diff --git a/ReleaseNotes.md b/ReleaseNotes.md
index f8e6c4d6105125f4f5899e245eeebe92d539f114..c6c549b918b09037dd6268c282a0829728b69760 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes.md
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
 Contact: <jacques.grelet@ird.fr>
-## v1.50RC3 (2019-01-29)
+## v1.50RC3 (2019-01-31)
 + fix issue #1, samples do not display with harbor code
 + fix issue #4, add ISAS15 climatology
++ uses now the Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox for calibration module, see: http://www.teos-10.org/index.htm
 ## v1.50RC2 (2019-01-15)
diff --git a/tsg_util/gsw/Contents.m b/tsg_util/gsw/Contents.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5be2bb3c22f556daa4944126f91a71efc6fc39a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_util/gsw/Contents.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% This is a part of GSW Oceanographic Toolbox 
+% Version 3.05.5 (R2012a) 8-May-2015
+% see: http://www.teos-10.org/
+% reference: 
+% McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127, ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
+% Practical Salinity (SP), PSS-78  
+%  gsw_C_from_SP               - conductivity, C, from Practical Salinity (inc. for SP < 2)
+%  gsw_SP_from_R               - Practical Salinity from conductivity ratio, R (inc. for SP < 2)
+%  gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2     - Hill ratio at a Practical Salinity of 2
+% Library functions of the GSW toolbox (internal functions; not intended to be called by users) 
+%  (The GSW functions above call the following library functions.)
+%  gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2     - Hill ratio at a Practical Salinity of 2
diff --git a/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_C3515.m b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_C3515.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d73629f4abb1684c4ff16446b214ab9a57d9e6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_C3515.m
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+function C3515 = gsw_C3515
+% gsw_C3515                        Conductivity of SSW at SP=35,t_68=15,p=0
+%  C3515 = gsw_C3515
+%  This function provides the present estimate of Conductivity, C, of 
+%  Standard Seawater (SSW) at (SP=35, t_68=15, p=0) which is 
+%  42.9140 mS/cm (=4.29140 S/m) (Culkin and Smith, 1980; UNESCO, 1983).  
+%  C3515  =  Conductivity at (SP=35, t_68=15, p=0)                [ mS/cm ]
+%  Trevor McDougall and Paul Barker                    [ help@teos-10.org ]
+% VERSION NUMBER: 3.05 (27th January 2015)
+%  Culkin and Smith, 1980:  Determination of the Concentration of Potassium  
+%   Chloride Solution Having the Same Electrical Conductivity, at 15C and 
+%   Infinite Frequency, as Standard Seawater of Salinity 35.0000 
+%   (Chlorinity 19.37394), IEEE J. Oceanic Eng, 5, 22-23.
+%  Unesco, 1983: Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of 
+%   seawater. Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, 44, 53 pp.
+%  The software is available from http://www.TEOS-10.org
+C3515 = 42.9140;
diff --git a/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_C_from_SP.m b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_C_from_SP.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85cc2d4df4cf180fff512c585a75632679cb6b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_C_from_SP.m
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+function C = gsw_C_from_SP(SP,t,p)
+% gsw_C_from_SP                                        conductivity from SP
+%  C = gsw_C_from_SP(SP,t,p)
+%  Calculates conductivity, C, from (SP,t,p) using PSS-78 in the range 
+%  2 < SP < 42.  If the input Practical Salinity is less than 2 then a 
+%  modified form of the Hill et al. (1986) fomula is used for Practical 
+%  Salinity.  The modification of the Hill et al. (1986) expression is to
+%  ensure that it is exactly consistent with PSS-78 at SP = 2.
+%  The conductivity ratio returned by this function is consistent with the
+%  input value of Practical Salinity, SP, to 2x10^-14 psu over the full 
+%  range of input parameters (from pure fresh water up to SP = 42 psu).  
+%  This error of 2x10^-14 psu is machine precision at typical seawater 
+%  salinities.  This accuracy is achieved by having four different 
+%  polynomials for the starting value of Rtx (the square root of Rt) in 
+%  four different ranges of SP, and by using one and a half iterations of 
+%  a computationally efficient modified Newton-Raphson technique (McDougall 
+%  and Wotherspoon, 2013) to find the root of the equation.  
+%  Note that strictly speaking PSS-78 (Unesco, 1983) defines Practical
+%  Salinity in terms of the conductivity ratio, R, without actually
+%  specifying the value of C(35,15,0) (which we currently take to be
+%  42.9140 mS/cm).
+%  SP  =  Practical Salinity  (PSS-78)                         [ unitless ]
+%  t   =  in-situ temperature (ITS-90)                            [ deg C ]
+%  p   =  sea pressure                                             [ dbar ]
+%         ( i.e. absolute pressure - 10.1325 dbar )
+%  SP & t need to have the same dimensions.
+%  p may have dimensions 1x1 or Mx1 or 1xN or MxN, where SP & t are MxN.
+%  C  =  conductivity                                             [ mS/cm ]
+%  Trevor McDougall, Paul Barker and Rich Pawlowicz    [ help@teos-10.org ]
+% VERSION NUMBER: 3.05 (27th January 2015)
+%  Hill, K.D., T.M. Dauphinee and D.J. Woods, 1986: The extension of the
+%   Practical Salinity Scale 1978 to low salinities. IEEE J. Oceanic Eng.,
+%   OE-11, 1, 109 - 112.
+%  IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation of
+%   seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
+%   Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
+%   UNESCO (English), 196 pp.  Available from http://www.TEOS-10.org
+%    See appendix E of this TEOS-10 Manual.
+%  McDougall T. J. and S. J. Wotherspoon, 2013: A simple modification of 
+%   Newton's method to achieve convergence of order 1 + sqrt(2).  Applied 
+%   Mathematics Letters, 29, 20-25.  
+%  Unesco, 1983: Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of
+%   seawater. Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, 44, 53 pp.
+%  The software is available from http://www.TEOS-10.org
+% Check variables and resize if necessary
+if ~(nargin == 3)
+    error('gsw_C_from_SP: Must have 3 input arguments')
+end %if
+% This line ensures that SP is non-negative.
+if any(SP < 0)
+    error('gsw_C_from_SP: SP must be non-negative!')
+[ms,ns] = size(SP);
+[mt,nt] = size(t);
+[mp,np] = size(p);
+if (mt ~= ms | nt ~= ns)
+    error('gsw_C_from_SP: SP and t must have same dimensions')
+if (mp == 1) & (np == 1)                    % p is a scalar,  
+    p = p*ones(ms,ns);                      % Fill to size of SP.
+elseif (np == ns) & (mp == 1)               % p is row vector,
+    p = p(ones(1,ms),:);                    % copy down each column.
+elseif (mp == ms) & (np == 1)               % p is column vector,
+    p = p(:,ones(1,ns));                    % copy across each row.
+elseif (np == ms) & (np == 1)               % p is a transposed row vector,
+    p = p.';                                 % transposed then
+    p = p(ones(1,ms), :);                   % copy down each column.
+elseif (mp == ms) & (np == ns)
+    % ok
+    error('gsw_C_from_SP: p has wrong dimensions')
+end %if
+if ms == 1
+    SP = SP.';
+    t = t.';
+    p = p.';
+    transposed = 1;
+    transposed = 0;
+% Setting up the constants
+a0 =  0.0080;
+a1 = -0.1692;
+a2 = 25.3851;
+a3 = 14.0941;
+a4 = -7.0261;
+a5 =  2.7081;
+b0 =  0.0005;
+b1 = -0.0056;
+b2 = -0.0066;
+b3 = -0.0375;
+b4 =  0.0636;
+b5 = -0.0144;
+c0 =  0.6766097;
+c1 =  2.00564e-2;
+c2 =  1.104259e-4;
+c3 = -6.9698e-7;
+c4 =  1.0031e-9;
+d1 =  3.426e-2;
+d2 =  4.464e-4;
+d3 =  4.215e-1;
+d4 = -3.107e-3;
+e1 =  2.070e-5;
+e2 = -6.370e-10;
+e3 =  3.989e-15;
+p0 =   4.577801212923119e-3;
+p1 =   1.924049429136640e-1;
+p2 =   2.183871685127932e-5;
+p3 =  -7.292156330457999e-3;
+p4 =   1.568129536470258e-4;
+p5 =  -1.478995271680869e-6;
+p6 =   9.086442524716395e-4;
+p7 =  -1.949560839540487e-5;
+p8 =  -3.223058111118377e-6;
+p9 =   1.175871639741131e-7;
+p10 = -7.522895856600089e-5;
+p11 = -2.254458513439107e-6;
+p12 =  6.179992190192848e-7;
+p13 =  1.005054226996868e-8;
+p14 = -1.923745566122602e-9;
+p15 =  2.259550611212616e-6;
+p16 =  1.631749165091437e-7;
+p17 = -5.931857989915256e-9;
+p18 = -4.693392029005252e-9;
+p19 =  2.571854839274148e-10;
+p20 =  4.198786822861038e-12;
+q0 =   5.540896868127855e-5;
+q1 =   2.015419291097848e-1;
+q2 =  -1.445310045430192e-5;
+q3 =  -1.567047628411722e-2;
+q4 =   2.464756294660119e-4;
+q5 =  -2.575458304732166e-7;
+q6 =   5.071449842454419e-3;
+q7 =  -9.081985795339206e-5;
+q8 =  -3.635420818812898e-6;
+q9 =   2.249490528450555e-8;
+q10 = -1.143810377431888e-3;
+q11 =  2.066112484281530e-5;
+q12 =  7.482907137737503e-7;
+q13 =  4.019321577844724e-8;
+q14 = -5.755568141370501e-10;
+q15 =  1.120748754429459e-4;
+q16 = -2.420274029674485e-6;
+q17 = -4.774829347564670e-8;
+q18 = -4.279037686797859e-9;
+q19 = -2.045829202713288e-10;
+q20 =  5.025109163112005e-12;
+r0 =   3.432285006604888e-3;
+r1 =   1.672940491817403e-1;
+r2 =   2.640304401023995e-5;
+r3 =   1.082267090441036e-1;
+r4 =  -6.296778883666940e-5;
+r5 =  -4.542775152303671e-7;
+r6 =  -1.859711038699727e-1;
+r7 =   7.659006320303959e-4;
+r8 =  -4.794661268817618e-7;
+r9 =   8.093368602891911e-9;
+r10 =  1.001140606840692e-1;
+r11 = -1.038712945546608e-3;
+r12 = -6.227915160991074e-6;
+r13 =  2.798564479737090e-8;
+r14 = -1.343623657549961e-10;
+r15 =  1.024345179842964e-2;
+r16 =  4.981135430579384e-4;
+r17 =  4.466087528793912e-6;
+r18 =  1.960872795577774e-8;
+r19 = -2.723159418888634e-10;
+r20 =  1.122200786423241e-12;
+u0 =    5.180529787390576e-3;
+u1 =    1.052097167201052e-3;
+u2 =    3.666193708310848e-5;
+u3 =    7.112223828976632;
+u4 =   -3.631366777096209e-4;
+u5 =   -7.336295318742821e-7;
+u6 =   -1.576886793288888e+2;
+u7 =   -1.840239113483083e-3;
+u8 =    8.624279120240952e-6;
+u9 =    1.233529799729501e-8;
+u10 =   1.826482800939545e+3;
+u11 =   1.633903983457674e-1;
+u12 =  -9.201096427222349e-5;
+u13 =  -9.187900959754842e-8;
+u14 =  -1.442010369809705e-10;
+u15 =  -8.542357182595853e+3;
+u16 =  -1.408635241899082;
+u17 =   1.660164829963661e-4;
+u18 =   6.797409608973845e-7;
+u19 =   3.345074990451475e-10;
+u20 =   8.285687652694768e-13;
+k  =  0.0162;
+t68 = t.*1.00024;
+ft68 = (t68 - 15)./(1 + k.*(t68 - 15));
+x = sqrt(SP);
+Rtx = nan(size(SP));
+% Finding the starting value of Rtx, the square root of Rt, using four 
+% different polynomials of SP and t68.  
+if any(SP >= 9)
+    [I] = find(SP >= 9);
+    Rtx(I) =  p0 + x(I).*(p1 + p4*t68(I) + x(I).*(p3 + p7*t68(I) + x(I).*(p6 ...
+        + p11*t68(I) + x(I).*(p10 + p16*t68(I)+ x(I).*p15))))...
+        + t68(I).*(p2+ t68(I).*(p5 + x(I).*x(I).*(p12 + x(I).*p17) + p8*x(I) ...
+        + t68(I).*(p9 + x(I).*(p13 + x(I).*p18)+ t68(I).*(p14 + p19*x(I) + p20*t68(I)))));
+if any(SP >= 0.25 & SP < 9)
+    [I] = find(SP >= 0.25 & SP < 9);
+    Rtx(I) =  q0 + x(I).*(q1 + q4*t68(I) + x(I).*(q3 + q7*t68(I) + x(I).*(q6 ...
+        + q11*t68(I) + x(I).*(q10 + q16*t68(I)+ x(I).*q15))))...
+        + t68(I).*(q2+ t68(I).*(q5 + x(I).*x(I).*(q12 + x(I).*q17) + q8*x(I) ...
+        + t68(I).*(q9 + x(I).*(q13 + x(I).*q18)+ t68(I).*(q14 + q19*x(I) + q20*t68(I)))));
+if any(SP >= 0.003 & SP < 0.25)
+    [I] = find(SP >= 0.003 & SP < 0.25);
+    Rtx(I) =  r0 + x(I).*(r1 + r4*t68(I) + x(I).*(r3 + r7*t68(I) + x(I).*(r6 ...
+        + r11*t68(I) + x(I).*(r10 + r16*t68(I)+ x(I).*r15))))...
+        + t68(I).*(r2+ t68(I).*(r5 + x(I).*x(I).*(r12 + x(I).*r17) + r8*x(I) ...
+        + t68(I).*(r9 + x(I).*(r13 + x(I).*r18)+ t68(I).*(r14 + r19*x(I) + r20*t68(I)))));
+if any(SP < 0.003)
+    [I] = find(SP < 0.003);
+    Rtx(I) =  u0 + x(I).*(u1 + u4*t68(I) + x(I).*(u3 + u7*t68(I) + x(I).*(u6 ...
+        + u11*t68(I) + x(I).*(u10 + u16*t68(I)+ x(I).*u15))))...
+        + t68(I).*(u2+ t68(I).*(u5 + x(I).*x(I).*(u12 + x(I).*u17) + u8*x(I) ...
+        + t68(I).*(u9 + x(I).*(u13 + x(I).*u18)+ t68(I).*(u14 + u19*x(I) + u20*t68(I)))));
+% Finding the starting value of dSP_dRtx, the derivative of SP with respect
+% to Rtx.  
+dSP_dRtx =  a1 + (2*a2 + (3*a3 + (4*a4 + 5*a5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx ...
+    + ft68.*(b1 + (2*b2 + (3*b3 + (4*b4 + 5*b5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx);
+if any(SP < 2)
+    [I2] = find(SP < 2);
+    x = 400.*(Rtx(I2).*Rtx(I2));
+    sqrty = 10.*Rtx(I2);
+    part1 = 1 + x.*(1.5 + x) ;
+    part2 = 1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty));
+    Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t(I2));
+    dSP_dRtx(I2) = dSP_dRtx(I2)...
+        + a0.*800.*Rtx(I2).*(1.5 + 2*x)./(part1.*part1)...
+        + b0.*ft68(I2).*(10 + sqrty.*(20 + 30.*sqrty))./(part2.*part2);
+    dSP_dRtx(I2) = Hill_ratio.*dSP_dRtx(I2);
+% One iteration through the modified Newton-Raphson method (McDougall and 
+% Wotherspoon, 2012) achieves an error in Practical Salinity of about 
+% 10^-12 for all combinations of the inputs.  One and a half iterations of 
+% the modified Newton-Raphson method achevies a maximum error in terms of 
+% Practical Salinity of better than 2x10^-14 everywhere. 
+% We recommend one and a half iterations of the modified Newton-Raphson
+% method. 
+% Begin the modified Newton-Raphson method.  
+    SP_est = a0 + (a1 + (a2 + (a3 + (a4 + a5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx ...
+        + ft68.*(b0 + (b1 + (b2+ (b3 + (b4 + b5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx);
+    if any(SP_est < 2)
+        [I2] = find(SP_est < 2);
+        x = 400.*(Rtx(I2).*Rtx(I2));
+        sqrty = 10.*Rtx(I2);
+        part1 = 1 + x.*(1.5 + x) ;
+        part2 = 1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty));
+        SP_Hill_raw = SP_est(I2) - a0./part1 - b0.*ft68(I2)./part2;
+        Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t(I2));
+        SP_est(I2) = Hill_ratio.*SP_Hill_raw;
+    end
+    Rtx_old = Rtx;
+    Rtx = Rtx_old - (SP_est - SP)./dSP_dRtx;
+    Rtxm = 0.5*(Rtx + Rtx_old);      % This mean value of Rtx, Rtxm, is the  
+%               value of Rtx at which the derivative dSP_dRtx is evaluated.
+    dSP_dRtx =  a1 + (2*a2 + (3*a3 + (4*a4 + 5*a5.*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm ...
+        + ft68.*(b1 + (2*b2 + (3*b3 + (4*b4 + 5*b5.*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm);
+    if any(SP_est < 2)
+        [I2] = find(SP_est < 2);
+        x = 400.*(Rtxm(I2).*Rtxm(I2));
+        sqrty = 10.*Rtxm(I2);
+        part1 = 1 + x.*(1.5 + x) ;
+        part2 = 1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty));
+        dSP_dRtx(I2) = dSP_dRtx(I2)...
+            + a0.*800.*Rtxm(I2).*(1.5 + 2*x)./(part1.*part1)...
+            + b0.*ft68(I2).*(10 + sqrty.*(20 + 30.*sqrty))./(part2.*part2);
+        Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t(I2));
+        dSP_dRtx(I2) = Hill_ratio.*dSP_dRtx(I2);
+    end
+% The line below is where Rtx is updated at the end of the one full 
+% iteration of the modified Newton-Raphson technique.
+    Rtx = Rtx_old - (SP_est - SP)./dSP_dRtx;
+% Now we do another half iteration of the modified Newton-Raphson  
+% technique, making a total of one and a half modified N-R iterations.
+SP_est = a0 + (a1 + (a2 + (a3 + (a4 + a5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx ...
+        + ft68.*(b0 + (b1 + (b2+ (b3 + (b4 + b5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx);
+    if any(SP_est < 2)
+        [I2] = find(SP_est < 2);
+        x = 400.*(Rtx(I2).*Rtx(I2));
+        sqrty = 10.*Rtx(I2);
+        part1 = 1 + x.*(1.5 + x) ;
+        part2 = 1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty));
+        SP_Hill_raw = SP_est(I2) - a0./part1 - b0.*ft68(I2)./part2;
+        Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t(I2));
+        SP_est(I2) = Hill_ratio.*SP_Hill_raw;
+    end
+    Rtx = Rtx - (SP_est - SP)./dSP_dRtx;
+% The following lines of code are commented out, but when activated, return
+% the error, SP_error, in Rtx (in terms of psu). 
+% SP_est = a0 + (a1 + (a2 + (a3 + (a4 + a5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx ...
+%     + ft68.*(b0 + (b1 + (b2+ (b3 + (b4 + b5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx);
+% if any(SP_est < 2)
+%     [I2] = find(SP_est < 2);
+%     x = 400.*(Rtx(I2).*Rtx(I2));
+%     sqrty = 10.*Rtx(I2);
+%     part1 = 1 + x.*(1.5 + x) ;
+%     part2 = 1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty));
+%     SP_Hill_raw = SP_est(I2) - a0./part1 - b0.*ft68(I2)./part2;
+%     Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t(I2));
+%     SP_est(I2) = Hill_ratio.*SP_Hill_raw;
+% end
+% SP_error = abs(SP - SP_est);
+%--------------This is the end of the error testing------------------------
+% Now go from Rtx to Rt and then to the conductivity ratio R at pressure p.
+Rt = Rtx.*Rtx;
+A  = d3 + d4.*t68;
+B  = 1 + d1.*t68 + d2.*t68.^2;
+C  = p.*(e1 + e2.*p + e3.*p.^2); 
+% rt_lc (i.e. rt_lower_case) corresponds to rt as defined in 
+% the UNESCO 44 (1983) routines.
+rt_lc = c0 + (c1 + (c2 + (c3 + c4.*t68).*t68).*t68).*t68;
+D  = B - A.*rt_lc.*Rt;
+E  = rt_lc.*Rt.*A.*(B + C);
+Ra = sqrt(D.^2 + 4*E) - D;
+R  = 0.5*Ra./A;
+% The dimensionless conductivity ratio, R, is the conductivity input, C,
+% divided by the present estimate of C(SP=35, t_68=15, p=0) which is 
+% 42.9140 mS/cm (=4.29140 S/m^). 
+C = 42.9140.*R;         
+if transposed
+    C = C.';
diff --git a/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2.m b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2290523ff8d282927d6e16307e0818e992b4b66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+function Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t)
+% gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2                               Hill ratio at SP of 2
+% USAGE:  
+%  Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t)
+%  Calculates the Hill ratio, which is the adjustment needed to apply for
+%  Practical Salinities smaller than 2.  This ratio is defined at a 
+%  Practical Salinity = 2 and in-situ temperature, t using PSS-78. The Hill
+%  ratio is the ratio of 2 to the output of the Hill et al. (1986) formula
+%  for Practical Salinity at the conductivity ratio, Rt, at which Practical
+%  Salinity on the PSS-78 scale is exactly 2.
+%  t  =  in-situ temperature (ITS-90)                             [ deg C ]
+%  Hill_ratio  =  Hill ratio at SP of 2                        [ unitless ]
+% AUTHOR:  
+%  Trevor McDougall and Paul Barker                    [ help@teos-10.org ]
+% VERSION NUMBER: 3.05 (27th January 2015)
+%  Hill, K.D., T.M. Dauphinee & D.J. Woods, 1986: The extension of the 
+%   Practical Salinity Scale 1978 to low salinities. IEEE J. Oceanic Eng.,
+%   11, 109 - 112.
+%  IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation of 
+%   seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.  
+%   Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
+%   UNESCO (English), 196 pp.  Available from http://www.TEOS-10.org
+%    See appendix E of this TEOS-10 Manual.  
+%  McDougall T.J. and S.J. Wotherspoon, 2013: A simple modification of 
+%   Newton's method to achieve convergence of order 1 + sqrt(2).  Applied 
+%   Mathematics Letters, 29, 20-25.  
+%  Unesco, 1983: Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of 
+%   seawater. Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, 44, 53 pp.
+%  The software is available from http://www.TEOS-10.org
+% Check variables
+if ~(nargin == 1)
+    error('gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2: Needs only one input argument')
+end %if
+SP2 = 2.*(ones(size(t)));
+% Start of the calculation
+a0 =  0.0080;
+a1 = -0.1692;
+a2 = 25.3851;
+a3 = 14.0941;
+a4 = -7.0261;
+a5 =  2.7081;
+b0 =  0.0005;
+b1 = -0.0056;
+b2 = -0.0066;
+b3 = -0.0375;
+b4 =  0.0636;
+b5 = -0.0144;
+g0 = 2.641463563366498e-1;
+g1 = 2.007883247811176e-4;
+g2 = -4.107694432853053e-6;
+g3 = 8.401670882091225e-8;
+g4 = -1.711392021989210e-9;
+g5 = 3.374193893377380e-11;
+g6 = -5.923731174730784e-13;
+g7 = 8.057771569962299e-15;
+g8 = -7.054313817447962e-17;
+g9 = 2.859992717347235e-19;
+k  =  0.0162;
+t68 = t.*1.00024;
+ft68 = (t68 - 15)./(1 + k.*(t68 - 15));
+% Find the initial estimates of Rtx (Rtx0) and of the derivative dSP_dRtx
+% at SP = 2. 
+Rtx0 = g0 + t68.*(g1 + t68.*(g2 + t68.*(g3 + t68.*(g4 + t68.*(g5...
+         + t68.*(g6 + t68.*(g7 + t68.*(g8 + t68.*g9))))))));
+dSP_dRtx =  a1 + (2*a2 + (3*a3 + (4*a4 + 5*a5.*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0 + ...
+    ft68.*(b1 + (2*b2 + (3*b3 + (4*b4 + 5*b5.*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0);    
+% Begin a single modified Newton-Raphson iteration (McDougall and 
+% Wotherspoon, 2013) to find Rt at SP = 2.
+SP_est = a0 + (a1 + (a2 + (a3 + (a4 + a5.*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0 ...
+        + ft68.*(b0 + (b1 + (b2+ (b3 + (b4 + b5.*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0).*Rtx0);
+Rtx = Rtx0 - (SP_est - SP2)./dSP_dRtx;
+Rtxm = 0.5*(Rtx + Rtx0);
+dSP_dRtx =  a1 + (2*a2 + (3*a3 + (4*a4 + 5*a5.*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm...
+        + ft68.*(b1 + (2*b2 + (3*b3 + (4*b4 + 5*b5.*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm).*Rtxm);
+Rtx = Rtx0 - (SP_est - SP2)./dSP_dRtx;
+% This is the end of one full iteration of the modified Newton-Raphson 
+% iterative equation solver.  The error in Rtx at this point is equivalent 
+% to an error in SP of 9e-16 psu.  
+x = 400*Rtx.*Rtx;
+sqrty = 10*Rtx;
+part1 = 1 + x.*(1.5 + x) ;
+part2 = 1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty));
+SP_Hill_raw_at_SP2 = SP2 - a0./part1 - b0.*ft68./part2;
+Hill_ratio = 2./SP_Hill_raw_at_SP2;
diff --git a/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_SP_from_R.m b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_SP_from_R.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f38aa53a3d56e308218e8ea1f0613dcb5f1efbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsg_util/gsw/gsw_SP_from_R.m
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+function SP = gsw_SP_from_R(R,t,p)
+% gsw_SP_from_R                  Practical Salinity from conductivity ratio 
+% USAGE: 
+%  SP = gsw_SP_from_R(R,t,p)
+%  Calculates Practical Salinity, SP, from the conductivity ratio, R,
+%  primarily using the PSS-78 algorithm.  Note that the PSS-78 algorithm 
+%  for Practical Salinity is only valid in the range 2 < SP < 42.  If the 
+%  PSS-78 algorithm produces a Practical Salinity that is less than 2 then 
+%  the Practical Salinity is recalculated with a modified form of the 
+%  Hill et al. (1986) formula.  The modification of the Hill et al. (1986)
+%  expression are to ensure that it is exactly consistent with PSS-78 
+%  at SP = 2. 
+%  R  =  conductivity ratio                                    [ unitless ]
+%  t  =  in-situ temperature (ITS-90)                             [ deg C ]
+%  p  =  sea pressure                                              [ dbar ]
+%        ( i.e. absolute pressure - 10.1325 dbar )
+%  t & p may have dimensions 1x1 or Mx1 or 1xN or MxN, where R is MxN.
+%  SP  =   Practical Salinity on the PSS-78 scale              [ unitless ]
+% AUTHOR:  
+%  Paul Barker, Trevor McDougall and Rich Pawlowicz    [ help@teos-10.org ]
+% VERSION NUMBER: 3.05 (27th January 2015)
+%  Hill, K.D., T.M. Dauphinee & D.J. Woods, 1986: The extension of the 
+%   Practical Salinity Scale 1978 to low salinities. IEEE J. Oceanic Eng.,
+%   OE-11, 1, 109 - 112.
+%  IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation of 
+%   seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.  
+%   Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
+%   UNESCO (English), 196 pp.  Available from http://www.TEOS-10.org
+%    See appendix E of this TEOS-10 Manual. 
+%  Unesco, 1983: Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of 
+%   seawater. Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science, 44, 53 pp.
+%  The software is available from http://www.TEOS-10.org
+% Check variables and resize if necessary
+if ~(nargin == 3)
+   error('gsw_SP_from_R:  Requires three input arguments')
+end %if
+[mc,nc] = size(R);
+[mt,nt] = size(t);
+[mp,np] = size(p);
+if (mt == 1) & (nt == 1)              % t scalar - fill to size of R
+    t = t*ones(size(R));
+elseif (nc == nt) & (mt == 1)         % t is row vector,
+    t = t(ones(1,mc), :);              % copy down each column.
+elseif (mc == mt) & (nt == 1)         % t is column vector,
+    t = t(:,ones(1,nc));               % copy across each row.
+elseif (nc == mt) & (nt == 1)          % t is a transposed row vector,
+    t = t.';                                         % transposed then
+    t = t(ones(1,mc), :);                    % copy down each column.
+elseif (mc == mt) & (nc == nt)
+    % ok
+    error('gsw_SP_from_R: Inputs array dimensions arguments do not agree')
+end %if
+if (mp == 1) & (np == 1)              % p scalar - fill to size of R
+    p = p*ones(size(R));
+elseif (nc == np) & (mp == 1)         % p is row vector,
+    p = p(ones(1,mc), :);              % copy down each column.
+elseif (mc == mp) & (np == 1)         % p is column vector,
+    p = p(:,ones(1,nc));               % copy across each row.
+elseif (nc == mp) & (np == 1)          % p is a transposed row vector,
+    p = p.';                                         % transposed then
+    p = p(ones(1,mc), :);                    % copy down each column.
+elseif (mc == mp) & (nc == np)
+    % ok
+    error('gsw_SP_from_R: Inputs array dimensions arguments do not agree')
+if mc == 1
+    R = R.';
+    t = t.';
+    p = p.';
+    transposed = 1;
+    transposed = 0;
+% Start of the calculation
+a0 =  0.0080;
+a1 = -0.1692;
+a2 = 25.3851;
+a3 = 14.0941;
+a4 = -7.0261;
+a5 =  2.7081;
+b0 =  0.0005;
+b1 = -0.0056;
+b2 = -0.0066;
+b3 = -0.0375;
+b4 =  0.0636;
+b5 = -0.0144;
+c0 =  0.6766097;
+c1 =  2.00564e-2;
+c2 =  1.104259e-4;
+c3 = -6.9698e-7;
+c4 =  1.0031e-9;
+d1 =  3.426e-2;
+d2 =  4.464e-4;
+d3 =  4.215e-1;
+d4 = -3.107e-3;
+e1 =  2.070e-5;
+e2 = -6.370e-10;
+e3 =  3.989e-15;
+k  =  0.0162;
+[Iocean] = find(~isnan(R + t + p));
+t68 = t(Iocean).*1.00024;
+ft68 = (t68 - 15)./(1 + k*(t68 - 15));
+% rt_lc corresponds to rt as defined in the UNESCO 44 (1983) routines.  
+rt_lc = c0 + (c1 + (c2 + (c3 + c4.*t68).*t68).*t68).*t68;
+Rp = 1 + (p(Iocean).*(e1 + p(Iocean).*(e2 + e3.*p(Iocean))))./ ...
+      (1 + d1.*t68 + d2.*t68.*t68 + (d3 + d4.*t68).*R(Iocean));
+Rt = R(Iocean)./(Rp.*rt_lc);   
+Rt(Rt < 0) = NaN;
+Rtx = sqrt(Rt);
+SP = NaN(size(R));
+SP(Iocean) = a0 + (a1 + (a2 + (a3 + (a4 + a5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx + ...
+    ft68.*(b0 + (b1 + (b2+ (b3 + (b4 + b5.*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx).*Rtx);
+% The following section of the code is designed for SP < 2 based on the
+% Hill et al. (1986) algorithm.  This algorithm is adjusted so that it is
+% exactly equal to the PSS-78 algorithm at SP = 2.
+if any(SP(Iocean) < 2)
+    [I2] = find(SP(Iocean) < 2);
+    Hill_ratio = gsw_Hill_ratio_at_SP2(t(Iocean(I2))); 
+    x = 400*Rt(I2);
+    sqrty = 10*Rtx(I2);
+    part1 = 1 + x.*(1.5 + x);
+    part2 = 1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty.*(1 + sqrty));
+    SP_Hill_raw = SP(I2) - a0./part1 - b0.*ft68(I2)./part2;
+    SP(Iocean(I2)) = Hill_ratio.*SP_Hill_raw;
+% This line ensures that SP is non-negative.
+SP(SP < 0) = 0;
+if transposed
+    SP = SP.';
diff --git a/tsgqc.m b/tsgqc.m
index 7a1024c96ab205ac9186a4e238fe5aa68c471131..df782aae79cceae2695a547ec091e665967bb7f6 100644
--- a/tsgqc.m
+++ b/tsgqc.m
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ global DEFAULT_PATH_FILE
 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
 VERSION      = 1.50;  % -> 1.44
 CHAR_VERSION = '1.50RC3';
-DATE_VERSION = '01/29/2019';
+DATE_VERSION = '01/31/2019';
 % netcdf file version, see DATA FORMAT TSG document:
 % CORTSG_format_gosud.doc
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ if (~isdeployed)
   p = [pathsep,...
     DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_util' pathsep],...
     DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_util/ScreenCapture' pathsep],...
+    DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_util/gsw' pathsep],...
     DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_data' pathsep],...
     DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_io'   pathsep],...
     DEFAULT_PATH_FILE,[ 'tsg_icon' pathsep],...
@@ -4942,7 +4943,8 @@ end
     % --------------------------------------------------------------
     if (~isdeployed)
       rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_util'] );
-      rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_util/ScreenCapture'] );     
+      rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_util/ScreenCapture'] ); 
+      rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_util/gsw'] );       
       rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_data'] );
       rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_io'] );
       rmpath( [DEFAULT_PATH_FILE filesep 'tsg_icon'] );