialize because of a bug with
@@ -1112,11 +1100,16 @@ if strcmp(tsg.preference.autoload, 'on')
     'box', 'on', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Tag', 'TAG_AXES_3', ...
     'HandleVisibility','on', 'Position',[.05, .02, .93, .27]);
+  % Initialise the popupmenu displaying the parameters that can be
+  % plot
+  % --------------------------------------------------------------
+  initParameterChoice( hMainFig, pmhPara );
   resetAxes( hMainFig, hPlotAxes );
-  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA );
-  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
-  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter{1} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.preference.parameter{2} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.preference.parameter{3} );
   % Draw the map with the ship track
   % --------------------------------
@@ -1246,10 +1239,6 @@ end
       % Get the tsg structure
       % ---------------------
       tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-      % Default parameter
-      % -----------------
-      PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
       % A TSG file has been read
       % ------------------------
@@ -1278,6 +1267,7 @@ end
         % update some fields in tsg structure and restore tsg
         % ---------------------------------------------------
         updateTsgStruct(hMainFig );
+        tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
         % update the filename display
         % ---------------------------
@@ -1291,6 +1281,12 @@ end
         % --------------------
         display_QC( hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+        % Initialise the popupmenu displaying the parameters that can be
+        % plot
+        % --------------------------------------------------------------
+        initParameterChoice( hMainFig, pmhPara );
+        tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
       elseif errTsg > -2
         % Problem to read the file or
@@ -1307,7 +1303,7 @@ end
       % Merge sample from different origins : WS and EXT
       % ------------------------------------------------
-      tsg_mergesample_B( hMainFig );
+      tsg_mergesample( hMainFig );
       % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure
       % The plots need to be re-initialize because of a bug with
@@ -1330,10 +1326,10 @@ end
         'HandleVisibility','on', 'Position',[.05, .02, .93, .27]);
       resetAxes( hMainFig, hPlotAxes )
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter{1} );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.preference.parameter{2} );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.preference.parameter{3} );
       % Pointer reset to arrow
       % ----------------------
@@ -1419,9 +1415,9 @@ end
     % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure 
     % -----------------------------------------
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter{1} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.preference.parameter{2} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.preference.parameter{3} );
     % Set the pointer
     % ---------------
@@ -1592,9 +1588,9 @@ end
     % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure 
     % -----------------------------------------
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter{1} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.preference.parameter{2} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.preference.parameter{3} );
@@ -1806,7 +1802,7 @@ end
   function QC_OnMenuCallback(gcbo, eventdata)
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
     % Make the QC code uipanel visible
     % --------------------------------
@@ -2007,7 +2003,7 @@ end
     % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT or SSTP)
     % --------------------------------------
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
     % get key and some values in hashtable
     % ------------------------------------
@@ -2102,75 +2098,6 @@ end
-%% Radiobutton Parameter choice ..................... Parameter choice
-  % ---------------------------------------------------------------
-  % Callback to select CODE and COLOR QC from the RadioButton Group
-  % ---------------------------------------------------------------
-  function RadiobuttonParameter(source, eventdata)
-    % If the map is visible, hide it
-    % ------------------------------
-    set( hMapPanel,       'visible', 'off' );
-    set( hMapToggletool,  'state',   'off');
-    set( hClimToggletool, 'state',   'off'); 
-    % Retrieve Default Quality Code and Color
-    % ---------------------------------------
-    tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-    % Retrieve the key from the active RadioButton
-    % --------------------------------------------
-    rbTag_Old = get(eventdata.OldValue,'Tag');
-    rbTag     = get(eventdata.NewValue,'Tag');
-    PARA = strrep(rbTag, 'TAG_PARA_RADIO_', '');
-    % Test if PARA exists
-    % -------------------
-    ind = find( isnan(tsg.(PARA)) == 0 );
-    if ~isempty( tsg.(PARA) ) && ~isempty (ind )
-      % store his handle to uibuttongroup userdata
-      % ------------------------------------------
-      set(hbgParameter,'Userdata', eventdata.NewValue);
-      tsg.preference.parameter = PARA;
-      setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg );
-      % Get sample data
-      % ---------------
-      % tsg_mergesample( hMainFig, PARA );
-      % The smooth TSG time series (tsg_moveaverage) is
-      % no more computed : too long
-      % We now computed a smooth value only at the position of the sample
-      % in diffTsgSample
-      % -----------------------------------------------------------------
-      %tsg_moveaverage(hMainFig, PARA);
-      % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure
-      % -----------------------------------------
-      resetAxes( hMainFig, hPlotAxes )
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, PARA );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
-    else
-      msgbox( ['No ' PARA ' data in the file'], 'Parameter choice', 'warn', 'modal');
-      % Set the old radio-button active
-      % -------------------------------
-      hbgChildren  = get(hbgParameter,'Children');        % Get the handles of the rbg
-      hbgTagCell   = get(hbgChildren, 'tag');             % get the TAG of the rbg
-      ind          = strcmp(rbTag_Old, hbgTagCell);       % Compare the TAG
-      hRadioButton = hbgChildren( ind == 1 );             % Get the handle of the button
-      set(hbgParameter, 'SelectedObject', hRadioButton);  % Make this button active
-    end
-  end
 %% preQcPanCallback .................................Quality Control Module
   % ---------------------------------------------------------------
   % Callback function ... to be completed
@@ -2370,7 +2297,7 @@ end
     % Get the parameter we are working on (SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
     % ------------------------------------------------------
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
     % Switch somme buttons
     % --------------------
@@ -2450,13 +2377,13 @@ end
     % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
     % ------------------------------------
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    % PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
     % Draw the 3 plots of the validation figure
     % -----------------------------------------
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1,  PARA );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, 'SSJT' );
-    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, 'SPDC' );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter{1} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.preference.parameter{2} );
+  plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.preference.parameter{3} );
     % Set the pointer
     % ---------------
@@ -2481,7 +2408,7 @@ end
     % Get parameter we are working on (SSPS, SSJT, SSTP)
     % --------------------------------------------------
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
     % To cancel the correction set the ERROR to [] then
     % call updateAdjustedVariable.
@@ -2522,7 +2449,7 @@ end
     % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT, or SSTP)
     % ---------------------------------------
     tsg  = getappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
     if ~isempty( tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) )
@@ -2570,7 +2497,7 @@ end
     % Get the parameter (SSPS, SSJT, or SSTP)
     % ---------------------------------------
     tsg  = getappdata(hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
     if ~isempty( tsg.([PARA '_SPL']) )
@@ -2596,9 +2523,56 @@ end
+%% PopupMenu Select Parameter
+% ---------------------------
+  function SelectParameter(hObject, eventdata, nplot)
+    % Callback function run when the ....
+    % Get application data
+    % --------------------
+    tsg = getappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data');
+    % Get the active string of the selected box
+    % -----------------------------------------
+    val             = get( hObject, 'Value' );
+    string_list     = get( hObject, 'String' );
+    selected_string = string_list{val};
+    % Get the default parameter
+    % -------------------------
+    tsg.preference.parameter{nplot} =  selected_string;
+    % Save application data
+    % --------------------
+    setappdata( hMainFig, 'tsg_data', tsg);
+    % Disable the climatology
+    % -----------------------
+    plotClim = 0;
+    if strcmp( get(hClimToggletool, 'state'), 'on' ) 
+      set( hClimToggletool, 'state', 'off' );
+      plotClim = 1;
+    end
+    % Disable the climatology
+    % -----------------------
+    set( hClimToggletool, 'state', 'off' );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter{1} );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.preference.parameter{2} );
+    plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.preference.parameter{3} );
+    % Plot the climatology if it was already plotted
+    % ----------------------------------------------
+    if plotClim
+      set( hClimToggletool, 'state', 'on' );
+      plot_ClimatologyB(hMainFig, hPlotAxes);
+    end
+  end
 %% SelectTime_OnMenuCallback
   function SelectTime_OnMenuCallback(hObject, eventdata)
@@ -2813,7 +2787,7 @@ end
     % Default parameter
     % -----------------
-    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter;
+    PARA = tsg.preference.parameter{1};
     hPrintFig = figure( 'Name', 'Print','NumberTitle', 'off','Resize', 'on');
     hPlot(1) = subplot(3,1,1);
@@ -2834,9 +2808,9 @@ end
       plot_Interpolation( hMainFig, hPlot, 2 );
       plot_Interpolation( hMainFig, hPlot, 3 );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlot, 1, PARA );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlot, 2, 'SSJT' );
-      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlot, 3, 'SPDC' );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 1, tsg.preference.parameter{1} );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 2, tsg.preference.parameter{2} );
+      plot_Validation( hMainFig, hPlotAxes, 3, tsg.preference.parameter{3} );
 %       I = getframe(hPlotAxes(1));
 %       imwrite(I.cdata, 'myplot.png');