diff --git a/@dynaload/write.m b/@dynaload/write.m
index d6ecfcfc9dbdc9c2d5fa006e4a8e52e95aba5fe5..ab05dc0a14d16714eff39e4b3db773e3b0c23e2c 100644
--- a/@dynaload/write.m
+++ b/@dynaload/write.m
@@ -132,20 +132,20 @@ for k = keys(self)
     for m = fieldnames(s)'
       value = s.(char(m));
       if islogical(value)
-        format = '%d';
+        theFormat = '%d';
       elseif iscell(value)
-        format = '%s';
+        theFormat = '%s';
       elseif isa(value,'char')
-        format = '%s';
+        theFormat = '%s';
         %    else isa(value,'uint8')
-        %      format = '%u';
+        %      theFormat = '%u';
       elseif isa(value,'integer')
-        format = '%d';
+        theFormat = '%d';
       % format %g is used for scientific format 1e36 and %8.8g to write 99999.999  
       elseif isa(value,'single')
-        format = '%8.8g';
+        theFormat = '%8.8g';
       elseif isa(value,'double')
-        format = '%8.8g';
+        theFormat = '%8.8g';
         error('dynaload.write: undefine %s value for member %s', ....
           char(value), m);
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ for k = keys(self)
           % use strtrim to remove blank (format %8.8g)
           % ------------------------------------------
-          str = strcat(str, strtrim(sprintf(strcat(format, ';'), value)));
+          str = strcat(str, strtrim(sprintf(strcat(theFormat, ';'), value)));
diff --git a/@tsg_nc/save.m b/@tsg_nc/save.m
index d04dee69cd14517a7061a659da45f8fd6da7aef0..8e187fa97edf38bbb36272ede218014ca6ec653a 100644
--- a/@tsg_nc/save.m
+++ b/@tsg_nc/save.m
@@ -55,17 +55,17 @@ for i=1:self.size;
   for j=1:nb;
     switch type{j}
       case 'char'
-        format = '%s';
+        theFormat = '%s';
       case 'byte'
-        format = '%u';  
+        theFormat = '%u';  
       case 'integer'
-        format = '%d';
+        theFormat = '%d';
       case 'float'
-        format = '%f';
+        theFormat = '%f';
       case 'double'
-        format = '%lf';
+        theFormat = '%lf';
-        format = '%s';
+        theFormat = '%s';
     switch j
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ for i=1:self.size;
         if isempty(value)
           str = [str, ';'];
-          str = [str, sprintf(strcat(format, ';'), value)];
+          str = [str, sprintf(strcat(theFormat, ';'), value)];
diff --git a/@tsg_nc/tsg_nc.m b/@tsg_nc/tsg_nc.m
index adc0f424a80e674849ac267cd99188932fd3128a..afc0895a7162d1bd4fff108a65254d8cc5ebc2bd 100644
--- a/@tsg_nc/tsg_nc.m
+++ b/@tsg_nc/tsg_nc.m
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ types    = textscan(hdr{1}{2},'%s','delimiter',';');
 % generate one line format
 % ------------------------
-format = repmat('%s', 1, numel(members{1}));
+theFormat = repmat('%s', 1, numel(members{1}));
 % read end of file
 % ----------------
-values = textscan(fid, format, 'delimiter',';');
+values = textscan(fid, theFormat, 'delimiter',';');
 % put header and members line to a hash, for next time when saving file
 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv b/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv
index f201947b876904d81c032e269ff9bb77a53ff3ba..081613c46bf4783c3f1911f51755de45df2a2117 100644
--- a/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv
+++ b/@tsg_nc/tsg_platform.csv
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-% tsg_platform.csv:  15 members & 3 lines with data; VERSION = 1.4000
+% tsg_platform.csv:  15 members & 1 lines with data; VERSION = 1.4200
-#;"MN TOUCAN";;;;;;;;;5;4.000000;6.000000;NaN;NaN;NaN;;#
diff --git a/compiler/Windows (x86)/tsgqc.prj b/compiler/Windows (x86)/tsgqc.prj
index 39030bdb8e2ab121ad8f9c24ba6dc38e429fa91b..0046efa26b74c709171cc5af3ccabc3ad3058a7c 100644
--- a/compiler/Windows (x86)/tsgqc.prj	
+++ b/compiler/Windows (x86)/tsgqc.prj	
@@ -1,60 +1,84 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <deployment-project plugin="plugin.ezdeploy" plugin-version="1.0">
-  <configuration build-checksum="2815060340" file="C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc.prj" location="C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)" name="tsgqc" preferred-package-location="C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc\for_redistribution" preferred-package-type="package.type.exe" target="target.ezdeploy.standalone" target-name="MATLAB Compiler for Standalone Applications">
+  <configuration target="target.ezdeploy.standalone" target-name="MATLAB Compiler for Standalone Applications" name="tsgqc" location="C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)" file="C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc.prj" preferred-package-type="package.type.exe" build-checksum="3510833430" preferred-package-location="C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc\for_redistribution">
-    <param.icon />
-    <param.icons />
-    <param.version>1.42</param.version>
     <param.authnamewatermark>Jacques Grelet</param.authnamewatermark>
+    <param.icon />
+    <param.icons />
     <param.summary>TSGQC standalone application. A tool for interactive quality control of sea surface temperature and salinity</param.summary>
     <param.description>TSGQC is a software for interactive analysis and validation of underway SST / SSS (Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity) measurements from a SeaBird Thermosalinograph (TSG). It has been developed under Matlab.</param.description>
+    <param.version>1.42</param.version>
+    <param.namespace>tsgqc</param.namespace>
     <param.guid />
     <param.logo />
     <param.install.notes />
-    <param.files.only>${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_redistribution_files_only</param.files.only>
-    <param.enable.clean.build>false</param.enable.clean.build>
-    <param.user.defined.mcr.options />
-    <param.server.ctf>${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_testing\.ctf</param.server.ctf>
-    <param.server.readme>${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_testing\readme.txt</param.server.readme>
-    <param.support.packages />
-    <param.required.mcr.products />
+    <param.classorg />
+    <param.user.defined.mcr.options />
+    <param.user.only.registration>false</param.user.only.registration>
+    <param.mads.no.java>false</param.mads.no.java>
+    <param.mads.exclusive.mcr>false</param.mads.exclusive.mcr>
+    <param.net.framework>option.net.framework.default</param.net.framework>
+    <param.assembly.type>false</param.assembly.type>
+    <param.encryption.key.file />
+    <param.net.enable.remoting>false</param.net.enable.remoting>
+    <param.net.tsa.enable>false</param.net.tsa.enable>
+    <param.net.tsa.assembly />
+    <param.net.tsa.interface />
+    <param.net.tsa.namespace>tsgqc</param.net.tsa.namespace>
+    <param.net.tsa.superclass />
+    <param.net.tsa.metadata />
+    <param.net.tsa.metadata.assembly>C:\Users\jgrelet\Documents\MATLAB</param.net.tsa.metadata.assembly>
     <param.log.file />
+      <param.authnamewatermark />
+      <param.email />
+      <param.company />
       <param.icon />
       <param.icons />
+      <param.namespace />
       <param.guid />
       <param.logo />
       <param.install.notes />
       <param.intermediate />
-      <param.files.only />
       <param.output />
-      <param.enable.clean.build />
-      <param.user.defined.mcr.options />
       <param.embed.ctf />
-      <param.server.ctf />
-      <param.server.readme />
       <param.target.type />
-      <param.support.packages />
-      <param.required.mcr.products />
+      <param.classorg />
       <param.web.mcr />
       <param.no.mcr />
       <param.no.mcr.name />
+      <param.user.defined.mcr.options />
+      <param.user.only.registration />
+      <param.mads.no.java />
+      <param.mads.exclusive.mcr />
+      <param.net.framework />
+      <param.assembly.type />
+      <param.encryption.key.file />
+      <param.net.enable.remoting />
+      <param.net.tsa.enable />
+      <param.net.tsa.assembly />
+      <param.net.tsa.interface />
+      <param.net.tsa.namespace />
+      <param.net.tsa.superclass />
+      <param.net.tsa.metadata />
+      <param.net.tsa.metadata.assembly />
       <param.create.log />
       <param.log.file />
@@ -437,13 +461,12 @@
     <fileset.package />
-      <file location="${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_testing" name="splash.png" optional="false">C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc\for_testing\splash.png</file>
-      <file location="${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_testing" name="readme.txt" optional="true">C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc\for_testing\readme.txt</file>
-      <file location="${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_testing" name="tsgqc.exe" optional="false">C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc\for_testing\tsgqc.exe</file>
+      <file name="readme.txt" location="${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_testing" optional="true">C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc\for_testing\readme.txt</file>
+      <file name="tsgqc.exe" location="${PROJECT_ROOT}\tsgqc\for_testing" optional="false">C:\svn\tsg-qc\trunk\compiler\Windows (x86)\tsgqc\for_testing\tsgqc.exe</file>
     <workflow />
-      <root>C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2014b</root>
+      <root>C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b</root>
       <toolboxes />
@@ -456,10 +479,11 @@
-      <os32>true</os32>
-      <os64>false</os64>
-      <arch>win32</arch>
+      <os32>false</os32>
+      <os64>true</os64>
+      <arch>win64</arch>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tsg_io/private/decodeficlabview.m b/tsg_io/private/decodeficlabview.m
index 37252ccd2e05b5bef012774fe81f823abb8e45cc..d8d4474ec1e66c95d32dcfffa6915f92ba29f0ba 100644
--- a/tsg_io/private/decodeficlabview.m
+++ b/tsg_io/private/decodeficlabview.m
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function [date, time, lat, lon, sst, sss, sssStd, cond, condRaw, sog, cog, flow]
   % Je cree ici la chaine de caractere decrivant le format utilise par 
   % textscan. Modifie par jg avec repmat
   % --------------------------------------------------------------
-  format = repmat(' %s', 1, nPara);
+  theFormat = repmat(' %s', 1, nPara);
   % textscan permet de lire a peu pres tout, memes les lignes 
   % incompletes, plus courtes.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function [date, time, lat, lon, sst, sss, sssStd, cond, condRaw, sog, cog, flow]
   %   dans le cas de lignes incompletes textscan n'utilise pas
   %   enptyValue mais une chaine de caracteres vide
   % -----------------------------------------------------------
-  data = textscan(fid, format, 'delimiter', DELIMITER, 'emptyValue', NaN);
+  data = textscan(fid, theFormat, 'delimiter', DELIMITER, 'emptyValue', NaN);
   % Remplace les chaines de caracteres vides par des NaN
   % ----------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_io/readAsciiSample.m b/tsg_io/readAsciiSample.m
index 6b870067580f255598b0cd1005d280b34ae656bf..53fda91aa97e48d037ee46114925a1a12f8c2824 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readAsciiSample.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readAsciiSample.m
@@ -91,20 +91,20 @@ end
 %     %HEADER YEAR MNTH DAYX hh mm ss
 % 2 - The 6 Date and time parameters are read in %d
 % -------------------------------------------------------------
-format = '%d %d %d %d %d %d';
+theFormat = '%d %d %d %d %d %d';
 for i = 7 : nHeader
   if isempty( strfind(char(header(i)),  'TYPE'))    && ...
      isempty( strfind( char(header(i)), 'BOTTLE') ) && ...
      isempty( strfind( char(header(i)), 'ANALDATE') );
-    format = [format ' %f'];
+    theFormat = [theFormat ' %f'];
-    format = [format ' %s'];
+    theFormat = [theFormat ' %s'];
 % Read the data in a cell
 % -----------------------
-cellData = textscan( fid, format );
+cellData = textscan( fid, theFormat );
 % Convert cell to a structure
 % ---------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_io/readAsciiTsg.m b/tsg_io/readAsciiTsg.m
index de3d134b60c22fbce963672f277e74e0c0594003..82aa34688d8c22c8cb4feaa9d00394ce1d586761 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readAsciiTsg.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readAsciiTsg.m
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ end
 %     %HEADER YEAR MNTH DAYX hh mm ss
 % 2 - The 6 Date and time parametes are read in %d
 % -------------------------------------------------------------
-format = strcat('%d %d %d %d %d %d', repmat(' %f', 1, nHeader - 6));
+theFormat = strcat('%d %d %d %d %d %d', repmat(' %f', 1, nHeader - 6));
 % Read the data in a cell
 % -----------------------
-cellData = textscan( fid, format );
+cellData = textscan( fid, theFormat );
 % Convert cell to a structure
 % ---------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_io/readTsgDataAstrolabe.m b/tsg_io/readTsgDataAstrolabe.m
index bc2bad50690caac5cfa3f326db1efa46802e102b..e724bdca3f1620e4b2763be24a956d9bd2ee26f7 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readTsgDataAstrolabe.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readTsgDataAstrolabe.m
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ end
 %     %HEADER YEAR MNTH DAYX hh mm ss
 % 2 - The 4 Date and time parametes are read in %d
 % -------------------------------------------------------------
-format = '%d %d %d %d';
+theFormat = '%d %d %d %d';
 for i = 5 : nHeader
-  format = [format ' %f'];
+  theFormat = [theFormat ' %f'];
 % Read the data in a cell
 % -----------------------
-cellData = textscan( fid, format );
+cellData = textscan( fid, theFormat );
 % Convert cell to a structure
 % ---------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_io/readTsgDataNuka.m b/tsg_io/readTsgDataNuka.m
index 7fbdffaaf4e95b39a2d8514f9fdd5414efb1c4cb..f000630818b26594cf7a80458a45997843ee539e 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readTsgDataNuka.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readTsgDataNuka.m
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ fprintf('...reading %s : ', filename);
 % Columns are: 
 % ? ship_name yyyy mm dd HHMM latx lonx ssjt ssps (sstp sstp_qc)
 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-format = '%d %s %f %f %f %4c %f %f %f %f %f %d';
+theFormat = '%d %s %f %f %f %4c %f %f %f %f %f %d';
 % Read the data in a cell
 % -----------------------
-cellData = textscan( fid, format );
+cellData = textscan( fid, theFormat );
 % Check the file is for NUKA ship
 % -----------------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_io/readTsgDataOracle.m b/tsg_io/readTsgDataOracle.m
index 0dedf1ac4b33edc4166c6f4ae6157ed79e432c55..b29a01676a812467571c05686ea9d1a035f6a79d 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readTsgDataOracle.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readTsgDataOracle.m
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ fprintf('...reading %s : ', filename);
 % Columns are: 
 % yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM(:SS) latx lonx ssjt ssps ? 
 % -------------------------------------------
-format = '%s %s %f %f %f %f %d';
+theFormat = '%s %s %f %f %f %f %d';
 % Read the data in a cell
 % -----------------------
-cellData = textscan( fid, format );
+cellData = textscan( fid, theFormat );
 % Fill TSG attributes (extracted from filename)
diff --git a/tsg_io/readTsgDataSDF.m b/tsg_io/readTsgDataSDF.m
index 1dabcca04c45918fae58bbd0512dfeda7be27a53..28fd33908f444fa38404f070ca0b3de44e43fb98 100644
--- a/tsg_io/readTsgDataSDF.m
+++ b/tsg_io/readTsgDataSDF.m
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ fprintf('...reading %s : ', filename);
 % Columns are: 
 % ? call_sign cyc_mes yyyymmddHHMM 100*latx 100*lonx 100*ssjt 1000*ssps
 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-format = '%s %s %s %s %d %d %d %d %d';
+theFormat = '%s %s %s %s %d %d %d %d %d';
 % Read the data in a cell
 % -----------------------
-cellData = textscan( fid, format );
+cellData = textscan( fid, theFormat );
 % Check the file is for a single ship/trip
 % ----------------------------------------
diff --git a/tsg_io/writeAsciiSample.m b/tsg_io/writeAsciiSample.m
index 59f10a635555fc4e724911fed55882e5e65c37ad..c46f9e639580bbc318c328db884ccf9f451e82cd 100644
--- a/tsg_io/writeAsciiSample.m
+++ b/tsg_io/writeAsciiSample.m
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ if choice
       tsg_data = [year month day hour min fix(sec) tsg.LATX_EXT tsg.LONX_EXT ];
       header = 'YEAR MNTH DAYX hh mi ss LATX_EXT LONX_EXT';
-      format = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f';
+      theFormat = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f';
       for i = 1:nbRecords
-        data(i, :) = sprintf( format, tsg_data(i,:) );
+        data(i, :) = sprintf( theFormat, tsg_data(i,:) );
       for i = 1 : length(colParaNo)
diff --git a/tsg_io/writeAsciiTsg.m b/tsg_io/writeAsciiTsg.m
index 9606a8d1be6884197a137f52327204af736a0647..fbb183626295f282f2546148b98229378f66416a 100644
--- a/tsg_io/writeAsciiTsg.m
+++ b/tsg_io/writeAsciiTsg.m
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ if choice
       tsg_data = [year month day hour min fix(sec) tsg.LATX mod(tsg.LONX+180,360)-180 ];
       header = 'YEAR MNTH DAYX hh mi ss LATX LONX';
-      format = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f';
+      theFormat = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f';
       for i = 1 : length(colParaNo)
         para = PARA{colParaNo(i)};
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ if choice
         if findstr( '_QC', para)
           tsg_data = [tsg_data double(tsg.(para))];
-          format   = [format ' %1d'];
+          theFormat   = [theFormat ' %1d'];
         elseif findstr( '_FREQ', para)
           tsg_data = [tsg_data tsg.(para)];
-          format   = [format ' %f'];
+          theFormat   = [theFormat ' %f'];
           tsg_data = [tsg_data tsg.(para)];
-          format   = [format ' %6.3f'];
+          theFormat   = [theFormat ' %6.3f'];
         header   = [header ' ' para];
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ if choice
       % --------------
       fprintf( fid, '%%HEADER %s\n', header);
-      fprintf(fid, [format '\n'], tsg_data');
+      fprintf(fid, [theFormat '\n'], tsg_data');
       % Clear the Workspace
       % -------------------
diff --git a/tsg_tools/csv2btl.m b/tsg_tools/csv2btl.m
index 75e825285f5dcef4391a600b3d8cb376301bcaa0..2842f0eaf6ec9d1631829776acc2164c7fc1d5d2 100644
--- a/tsg_tools/csv2btl.m
+++ b/tsg_tools/csv2btl.m
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ if ~isequal(file, 0)
   % Je cree ici la chaine de caractere decrivant le format utilise par
   % textscan
   % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  format = [];
+  theFormat = [];
   for i = 1:NBELEMENT
-    format = [format ' %s'];
+    theFormat = [theFormat ' %s'];
   % Ouverture du fichier en lecture '.CSV'
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ if ~isequal(file, 0)
     %   dans le cas de lignes incompletes textscan n'utilise pas
     %   enptyValue mais une chaine de caracteres vide
     % -----------------------------------------------------------
-    data = textscan(fid, format, 'delimiter', DELIMITER,...
+    data = textscan(fid, theFormat, 'delimiter', DELIMITER,...
       'headerLines', 0 ,...
       'treatAsEmpty', ' ',...
       'emptyValue', NaN);
@@ -268,9 +268,9 @@ if ~isequal(file, 0)
     % Cree un tableau de caracteres avec toutes les informations
     % ----------------------------------------------------------
     bucket = [year month day hour min sec latitude longitude sss_buck code];
-    format = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f %6.3f %d';
+    theFormat = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f %6.3f %d';
     for i = 1:nbRecords
-      bucketStr(i, :) = sprintf( format, bucket(i,:) );
+      bucketStr(i, :) = sprintf( theFormat, bucket(i,:) );
     % Concatene le type et la date d'analyse
diff --git a/tsg_tools/netcdf2tsgqc.m b/tsg_tools/netcdf2tsgqc.m
index da8b96f30e8ba51b993a6cbf0038c2f9cf5f7708..7a54b3b200d6fd217027253e542913c89cef94a2 100644
--- a/tsg_tools/netcdf2tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsg_tools/netcdf2tsgqc.m
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ for i = 1 : nfiles
       %[year, month, day, hour, min, sec] = datevec( julianToDatenum(tsg.DAYD) );
       tsg_data = [year month day hour min fix(sec) tsg.LATX mod(tsg.LONX+180,360)-180 ];
       header = 'YEAR MNTH DAYX hh mi ss LATX LONX';
-      format = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f';
+      theFormat = '%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %12.7f %12.7f';
       % Boucle sur les paramètres à sauvegarder
       % ---------------------------------------
@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ for i = 1 : nfiles
             tsg.(para)(ind) = 0;
           tsg_data = [tsg_data double(tsg.(para))];
-          format   = [format ' %1d'];
+          theFormat   = [theFormat ' %1d'];
           tsg_data = [tsg_data tsg.(para)];
-          format   = [format ' %6.3f'];
+          theFormat   = [theFormat ' %6.3f'];
         header   = [header ' ' para];
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ for i = 1 : nfiles
       % Write the file
       % --------------
       fprintf( fid, '%%HEADER %s\n', header);
-      fprintf( fid, [format '\n'], tsg_data');
+      fprintf( fid, [theFormat '\n'], tsg_data');
       % Everything OK
       % -------------